Parsed test spec with 2 sessions starting permutation: s1b s1_insert_150 s1r s1_show_partitions s2b s2_insert_150 s2c s2_show_partitions set_spawn_using_bgw step s1b: BEGIN; step s1_insert_150: INSERT INTO range_rel SELECT generate_series(1, 150); step s1r: ROLLBACK; step s1_show_partitions: SELECT c.consrc FROM pg_inherits i LEFT JOIN pg_constraint c ON c.conrelid = i.inhrelid WHERE i.inhparent = 'range_rel'::regclass ORDER BY c.oid; consrc ((id >= 1) AND (id < 101)) ((id >= 101) AND (id < 201)) step s2b: BEGIN; step s2_insert_150: INSERT INTO range_rel SELECT generate_series(1, 150); step s2c: COMMIT; step s2_show_partitions: SELECT c.consrc FROM pg_inherits i LEFT JOIN pg_constraint c ON c.conrelid = i.inhrelid WHERE i.inhparent = 'range_rel'::regclass ORDER BY c.oid; consrc ((id >= 1) AND (id < 101)) ((id >= 101) AND (id < 201)) starting permutation: s1b s1_insert_150 s1r s1_show_partitions s2b s2_insert_300 s2c s2_show_partitions set_spawn_using_bgw step s1b: BEGIN; step s1_insert_150: INSERT INTO range_rel SELECT generate_series(1, 150); step s1r: ROLLBACK; step s1_show_partitions: SELECT c.consrc FROM pg_inherits i LEFT JOIN pg_constraint c ON c.conrelid = i.inhrelid WHERE i.inhparent = 'range_rel'::regclass ORDER BY c.oid; consrc ((id >= 1) AND (id < 101)) ((id >= 101) AND (id < 201)) step s2b: BEGIN; step s2_insert_300: INSERT INTO range_rel SELECT generate_series(151, 300); step s2c: COMMIT; step s2_show_partitions: SELECT c.consrc FROM pg_inherits i LEFT JOIN pg_constraint c ON c.conrelid = i.inhrelid WHERE i.inhparent = 'range_rel'::regclass ORDER BY c.oid; consrc ((id >= 1) AND (id < 101)) ((id >= 101) AND (id < 201)) ((id >= 201) AND (id < 301)) starting permutation: s1b s1_insert_300 s1r s1_show_partitions s2b s2_insert_150 s2c s2_show_partitions set_spawn_using_bgw step s1b: BEGIN; step s1_insert_300: INSERT INTO range_rel SELECT generate_series(151, 300); step s1r: ROLLBACK; step s1_show_partitions: SELECT c.consrc FROM pg_inherits i LEFT JOIN pg_constraint c ON c.conrelid = i.inhrelid WHERE i.inhparent = 'range_rel'::regclass ORDER BY c.oid; consrc ((id >= 1) AND (id < 101)) ((id >= 101) AND (id < 201)) ((id >= 201) AND (id < 301)) step s2b: BEGIN; step s2_insert_150: INSERT INTO range_rel SELECT generate_series(1, 150); step s2c: COMMIT; step s2_show_partitions: SELECT c.consrc FROM pg_inherits i LEFT JOIN pg_constraint c ON c.conrelid = i.inhrelid WHERE i.inhparent = 'range_rel'::regclass ORDER BY c.oid; consrc ((id >= 1) AND (id < 101)) ((id >= 101) AND (id < 201)) ((id >= 201) AND (id < 301)) starting permutation: s1b s1_insert_150 s2b s2_insert_300 s1r s2r s2_show_partitions set_spawn_using_bgw step s1b: BEGIN; step s1_insert_150: INSERT INTO range_rel SELECT generate_series(1, 150); step s2b: BEGIN; step s2_insert_300: INSERT INTO range_rel SELECT generate_series(151, 300); step s1r: ROLLBACK; step s2r: ROLLBACK; step s2_show_partitions: SELECT c.consrc FROM pg_inherits i LEFT JOIN pg_constraint c ON c.conrelid = i.inhrelid WHERE i.inhparent = 'range_rel'::regclass ORDER BY c.oid; consrc ((id >= 1) AND (id < 101)) ((id >= 101) AND (id < 201)) ((id >= 201) AND (id < 301))