/* * ------------------------------------------- * NOTE: This test behaves differenly on 9.5 * ------------------------------------------- */ \set VERBOSITY terse SET search_path = 'public'; CREATE EXTENSION pg_pathman; CREATE SCHEMA views; /* create a partitioned table */ create table views._abc(id int4 not null); select create_hash_partitions('views._abc', 'id', 10); create_hash_partitions ------------------------ 10 (1 row) insert into views._abc select generate_series(1, 100); /* create a facade view */ create view views.abc as select * from views._abc; create or replace function views.disable_modification() returns trigger as $$ BEGIN RAISE EXCEPTION '%', TG_OP; RETURN NULL; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; create trigger abc_mod_tr instead of insert or update or delete on views.abc for each row execute procedure views.disable_modification(); /* Test SELECT */ explain (costs off) select * from views.abc; QUERY PLAN -------------------------- Append -> Seq Scan on _abc_0 -> Seq Scan on _abc_1 -> Seq Scan on _abc_2 -> Seq Scan on _abc_3 -> Seq Scan on _abc_4 -> Seq Scan on _abc_5 -> Seq Scan on _abc_6 -> Seq Scan on _abc_7 -> Seq Scan on _abc_8 -> Seq Scan on _abc_9 (11 rows) explain (costs off) select * from views.abc where id = 1; QUERY PLAN -------------------------- Append -> Seq Scan on _abc_0 Filter: (id = 1) (3 rows) explain (costs off) select * from views.abc where id = 1 for update; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------- LockRows -> Append -> Seq Scan on _abc_0 Filter: (id = 1) (4 rows) select * from views.abc where id = 1 for update; id ---- 1 (1 row) select count (*) from views.abc; count ------- 100 (1 row) /* Test INSERT */ explain (costs off) insert into views.abc values (1); QUERY PLAN --------------- Insert on abc -> Result (2 rows) insert into views.abc values (1); ERROR: INSERT /* Test UPDATE */ explain (costs off) update views.abc set id = 2 where id = 1 or id = 2; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------- Update on abc -> Result -> Append -> Seq Scan on _abc_0 Filter: (id = 1) -> Seq Scan on _abc_6 Filter: (id = 2) (7 rows) update views.abc set id = 2 where id = 1 or id = 2; ERROR: UPDATE /* Test DELETE */ explain (costs off) delete from views.abc where id = 1 or id = 2; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------- Delete on abc -> Result -> Append -> Seq Scan on _abc_0 Filter: (id = 1) -> Seq Scan on _abc_6 Filter: (id = 2) (7 rows) delete from views.abc where id = 1 or id = 2; ERROR: DELETE DROP SCHEMA views CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to 13 other objects DROP EXTENSION pg_pathman;