\set VERBOSITY terse CREATE SCHEMA pathman; CREATE EXTENSION pg_pathman SCHEMA pathman; CREATE SCHEMA test; /* * Test RuntimeAppend */ create or replace function test.pathman_assert(smt bool, error_msg text) returns text as $$ begin if not smt then raise exception '%', error_msg; end if; return 'ok'; end; $$ language plpgsql; create or replace function test.pathman_equal(a text, b text, error_msg text) returns text as $$ begin if a != b then raise exception '''%'' is not equal to ''%'', %', a, b, error_msg; end if; return 'equal'; end; $$ language plpgsql; create or replace function test.pathman_test(query text) returns jsonb as $$ declare plan jsonb; begin execute 'explain (analyze, format json)' || query into plan; return plan; end; $$ language plpgsql; create or replace function test.pathman_test_1() returns text as $$ declare plan jsonb; num int; begin plan = test.pathman_test('select * from test.runtime_test_1 where id = (select * from test.run_values limit 1)'); perform test.pathman_equal((plan->0->'Plan'->'Node Type')::text, '"Custom Scan"', 'wrong plan type'); perform test.pathman_equal((plan->0->'Plan'->'Custom Plan Provider')::text, '"RuntimeAppend"', 'wrong plan provider'); perform test.pathman_equal((plan->0->'Plan'->'Plans'->1->'Relation Name')::text, format('"runtime_test_1_%s"', pathman.get_hash_part_idx(hashint4(1), 6)), 'wrong partition'); select count(*) from jsonb_array_elements_text(plan->0->'Plan'->'Plans') into num; perform test.pathman_equal(num::text, '2', 'expected 2 child plans for custom scan'); return 'ok'; end; $$ language plpgsql set pg_pathman.enable = true set enable_mergejoin = off set enable_hashjoin = off; create or replace function test.pathman_test_2() returns text as $$ declare plan jsonb; num int; c text; begin plan = test.pathman_test('select * from test.runtime_test_1 where id = any (select * from test.run_values limit 4)'); perform test.pathman_equal((plan->0->'Plan'->'Node Type')::text, '"Nested Loop"', 'wrong plan type'); perform test.pathman_equal((plan->0->'Plan'->'Plans'->1->'Node Type')::text, '"Custom Scan"', 'wrong plan type'); perform test.pathman_equal((plan->0->'Plan'->'Plans'->1->'Custom Plan Provider')::text, '"RuntimeAppend"', 'wrong plan provider'); select count(*) from jsonb_array_elements_text(plan->0->'Plan'->'Plans'->1->'Plans') into num; perform test.pathman_equal(num::text, '4', 'expected 4 child plans for custom scan'); execute 'select string_agg(y.z, '','') from (select (x->''Relation Name'')::text as z from jsonb_array_elements($1->0->''Plan''->''Plans''->1->''Plans'') x order by x->''Relation Name'') y' into c using plan; perform test.pathman_equal(c, '"runtime_test_1_2","runtime_test_1_3","runtime_test_1_4","runtime_test_1_5"', 'wrong partitions'); for i in 0..3 loop num = plan->0->'Plan'->'Plans'->1->'Plans'->i->'Actual Loops'; perform test.pathman_equal(num::text, '1', 'expected 1 loop'); end loop; return 'ok'; end; $$ language plpgsql set pg_pathman.enable = true set enable_mergejoin = off set enable_hashjoin = off; create or replace function test.pathman_test_3() returns text as $$ declare plan jsonb; num int; begin plan = test.pathman_test('select * from test.runtime_test_1 a join test.run_values b on a.id = b.val'); perform test.pathman_equal((plan->0->'Plan'->'Node Type')::text, '"Nested Loop"', 'wrong plan type'); perform test.pathman_equal((plan->0->'Plan'->'Plans'->1->'Node Type')::text, '"Custom Scan"', 'wrong plan type'); perform test.pathman_equal((plan->0->'Plan'->'Plans'->1->'Custom Plan Provider')::text, '"RuntimeAppend"', 'wrong plan provider'); select count(*) from jsonb_array_elements_text(plan->0->'Plan'->'Plans'->1->'Plans') into num; perform test.pathman_equal(num::text, '6', 'expected 6 child plans for custom scan'); for i in 0..5 loop num = plan->0->'Plan'->'Plans'->1->'Plans'->i->'Actual Loops'; perform test.pathman_assert(num > 0 and num <= 1718, 'expected no more than 1718 loops'); end loop; return 'ok'; end; $$ language plpgsql set pg_pathman.enable = true set enable_mergejoin = off set enable_hashjoin = off; create or replace function test.pathman_test_4() returns text as $$ declare plan jsonb; num int; begin plan = test.pathman_test('select * from test.category c, lateral' || '(select * from test.runtime_test_2 g where g.category_id = c.id order by rating limit 4) as tg'); perform test.pathman_equal((plan->0->'Plan'->'Node Type')::text, '"Nested Loop"', 'wrong plan type'); /* Limit -> Custom Scan */ perform test.pathman_equal((plan->0->'Plan'->'Plans'->1->0->'Node Type')::text, '"Custom Scan"', 'wrong plan type'); perform test.pathman_equal((plan->0->'Plan'->'Plans'->1->0->'Custom Plan Provider')::text, '"RuntimeMergeAppend"', 'wrong plan provider'); select count(*) from jsonb_array_elements_text(plan->0->'Plan'->'Plans'->1->'Plans'->0->'Plans') into num; perform test.pathman_equal(num::text, '4', 'expected 4 child plans for custom scan'); for i in 0..3 loop perform test.pathman_equal((plan->0->'Plan'->'Plans'->1->'Plans'->0->'Plans'->i->'Relation Name')::text, format('"runtime_test_2_%s"', pathman.get_hash_part_idx(hashint4(i + 1), 6)), 'wrong partition'); num = plan->0->'Plan'->'Plans'->1->'Plans'->0->'Plans'->i->'Actual Loops'; perform test.pathman_assert(num = 1, 'expected no more than 1 loops'); end loop; return 'ok'; end; $$ language plpgsql set pg_pathman.enable = true set enable_mergejoin = off set enable_hashjoin = off; create or replace function test.pathman_test_5() returns text as $$ declare res record; begin select from test.runtime_test_3 where id = (select * from test.vals order by val limit 1) limit 1 into res; /* test empty tlist */ select id * 2, id, 17 from test.runtime_test_3 where id = (select * from test.vals order by val limit 1) limit 1 into res; /* test computations */ select test.vals.* from test.vals, lateral (select from test.runtime_test_3 where id = test.vals.val) as q into res; /* test lateral */ select id, generate_series(1, 2) gen, val from test.runtime_test_3 where id = (select * from test.vals order by val limit 1) order by id, gen, val offset 1 limit 1 into res; /* without IndexOnlyScan */ perform test.pathman_equal(res.id::text, '1', 'id is incorrect (t2)'); perform test.pathman_equal(res.gen::text, '2', 'gen is incorrect (t2)'); perform test.pathman_equal(res.val::text, 'k = 1', 'val is incorrect (t2)'); select id from test.runtime_test_3 where id = any (select * from test.vals order by val limit 5) order by id offset 3 limit 1 into res; /* with IndexOnlyScan */ perform test.pathman_equal(res.id::text, '4', 'id is incorrect (t3)'); select v.val v1, generate_series(2, 2) gen, t.val v2 from test.runtime_test_3 t join test.vals v on id = v.val order by v1, gen, v2 limit 1 into res; perform test.pathman_equal(res.v1::text, '1', 'v1 is incorrect (t4)'); perform test.pathman_equal(res.gen::text, '2', 'gen is incorrect (t4)'); perform test.pathman_equal(res.v2::text, 'k = 1', 'v2 is incorrect (t4)'); return 'ok'; end; $$ language plpgsql set pg_pathman.enable = true set enable_hashjoin = off set enable_mergejoin = off; create table test.run_values as select generate_series(1, 10000) val; create table test.runtime_test_1(id serial primary key, val real); insert into test.runtime_test_1 select generate_series(1, 10000), random(); select pathman.create_hash_partitions('test.runtime_test_1', 'id', 6); create_hash_partitions ------------------------ 6 (1 row) create table test.category as (select id, 'cat' || id::text as name from generate_series(1, 4) id); create table test.runtime_test_2 (id serial, category_id int not null, name text, rating real); insert into test.runtime_test_2 (select id, (id % 6) + 1 as category_id, 'good' || id::text as name, random() as rating from generate_series(1, 100000) id); create index on test.runtime_test_2 (category_id, rating); select pathman.create_hash_partitions('test.runtime_test_2', 'category_id', 6); create_hash_partitions ------------------------ 6 (1 row) create table test.vals as (select generate_series(1, 10000) as val); create table test.runtime_test_3(val text, id serial not null); insert into test.runtime_test_3(id, val) select * from generate_series(1, 10000) k, format('k = %s', k); select pathman.create_hash_partitions('test.runtime_test_3', 'id', 4); create_hash_partitions ------------------------ 4 (1 row) create index on test.runtime_test_3 (id); create index on test.runtime_test_3_0 (id); create table test.runtime_test_4(val text, id int not null); insert into test.runtime_test_4(id, val) select * from generate_series(1, 10000) k, md5(k::text); select pathman.create_range_partitions('test.runtime_test_4', 'id', 1, 2000); create_range_partitions ------------------------- 5 (1 row) VACUUM ANALYZE; set pg_pathman.enable_runtimeappend = on; set pg_pathman.enable_runtimemergeappend = on; select test.pathman_test_1(); /* RuntimeAppend (select ... where id = (subquery)) */ pathman_test_1 ---------------- ok (1 row) select test.pathman_test_2(); /* RuntimeAppend (select ... where id = any(subquery)) */ pathman_test_2 ---------------- ok (1 row) select test.pathman_test_3(); /* RuntimeAppend (a join b on a.id = b.val) */ pathman_test_3 ---------------- ok (1 row) select test.pathman_test_4(); /* RuntimeMergeAppend (lateral) */ pathman_test_4 ---------------- ok (1 row) select test.pathman_test_5(); /* projection tests for RuntimeXXX nodes */ pathman_test_5 ---------------- ok (1 row) /* RuntimeAppend (join, enabled parent) */ select pathman.set_enable_parent('test.runtime_test_1', true); set_enable_parent ------------------- (1 row) explain (costs off) select from test.runtime_test_1 as t1 join (select * from test.run_values limit 4) as t2 on t1.id = t2.val; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nested Loop -> Limit -> Seq Scan on run_values -> Custom Scan (RuntimeAppend) Prune by: (run_values.val = t1.id) -> Seq Scan on runtime_test_1 t1 Filter: (run_values.val = id) -> Index Only Scan using runtime_test_1_0_pkey on runtime_test_1_0 t1 Index Cond: (id = run_values.val) -> Index Only Scan using runtime_test_1_1_pkey on runtime_test_1_1 t1 Index Cond: (id = run_values.val) -> Index Only Scan using runtime_test_1_2_pkey on runtime_test_1_2 t1 Index Cond: (id = run_values.val) -> Index Only Scan using runtime_test_1_3_pkey on runtime_test_1_3 t1 Index Cond: (id = run_values.val) -> Index Only Scan using runtime_test_1_4_pkey on runtime_test_1_4 t1 Index Cond: (id = run_values.val) -> Index Only Scan using runtime_test_1_5_pkey on runtime_test_1_5 t1 Index Cond: (id = run_values.val) (19 rows) select from test.runtime_test_1 as t1 join (select * from test.run_values limit 4) as t2 on t1.id = t2.val; -- (4 rows) /* RuntimeAppend (join, disabled parent) */ select pathman.set_enable_parent('test.runtime_test_1', false); set_enable_parent ------------------- (1 row) explain (costs off) select from test.runtime_test_1 as t1 join (select * from test.run_values limit 4) as t2 on t1.id = t2.val; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nested Loop -> Limit -> Seq Scan on run_values -> Custom Scan (RuntimeAppend) Prune by: (run_values.val = t1.id) -> Index Only Scan using runtime_test_1_0_pkey on runtime_test_1_0 t1 Index Cond: (id = run_values.val) -> Index Only Scan using runtime_test_1_1_pkey on runtime_test_1_1 t1 Index Cond: (id = run_values.val) -> Index Only Scan using runtime_test_1_2_pkey on runtime_test_1_2 t1 Index Cond: (id = run_values.val) -> Index Only Scan using runtime_test_1_3_pkey on runtime_test_1_3 t1 Index Cond: (id = run_values.val) -> Index Only Scan using runtime_test_1_4_pkey on runtime_test_1_4 t1 Index Cond: (id = run_values.val) -> Index Only Scan using runtime_test_1_5_pkey on runtime_test_1_5 t1 Index Cond: (id = run_values.val) (17 rows) select from test.runtime_test_1 as t1 join (select * from test.run_values limit 4) as t2 on t1.id = t2.val; -- (4 rows) /* RuntimeAppend (join, additional projections) */ select generate_series(1, 2) from test.runtime_test_1 as t1 join (select * from test.run_values limit 4) as t2 on t1.id = t2.val; generate_series ----------------- 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 (8 rows) /* RuntimeAppend (select ... where id = ANY (subquery), missing partitions) */ select count(*) = 0 from pathman.pathman_partition_list where parent = 'test.runtime_test_4'::regclass and coalesce(range_min::int, 1) < 0; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) /* RuntimeAppend (check that dropped columns don't break tlists) */ create table test.dropped_cols(val int4 not null); select pathman.create_hash_partitions('test.dropped_cols', 'val', 4); create_hash_partitions ------------------------ 4 (1 row) insert into test.dropped_cols select generate_series(1, 100); alter table test.dropped_cols add column new_col text; /* add column */ alter table test.dropped_cols drop column new_col; /* drop column! */ explain (costs off) select * from generate_series(1, 10) f(id), lateral (select count(1) FILTER (WHERE true) from test.dropped_cols where val = f.id) c; QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------- Nested Loop -> Function Scan on generate_series f -> Aggregate -> Custom Scan (RuntimeAppend) Prune by: (dropped_cols.val = f.id) -> Seq Scan on dropped_cols_0 dropped_cols Filter: (val = f.id) -> Seq Scan on dropped_cols_1 dropped_cols Filter: (val = f.id) -> Seq Scan on dropped_cols_2 dropped_cols Filter: (val = f.id) -> Seq Scan on dropped_cols_3 dropped_cols Filter: (val = f.id) (13 rows) drop table test.dropped_cols cascade; NOTICE: drop cascades to 4 other objects set enable_hashjoin = off; set enable_mergejoin = off; select from test.runtime_test_4 where id = any (select generate_series(-10, -1)); /* should be empty */ -- (0 rows) set enable_hashjoin = on; set enable_mergejoin = on; DROP SCHEMA test CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to 37 other objects DROP EXTENSION pg_pathman CASCADE; DROP SCHEMA pathman CASCADE;