/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * partition_creation.c * Various functions for partition creation. * * Copyright (c) 2016, Postgres Professional * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "init.h" #include "partition_creation.h" #include "partition_filter.h" #include "pathman.h" #include "pathman_workers.h" #include "compat/pg_compat.h" #include "xact_handling.h" #include "access/htup_details.h" #include "access/reloptions.h" #include "access/sysattr.h" #include "access/xact.h" #include "catalog/heap.h" #include "catalog/pg_authid.h" #include "catalog/pg_proc.h" #include "catalog/pg_trigger.h" #include "catalog/pg_type.h" #include "catalog/toasting.h" #include "commands/event_trigger.h" #include "commands/sequence.h" #include "commands/tablecmds.h" #include "commands/tablespace.h" #include "commands/trigger.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h" #include "parser/parse_func.h" #include "parser/parse_utilcmd.h" #include "parser/parse_relation.h" #include "tcop/utility.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "utils/datum.h" #include "utils/fmgroids.h" #include "utils/jsonb.h" #include "utils/snapmgr.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "utils/syscache.h" #include "utils/typcache.h" static Oid spawn_partitions_val(Oid parent_relid, const Bound *range_bound_min, const Bound *range_bound_max, Oid range_bound_type, Datum interval_binary, Oid interval_type, Datum value, Oid value_type, Oid collid); static void create_single_partition_common(Oid parent_relid, Oid partition_relid, Constraint *check_constraint, init_callback_params *callback_params, List *trigger_columns); static Oid create_single_partition_internal(Oid parent_relid, RangeVar *partition_rv, char *tablespace); static char *choose_range_partition_name(Oid parent_relid, Oid parent_nsp); static char *choose_hash_partition_name(Oid parent_relid, uint32 part_idx); static ObjectAddress create_table_using_stmt(CreateStmt *create_stmt, Oid relowner); static void copy_foreign_keys(Oid parent_relid, Oid partition_oid); static void postprocess_child_table_and_atts(Oid parent_relid, Oid partition_relid); static Oid text_to_regprocedure(text *proname_args); static Constraint *make_constraint_common(char *name, Node *raw_expr); static Value make_string_value_struct(char *str); static Value make_int_value_struct(int int_val); static Node *build_partitioning_expression(Oid parent_relid, Oid *expr_type, List **columns); /* * --------------------------------------- * Public interface (partition creation) * --------------------------------------- */ /* Create one RANGE partition [start_value, end_value) */ Oid create_single_range_partition_internal(Oid parent_relid, const Bound *start_value, const Bound *end_value, Oid value_type, RangeVar *partition_rv, char *tablespace) { Oid partition_relid; Constraint *check_constr; init_callback_params callback_params; List *trigger_columns = NIL; Node *expr; /* Generate a name if asked to */ if (!partition_rv) { Oid parent_nsp = get_rel_namespace(parent_relid); char *parent_nsp_name = get_namespace_name(parent_nsp); char *partition_name; partition_name = choose_range_partition_name(parent_relid, parent_nsp); partition_rv = makeRangeVar(parent_nsp_name, partition_name, -1); } /* Check pathman config anld fill variables */ expr = build_partitioning_expression(parent_relid, NULL, &trigger_columns); /* Create a partition & get 'partitioning expression' */ partition_relid = create_single_partition_internal(parent_relid, partition_rv, tablespace); /* Build check constraint for RANGE partition */ check_constr = build_range_check_constraint(partition_relid, expr, start_value, end_value, value_type); /* Cook args for init_callback */ MakeInitCallbackRangeParams(&callback_params, DEFAULT_PATHMAN_INIT_CALLBACK, parent_relid, partition_relid, *start_value, *end_value, value_type); /* Add constraint & execute init_callback */ create_single_partition_common(parent_relid, partition_relid, check_constr, &callback_params, trigger_columns); /* Return the Oid */ return partition_relid; } /* Create one HASH partition */ Oid create_single_hash_partition_internal(Oid parent_relid, uint32 part_idx, uint32 part_count, RangeVar *partition_rv, char *tablespace) { Oid partition_relid, expr_type; Constraint *check_constr; init_callback_params callback_params; List *trigger_columns = NIL; Node *expr; /* Generate a name if asked to */ if (!partition_rv) { Oid parent_nsp = get_rel_namespace(parent_relid); char *parent_nsp_name = get_namespace_name(parent_nsp); char *partition_name; partition_name = choose_hash_partition_name(parent_relid, part_idx); partition_rv = makeRangeVar(parent_nsp_name, partition_name, -1); } /* Create a partition & get 'partitionining expression' */ partition_relid = create_single_partition_internal(parent_relid, partition_rv, tablespace); /* check pathman config and fill variables */ expr = build_partitioning_expression(parent_relid, &expr_type, &trigger_columns); /* Build check constraint for HASH partition */ check_constr = build_hash_check_constraint(partition_relid, expr, part_idx, part_count, expr_type); /* Cook args for init_callback */ MakeInitCallbackHashParams(&callback_params, DEFAULT_PATHMAN_INIT_CALLBACK, parent_relid, partition_relid); /* Add constraint & execute init_callback */ create_single_partition_common(parent_relid, partition_relid, check_constr, &callback_params, trigger_columns); /* Return the Oid */ return partition_relid; } /* Add constraint & execute init_callback */ void create_single_partition_common(Oid parent_relid, Oid partition_relid, Constraint *check_constraint, init_callback_params *callback_params, List *trigger_columns) { Relation child_relation; /* Open the relation and add new check constraint & fkeys */ child_relation = heap_open(partition_relid, AccessExclusiveLock); AddRelationNewConstraints(child_relation, NIL, list_make1(check_constraint), false, true, true); heap_close(child_relation, NoLock); /* Make constraint visible */ CommandCounterIncrement(); /* Create trigger if needed */ if (has_update_trigger_internal(parent_relid)) { const char *trigger_name; trigger_name = build_update_trigger_name_internal(parent_relid); create_single_update_trigger_internal(partition_relid, trigger_name, trigger_columns); } /* Make trigger visible */ CommandCounterIncrement(); /* Finally invoke 'init_callback' */ invoke_part_callback(callback_params); /* Make possible changes visible */ CommandCounterIncrement(); } /* * Create RANGE partitions (if needed) using either BGW or current backend. * * Returns Oid of the partition to store 'value'. */ Oid create_partitions_for_value(Oid relid, Datum value, Oid value_type) { TransactionId rel_xmin; Oid last_partition = InvalidOid; /* Check that table is partitioned and fetch xmin */ if (pathman_config_contains_relation(relid, NULL, NULL, &rel_xmin, NULL)) { /* Take default values */ bool spawn_using_bgw = DEFAULT_PATHMAN_SPAWN_USING_BGW, enable_auto = DEFAULT_PATHMAN_AUTO; /* Values to be extracted from PATHMAN_CONFIG_PARAMS */ Datum values[Natts_pathman_config_params]; bool isnull[Natts_pathman_config_params]; /* Try fetching options from PATHMAN_CONFIG_PARAMS */ if (read_pathman_params(relid, values, isnull)) { enable_auto = values[Anum_pathman_config_params_auto - 1]; spawn_using_bgw = values[Anum_pathman_config_params_spawn_using_bgw - 1]; } /* Emit ERROR if automatic partition creation is disabled */ if (!enable_auto || !IsAutoPartitionEnabled()) elog(ERROR, ERR_PART_ATTR_NO_PART, datum_to_cstring(value, value_type)); /* * If table has been partitioned in some previous xact AND * we don't hold any conflicting locks, run BGWorker. */ if (spawn_using_bgw && xact_object_is_visible(rel_xmin) && !xact_bgw_conflicting_lock_exists(relid)) { elog(DEBUG2, "create_partitions(): chose BGWorker [%u]", MyProcPid); last_partition = create_partitions_for_value_bg_worker(relid, value, value_type); } /* Else it'd be better for the current backend to create partitions */ else { elog(DEBUG2, "create_partitions(): chose backend [%u]", MyProcPid); last_partition = create_partitions_for_value_internal(relid, value, value_type, false); /* backend */ } } else elog(ERROR, "table \"%s\" is not partitioned", get_rel_name_or_relid(relid)); /* Check that 'last_partition' is valid */ if (last_partition == InvalidOid) elog(ERROR, "could not create new partitions for relation \"%s\"", get_rel_name_or_relid(relid)); return last_partition; } /* * -------------------- * Partition creation * -------------------- */ /* * Create partitions (if needed) and return Oid of the partition to store 'value'. * * NB: This function should not be called directly, * use create_partitions_for_value() instead. */ Oid create_partitions_for_value_internal(Oid relid, Datum value, Oid value_type, bool is_background_worker) { MemoryContext old_mcxt = CurrentMemoryContext; Oid partid = InvalidOid; /* last created partition (or InvalidOid) */ PG_TRY(); { const PartRelationInfo *prel; LockAcquireResult lock_result; /* could we lock the parent? */ Datum values[Natts_pathman_config]; bool isnull[Natts_pathman_config]; /* Get both PartRelationInfo & PATHMAN_CONFIG contents for this relation */ if (pathman_config_contains_relation(relid, values, isnull, NULL, NULL)) { Oid base_bound_type; /* base type of prel->ev_type */ Oid base_value_type; /* base type of value_type */ /* Fetch PartRelationInfo by 'relid' */ prel = get_pathman_relation_info_after_lock(relid, true, &lock_result); shout_if_prel_is_invalid(relid, prel, PT_RANGE); /* Fetch base types of prel->ev_type & value_type */ base_bound_type = getBaseType(prel->ev_type); base_value_type = getBaseType(value_type); /* Search for a suitable partition if we didn't hold it */ Assert(lock_result != LOCKACQUIRE_NOT_AVAIL); if (lock_result == LOCKACQUIRE_OK) { Oid *parts; int nparts; /* Search for matching partitions */ parts = find_partitions_for_value(value, value_type, prel, &nparts); /* Shout if there's more than one */ if (nparts > 1) elog(ERROR, ERR_PART_ATTR_MULTIPLE); /* It seems that we got a partition! */ else if (nparts == 1) { /* Unlock the parent (we're not going to spawn) */ UnlockRelationOid(relid, ShareUpdateExclusiveLock); /* Simply return the suitable partition */ partid = parts[0]; } /* Don't forget to free */ pfree(parts); } /* Else spawn a new one (we hold a lock on the parent) */ if (partid == InvalidOid) { RangeEntry *ranges = PrelGetRangesArray(prel); Bound bound_min, /* absolute MIN */ bound_max; /* absolute MAX */ Oid interval_type = InvalidOid; Datum interval_binary, /* assigned 'width' of one partition */ interval_text; /* Copy datums in order to protect them from cache invalidation */ bound_min = CopyBound(&ranges[0].min, prel->ev_byval, prel->ev_len); bound_max = CopyBound(&ranges[PrelLastChild(prel)].max, prel->ev_byval, prel->ev_len); /* Check if interval is set */ if (isnull[Anum_pathman_config_range_interval - 1]) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("cannot spawn new partition for key '%s'", datum_to_cstring(value, value_type)), errdetail("default range interval is NULL"))); } /* Retrieve interval as TEXT from tuple */ interval_text = values[Anum_pathman_config_range_interval - 1]; /* Convert interval to binary representation */ interval_binary = extract_binary_interval_from_text(interval_text, base_bound_type, &interval_type); /* At last, spawn partitions to store the value */ partid = spawn_partitions_val(PrelParentRelid(prel), &bound_min, &bound_max, base_bound_type, interval_binary, interval_type, value, base_value_type, prel->ev_collid); } } else elog(ERROR, "table \"%s\" is not partitioned", get_rel_name_or_relid(relid)); } PG_CATCH(); { ErrorData *error; /* Simply rethrow ERROR if we're in backend */ if (!is_background_worker) PG_RE_THROW(); /* Switch to the original context & copy edata */ MemoryContextSwitchTo(old_mcxt); error = CopyErrorData(); FlushErrorState(); /* Produce log message if we're in BGW */ elog(LOG, CppAsString(create_partitions_for_value_internal) ": %s [%u]", error->message, MyProcPid); /* Reset 'partid' in case of error */ partid = InvalidOid; } PG_END_TRY(); return partid; } /* * Append\prepend partitions if there's no partition to store 'value'. * NOTE: Used by create_partitions_for_value_internal(). */ static Oid spawn_partitions_val(Oid parent_relid, /* parent's Oid */ const Bound *range_bound_min, /* parent's MIN boundary */ const Bound *range_bound_max, /* parent's MAX boundary */ Oid range_bound_type, /* type of boundary's value */ Datum interval_binary, /* interval in binary form */ Oid interval_type, /* INTERVALOID or prel->ev_type */ Datum value, /* value to be INSERTed */ Oid value_type, /* type of value */ Oid collid) /* collation id */ { bool should_append; /* append or prepend? */ Oid move_bound_op_func, /* operator's function */ move_bound_op_ret_type; /* operator's ret type */ FmgrInfo cmp_value_bound_finfo, /* exec 'value (>=|<) bound' */ move_bound_finfo; /* exec 'bound + interval' */ Datum cur_leading_bound, /* boundaries of a new partition */ cur_following_bound; Bound value_bound = MakeBound(value); Oid last_partition = InvalidOid; fill_type_cmp_fmgr_info(&cmp_value_bound_finfo, value_type, range_bound_type); /* Is it possible to append\prepend a partition? */ if (IsInfinite(range_bound_min) && IsInfinite(range_bound_max)) ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("cannot spawn a partition"), errdetail("both bounds are infinite"))); /* value >= MAX_BOUNDARY */ else if (cmp_bounds(&cmp_value_bound_finfo, collid, &value_bound, range_bound_max) >= 0) { should_append = true; cur_leading_bound = BoundGetValue(range_bound_max); } /* value < MIN_BOUNDARY */ else if (cmp_bounds(&cmp_value_bound_finfo, collid, &value_bound, range_bound_min) < 0) { should_append = false; cur_leading_bound = BoundGetValue(range_bound_min); } /* There's a gap, halt and emit ERROR */ else ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("cannot spawn a partition"), errdetail("there is a gap"))); /* Fetch operator's underlying function and ret type */ extract_op_func_and_ret_type(should_append ? "+" : "-", range_bound_type, interval_type, &move_bound_op_func, &move_bound_op_ret_type); /* Perform casts if types don't match (e.g. date + interval = timestamp) */ if (move_bound_op_ret_type != range_bound_type) { /* Cast 'cur_leading_bound' to 'move_bound_op_ret_type' */ cur_leading_bound = perform_type_cast(cur_leading_bound, range_bound_type, move_bound_op_ret_type, NULL); /* might emit ERROR */ /* Update 'range_bound_type' */ range_bound_type = move_bound_op_ret_type; /* Fetch new comparison function */ fill_type_cmp_fmgr_info(&cmp_value_bound_finfo, value_type, range_bound_type); /* Since type has changed, fetch another operator */ extract_op_func_and_ret_type(should_append ? "+" : "-", range_bound_type, interval_type, &move_bound_op_func, &move_bound_op_ret_type); /* What, again? Don't want to deal with this nightmare */ if (move_bound_op_ret_type != range_bound_type) elog(ERROR, "error in function " CppAsString(spawn_partitions_val)); } /* Get operator's underlying function */ fmgr_info(move_bound_op_func, &move_bound_finfo); /* Execute comparison function cmp(value, cur_leading_bound) */ while (should_append ? check_ge(&cmp_value_bound_finfo, collid, value, cur_leading_bound) : check_lt(&cmp_value_bound_finfo, collid, value, cur_leading_bound)) { Bound bounds[2]; /* Assign the 'following' boundary to current 'leading' value */ cur_following_bound = cur_leading_bound; /* Move leading bound by interval (exec 'leading (+|-) INTERVAL') */ cur_leading_bound = FunctionCall2(&move_bound_finfo, cur_leading_bound, interval_binary); bounds[0] = MakeBound(should_append ? cur_following_bound : cur_leading_bound); bounds[1] = MakeBound(should_append ? cur_leading_bound : cur_following_bound); last_partition = create_single_range_partition_internal(parent_relid, &bounds[0], &bounds[1], range_bound_type, NULL, NULL); #ifdef USE_ASSERT_CHECKING elog(DEBUG2, "%s partition with following='%s' & leading='%s' [%u]", (should_append ? "Appending" : "Prepending"), DebugPrintDatum(cur_following_bound, range_bound_type), DebugPrintDatum(cur_leading_bound, range_bound_type), MyProcPid); #endif } return last_partition; } /* Choose a good name for a RANGE partition */ static char * choose_range_partition_name(Oid parent_relid, Oid parent_nsp) { Datum part_num; Oid part_seq_relid; char *part_seq_relname; Oid save_userid; int save_sec_context; bool need_priv_escalation = !superuser(); /* we might be a SU */ char *relname; int attempts_cnt = 1000; part_seq_relname = build_sequence_name_internal(parent_relid); part_seq_relid = get_relname_relid(part_seq_relname, parent_nsp); /* Could not find part number generating sequence */ if (!OidIsValid(part_seq_relid)) elog(ERROR, "auto naming sequence \"%s\" does not exist", part_seq_relname); /* Do we have to escalate privileges? */ if (need_priv_escalation) { /* Get current user's Oid and security context */ GetUserIdAndSecContext(&save_userid, &save_sec_context); /* Become superuser in order to bypass sequence ACL checks */ SetUserIdAndSecContext(BOOTSTRAP_SUPERUSERID, save_sec_context | SECURITY_LOCAL_USERID_CHANGE); } /* Generate unique name */ while (true) { /* Get next integer for partition name */ part_num = DirectFunctionCall1(nextval_oid, ObjectIdGetDatum(part_seq_relid)); relname = psprintf("%s_" UINT64_FORMAT, get_rel_name(parent_relid), (uint64) DatumGetInt64(part_num)); /* can't use UInt64 on 9.5 */ /* * If we found a unique name or attemps number exceeds some reasonable * value then we quit * * XXX Should we throw an exception if max attempts number is reached? */ if (get_relname_relid(relname, parent_nsp) == InvalidOid || attempts_cnt < 0) break; pfree(relname); attempts_cnt--; } /* Restore user's privileges */ if (need_priv_escalation) SetUserIdAndSecContext(save_userid, save_sec_context); return relname; } /* Choose a good name for a HASH partition */ static char * choose_hash_partition_name(Oid parent_relid, uint32 part_idx) { return psprintf("%s_%u", get_rel_name(parent_relid), part_idx); } /* Create a partition-like table (no constraints yet) */ static Oid create_single_partition_internal(Oid parent_relid, RangeVar *partition_rv, char *tablespace) { /* Value to be returned */ Oid partition_relid = InvalidOid; /* safety */ /* Parent's namespace and name */ Oid parent_nsp; char *parent_name, *parent_nsp_name; /* Elements of the "CREATE TABLE" query tree */ RangeVar *parent_rv; TableLikeClause like_clause; CreateStmt create_stmt; List *create_stmts; ListCell *lc; /* Current user and security context */ Oid save_userid; int save_sec_context; bool need_priv_escalation = !superuser(); /* we might be a SU */ /* Lock parent and check if it exists */ LockRelationOid(parent_relid, ShareUpdateExclusiveLock); if (!SearchSysCacheExists1(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(parent_relid))) elog(ERROR, "relation %u does not exist", parent_relid); /* Check that table is registered in PATHMAN_CONFIG */ if (!pathman_config_contains_relation(parent_relid, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) elog(ERROR, "table \"%s\" is not partitioned", get_rel_name_or_relid(parent_relid)); /* Do we have to escalate privileges? */ if (need_priv_escalation) { /* Get current user's Oid and security context */ GetUserIdAndSecContext(&save_userid, &save_sec_context); /* Check that user's allowed to spawn partitions */ if (ACLCHECK_OK != pg_class_aclcheck(parent_relid, save_userid, ACL_SPAWN_PARTITIONS)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE), errmsg("permission denied for parent relation \"%s\"", get_rel_name_or_relid(parent_relid)), errdetail("user is not allowed to create new partitions"), errhint("consider granting INSERT privilege"))); /* Become superuser in order to bypass various ACL checks */ SetUserIdAndSecContext(BOOTSTRAP_SUPERUSERID, save_sec_context | SECURITY_LOCAL_USERID_CHANGE); } /* Cache parent's namespace and name */ parent_name = get_rel_name(parent_relid); parent_nsp = get_rel_namespace(parent_relid); parent_nsp_name = get_namespace_name(parent_nsp); /* Make up parent's RangeVar */ parent_rv = makeRangeVar(parent_nsp_name, parent_name, -1); Assert(partition_rv); /* If no 'tablespace' is provided, get parent's tablespace */ if (!tablespace) tablespace = get_tablespace_name(get_rel_tablespace(parent_relid)); /* Initialize TableLikeClause structure */ NodeSetTag(&like_clause, T_TableLikeClause); like_clause.relation = copyObject(parent_rv); like_clause.options = CREATE_TABLE_LIKE_DEFAULTS | CREATE_TABLE_LIKE_INDEXES | CREATE_TABLE_LIKE_STORAGE; /* Initialize CreateStmt structure */ NodeSetTag(&create_stmt, T_CreateStmt); create_stmt.relation = copyObject(partition_rv); create_stmt.tableElts = list_make1(copyObject(&like_clause)); create_stmt.inhRelations = list_make1(copyObject(parent_rv)); create_stmt.ofTypename = NULL; create_stmt.constraints = NIL; create_stmt.options = NIL; create_stmt.oncommit = ONCOMMIT_NOOP; create_stmt.tablespacename = tablespace; create_stmt.if_not_exists = false; #if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 100000 create_stmt.partbound = NULL; create_stmt.partspec = NULL; #endif /* Obtain the sequence of Stmts to create partition and link it to parent */ create_stmts = transformCreateStmt(&create_stmt, NULL); /* Create the partition and all required relations */ foreach (lc, create_stmts) { Node *cur_stmt; /* Fetch current CreateStmt */ cur_stmt = (Node *) lfirst(lc); if (IsA(cur_stmt, CreateStmt)) { Oid child_relowner; /* Partition should have the same owner as the parent */ child_relowner = get_rel_owner(parent_relid); /* Create a partition and save its Oid */ partition_relid = create_table_using_stmt((CreateStmt *) cur_stmt, child_relowner).objectId; /* Copy FOREIGN KEYS of the parent table */ copy_foreign_keys(parent_relid, partition_relid); /* Make changes visible */ CommandCounterIncrement(); /* Copy ACL privileges of the parent table and set "attislocal" */ postprocess_child_table_and_atts(parent_relid, partition_relid); } else if (IsA(cur_stmt, CreateForeignTableStmt)) { elog(ERROR, "FDW partition creation is not implemented yet"); } else { /* * Recurse for anything else. Note the recursive * call will stash the objects so created into our * event trigger context. */ ProcessUtilityCompat(cur_stmt, "we have to provide a query string", PROCESS_UTILITY_SUBCOMMAND, NULL, None_Receiver, NULL); } /* Update config one more time */ CommandCounterIncrement(); } /* Restore user's privileges */ if (need_priv_escalation) SetUserIdAndSecContext(save_userid, save_sec_context); return partition_relid; } /* Create a new table using cooked CreateStmt */ static ObjectAddress create_table_using_stmt(CreateStmt *create_stmt, Oid relowner) { ObjectAddress table_addr; Datum toast_options; static char *validnsps[] = HEAP_RELOPT_NAMESPACES; int guc_level; /* Create new GUC level... */ guc_level = NewGUCNestLevel(); /* ... and set client_min_messages = warning */ (void) set_config_option(CppAsString(client_min_messages), "WARNING", PGC_USERSET, PGC_S_SESSION, GUC_ACTION_SAVE, true, 0, false); /* Create new partition owned by parent's posessor */ table_addr = DefineRelationCompat(create_stmt, RELKIND_RELATION, relowner, NULL); /* Save data about a simple DDL command that was just executed */ EventTriggerCollectSimpleCommand(table_addr, InvalidObjectAddress, (Node *) create_stmt); /* * Let NewRelationCreateToastTable decide if this * one needs a secondary relation too. */ CommandCounterIncrement(); /* Parse and validate reloptions for the toast table */ toast_options = transformRelOptions((Datum) 0, create_stmt->options, "toast", validnsps, true, false); /* Parse options for a new toast table */ (void) heap_reloptions(RELKIND_TOASTVALUE, toast_options, true); /* Now create the toast table if needed */ NewRelationCreateToastTable(table_addr.objectId, toast_options); /* Restore original GUC values */ AtEOXact_GUC(true, guc_level); /* Return the address */ return table_addr; } /* Copy ACL privileges of parent table and set "attislocal" = true */ static void postprocess_child_table_and_atts(Oid parent_relid, Oid partition_relid) { Relation parent_rel, partition_rel, pg_class_rel, pg_attribute_rel; TupleDesc pg_class_desc, pg_attribute_desc; List *translated_vars; HeapTuple htup; ScanKeyData skey[2]; SysScanDesc scan; Datum acl_datum; bool acl_null; Snapshot snapshot; /* Both parent & partition have already been locked */ parent_rel = heap_open(parent_relid, NoLock); partition_rel = heap_open(partition_relid, NoLock); make_inh_translation_list(parent_rel, partition_rel, 0, &translated_vars); heap_close(parent_rel, NoLock); heap_close(partition_rel, NoLock); /* Open catalog's relations */ pg_class_rel = heap_open(RelationRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); pg_attribute_rel = heap_open(AttributeRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); /* Get most recent snapshot */ snapshot = RegisterSnapshot(GetLatestSnapshot()); pg_class_desc = RelationGetDescr(pg_class_rel); pg_attribute_desc = RelationGetDescr(pg_attribute_rel); htup = SearchSysCache1(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(parent_relid)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(htup)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for relation %u", parent_relid); /* Get parent's ACL */ acl_datum = heap_getattr(htup, Anum_pg_class_relacl, pg_class_desc, &acl_null); /* Copy datum if it's not NULL */ if (!acl_null) { Form_pg_attribute acl_column; acl_column = pg_class_desc->attrs[Anum_pg_class_relacl - 1]; acl_datum = datumCopy(acl_datum, acl_column->attbyval, acl_column->attlen); } /* Release 'htup' */ ReleaseSysCache(htup); /* Search for 'partition_relid' */ ScanKeyInit(&skey[0], ObjectIdAttributeNumber, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ, ObjectIdGetDatum(partition_relid)); scan = systable_beginscan(pg_class_rel, ClassOidIndexId, true, snapshot, 1, skey); /* There should be exactly one tuple (our child) */ if (HeapTupleIsValid(htup = systable_getnext(scan))) { ItemPointerData iptr; Datum values[Natts_pg_class] = { (Datum) 0 }; bool nulls[Natts_pg_class] = { false }; bool replaces[Natts_pg_class] = { false }; /* Copy ItemPointer of this tuple */ iptr = htup->t_self; values[Anum_pg_class_relacl - 1] = acl_datum; /* ACL array */ nulls[Anum_pg_class_relacl - 1] = acl_null; /* do we have ACL? */ replaces[Anum_pg_class_relacl - 1] = true; /* Build new tuple with parent's ACL */ htup = heap_modify_tuple(htup, pg_class_desc, values, nulls, replaces); /* Update child's tuple with related indexes */ CatalogTupleUpdate(pg_class_rel, &iptr, htup); } systable_endscan(scan); /* Search for 'parent_relid's columns */ ScanKeyInit(&skey[0], Anum_pg_attribute_attrelid, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ, ObjectIdGetDatum(parent_relid)); /* Consider only user-defined columns (>0) */ ScanKeyInit(&skey[1], Anum_pg_attribute_attnum, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_INT2GT, Int16GetDatum(InvalidAttrNumber)); scan = systable_beginscan(pg_attribute_rel, AttributeRelidNumIndexId, true, snapshot, lengthof(skey), skey); /* Go through the list of parent's columns */ while (HeapTupleIsValid(htup = systable_getnext(scan))) { ScanKeyData subskey[2]; SysScanDesc subscan; HeapTuple subhtup; AttrNumber cur_attnum; bool cur_attnum_null; Var *cur_var; /* Get parent column's ACL */ acl_datum = heap_getattr(htup, Anum_pg_attribute_attacl, pg_attribute_desc, &acl_null); /* Copy datum if it's not NULL */ if (!acl_null) { Form_pg_attribute acl_column; acl_column = pg_attribute_desc->attrs[Anum_pg_attribute_attacl - 1]; acl_datum = datumCopy(acl_datum, acl_column->attbyval, acl_column->attlen); } /* Fetch number of current column (parent) */ cur_attnum = DatumGetInt16(heap_getattr(htup, Anum_pg_attribute_attnum, pg_attribute_desc, &cur_attnum_null)); Assert(cur_attnum_null == false); /* must not be NULL! */ /* Fetch Var of partition's corresponding column */ cur_var = (Var *) list_nth(translated_vars, cur_attnum - 1); if (!cur_var) continue; /* column is dropped */ Assert(cur_var->varattno != InvalidAttrNumber); /* Search for 'partition_relid' */ ScanKeyInit(&subskey[0], Anum_pg_attribute_attrelid, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ, ObjectIdGetDatum(partition_relid)); /* Search for 'partition_relid's columns */ ScanKeyInit(&subskey[1], Anum_pg_attribute_attnum, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_INT2EQ, Int16GetDatum(cur_var->varattno)); /* partition's column */ subscan = systable_beginscan(pg_attribute_rel, AttributeRelidNumIndexId, true, snapshot, lengthof(subskey), subskey); /* There should be exactly one tuple (our child's column) */ if (HeapTupleIsValid(subhtup = systable_getnext(subscan))) { ItemPointerData iptr; Datum values[Natts_pg_attribute] = { (Datum) 0 }; bool nulls[Natts_pg_attribute] = { false }; bool replaces[Natts_pg_attribute] = { false }; /* Copy ItemPointer of this tuple */ iptr = subhtup->t_self; /* Change ACL of this column */ values[Anum_pg_attribute_attacl - 1] = acl_datum; /* ACL array */ nulls[Anum_pg_attribute_attacl - 1] = acl_null; /* do we have ACL? */ replaces[Anum_pg_attribute_attacl - 1] = true; /* Change 'attislocal' for DROP COLUMN */ values[Anum_pg_attribute_attislocal - 1] = false; /* should not be local */ nulls[Anum_pg_attribute_attislocal - 1] = false; /* NOT NULL */ replaces[Anum_pg_attribute_attislocal - 1] = true; /* Build new tuple with parent's ACL */ subhtup = heap_modify_tuple(subhtup, pg_attribute_desc, values, nulls, replaces); /* Update child's tuple and related indexes */ CatalogTupleUpdate(pg_attribute_rel, &iptr, subhtup); } systable_endscan(subscan); } systable_endscan(scan); /* Don't forget to free snapshot */ UnregisterSnapshot(snapshot); heap_close(pg_class_rel, RowExclusiveLock); heap_close(pg_attribute_rel, RowExclusiveLock); } /* Copy foreign keys of parent table */ static void copy_foreign_keys(Oid parent_relid, Oid partition_oid) { Oid copy_fkeys_proc_args[] = { REGCLASSOID, REGCLASSOID }; List *copy_fkeys_proc_name; FmgrInfo copy_fkeys_proc_flinfo; FunctionCallInfoData copy_fkeys_proc_fcinfo; char *pathman_schema; /* Fetch pg_pathman's schema */ pathman_schema = get_namespace_name(get_pathman_schema()); /* Build function's name */ copy_fkeys_proc_name = list_make2(makeString(pathman_schema), makeString(CppAsString(copy_foreign_keys))); /* Lookup function's Oid and get FmgrInfo */ fmgr_info(LookupFuncName(copy_fkeys_proc_name, 2, copy_fkeys_proc_args, false), ©_fkeys_proc_flinfo); InitFunctionCallInfoData(copy_fkeys_proc_fcinfo, ©_fkeys_proc_flinfo, 2, InvalidOid, NULL, NULL); copy_fkeys_proc_fcinfo.arg[0] = ObjectIdGetDatum(parent_relid); copy_fkeys_proc_fcinfo.argnull[0] = false; copy_fkeys_proc_fcinfo.arg[1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(partition_oid); copy_fkeys_proc_fcinfo.argnull[1] = false; /* Invoke the callback */ FunctionCallInvoke(©_fkeys_proc_fcinfo); } /* * ----------------------------- * Check constraint generation * ----------------------------- */ /* Drop pg_pathman's check constraint by 'relid' */ void drop_pathman_check_constraint(Oid relid) { char *constr_name; AlterTableStmt *stmt; AlterTableCmd *cmd; /* Build a correct name for this constraint */ constr_name = build_check_constraint_name_relid_internal(relid); stmt = makeNode(AlterTableStmt); stmt->relation = makeRangeVarFromRelid(relid); stmt->relkind = OBJECT_TABLE; cmd = makeNode(AlterTableCmd); cmd->subtype = AT_DropConstraint; cmd->name = constr_name; cmd->behavior = DROP_RESTRICT; cmd->missing_ok = true; stmt->cmds = list_make1(cmd); /* See function AlterTableGetLockLevel() */ AlterTable(relid, AccessExclusiveLock, stmt); } /* Add pg_pathman's check constraint using 'relid' */ void add_pathman_check_constraint(Oid relid, Constraint *constraint) { Relation part_rel = heap_open(relid, AccessExclusiveLock); AddRelationNewConstraints(part_rel, NIL, list_make1(constraint), false, true, true); heap_close(part_rel, NoLock); } /* Build RANGE check constraint expression tree */ Node * build_raw_range_check_tree(Node *raw_expression, const Bound *start_value, const Bound *end_value, Oid value_type) { #define BuildConstExpr(node, value, value_type) \ do { \ (node)->val = make_string_value_struct( \ datum_to_cstring((value), (value_type))); \ (node)->location = -1; \ } while (0) #define BuildCmpExpr(node, opname, expr, c) \ do { \ (node)->name = list_make1(makeString(opname)); \ (node)->kind = AEXPR_OP; \ (node)->lexpr = (Node *) (expr); \ (node)->rexpr = (Node *) (c); \ (node)->location = -1; \ } while (0) #define CopyTypeCastExpr(node, src, argument) \ do { \ memcpy((node), (src), sizeof(TypeCast)); \ (node)->arg = (Node *) (argument); \ (node)->typeName = (TypeName *) copyObject((node)->typeName); \ } while (0) BoolExpr *and_oper = makeNode(BoolExpr); A_Expr *left_arg = makeNode(A_Expr), *right_arg = makeNode(A_Expr); A_Const *left_const = makeNode(A_Const), *right_const = makeNode(A_Const); and_oper->boolop = AND_EXPR; and_oper->args = NIL; and_oper->location = -1; /* Left comparison (VAR >= start_value) */ if (!IsInfinite(start_value)) { /* Build left boundary */ BuildConstExpr(left_const, BoundGetValue(start_value), value_type); /* Build ">=" clause */ BuildCmpExpr(left_arg, ">=", raw_expression, left_const); /* Cast const to expression's type (e.g. composite key, row type) */ if (IsA(raw_expression, TypeCast)) { TypeCast *cast = makeNode(TypeCast); /* Copy cast to expression's type */ CopyTypeCastExpr(cast, raw_expression, left_const); left_arg->rexpr = (Node *) cast; } and_oper->args = lappend(and_oper->args, left_arg); } /* Right comparision (VAR < end_value) */ if (!IsInfinite(end_value)) { /* Build right boundary */ BuildConstExpr(right_const, BoundGetValue(end_value), value_type); /* Build "<" clause */ BuildCmpExpr(right_arg, "<", raw_expression, right_const); /* Cast const to expression's type (e.g. composite key, row type) */ if (IsA(raw_expression, TypeCast)) { TypeCast *cast = makeNode(TypeCast); /* Copy cast to expression's type */ CopyTypeCastExpr(cast, raw_expression, right_const); right_arg->rexpr = (Node *) cast; } and_oper->args = lappend(and_oper->args, right_arg); } /* (-inf, +inf) */ if (and_oper->args == NIL) elog(ERROR, "cannot create partition with range (-inf, +inf)"); return (Node *) and_oper; #undef BuildConstExpr #undef BuildCmpExpr #undef CopyTypeCastExpr } /* Build complete RANGE check constraint */ Constraint * build_range_check_constraint(Oid child_relid, Node *raw_expression, const Bound *start_value, const Bound *end_value, Oid value_type) { Constraint *range_constr; char *range_constr_name; /* Build a correct name for this constraint */ range_constr_name = build_check_constraint_name_relid_internal(child_relid); /* Initialize basic properties of a CHECK constraint */ range_constr = make_constraint_common(range_constr_name, build_raw_range_check_tree(raw_expression, start_value, end_value, value_type)); /* Everything seems to be fine */ return range_constr; } /* Check if range overlaps with any partitions */ bool check_range_available(Oid parent_relid, const Bound *start, const Bound *end, Oid value_type, bool raise_error) { const PartRelationInfo *prel; RangeEntry *ranges; FmgrInfo cmp_func; uint32 i; /* Try fetching the PartRelationInfo structure */ prel = get_pathman_relation_info(parent_relid); /* If there's no prel, return TRUE (overlap is not possible) */ if (!prel) { ereport(WARNING, (errmsg("table \"%s\" is not partitioned", get_rel_name_or_relid(parent_relid)))); return true; } /* Emit an error if it is not partitioned by RANGE */ shout_if_prel_is_invalid(parent_relid, prel, PT_RANGE); /* Fetch comparison function */ fill_type_cmp_fmgr_info(&cmp_func, getBaseType(value_type), getBaseType(prel->ev_type)); ranges = PrelGetRangesArray(prel); for (i = 0; i < PrelChildrenCount(prel); i++) { int c1, c2; c1 = cmp_bounds(&cmp_func, prel->ev_collid, start, &ranges[i].max); c2 = cmp_bounds(&cmp_func, prel->ev_collid, end, &ranges[i].min); /* There's something! */ if (c1 < 0 && c2 > 0) { if (raise_error) elog(ERROR, "specified range [%s, %s) overlaps " "with existing partitions", IsInfinite(start) ? "NULL" : datum_to_cstring(BoundGetValue(start), value_type), IsInfinite(end) ? "NULL" : datum_to_cstring(BoundGetValue(end), value_type)); else return false; } } return true; } /* Build HASH check constraint expression tree */ Node * build_raw_hash_check_tree(Node *raw_expression, uint32 part_idx, uint32 part_count, Oid relid, Oid value_type) { A_Expr *eq_oper = makeNode(A_Expr); FuncCall *part_idx_call = makeNode(FuncCall), *hash_call = makeNode(FuncCall); A_Const *part_idx_c = makeNode(A_Const), *part_count_c = makeNode(A_Const); List *get_hash_part_idx_proc; Oid hash_proc; TypeCacheEntry *tce; tce = lookup_type_cache(value_type, TYPECACHE_HASH_PROC); hash_proc = tce->hash_proc; /* Total amount of partitions */ part_count_c->val = make_int_value_struct(part_count); part_count_c->location = -1; /* Index of this partition (hash % total amount) */ part_idx_c->val = make_int_value_struct(part_idx); part_idx_c->location = -1; /* Call hash_proc() */ hash_call->funcname = list_make1(makeString(get_func_name(hash_proc))); hash_call->args = list_make1(raw_expression); hash_call->agg_order = NIL; hash_call->agg_filter = NULL; hash_call->agg_within_group = false; hash_call->agg_star = false; hash_call->agg_distinct = false; hash_call->func_variadic = false; hash_call->over = NULL; hash_call->location = -1; /* Build schema-qualified name of function get_hash_part_idx() */ get_hash_part_idx_proc = list_make2(makeString(get_namespace_name(get_pathman_schema())), makeString("get_hash_part_idx")); /* Call get_hash_part_idx() */ part_idx_call->funcname = get_hash_part_idx_proc; part_idx_call->args = list_make2(hash_call, part_count_c); part_idx_call->agg_order = NIL; part_idx_call->agg_filter = NULL; part_idx_call->agg_within_group = false; part_idx_call->agg_star = false; part_idx_call->agg_distinct = false; part_idx_call->func_variadic = false; part_idx_call->over = NULL; part_idx_call->location = -1; /* Construct equality operator */ eq_oper->kind = AEXPR_OP; eq_oper->name = list_make1(makeString("=")); eq_oper->lexpr = (Node *) part_idx_call; eq_oper->rexpr = (Node *) part_idx_c; eq_oper->location = -1; return (Node *) eq_oper; } /* Build complete HASH check constraint */ Constraint * build_hash_check_constraint(Oid child_relid, Node *raw_expression, uint32 part_idx, uint32 part_count, Oid value_type) { Constraint *hash_constr; char *hash_constr_name; /* Build a correct name for this constraint */ hash_constr_name = build_check_constraint_name_relid_internal(child_relid); /* Initialize basic properties of a CHECK constraint */ hash_constr = make_constraint_common(hash_constr_name, build_raw_hash_check_tree(raw_expression, part_idx, part_count, child_relid, value_type)); /* Everything seems to be fine */ return hash_constr; } static Constraint * make_constraint_common(char *name, Node *raw_expr) { Constraint *constraint; /* Initialize basic properties of a CHECK constraint */ constraint = makeNode(Constraint); constraint->conname = name; constraint->deferrable = false; constraint->initdeferred = false; constraint->location = -1; constraint->contype = CONSTR_CHECK; constraint->is_no_inherit = false; /* Validate existing data using this constraint */ constraint->skip_validation = false; constraint->initially_valid = true; /* Finally we should build an expression tree */ constraint->raw_expr = raw_expr; return constraint; } static Value make_string_value_struct(char *str) { Value val; val.type = T_String; val.val.str = str; return val; } static Value make_int_value_struct(int int_val) { Value val; val.type = T_Integer; val.val.ival = int_val; return val; } /* * --------------------- * Callback invocation * --------------------- */ /* Invoke 'init_callback' for a partition */ static void invoke_init_callback_internal(init_callback_params *cb_params) { #define JSB_INIT_VAL(value, val_type, val_cstring) \ do { \ if ((val_cstring) != NULL) \ { \ (value)->type = jbvString; \ (value)->val.string.len = strlen(val_cstring); \ (value)->val.string.val = val_cstring; \ } \ else \ { \ (value)->type = jbvNull; \ Assert((val_type) != WJB_KEY); \ } \ \ pushJsonbValue(&jsonb_state, val_type, (value)); \ } while (0) Oid parent_oid = cb_params->parent_relid; Oid partition_oid = cb_params->partition_relid; FmgrInfo cb_flinfo; FunctionCallInfoData cb_fcinfo; JsonbParseState *jsonb_state = NULL; JsonbValue *result, key, val; char *parent_name, *parent_namespace, *partition_name, *partition_namespace; /* Fetch & cache callback's Oid if needed */ if (!cb_params->callback_is_cached) { Datum param_values[Natts_pathman_config_params]; bool param_isnull[Natts_pathman_config_params]; /* Search for init_callback entry in PATHMAN_CONFIG_PARAMS */ if (read_pathman_params(parent_oid, param_values, param_isnull)) { Datum init_cb_datum; /* signature of init_callback */ AttrNumber init_cb_attno = Anum_pathman_config_params_init_callback; /* Extract Datum storing callback's signature */ init_cb_datum = param_values[init_cb_attno - 1]; /* Cache init_callback's Oid */ if (init_cb_datum) { /* Try fetching callback's Oid */ cb_params->callback = text_to_regprocedure(DatumGetTextP(init_cb_datum)); if (!RegProcedureIsValid(cb_params->callback)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INTEGRITY_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION), errmsg("callback function \"%s\" does not exist", TextDatumGetCString(init_cb_datum)))); } /* There's no callback */ else cb_params->callback = InvalidOid; /* We've made a lookup */ cb_params->callback_is_cached = true; } } /* No callback is set, exit */ if (!OidIsValid(cb_params->callback)) return; /* Validate the callback's signature */ validate_part_callback(cb_params->callback, true); parent_name = get_rel_name(parent_oid); parent_namespace = get_namespace_name(get_rel_namespace(parent_oid)); partition_name = get_rel_name(partition_oid); partition_namespace = get_namespace_name(get_rel_namespace(partition_oid)); /* Generate JSONB we're going to pass to callback */ switch (cb_params->parttype) { case PT_HASH: { pushJsonbValue(&jsonb_state, WJB_BEGIN_OBJECT, NULL); JSB_INIT_VAL(&key, WJB_KEY, "parent"); JSB_INIT_VAL(&val, WJB_VALUE, parent_name); JSB_INIT_VAL(&key, WJB_KEY, "parent_schema"); JSB_INIT_VAL(&val, WJB_VALUE, parent_namespace); JSB_INIT_VAL(&key, WJB_KEY, "partition"); JSB_INIT_VAL(&val, WJB_VALUE, partition_name); JSB_INIT_VAL(&key, WJB_KEY, "partition_schema"); JSB_INIT_VAL(&val, WJB_VALUE, partition_namespace); JSB_INIT_VAL(&key, WJB_KEY, "parttype"); JSB_INIT_VAL(&val, WJB_VALUE, PartTypeToCString(PT_HASH)); result = pushJsonbValue(&jsonb_state, WJB_END_OBJECT, NULL); } break; case PT_RANGE: { char *start_value = NULL, *end_value = NULL; Bound sv_datum = cb_params->params.range_params.start_value, ev_datum = cb_params->params.range_params.end_value; Oid type = cb_params->params.range_params.value_type; /* Convert min to CSTRING */ if (!IsInfinite(&sv_datum)) start_value = datum_to_cstring(BoundGetValue(&sv_datum), type); /* Convert max to CSTRING */ if (!IsInfinite(&ev_datum)) end_value = datum_to_cstring(BoundGetValue(&ev_datum), type); pushJsonbValue(&jsonb_state, WJB_BEGIN_OBJECT, NULL); JSB_INIT_VAL(&key, WJB_KEY, "parent"); JSB_INIT_VAL(&val, WJB_VALUE, parent_name); JSB_INIT_VAL(&key, WJB_KEY, "parent_schema"); JSB_INIT_VAL(&val, WJB_VALUE, parent_namespace); JSB_INIT_VAL(&key, WJB_KEY, "partition"); JSB_INIT_VAL(&val, WJB_VALUE, partition_name); JSB_INIT_VAL(&key, WJB_KEY, "partition_schema"); JSB_INIT_VAL(&val, WJB_VALUE, partition_namespace); JSB_INIT_VAL(&key, WJB_KEY, "parttype"); JSB_INIT_VAL(&val, WJB_VALUE, PartTypeToCString(PT_RANGE)); /* Lower bound */ JSB_INIT_VAL(&key, WJB_KEY, "range_min"); JSB_INIT_VAL(&val, WJB_VALUE, start_value); /* Upper bound */ JSB_INIT_VAL(&key, WJB_KEY, "range_max"); JSB_INIT_VAL(&val, WJB_VALUE, end_value); result = pushJsonbValue(&jsonb_state, WJB_END_OBJECT, NULL); } break; default: WrongPartType(cb_params->parttype); result = NULL; /* keep compiler happy */ } /* Fetch function call data */ fmgr_info(cb_params->callback, &cb_flinfo); InitFunctionCallInfoData(cb_fcinfo, &cb_flinfo, 1, InvalidOid, NULL, NULL); cb_fcinfo.arg[0] = PointerGetDatum(JsonbValueToJsonb(result)); cb_fcinfo.argnull[0] = false; /* Invoke the callback */ FunctionCallInvoke(&cb_fcinfo); } /* Invoke a callback of a specified type */ void invoke_part_callback(init_callback_params *cb_params) { switch (cb_params->cb_type) { case PT_INIT_CALLBACK: invoke_init_callback_internal(cb_params); break; default: elog(ERROR, "Unknown callback type: %u", cb_params->cb_type); } } /* * Checks that callback function meets specific requirements. * It must have the only JSONB argument and BOOL return type. */ bool validate_part_callback(Oid procid, bool emit_error) { HeapTuple tp; Form_pg_proc functup; bool is_ok = true; if (procid == DEFAULT_PATHMAN_INIT_CALLBACK) return true; tp = SearchSysCache1(PROCOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(procid)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tp)) elog(ERROR, "callback function %u does not exist", procid); functup = (Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(tp); if (functup->pronargs != 1 || functup->proargtypes.values[0] != JSONBOID || functup->prorettype != VOIDOID) is_ok = false; ReleaseSysCache(tp); if (emit_error && !is_ok) elog(ERROR, "callback function must have the following signature: " "callback(arg JSONB) RETURNS VOID"); return is_ok; } /* * Utility function that converts signature of procedure into regprocedure. * * Precondition: proc_signature != NULL. * * Returns InvalidOid if proname_args is not found. * Raise error if it's incorrect. */ static Oid text_to_regprocedure(text *proc_signature) { FunctionCallInfoData fcinfo; Datum result; InitFunctionCallInfoData(fcinfo, NULL, 1, InvalidOid, NULL, NULL); #if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 90600 fcinfo.arg[0] = PointerGetDatum(proc_signature); #else fcinfo.arg[0] = CStringGetDatum(text_to_cstring(proc_signature)); #endif fcinfo.argnull[0] = false; result = to_regprocedure(&fcinfo); return DatumGetObjectId(result); } /* Extract column names from raw expression */ static bool extract_column_names(Node *node, List **columns) { if (node == NULL) return false; if (IsA(node, ColumnRef)) { ListCell *lc; foreach(lc, ((ColumnRef *) node)->fields) if (IsA(lfirst(lc), String)) *columns = lappend(*columns, lfirst(lc)); } return raw_expression_tree_walker(node, extract_column_names, columns); } /* Returns raw partitioning expression + expr_type + columns */ static Node * build_partitioning_expression(Oid parent_relid, Oid *expr_type, /* ret val #1 */ List **columns) /* ret val #2 */ { /* Values extracted from PATHMAN_CONFIG */ Datum values[Natts_pathman_config]; bool isnull[Natts_pathman_config]; char *expr_cstr; Node *expr; /* Check that table is registered in PATHMAN_CONFIG */ if (!pathman_config_contains_relation(parent_relid, values, isnull, NULL, NULL)) elog(ERROR, "table \"%s\" is not partitioned", get_rel_name_or_relid(parent_relid)); expr_cstr = TextDatumGetCString(values[Anum_pathman_config_expr - 1]); expr = parse_partitioning_expression(parent_relid, expr_cstr, NULL, NULL); pfree(expr_cstr); /* We need expression type for hash functions */ if (expr_type) { char *expr_p_cstr; /* We can safely assume that this field will always remain not null */ Assert(!isnull[Anum_pathman_config_cooked_expr - 1]); expr_p_cstr = TextDatumGetCString(values[Anum_pathman_config_cooked_expr - 1]); /* Finally return expression type */ *expr_type = exprType(stringToNode(expr_p_cstr)); } if (columns) { /* Column list should be empty */ AssertArg(*columns == NIL); extract_column_names(expr, columns); } return expr; } /* * ------------------------- * Update trigger creation * ------------------------- */ /* Create trigger for partition */ void create_single_update_trigger_internal(Oid partition_relid, const char *trigname, List *columns) { CreateTrigStmt *stmt; List *func; func = list_make2(makeString(get_namespace_name(get_pathman_schema())), makeString(CppAsString(pathman_update_trigger_func))); stmt = makeNode(CreateTrigStmt); stmt->trigname = (char *) trigname; stmt->relation = makeRangeVarFromRelid(partition_relid); stmt->funcname = func; stmt->args = NIL; stmt->row = true; stmt->timing = TRIGGER_TYPE_BEFORE; stmt->events = TRIGGER_TYPE_UPDATE; stmt->columns = columns; stmt->whenClause = NULL; stmt->isconstraint = false; stmt->deferrable = false; stmt->initdeferred = false; stmt->constrrel = NULL; (void) CreateTrigger(stmt, NULL, InvalidOid, InvalidOid, InvalidOid, InvalidOid, false); } /* Check if relation has pg_pathman's update trigger */ bool has_update_trigger_internal(Oid parent_relid) { bool res = false; Relation tgrel; SysScanDesc scan; ScanKeyData key[1]; HeapTuple tuple; const char *trigname; /* Build update trigger's name */ trigname = build_update_trigger_name_internal(parent_relid); tgrel = heap_open(TriggerRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); ScanKeyInit(&key[0], Anum_pg_trigger_tgrelid, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ, ObjectIdGetDatum(parent_relid)); scan = systable_beginscan(tgrel, TriggerRelidNameIndexId, true, NULL, lengthof(key), key); while (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple = systable_getnext(scan))) { Form_pg_trigger trigger = (Form_pg_trigger) GETSTRUCT(tuple); if (namestrcmp(&(trigger->tgname), trigname) == 0) { res = true; break; } } systable_endscan(scan); heap_close(tgrel, RowExclusiveLock); return res; }