\set VERBOSITY terse SET search_path = 'public'; CREATE EXTENSION pg_pathman; CREATE SCHEMA test_updates; /* * Test UPDATEs on a partition with different TupleDescriptor. */ /* create partitioned table */ CREATE TABLE test_updates.test(a FLOAT4, val INT4 NOT NULL, b FLOAT8); INSERT INTO test_updates.test SELECT i, i, i FROM generate_series(1, 100) AS i; SELECT create_range_partitions('test_updates.test', 'val', 1, 10); /* drop column 'a' */ ALTER TABLE test_updates.test DROP COLUMN a; /* append new partition */ SELECT append_range_partition('test_updates.test'); INSERT INTO test_updates.test_11 (val, b) VALUES (101, 10); VACUUM ANALYZE; /* tuple descs are the same */ EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) UPDATE test_updates.test SET b = 0 WHERE val = 1; UPDATE test_updates.test SET b = 0 WHERE val = 1 RETURNING *, tableoid::REGCLASS; /* tuple descs are different */ EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) UPDATE test_updates.test SET b = 0 WHERE val = 101; UPDATE test_updates.test SET b = 0 WHERE val = 101 RETURNING *, tableoid::REGCLASS; CREATE TABLE test_updates.test_dummy (val INT4); EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) UPDATE test_updates.test SET val = val + 1 WHERE val = 101 AND val = ANY (TABLE test_updates.test_dummy) RETURNING *, tableoid::REGCLASS; EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) UPDATE test_updates.test t1 SET b = 0 FROM test_updates.test_dummy t2 WHERE t1.val = 101 AND t1.val = t2.val RETURNING t1.*, t1.tableoid::REGCLASS; EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) UPDATE test_updates.test SET b = 0 WHERE val = 101 AND test >= (100, 8) RETURNING *, tableoid::REGCLASS; /* execute this one */ UPDATE test_updates.test SET b = 0 WHERE val = 101 AND test >= (100, -1) RETURNING test; DROP TABLE test_updates.test_dummy; DROP SCHEMA test_updates CASCADE; DROP EXTENSION pg_pathman;