\set VERBOSITY terse CREATE EXTENSION pg_pathman; CREATE SCHEMA permissions; CREATE ROLE user1 LOGIN; CREATE ROLE user2 LOGIN; GRANT USAGE, CREATE ON SCHEMA permissions TO user1; GRANT USAGE, CREATE ON SCHEMA permissions TO user2; /* Switch to #1 */ SET ROLE user1; CREATE TABLE permissions.user1_table(id serial, a int); INSERT INTO permissions.user1_table SELECT g, g FROM generate_series(1, 20) as g; /* Should fail (can't SELECT) */ SET ROLE user2; SELECT create_range_partitions('permissions.user1_table', 'id', 1, 10, 2); ERROR: permission denied for relation user1_table /* Grant SELECT to user2 */ SET ROLE user1; GRANT SELECT ON permissions.user1_table TO user2; /* Should fail (don't own parent) */ SET ROLE user2; SELECT create_range_partitions('permissions.user1_table', 'id', 1, 10, 2); WARNING: only the owner or superuser can change partitioning configuration of table "user1_table" ERROR: new row violates row-level security policy for table "pathman_config" /* Should be ok */ SET ROLE user1; SELECT create_range_partitions('permissions.user1_table', 'id', 1, 10, 2); NOTICE: sequence "user1_table_seq" does not exist, skipping create_range_partitions ------------------------- 2 (1 row) /* Should be able to see */ SET ROLE user2; SELECT * FROM pathman_config; partrel | attname | parttype | range_interval -------------------------+---------+----------+---------------- permissions.user1_table | id | 2 | 10 (1 row) SELECT * FROM pathman_config_params; partrel | enable_parent | auto | init_callback | spawn_using_bgw -------------------------+---------------+------+---------------+----------------- permissions.user1_table | f | t | - | f (1 row) /* Should fail */ SET ROLE user2; SELECT set_enable_parent('permissions.user1_table', true); WARNING: only the owner or superuser can change partitioning configuration of table "user1_table" ERROR: new row violates row-level security policy for table "pathman_config_params" SELECT set_auto('permissions.user1_table', false); WARNING: only the owner or superuser can change partitioning configuration of table "user1_table" ERROR: new row violates row-level security policy for table "pathman_config_params" /* Should fail */ SET ROLE user2; DELETE FROM pathman_config WHERE partrel = 'permissions.user1_table'::regclass; WARNING: only the owner or superuser can change partitioning configuration of table "user1_table" /* No rights to insert, should fail */ SET ROLE user2; INSERT INTO permissions.user1_table (id, a) VALUES (35, 0); ERROR: permission denied for relation user1_table /* No rights to create partitions (need INSERT privilege) */ SET ROLE user2; SELECT prepend_range_partition('permissions.user1_table'); ERROR: permission denied for parent relation "user1_table" /* Allow user2 to create partitions */ SET ROLE user1; GRANT INSERT ON permissions.user1_table TO user2; GRANT UPDATE(a) ON permissions.user1_table TO user2; /* per-column ACL */ /* Should be able to prepend a partition */ SET ROLE user2; SELECT prepend_range_partition('permissions.user1_table'); prepend_range_partition --------------------------- permissions.user1_table_4 (1 row) SELECT attname, attacl from pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = (SELECT partition FROM pathman_partition_list WHERE parent = 'permissions.user1_table'::REGCLASS ORDER BY range_min::int ASC /* prepend */ LIMIT 1) ORDER BY attname; /* check ACL for each column */ attname | attacl ----------+----------------- a | {user2=w/user1} cmax | cmin | ctid | id | tableoid | xmax | xmin | (8 rows) /* Have rights, should be ok (parent's ACL is shared by new children) */ SET ROLE user2; INSERT INTO permissions.user1_table (id, a) VALUES (35, 0) RETURNING *; id | a ----+--- 35 | 0 (1 row) SELECT relname, relacl FROM pg_class WHERE oid = ANY (SELECT partition FROM pathman_partition_list WHERE parent = 'permissions.user1_table'::REGCLASS ORDER BY range_max::int DESC /* append */ LIMIT 3) ORDER BY relname; /* we also check ACL for "user1_table_2" */ relname | relacl ---------------+-------------------------------------- user1_table_2 | {user1=arwdDxt/user1,user2=r/user1} user1_table_5 | {user1=arwdDxt/user1,user2=ar/user1} user1_table_6 | {user1=arwdDxt/user1,user2=ar/user1} (3 rows) /* Try to drop partition, should fail */ SELECT drop_range_partition('permissions.user1_table_4'); ERROR: must be owner of relation user1_table_4 /* Disable automatic partition creation */ SET ROLE user1; SELECT set_auto('permissions.user1_table', false); set_auto ---------- (1 row) /* Partition creation, should fail */ SET ROLE user2; INSERT INTO permissions.user1_table (id, a) VALUES (55, 0) RETURNING *; ERROR: no suitable partition for key '55' /* Finally drop partitions */ SET ROLE user1; SELECT drop_partitions('permissions.user1_table'); NOTICE: function permissions.user1_table_upd_trig_func() does not exist, skipping NOTICE: 10 rows copied from permissions.user1_table_1 NOTICE: 10 rows copied from permissions.user1_table_2 NOTICE: 0 rows copied from permissions.user1_table_4 NOTICE: 0 rows copied from permissions.user1_table_5 NOTICE: 1 rows copied from permissions.user1_table_6 drop_partitions ----------------- 5 (1 row) /* Switch to #2 */ SET ROLE user2; /* Test ddl event trigger */ CREATE TABLE permissions.user2_table(id serial); SELECT create_hash_partitions('permissions.user2_table', 'id', 3); create_hash_partitions ------------------------ 3 (1 row) INSERT INTO permissions.user2_table SELECT generate_series(1, 30); SELECT drop_partitions('permissions.user2_table'); NOTICE: function permissions.user2_table_upd_trig_func() does not exist, skipping NOTICE: 9 rows copied from permissions.user2_table_0 NOTICE: 11 rows copied from permissions.user2_table_1 NOTICE: 10 rows copied from permissions.user2_table_2 drop_partitions ----------------- 3 (1 row) /* Finally reset user */ RESET ROLE; DROP OWNED BY user1; DROP OWNED BY user2; DROP USER user1; DROP USER user2; DROP SCHEMA permissions CASCADE; DROP EXTENSION pg_pathman;