CREATE FUNCTION @extschema@.dump_partitioned_table_definition( p_parent_table text, p_ignore_template_table boolean DEFAULT false ) RETURNS text LANGUAGE PLPGSQL STABLE AS $$ DECLARE v_create_parent_definition text; v_update_part_config_definition text; -- Columns from part_config table. v_parent_table text; -- NOT NULL v_control text; -- NOT NULL v_partition_type text; -- NOT NULL v_partition_interval text; -- NOT NULL v_constraint_cols TEXT[]; v_premake integer; -- NOT NULL v_optimize_constraint integer; -- NOT NULL v_epoch text; -- NOT NULL v_retention text; v_retention_schema text; v_retention_keep_index boolean; v_retention_keep_table boolean; -- NOT NULL v_infinite_time_partitions boolean; -- NOT NULL v_datetime_string text; v_automatic_maintenance text; -- NOT NULL v_jobmon boolean; -- NOT NULL v_sub_partition_set_full boolean; -- NOT NULL v_template_table text; v_inherit_privileges boolean; -- DEFAULT false v_constraint_valid boolean; -- DEFAULT true NOT NULL v_ignore_default_data boolean; -- DEFAULT false NOT NULL v_date_trunc_interval text; v_maintenance_order int; v_retention_keep_publication boolean; v_parent_schemaname text; v_parent_tablename text; v_default_exists boolean; v_default_tablename text; v_sql text; v_notnull boolean; BEGIN SELECT pc.parent_table, pc.control, pc.partition_type, pc.partition_interval, pc.constraint_cols, pc.premake, pc.optimize_constraint, pc.epoch, pc.retention, pc.retention_schema, pc.retention_keep_index, pc.retention_keep_table, pc.infinite_time_partitions, pc.datetime_string, pc.automatic_maintenance, pc.jobmon, pc.sub_partition_set_full, pc.template_table, pc.inherit_privileges, pc.constraint_valid, pc.ignore_default_data, pc.date_trunc_interval, pc.maintenance_order, pc.retention_keep_publication INTO v_parent_table, v_control, v_partition_type, v_partition_interval, v_constraint_cols, v_premake, v_optimize_constraint, v_epoch, v_retention, v_retention_schema, v_retention_keep_index, v_retention_keep_table, v_infinite_time_partitions, v_datetime_string, v_automatic_maintenance, v_jobmon, v_sub_partition_set_full, v_template_table, v_inherit_privileges, v_constraint_valid, v_ignore_default_data, v_date_trunc_interval, v_maintenance_order, v_retention_keep_publication FROM @extschema@.part_config pc WHERE pc.parent_table = p_parent_table; IF v_parent_table IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Given parent table not found in pg_partman configuration table: %', p_parent_table; END IF; IF p_ignore_template_table THEN v_template_table := NULL; END IF; SELECT schemaname, tablename INTO v_parent_schemaname, v_parent_tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = split_part(p_parent_table, '.', 1)::name AND tablename = split_part(p_parent_table, '.', 2)::name; -- Check to see if table has a default v_sql := format('SELECT c.relname FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits h JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON c.oid = h.inhrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE h.inhparent = ''%I.%I''::regclass AND pg_get_expr(relpartbound, c.oid) = ''DEFAULT''' , v_parent_schemaname , v_parent_tablename); EXECUTE v_sql INTO v_default_tablename; IF v_default_tablename IS NOT NULL THEN v_default_exists := true; ELSE v_default_exists := false; END IF; SELECT attnotnull INTO v_notnull FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON a.attrelid = c.oid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE c.relname = v_parent_tablename::name AND n.nspname = v_parent_schemaname::name AND a.attname = v_control::name; v_create_parent_definition := format( E'SELECT @extschema@.create_parent( \tp_parent_table := %L, \tp_control := %L, \tp_interval := %L, \tp_type := %L, \tp_epoch := %L, \tp_premake := %s, \tp_default_table := %L, \tp_automatic_maintenance := %L, \tp_constraint_cols := %L, \tp_template_table := %L, \tp_jobmon := %L, \tp_date_trunc_interval := %L, \tp_control_not_null := %L );', v_parent_table, v_control, v_partition_interval, v_partition_type, v_epoch, v_premake, v_default_exists, v_automatic_maintenance, v_constraint_cols, v_template_table, v_jobmon, v_date_trunc_interval, v_notnull ); v_update_part_config_definition := format( E'UPDATE @extschema@.part_config SET \toptimize_constraint = %s, \tretention = %L, \tretention_schema = %L, \tretention_keep_index = %L, \tretention_keep_table = %L, \tinfinite_time_partitions = %L, \tdatetime_string = %L, \tsub_partition_set_full = %L, \tinherit_privileges = %L, \tconstraint_valid = %L, \tignore_default_data = %L, \tmaintenance_order = %L, \tretention_keep_publication = %L WHERE parent_table = %L;', v_optimize_constraint, v_retention, v_retention_schema, v_retention_keep_index, v_retention_keep_table, v_infinite_time_partitions, v_datetime_string, v_sub_partition_set_full, v_inherit_privileges, v_constraint_valid, v_ignore_default_data, v_maintenance_order, v_retention_keep_publication, v_parent_table ); RETURN concat_ws(E'\n', v_create_parent_definition, v_update_part_config_definition ); END $$;