CREATE TABLE @extschema@.part_config ( parent_table text NOT NULL , control text NOT NULL , partition_interval text NOT NULL , partition_type text NOT NULL , premake int NOT NULL DEFAULT 4 , automatic_maintenance text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'on' , template_table text , retention text , retention_schema text , retention_keep_index boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true , retention_keep_table boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true , epoch text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none' , constraint_cols text[] , optimize_constraint int NOT NULL DEFAULT 30 , infinite_time_partitions boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false , datetime_string text , jobmon boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true , sub_partition_set_full boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false , undo_in_progress boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false , inherit_privileges boolean DEFAULT false , constraint_valid boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL , ignore_default_data boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true , default_table boolean DEFAULT true , date_trunc_interval text , maintenance_order int , retention_keep_publication boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false , maintenance_last_run timestamptz , CONSTRAINT part_config_parent_table_pkey PRIMARY KEY (parent_table) , CONSTRAINT positive_premake_check CHECK (premake > 0) ); CREATE INDEX part_config_type_idx ON @extschema@.part_config (partition_type); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('@extschema@.part_config'::regclass, ''); -- FK set deferrable because create_parent() & create_sub_parent() inserts to this table before part_config CREATE TABLE @extschema@.part_config_sub ( sub_parent text , sub_control text NOT NULL , sub_partition_interval text NOT NULL , sub_partition_type text NOT NULL , sub_premake int NOT NULL DEFAULT 4 , sub_automatic_maintenance text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'on' , sub_template_table text , sub_retention text , sub_retention_schema text , sub_retention_keep_index boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true , sub_retention_keep_table boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true , sub_epoch text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none' , sub_constraint_cols text[] , sub_optimize_constraint int NOT NULL DEFAULT 30 , sub_infinite_time_partitions boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false , sub_jobmon boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true , sub_inherit_privileges boolean DEFAULT false , sub_constraint_valid boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL , sub_ignore_default_data boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true , sub_default_table boolean default true , sub_date_trunc_interval TEXT , sub_maintenance_order int , sub_retention_keep_publication boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false , CONSTRAINT part_config_sub_pkey PRIMARY KEY (sub_parent) , CONSTRAINT part_config_sub_sub_parent_fkey FOREIGN KEY (sub_parent) REFERENCES @extschema@.part_config (parent_table) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED , CONSTRAINT positive_premake_check CHECK (sub_premake > 0) ); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('@extschema@.part_config_sub'::regclass, ''); -- Ensure the control column cannot be one of the additional constraint columns. ALTER TABLE @extschema@.part_config ADD CONSTRAINT control_constraint_col_chk CHECK ((constraint_cols @> ARRAY[control]) <> true); ALTER TABLE @extschema@.part_config_sub ADD CONSTRAINT control_constraint_col_chk CHECK ((sub_constraint_cols @> ARRAY[sub_control]) <> true); ALTER TABLE @extschema@.part_config ADD CONSTRAINT retention_schema_not_empty_chk CHECK (retention_schema <> ''); ALTER TABLE @extschema@.part_config_sub ADD CONSTRAINT retention_schema_not_empty_chk CHECK (sub_retention_schema <> ''); /* * Custom view to help improve privilege lookups for pg_partman. * information_schema is a performance bottleneck since indexes aren't being used properly. */ CREATE VIEW @extschema@.table_privs AS SELECT u_grantor.rolname AS grantor, grantee.rolname AS grantee, nc.nspname AS table_schema, c.relname AS table_name, c.prtype AS privilege_type FROM ( SELECT oid, relname, relnamespace, relkind, relowner, (aclexplode(coalesce(relacl, acldefault('r', relowner)))).* FROM pg_class ) AS c (oid, relname, relnamespace, relkind, relowner, grantor, grantee, prtype, grantable), pg_namespace nc, pg_roles u_grantor, ( SELECT oid, rolname FROM pg_roles UNION ALL SELECT 0::oid, 'PUBLIC' ) AS grantee (oid, rolname) WHERE c.relnamespace = nc.oid AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'v', 'p') AND c.grantee = grantee.oid AND c.grantor = u_grantor.oid AND c.prtype IN ('INSERT', 'SELECT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE', 'TRUNCATE', 'REFERENCES', 'TRIGGER') AND (pg_has_role(u_grantor.oid, 'USAGE') OR pg_has_role(grantee.oid, 'USAGE') OR grantee.rolname = 'PUBLIC' ); -- Put constraint functions & definitions here because having them in a separate file makes the ordering of their creation harder to control. Some require the above tables to exist first. /* * Check for valid config values for automatic maintenance * (not boolean to allow future values) */ CREATE FUNCTION @extschema@.check_automatic_maintenance_value (p_automatic_maintenance text) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE AS $$ DECLARE v_result boolean; BEGIN SELECT p_automatic_maintenance IN ('on', 'off') INTO v_result; RETURN v_result; END $$; ALTER TABLE @extschema@.part_config ADD CONSTRAINT part_config_automatic_maintenance_check CHECK (@extschema@.check_automatic_maintenance_value(automatic_maintenance)); ALTER TABLE @extschema@.part_config_sub ADD CONSTRAINT part_config_sub_automatic_maintenance_check CHECK (@extschema@.check_automatic_maintenance_value(sub_automatic_maintenance)); /* * Check function for config table epoch types */ CREATE FUNCTION @extschema@.check_epoch_type (p_type text) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path TO pg_catalog, pg_temp AS $$ DECLARE v_result boolean; BEGIN SELECT p_type IN ('none', 'seconds', 'milliseconds', 'nanoseconds') INTO v_result; RETURN v_result; END $$; ALTER TABLE @extschema@.part_config ADD CONSTRAINT part_config_epoch_check CHECK (@extschema@.check_epoch_type(epoch)); ALTER TABLE @extschema@.part_config_sub ADD CONSTRAINT part_config_sub_epoch_check CHECK (@extschema@.check_epoch_type(sub_epoch)); /* * Check for valid config table partition types */ -- Allow hash in future update CREATE FUNCTION @extschema@.check_partition_type (p_type text) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path TO pg_catalog, pg_temp AS $$ DECLARE v_result boolean; BEGIN SELECT p_type IN ('range', 'list') INTO v_result; RETURN v_result; END $$; ALTER TABLE @extschema@.part_config ADD CONSTRAINT part_config_type_check CHECK (@extschema@.check_partition_type(partition_type)); ALTER TABLE @extschema@.part_config_sub ADD CONSTRAINT part_config_sub_type_check CHECK (@extschema@.check_partition_type(sub_partition_type));