CREATE FUNCTION @extschema@.create_parent( p_parent_table text , p_control text , p_interval text , p_type text DEFAULT 'range' , p_epoch text DEFAULT 'none' , p_premake int DEFAULT 4 , p_start_partition text DEFAULT NULL , p_default_table boolean DEFAULT true , p_automatic_maintenance text DEFAULT 'on' , p_constraint_cols text[] DEFAULT NULL , p_template_table text DEFAULT NULL , p_jobmon boolean DEFAULT true , p_date_trunc_interval text DEFAULT NULL ) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE ex_context text; ex_detail text; ex_hint text; ex_message text; v_base_timestamp timestamptz; v_count int := 1; v_control_type text; v_control_exact_type text; v_datetime_string text; v_default_partition text; v_higher_control_type text; v_higher_parent_control text; v_higher_parent_epoch text; v_higher_parent_schema text := split_part(p_parent_table, '.', 1); v_higher_parent_table text := split_part(p_parent_table, '.', 2); v_id_interval bigint; v_inherit_privileges boolean := false; -- This is false by default so initial partition set creation doesn't require superuser. v_job_id bigint; v_jobmon_schema text; v_last_partition_created boolean; v_max bigint; v_notnull boolean; v_new_search_path text; v_old_search_path text; v_parent_owner text; v_parent_partition_id bigint; v_parent_partition_timestamp timestamptz; v_parent_schema text; v_parent_tablename text; v_parent_tablespace name; v_part_col text; v_part_type text; v_partattrs smallint[]; v_partition_time timestamptz; v_partition_time_array timestamptz[]; v_partition_id_array bigint[]; v_partstrat char; v_row record; v_sql text; v_start_time timestamptz; v_starting_partition_id bigint; v_step_id bigint; v_step_overflow_id bigint; v_success boolean := false; v_template_schema text; v_template_tablename text; v_time_interval interval; v_top_parent_schema text := split_part(p_parent_table, '.', 1); v_top_parent_table text := split_part(p_parent_table, '.', 2); v_unlogged char; BEGIN /* * Function to turn a table into the parent of a partition set */ IF array_length(string_to_array(p_parent_table, '.'), 1) < 2 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Parent table must be schema qualified'; ELSIF array_length(string_to_array(p_parent_table, '.'), 1) > 2 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'pg_partman does not support objects with periods in their names'; END IF; IF p_interval = 'yearly' OR p_interval = 'quarterly' OR p_interval = 'monthly' OR p_interval = 'weekly' OR p_interval = 'daily' OR p_interval = 'hourly' OR p_interval = 'half-hour' OR p_interval = 'quarter-hour' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Special partition interval values from old pg_partman versions (%) are no longer supported. Please use a supported interval time value from core PostgreSQL (', p_interval; END IF; SELECT n.nspname , c.relname , c.relpersistence , t.spcname INTO v_parent_schema , v_parent_tablename , v_unlogged , v_parent_tablespace FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_tablespace t ON c.reltablespace = t.oid WHERE n.nspname = split_part(p_parent_table, '.', 1)::name AND c.relname = split_part(p_parent_table, '.', 2)::name; IF v_parent_tablename IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Unable to find given parent table in system catalogs. Please create parent table first: %', p_parent_table; END IF; SELECT attnotnull INTO v_notnull FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON a.attrelid = c.oid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE c.relname = v_parent_tablename::name AND n.nspname = v_parent_schema::name AND a.attname = p_control::name; IF (v_notnull = false OR v_notnull IS NULL) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Control column given (%) for parent table (%) does not exist or must be set to NOT NULL', p_control, p_parent_table; END IF; SELECT general_type, exact_type INTO v_control_type, v_control_exact_type FROM @extschema@.check_control_type(v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename, p_control); IF v_control_type IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'pg_partman only supports partitioning of data types that are integer, numeric or date/timestamp. Supplied column is of type %', v_control_exact_type; END IF; IF (p_epoch <> 'none' AND v_control_type <> 'id') THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'p_epoch can only be used with an integer based control column'; END IF; IF NOT @extschema@.check_partition_type(p_type) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '% is not a valid partitioning type for pg_partman', p_type; END IF; IF current_setting('server_version_num')::int < 140000 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'pg_partman requires PostgreSQL 14 or greater'; END IF; -- Check if given parent table has been already set up as a partitioned table SELECT p.partstrat , p.partattrs INTO v_partstrat , v_partattrs FROM pg_catalog.pg_partitioned_table p JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON p.partrelid = c.oid JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = v_parent_schema::name AND c.relname = v_parent_tablename::name; IF v_partstrat NOT IN ('r', 'l') OR v_partstrat IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'You must have created the given parent table as ranged or list partitioned already. Ex: CREATE TABLE ... PARTITION BY [RANGE|LIST] ...)'; END IF; IF array_length(v_partattrs, 1) > 1 THEN RAISE NOTICE 'pg_partman only supports single column partitioning at this time. Found % columns in given parent definition.', array_length(v_partattrs, 1); END IF; SELECT a.attname, t.typname INTO v_part_col, v_part_type FROM pg_attribute a JOIN pg_class c ON a.attrelid = c.oid JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid JOIN pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid WHERE n.nspname = v_parent_schema::name AND c.relname = v_parent_tablename::name AND attnum IN (SELECT unnest(partattrs) FROM pg_partitioned_table p WHERE a.attrelid = p.partrelid); IF p_control <> v_part_col OR v_control_exact_type <> v_part_type THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Control column and type given in arguments (%, %) does not match the control column and type of the given partition set (%, %)', p_control, v_control_exact_type, v_part_col, v_part_type; END IF; -- Check that control column is a usable type for pg_partman. IF v_control_type NOT IN ('time', 'id') THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Only date/time or integer types are allowed for the control column.'; END IF; -- Table to handle properties not managed by core PostgreSQL yet IF p_template_table IS NULL THEN v_template_schema := '@extschema@'; v_template_tablename := @extschema@.check_name_length('template_'||v_parent_schema||'_'||v_parent_tablename); EXECUTE format('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %I.%I (LIKE %I.%I)', v_template_schema, v_template_tablename, v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename); SELECT pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) INTO v_parent_owner FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = v_parent_schema::name AND c.relname = v_parent_tablename::name; EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %s.%I OWNER TO %I' , '@extschema@' , v_template_tablename , v_parent_owner); ELSIF lower(p_template_table) IN ('false', 'f') THEN v_template_schema := NULL; v_template_tablename := NULL; RAISE DEBUG 'create_parent(): parent_table: %, skipped template table creation', p_parent_table; ELSE SELECT n.nspname, c.relname INTO v_template_schema, v_template_tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = split_part(p_template_table, '.', 1)::name AND c.relname = split_part(p_template_table, '.', 2)::name; IF v_template_tablename IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Unable to find given template table in system catalogs (%). Please create template table first or leave parameter NULL to have a default one created for you.', p_parent_table; END IF; END IF; SELECT current_setting('search_path') INTO v_old_search_path; IF length(v_old_search_path) > 0 THEN v_new_search_path := '@extschema@,pg_temp,'||v_old_search_path; ELSE v_new_search_path := '@extschema@,pg_temp'; END IF; IF p_jobmon THEN SELECT nspname INTO v_jobmon_schema FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_extension e WHERE e.extname = 'pg_jobmon'::name AND e.extnamespace = n.oid; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_new_search_path := format('%s,%s',v_jobmon_schema, v_new_search_path); END IF; END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', v_new_search_path, 'false'); EXECUTE format('LOCK TABLE %I.%I IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE', v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename); IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_job_id := add_job(format('PARTMAN SETUP PARENT: %s', p_parent_table)); v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Creating initial partitions on new parent table: %s', p_parent_table)); END IF; -- If this parent table has siblings that are also partitioned (subpartitions), ensure this parent gets added to part_config_sub table so future maintenance will subpartition it -- Just doing in a loop to avoid having to assign a bunch of variables (should only run once, if at all; constraint should enforce only one value.) FOR v_row IN WITH parent_table AS ( SELECT h.inhparent AS parent_oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits h JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON h.inhrelid = c.oid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE c.relname = v_parent_tablename::name AND n.nspname = v_parent_schema::name ), sibling_children AS ( SELECT i.inhrelid::regclass::text AS tablename FROM pg_inherits i JOIN parent_table p ON i.inhparent = p.parent_oid ) -- This column list must be kept consistent between: -- create_parent, check_subpart_sameconfig, create_partition_id, create_partition_time, dump_partitioned_table_definition and table definition SELECT DISTINCT a.sub_control , a.sub_partition_interval , a.sub_partition_type , a.sub_premake , a.sub_automatic_maintenance , a.sub_template_table , a.sub_retention , a.sub_retention_schema , a.sub_retention_keep_index , a.sub_retention_keep_table , a.sub_epoch , a.sub_constraint_cols , a.sub_optimize_constraint , a.sub_infinite_time_partitions , a.sub_jobmon , a.sub_inherit_privileges , a.sub_constraint_valid , a.sub_date_trunc_interval , a.sub_ignore_default_data , a.sub_default_table , a.sub_retention_keep_publication FROM @extschema@.part_config_sub a JOIN sibling_children b on a.sub_parent = b.tablename LIMIT 1 LOOP INSERT INTO @extschema@.part_config_sub ( sub_parent , sub_partition_type , sub_control , sub_partition_interval , sub_constraint_cols , sub_premake , sub_retention , sub_retention_schema , sub_retention_keep_table , sub_retention_keep_index , sub_automatic_maintenance , sub_epoch , sub_optimize_constraint , sub_infinite_time_partitions , sub_jobmon , sub_template_table , sub_inherit_privileges , sub_constraint_valid , sub_date_trunc_interval , sub_ignore_default_data , sub_retention_keep_publication) VALUES ( p_parent_table , v_row.sub_partition_type , v_row.sub_control , v_row.sub_partition_interval , v_row.sub_constraint_cols , v_row.sub_premake , v_row.sub_retention , v_row.sub_retention_schema , v_row.sub_retention_keep_index , v_row.sub_retention_keep_table , v_row.sub_automatic_maintenance , v_row.sub_epoch , v_row.sub_optimize_constraint , v_row.sub_infinite_time_partitions , v_row.sub_jobmon , v_row.sub_template_table , v_row.sub_inherit_privileges , v_row.sub_constraint_valid , v_row.sub_date_trunc_interval , v_row.sub_ignore_default_data , v_row.sub_retention_keep_publication); -- Set this equal to sibling configs so that newly created child table -- privileges are set properly below during initial setup. -- This setting is special because it applies immediately to the new child -- tables of a given parent, not just during maintenance like most other settings. v_inherit_privileges = v_row.sub_inherit_privileges; END LOOP; IF v_control_type = 'time' OR (v_control_type = 'id' AND p_epoch <> 'none') THEN v_time_interval := p_interval::interval; IF v_time_interval < '1 second'::interval THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Partitioning interval must be 1 second or greater'; END IF; -- First partition is either the min premake or p_start_partition v_start_time := COALESCE(p_start_partition::timestamptz, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - (v_time_interval * p_premake)); SELECT base_timestamp, datetime_string INTO v_base_timestamp, v_datetime_string FROM @extschema@.calculate_time_partition_info(v_time_interval, v_start_time, p_date_trunc_interval); RAISE DEBUG 'create_parent(): parent_table: %, v_base_timestamp: %', p_parent_table, v_base_timestamp; v_partition_time_array := array_append(v_partition_time_array, v_base_timestamp); LOOP -- If current loop value is less than or equal to the value of the max premake, add time to array. IF (v_base_timestamp + (v_time_interval * v_count)) < (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + (v_time_interval * p_premake)) THEN BEGIN v_partition_time := (v_base_timestamp + (v_time_interval * v_count))::timestamptz; v_partition_time_array := array_append(v_partition_time_array, v_partition_time); EXCEPTION WHEN datetime_field_overflow THEN RAISE WARNING 'Attempted partition time interval is outside PostgreSQL''s supported time range. Child partition creation after time % skipped', v_partition_time; v_step_overflow_id := add_step(v_job_id, 'Attempted partition time interval is outside PostgreSQL''s supported time range.'); PERFORM update_step(v_step_overflow_id, 'CRITICAL', 'Child partition creation after time '||v_partition_time||' skipped'); CONTINUE; END; ELSE EXIT; -- all needed partitions added to array. Exit the loop. END IF; v_count := v_count + 1; END LOOP; INSERT INTO @extschema@.part_config ( parent_table , partition_type , partition_interval , epoch , control , premake , constraint_cols , datetime_string , automatic_maintenance , jobmon , template_table , inherit_privileges , default_table , date_trunc_interval) VALUES ( p_parent_table , p_type , v_time_interval , p_epoch , p_control , p_premake , p_constraint_cols , v_datetime_string , p_automatic_maintenance , p_jobmon , v_template_schema||'.'||v_template_tablename , v_inherit_privileges , p_default_table , p_date_trunc_interval); RAISE DEBUG 'create_parent: v_partition_time_array: %', v_partition_time_array; v_last_partition_created := @extschema@.create_partition_time(p_parent_table, v_partition_time_array); IF v_last_partition_created = false THEN -- This can happen with subpartitioning when future or past partitions prevent child creation because they're out of range of the parent -- First see if this parent is a subpartition managed by pg_partman WITH top_oid AS ( SELECT i.inhparent AS top_parent_oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON c.oid = i.inhrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relname = v_parent_tablename::name AND n.nspname = v_parent_schema::name ) SELECT n.nspname, c.relname INTO v_top_parent_schema, v_top_parent_table FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace JOIN top_oid t ON c.oid = t.top_parent_oid JOIN @extschema@.part_config p ON p.parent_table = n.nspname||'.'||c.relname; IF v_top_parent_table IS NOT NULL THEN -- If so create the lowest possible partition that is within the boundary of the parent SELECT child_start_time INTO v_parent_partition_timestamp FROM @extschema@.show_partition_info(p_parent_table, p_parent_table := v_top_parent_schema||'.'||v_top_parent_table); IF v_base_timestamp >= v_parent_partition_timestamp THEN WHILE v_base_timestamp >= v_parent_partition_timestamp LOOP v_base_timestamp := v_base_timestamp - v_time_interval; END LOOP; v_base_timestamp := v_base_timestamp + v_time_interval; -- add one back since while loop set it one lower than is needed ELSIF v_base_timestamp < v_parent_partition_timestamp THEN WHILE v_base_timestamp < v_parent_partition_timestamp LOOP v_base_timestamp := v_base_timestamp + v_time_interval; END LOOP; -- Don't need to remove one since new starting time will fit in top parent interval END IF; v_partition_time_array := NULL; v_partition_time_array := array_append(v_partition_time_array, v_base_timestamp); v_last_partition_created := @extschema@.create_partition_time(p_parent_table, v_partition_time_array); ELSE RAISE WARNING 'No child tables created. Check that all child tables did not already exist and may not have been part of partition set. Given parent has still been configured with pg_partman, but may not have expected children. Please review schema and config to confirm things are ok.'; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); IF v_step_overflow_id IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM fail_job(v_job_id); ELSE PERFORM close_job(v_job_id); END IF; END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', v_old_search_path, 'false'); RETURN v_success; END IF; END IF; -- End v_last_partition IF IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', format('Time partitions premade: %s', p_premake)); END IF; END IF; IF v_control_type = 'id' AND p_epoch = 'none' THEN v_id_interval := p_interval::bigint; IF v_id_interval < 2 AND p_type != 'list' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Interval for range partitioning must be greater than or equal to 2. Use LIST partitioning for single value partitions. (Values given: p_interval: %, p_type: %)', p_interval, p_type; END IF; -- Check if parent table is a subpartition of an already existing id partition set managed by pg_partman. WHILE v_higher_parent_table IS NOT NULL LOOP -- initially set in DECLARE WITH top_oid AS ( SELECT i.inhparent AS top_parent_oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON c.oid = i.inhrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE n.nspname = v_higher_parent_schema::name AND c.relname = v_higher_parent_table::name ) SELECT n.nspname, c.relname, p.control, p.epoch INTO v_higher_parent_schema, v_higher_parent_table, v_higher_parent_control, v_higher_parent_epoch FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace JOIN top_oid t ON c.oid = t.top_parent_oid JOIN @extschema@.part_config p ON p.parent_table = n.nspname||'.'||c.relname; IF v_higher_parent_table IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT general_type INTO v_higher_control_type FROM @extschema@.check_control_type(v_higher_parent_schema, v_higher_parent_table, v_higher_parent_control); IF v_higher_control_type <> 'id' or (v_higher_control_type = 'id' AND v_higher_parent_epoch <> 'none') THEN -- The parent above the p_parent_table parameter is not partitioned by ID -- so don't check for max values in parents that aren't partitioned by ID. -- This avoids missing child tables in subpartition sets that have differing ID data EXIT; END IF; -- v_top_parent initially set in DECLARE v_top_parent_schema := v_higher_parent_schema; v_top_parent_table := v_higher_parent_table; END IF; END LOOP; -- If custom start partition is set, use that. -- If custom start is not set and there is already data, start partitioning with the highest current value and ensure it's grabbed from highest top parent table IF p_start_partition IS NOT NULL THEN v_max := p_start_partition::bigint; ELSE v_sql := format('SELECT COALESCE(trunc(max(%I))::bigint, 0) FROM %I.%I LIMIT 1' , p_control , v_top_parent_schema , v_top_parent_table); EXECUTE v_sql INTO v_max; END IF; v_starting_partition_id := (v_max - (v_max % v_id_interval)); FOR i IN 0..p_premake LOOP -- Only make previous partitions if ID value is less than the starting value and positive (and custom start partition wasn't set) IF p_start_partition IS NULL AND (v_starting_partition_id - (v_id_interval*i)) > 0 AND (v_starting_partition_id - (v_id_interval*i)) < v_starting_partition_id THEN v_partition_id_array = array_append(v_partition_id_array, (v_starting_partition_id - v_id_interval*i)); END IF; v_partition_id_array = array_append(v_partition_id_array, (v_id_interval*i) + v_starting_partition_id); END LOOP; INSERT INTO @extschema@.part_config ( parent_table , partition_type , partition_interval , control , premake , constraint_cols , automatic_maintenance , jobmon , template_table , inherit_privileges , default_table , date_trunc_interval) VALUES ( p_parent_table , p_type , v_id_interval , p_control , p_premake , p_constraint_cols , p_automatic_maintenance , p_jobmon , v_template_schema||'.'||v_template_tablename , v_inherit_privileges , p_default_table , p_date_trunc_interval); v_last_partition_created := @extschema@.create_partition_id(p_parent_table, v_partition_id_array); IF v_last_partition_created = false THEN -- This can happen with subpartitioning when future or past partitions prevent child creation because they're out of range of the parent -- See if it's actually a subpartition of a parent id partition WITH top_oid AS ( SELECT i.inhparent AS top_parent_oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON c.oid = i.inhrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relname = v_parent_tablename::name AND n.nspname = v_parent_schema::name ) SELECT n.nspname||'.'||c.relname INTO v_top_parent_table FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace JOIN top_oid t ON c.oid = t.top_parent_oid JOIN @extschema@.part_config p ON p.parent_table = n.nspname||'.'||c.relname; IF v_top_parent_table IS NOT NULL THEN -- Create the lowest possible partition that is within the boundary of the parent SELECT child_start_id INTO v_parent_partition_id FROM @extschema@.show_partition_info(p_parent_table, p_parent_table := v_top_parent_table); IF v_starting_partition_id >= v_parent_partition_id THEN WHILE v_starting_partition_id >= v_parent_partition_id LOOP v_starting_partition_id := v_starting_partition_id - v_id_interval; END LOOP; v_starting_partition_id := v_starting_partition_id + v_id_interval; -- add one back since while loop set it one lower than is needed ELSIF v_starting_partition_id < v_parent_partition_id THEN WHILE v_starting_partition_id < v_parent_partition_id LOOP v_starting_partition_id := v_starting_partition_id + v_id_interval; END LOOP; -- Don't need to remove one since new starting id will fit in top parent interval END IF; v_partition_id_array = NULL; v_partition_id_array = array_append(v_partition_id_array, v_starting_partition_id); v_last_partition_created := @extschema@.create_partition_id(p_parent_table, v_partition_id_array); ELSE -- Currently unknown edge case if code gets here RAISE WARNING 'No child tables created. Check that all child tables did not already exist and may not have been part of partition set. Given parent has still been configured with pg_partman, but may not have expected children. Please review schema and config to confirm things are ok.'; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); IF v_step_overflow_id IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM fail_job(v_job_id); ELSE PERFORM close_job(v_job_id); END IF; END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', v_old_search_path, 'false'); RETURN v_success; END IF; END IF; -- End v_last_partition_created IF END IF; -- End IF id IF p_default_table THEN -- Add default partition v_default_partition := @extschema@.check_name_length(v_parent_tablename, '_default', FALSE); v_sql := 'CREATE'; -- Left this here as reminder to revisit once core PG figures out how it is handling changing unlogged stats -- Currently handed via template table below /* IF v_unlogged = 'u' THEN v_sql := v_sql ||' UNLOGGED'; END IF; */ -- Same INCLUDING list is used in create_partition_*(). INDEXES is handled when partition is attached if it's supported. v_sql := v_sql || format(' TABLE %I.%I (LIKE %I.%I INCLUDING DEFAULTS INCLUDING CONSTRAINTS INCLUDING STORAGE INCLUDING COMMENTS INCLUDING GENERATED)' , v_parent_schema, v_default_partition, v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename); IF v_parent_tablespace IS NOT NULL THEN v_sql := format('%s TABLESPACE %I ', v_sql, v_parent_tablespace); END IF; EXECUTE v_sql; v_sql := format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I ATTACH PARTITION %I.%I DEFAULT' , v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename, v_parent_schema, v_default_partition); EXECUTE v_sql; PERFORM @extschema@.inherit_replica_identity(v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename, v_default_partition); -- Manage template inherited properties PERFORM @extschema@.inherit_template_properties(p_parent_table, v_parent_schema, v_default_partition); END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); IF v_step_overflow_id IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM fail_job(v_job_id); ELSE PERFORM close_job(v_job_id); END IF; END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', v_old_search_path, 'false'); v_success := true; RETURN v_success; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS ex_message = MESSAGE_TEXT, ex_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT, ex_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, ex_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_job_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_job(''PARTMAN CREATE PARENT: %s'')', v_jobmon_schema, p_parent_table) INTO v_job_id; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''Partition creation for table '||p_parent_table||' failed'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id, p_parent_table) INTO v_step_id; ELSIF v_step_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before first step logged'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id) INTO v_step_id; END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.update_step(%s, ''CRITICAL'', %L)', v_jobmon_schema, v_step_id, 'ERROR: '||coalesce(SQLERRM,'unknown')); EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.fail_job(%s)', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id); END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION '% CONTEXT: % DETAIL: % HINT: %', ex_message, ex_context, ex_detail, ex_hint; END $$;