CREATE FUNCTION @extschema@.check_subpart_sameconfig(p_parent_table text) RETURNS TABLE ( sub_control text , sub_partition_interval text , sub_partition_type text , sub_premake int , sub_automatic_maintenance text , sub_template_table text , sub_retention text , sub_retention_schema text , sub_retention_keep_index boolean , sub_retention_keep_table boolean , sub_epoch text , sub_constraint_cols text[] , sub_optimize_constraint int , sub_infinite_time_partitions boolean , sub_jobmon boolean , sub_inherit_privileges boolean , sub_constraint_valid boolean , sub_date_trunc_interval text , sub_ignore_default_data boolean , sub_default_table boolean , sub_maintenance_order int , sub_retention_keep_publication boolean ) LANGUAGE sql STABLE SET search_path = @extschema@,pg_temp AS $$ /* * Check for consistent data in part_config_sub table. Was unable to get this working properly as either a constraint or trigger. * Would either delay raising an error until the next write (which I cannot predict) or disallow future edits to update a sub-partition set's configuration. * This is called by run_maintainance() and at least provides a consistent way to check that I know will run. * If anyone can get a working constraint/trigger, please help! */ WITH parent_info AS ( SELECT c1.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c1 JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n1 ON c1.relnamespace = n1.oid WHERE n1.nspname = split_part(p_parent_table, '.', 1)::name AND c1.relname = split_part(p_parent_table, '.', 2)::name ) , child_tables AS ( SELECT n.nspname||'.'||c.relname AS tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits h JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON c.oid = h.inhrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid JOIN parent_info pi ON h.inhparent = pi.oid ) -- Column order here must match the RETURNS TABLE definition -- This column list must be kept consistent between: -- create_parent, check_subpart_sameconfig, create_partition_id, create_partition_time, dump_partitioned_table_definition, and table definition -- Also check return table list from this function SELECT DISTINCT a.sub_control , a.sub_partition_interval , a.sub_partition_type , a.sub_premake , a.sub_automatic_maintenance , a.sub_template_table , a.sub_retention , a.sub_retention_schema , a.sub_retention_keep_index , a.sub_retention_keep_table , a.sub_epoch , a.sub_constraint_cols , a.sub_optimize_constraint , a.sub_infinite_time_partitions , a.sub_jobmon , a.sub_inherit_privileges , a.sub_constraint_valid , a.sub_date_trunc_interval , a.sub_ignore_default_data , a.sub_default_table , a.sub_maintenance_order , a.sub_retention_keep_publication FROM @extschema@.part_config_sub a JOIN child_tables b on a.sub_parent = b.tablename; $$;