CREATE FUNCTION @extschema@.create_partition_time(p_parent_table text, p_partition_times timestamptz[], p_analyze boolean DEFAULT true, p_start_partition text DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE ex_context text; ex_detail text; ex_hint text; ex_message text; v_all text[] := ARRAY['SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE', 'TRUNCATE', 'REFERENCES', 'TRIGGER']; v_analyze boolean := FALSE; v_control text; v_control_type text; v_datetime_string text; v_epoch text; v_exists smallint; v_grantees text[]; v_hasoids boolean; v_inherit_privileges boolean; v_inherit_fk boolean; v_job_id bigint; v_jobmon boolean; v_jobmon_schema text; v_new_search_path text; v_old_search_path text; v_parent_grant record; v_parent_schema text; v_parent_tablename text; v_part_col text; v_partition_created boolean := false; v_partition_name text; v_partition_suffix text; v_parent_tablespace text; v_partition_expression text; v_partition_interval interval; v_partition_timestamp_end timestamptz; v_partition_timestamp_start timestamptz; v_publications text[]; v_quarter text; v_revoke text; v_row record; v_sql text; v_step_id bigint; v_step_overflow_id bigint; v_sub_control text; v_sub_parent text; v_sub_partition_type text; v_sub_timestamp_max timestamptz; v_sub_timestamp_min timestamptz; v_template_table text; v_trunc_value text; v_time timestamptz; v_partition_type text; v_unlogged char; v_year text; BEGIN /* * Function to create a child table in a time-based partition set */ SELECT partition_type , control , partition_interval , epoch , inherit_fk , jobmon , datetime_string , template_table , publications , inherit_privileges INTO v_partition_type , v_control , v_partition_interval , v_epoch , v_inherit_fk , v_jobmon , v_datetime_string , v_template_table , v_publications , v_inherit_privileges FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'ERROR: no config found for %', p_parent_table; END IF; SELECT n.nspname, c.relname, t.spcname INTO v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename, v_parent_tablespace FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_tablespace t ON c.reltablespace = t.oid WHERE n.nspname = split_part(p_parent_table, '.', 1)::name AND c.relname = split_part(p_parent_table, '.', 2)::name; SELECT general_type INTO v_control_type FROM @extschema@.check_control_type(v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename, v_control); IF v_control_type <> 'time' THEN IF (v_control_type = 'id' AND v_epoch = 'none') OR v_control_type <> 'id' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Cannot run on partition set without time based control column or epoch flag set with an id column. Found control: %, epoch: %', v_control_type, v_epoch; END IF; END IF; SELECT current_setting('search_path') INTO v_old_search_path; IF length(v_old_search_path) > 0 THEN v_new_search_path := '@extschema@,pg_temp,'||v_old_search_path; ELSE v_new_search_path := '@extschema@,pg_temp'; END IF; IF v_jobmon THEN SELECT nspname INTO v_jobmon_schema FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_extension e WHERE e.extname = 'pg_jobmon'::name AND e.extnamespace = n.oid; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_new_search_path := format('%s,%s',v_jobmon_schema, v_new_search_path); END IF; END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', v_new_search_path, 'false'); -- Determine if this table is a child of a subpartition parent. If so, get limits of what child tables can be created based on parent suffix SELECT sub_min::timestamptz, sub_max::timestamptz INTO v_sub_timestamp_min, v_sub_timestamp_max FROM @extschema@.check_subpartition_limits(p_parent_table, 'time'); IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_job_id := add_job(format('PARTMAN CREATE TABLE: %s', p_parent_table)); END IF; v_partition_expression := CASE WHEN v_epoch = 'seconds' THEN format('to_timestamp(%I)', v_control) WHEN v_epoch = 'milliseconds' THEN format('to_timestamp((%I/1000)::float)', v_control) WHEN v_epoch = 'nanoseconds' THEN format('to_timestamp((%I/1000000000)::float)', v_control) ELSE format('%I', v_control) END; RAISE DEBUG 'create_partition_time: v_partition_expression: %', v_partition_expression; FOREACH v_time IN ARRAY p_partition_times LOOP v_partition_timestamp_start := v_time; BEGIN v_partition_timestamp_end := v_time + v_partition_interval; EXCEPTION WHEN datetime_field_overflow THEN RAISE WARNING 'Attempted partition time interval is outside PostgreSQL''s supported time range. Child partition creation after time % skipped', v_time; v_step_overflow_id := add_step(v_job_id, 'Attempted partition time interval is outside PostgreSQL''s supported time range.'); PERFORM update_step(v_step_overflow_id, 'CRITICAL', 'Child partition creation after time '||v_time||' skipped'); CONTINUE; END; -- Do not create the child table if it's outside the bounds of the top parent. IF v_sub_timestamp_min IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_time < v_sub_timestamp_min OR v_time >= v_sub_timestamp_max THEN RAISE DEBUG 'create_partition_time: p_parent_table: %, v_time: %, v_sub_timestamp_min: %, v_sub_timestamp_max: %' , p_parent_table, v_time, v_sub_timestamp_min, v_sub_timestamp_max; CONTINUE; END IF; END IF; -- This suffix generation code is in partition_data_time() as well v_partition_suffix := to_char(v_time, v_datetime_string); v_partition_name := @extschema@.check_name_length(v_parent_tablename, v_partition_suffix, TRUE); -- Check if child exists. SELECT count(*) INTO v_exists FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = v_parent_schema::name AND c.relname = v_partition_name::name; IF v_exists > 0 THEN CONTINUE; END IF; -- Ensure analyze is run if a new partition is created. Otherwise if one isn't, will be false and analyze will be skipped v_analyze := TRUE; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Creating new partition %s.%s with interval from %s to %s' , v_parent_schema , v_partition_name , v_partition_timestamp_start , v_partition_timestamp_end-'1sec'::interval)); END IF; v_sql := 'CREATE'; -- As of PG12, the unlogged/logged status of a native parent table cannot be changed via an ALTER TABLE in order to affect its children. -- As of v4.2x, the unlogged state will be managed via the template table SELECT relpersistence INTO v_unlogged FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE c.relname = v_parent_tablename::name AND n.nspname = v_parent_schema::name; IF v_unlogged = 'u' and v_partition_type != 'native' THEN v_sql := v_sql || ' UNLOGGED'; END IF; -- Close parentheses on LIKE are below due to differing requirements of native subpartitioning -- Same INCLUDING list is used in create_parent() v_sql := v_sql || format(' TABLE %I.%I (LIKE %I.%I INCLUDING DEFAULTS INCLUDING CONSTRAINTS INCLUDING STORAGE INCLUDING COMMENTS ' , v_parent_schema , v_partition_name , v_parent_schema , v_parent_tablename); IF current_setting('server_version_num')::int >= 120000 THEN v_sql := v_sql || ' INCLUDING GENERATED '; END IF; SELECT sub_partition_type, sub_control INTO v_sub_partition_type, v_sub_control FROM @extschema@.part_config_sub WHERE sub_parent = p_parent_table; IF v_sub_partition_type = 'native' THEN -- INCLUDING INDEXES isn't necessary for native partitioning. It isn't supported in v10 and -- for v11+ index inheritance is automatically handled when the partition is attached v_sql := v_sql || format(') PARTITION BY RANGE (%I) ', v_sub_control); ELSE v_sql := v_sql || format(' INCLUDING INDEXES) '); END IF; IF current_setting('server_version_num')::int < 120000 THEN -- column removed from pgclass in pg12 SELECT relhasoids INTO v_hasoids FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE c.relname = v_parent_tablename::name AND n.nspname = v_parent_schema::name; IF v_hasoids IS TRUE THEN v_sql := v_sql || ' WITH (OIDS)'; END IF; END IF; RAISE DEBUG 'create_partition_time v_sql: %', v_sql; EXECUTE v_sql; IF v_partition_type = 'native' THEN IF current_setting('server_version_num')::int >= 120000 THEN -- PG12 fixed tablespace marking on the parent of a native partition set -- Versions older than 12 handle tablespace setting via inherit_template_properties() call below IF v_parent_tablespace IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I SET TABLESPACE %I', v_parent_schema, v_partition_name, v_parent_tablespace); END IF; END IF; IF v_template_table IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM @extschema@.inherit_template_properties(p_parent_table, v_parent_schema, v_partition_name); END IF; IF v_epoch = 'none' THEN -- Attach with normal, time-based values for native constraint EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I ATTACH PARTITION %I.%I FOR VALUES FROM (%L) TO (%L)' , v_parent_schema , v_parent_tablename , v_parent_schema , v_partition_name , v_partition_timestamp_start , v_partition_timestamp_end); ELSE -- Must attach with integer based values for native constraint and epoch IF v_epoch = 'seconds' THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I ATTACH PARTITION %I.%I FOR VALUES FROM (%L) TO (%L)' , v_parent_schema , v_parent_tablename , v_parent_schema , v_partition_name , EXTRACT('epoch' FROM v_partition_timestamp_start)::bigint , EXTRACT('epoch' FROM v_partition_timestamp_end)::bigint); ELSIF v_epoch = 'milliseconds' THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I ATTACH PARTITION %I.%I FOR VALUES FROM (%L) TO (%L)' , v_parent_schema , v_parent_tablename , v_parent_schema , v_partition_name , EXTRACT('epoch' FROM v_partition_timestamp_start)::bigint * 1000 , EXTRACT('epoch' FROM v_partition_timestamp_end)::bigint * 1000); ELSIF v_epoch = 'nanoseconds' THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I ATTACH PARTITION %I.%I FOR VALUES FROM (%L) TO (%L)' , v_parent_schema , v_parent_tablename , v_parent_schema , v_partition_name , EXTRACT('epoch' FROM v_partition_timestamp_start)::bigint * 1000000000 , EXTRACT('epoch' FROM v_partition_timestamp_end)::bigint * 1000000000); END IF; -- Create secondary, time-based constraint since native's constraint is already integer based EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I ADD CONSTRAINT %I CHECK (%s >= %L AND %4$s < %6$L)' , v_parent_schema , v_partition_name , v_partition_name||'_partition_check' , v_partition_expression , v_partition_timestamp_start , v_partition_timestamp_end); END IF; ELSE -- non-native IF v_parent_tablespace IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I SET TABLESPACE %I', v_parent_schema, v_partition_name, v_parent_tablespace); END IF; -- Non-native always gets time-based constraint EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I ADD CONSTRAINT %I CHECK (%s >= %L AND %4$s < %6$L)' , v_parent_schema , v_partition_name , v_partition_name||'_partition_check' , v_partition_expression , v_partition_timestamp_start , v_partition_timestamp_end); IF v_epoch = 'seconds' THEN -- Non-native needs secondary, integer based constraint for epoch EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I ADD CONSTRAINT %I CHECK (%I >= %L AND %I < %L)' , v_parent_schema , v_partition_name , v_partition_name||'_partition_int_check' , v_control , EXTRACT('epoch' from v_partition_timestamp_start)::bigint , v_control , EXTRACT('epoch' from v_partition_timestamp_end)::bigint ); ELSIF v_epoch = 'milliseconds' THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I ADD CONSTRAINT %I CHECK (%I >= %L AND %I < %L)' , v_parent_schema , v_partition_name , v_partition_name||'_partition_int_check' , v_control , EXTRACT('epoch' from v_partition_timestamp_start)::bigint * 1000 , v_control , EXTRACT('epoch' from v_partition_timestamp_end)::bigint * 1000); ELSIF v_epoch = 'nanoseconds' THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I ADD CONSTRAINT %I CHECK (%I >= %L AND %I < %L)' , v_parent_schema , v_partition_name , v_partition_name||'_partition_int_check' , v_control , EXTRACT('epoch' from v_partition_timestamp_start)::bigint * 1000000000 , v_control , EXTRACT('epoch' from v_partition_timestamp_end)::bigint * 1000000000); END IF; EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I INHERIT %I.%I' , v_parent_schema , v_partition_name , v_parent_schema , v_parent_tablename); -- If custom time, set extra config options. IF v_partition_type = 'time-custom' THEN INSERT INTO @extschema@.custom_time_partitions (parent_table, child_table, partition_range) VALUES ( p_parent_table, v_parent_schema||'.'||v_partition_name, tstzrange(v_partition_timestamp_start, v_partition_timestamp_end, '[)') ); END IF; -- Indexes cannot be created on the parent, so clustering cannot be used for native yet. PERFORM @extschema@.apply_cluster(v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename, v_parent_schema, v_partition_name); -- Foreign keys to other tables not supported in native IF v_inherit_fk THEN PERFORM @extschema@.apply_foreign_keys(p_parent_table, v_parent_schema||'.'||v_partition_name, v_job_id); END IF; END IF; -- end native check -- NOTE: Privileges not automatically inherited for native. Only do so if config flag is set IF v_partition_type != 'native' OR (v_partition_type = 'native' AND v_inherit_privileges = TRUE) THEN PERFORM @extschema@.apply_privileges(v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename, v_parent_schema, v_partition_name, v_job_id); END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); END IF; -- Will only loop once and only if sub_partitioning is actually configured -- This seemed easier than assigning a bunch of variables then doing an IF condition -- This column list must be kept consistent between: -- create_parent, check_subpart_sameconfig, create_partition_id, create_partition_time, dump_partitioned_table_definition, and table definition FOR v_row IN SELECT sub_parent , sub_partition_type , sub_control , sub_partition_interval , sub_constraint_cols , sub_premake , sub_optimize_trigger , sub_optimize_constraint , sub_epoch , sub_inherit_fk , sub_retention , sub_retention_schema , sub_retention_keep_table , sub_retention_keep_index , sub_infinite_time_partitions , sub_automatic_maintenance , sub_jobmon , sub_trigger_exception_handling , sub_upsert , sub_trigger_return_null , sub_template_table , sub_inherit_privileges , sub_constraint_valid , sub_subscription_refresh , sub_date_trunc_interval , sub_ignore_default_data FROM @extschema@.part_config_sub WHERE sub_parent = p_parent_table LOOP IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Subpartitioning %s.%s', v_parent_schema, v_partition_name)); END IF; v_sql := format('SELECT @extschema@.create_parent( p_parent_table := %L , p_control := %L , p_type := %L , p_interval := %L , p_constraint_cols := %L , p_premake := %L , p_automatic_maintenance := %L , p_inherit_fk := %L , p_epoch := %L , p_template_table := %L , p_jobmon := %L , p_start_partition := %L , p_date_trunc_interval := %L )' , v_parent_schema||'.'||v_partition_name , v_row.sub_control , v_row.sub_partition_type , v_row.sub_partition_interval , v_row.sub_constraint_cols , v_row.sub_premake , v_row.sub_automatic_maintenance , v_row.sub_inherit_fk , v_row.sub_epoch , v_row.sub_template_table , v_row.sub_jobmon , p_start_partition , v_row.sub_date_trunc_interval); RAISE DEBUG 'create_partition_time (create_parent loop): %', v_sql; EXECUTE v_sql; UPDATE @extschema@.part_config SET retention_schema = v_row.sub_retention_schema , retention_keep_table = v_row.sub_retention_keep_table , retention_keep_index = v_row.sub_retention_keep_index , optimize_trigger = v_row.sub_optimize_trigger , optimize_constraint = v_row.sub_optimize_constraint , infinite_time_partitions = v_row.sub_infinite_time_partitions , trigger_exception_handling = v_row.sub_trigger_exception_handling , upsert = v_row.sub_upsert , inherit_privileges = v_row.sub_inherit_privileges , trigger_return_null = v_row.sub_trigger_return_null , constraint_valid = v_row.sub_constraint_valid , subscription_refresh = v_row.sub_subscription_refresh , ignore_default_data = v_row.sub_ignore_default_data WHERE parent_table = v_parent_schema||'.'||v_partition_name; END LOOP; -- end sub partitioning LOOP -- Manage additonal constraints if set PERFORM @extschema@.apply_constraints(p_parent_table, p_job_id := v_job_id); IF v_publications IS NOT NULL THEN -- NOTE: Native publication inheritance is only supported on PG14+ PERFORM @extschema@.apply_publications(p_parent_table, v_parent_schema, v_partition_name); END IF; v_partition_created := true; END LOOP; -- v_analyze is a local check if a new table is made. -- p_analyze is a parameter to say whether to run the analyze at all. Used by create_parent() to avoid long exclusive lock or run_maintenence() to avoid long creation runs. IF v_analyze AND p_analyze THEN IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Analyzing partition set: %s', p_parent_table)); END IF; EXECUTE format('ANALYZE %I.%I', v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename); IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); END IF; END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_partition_created = false THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('No partitions created for partition set: %s. Attempted intervals: %s', p_parent_table, p_partition_times)); PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); END IF; IF v_step_overflow_id IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM fail_job(v_job_id); ELSE PERFORM close_job(v_job_id); END IF; END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', v_old_search_path, 'false'); RETURN v_partition_created; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS ex_message = MESSAGE_TEXT, ex_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT, ex_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, ex_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_job_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_job(''PARTMAN CREATE TABLE: %s'')', v_jobmon_schema, p_parent_table) INTO v_job_id; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before job logging started'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id, p_parent_table) INTO v_step_id; ELSIF v_step_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before first step logged'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id) INTO v_step_id; END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.update_step(%s, ''CRITICAL'', %L)', v_jobmon_schema, v_step_id, 'ERROR: '||coalesce(SQLERRM,'unknown')); EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.fail_job(%s)', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id); END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION '% CONTEXT: % DETAIL: % HINT: %', ex_message, ex_context, ex_detail, ex_hint; END $$;