-- Fixed search path bug with run_maintenance() introduced in v2.2.0. Was causing errors if the pg_partman schema was not in the search path of the role calling it. (Github Issue #71) /* * Function to manage pre-creation of the next partitions in a set. * Also manages dropping old partitions if the retention option is set. * If p_parent_table is passed, will only run run_maintenance() on that one table (no matter what the configuration table may have set for it) * Otherwise, will run on all tables in the config table with p_run_maintenance() set to true. * For large partition sets, running analyze can cause maintenance to take longer than expected. Can set p_analyze to false to avoid a forced analyze run. * Be aware that constraint exclusion may not work properly until an analyze on the partition set is run. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION run_maintenance(p_parent_table text DEFAULT NULL, p_analyze boolean DEFAULT true, p_jobmon boolean DEFAULT true, p_debug boolean DEFAULT false) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE ex_context text; ex_detail text; ex_hint text; ex_message text; v_adv_lock boolean; v_check_subpart int; v_create_count int := 0; v_current_partition text; v_current_partition_id bigint; v_current_partition_timestamp timestamp; v_datetime_string text; v_drop_count int := 0; v_id_position int; v_job_id bigint; v_jobmon boolean; v_jobmon_schema text; v_last_partition text; v_last_partition_created boolean; v_last_partition_id bigint; v_last_partition_timestamp timestamp; v_max_id_parent bigint; v_max_time_parent timestamp; v_next_partition_id bigint; v_next_partition_timestamp timestamp; v_parent_schema text; v_parent_tablename text; v_premade_count int; v_premake_id_max bigint; v_premake_id_min bigint; v_premake_timestamp_min timestamp; v_premake_timestamp_max timestamp; v_quarter text; v_row record; v_row_max_id record; v_row_max_time record; v_row_sub record; v_skip_maint boolean; v_step_id bigint; v_step_overflow_id bigint; v_step_serial_id bigint; v_sub_id_max bigint; v_sub_id_max_suffix bigint; v_sub_id_min bigint; v_sub_parent text; v_sub_timestamp_max timestamp; v_sub_timestamp_max_suffix timestamp; v_sub_timestamp_min timestamp; v_tablename text; v_tables_list_sql text; v_time_position int; v_year text; BEGIN v_adv_lock := pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(hashtext('pg_partman run_maintenance')); IF v_adv_lock = 'false' THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Partman maintenance already running.'; RETURN; END IF; IF p_jobmon THEN SELECT nspname INTO v_jobmon_schema FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_extension e WHERE e.extname = 'pg_jobmon' AND e.extnamespace = n.oid; END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_job(%L)', v_jobmon_schema, 'PARTMAN RUN MAINTENANCE') INTO v_job_id; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%L, %L)', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id, 'Running maintenance loop') INTO v_step_id; END IF; -- Check for consistent data in part_config_sub table. Was unable to get this working properly as either a constraint or trigger. -- Would either delay raising an error until the next write (which I cannot predict) or disallow future edits to update a sub-partition set's configuration. -- This way at least provides a consistent way to check that I know will run. If anyone can get a working constraint/trigger, please help! -- Don't have to worry about this in the serial trigger maintenance since subpartitioning requires run_maintenance(). FOR v_row IN SELECT sub_parent FROM @extschema@.part_config_sub LOOP SELECT count(*) INTO v_check_subpart FROM @extschema@.check_subpart_sameconfig(v_row.sub_parent); IF v_check_subpart > 1 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Inconsistent data in part_config_sub table. Sub-partition tables that are themselves sub-partitions cannot have differing configuration values among their siblings. Run this query: "SELECT * FROM @extschema@.check_subpart_sameconfig(''%'');" This should only return a single row or nothing. If multiple rows are returned, results are all children of the given parent. Update the differing values to be consistent for your desired values.', v_row.sub_parent; END IF; END LOOP; v_row := NULL; -- Ensure it's reset v_tables_list_sql := 'SELECT parent_table , partition_type , partition_interval , control , premake , datetime_string , undo_in_progress , sub_partition_set_full , epoch FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE sub_partition_set_full = false'; IF p_parent_table IS NULL THEN v_tables_list_sql := v_tables_list_sql || ' AND use_run_maintenance = true'; ELSE v_tables_list_sql := v_tables_list_sql || format(' AND parent_table = %L', p_parent_table); END IF; FOR v_row IN EXECUTE v_tables_list_sql LOOP CONTINUE WHEN v_row.undo_in_progress; v_skip_maint := true; -- reset every loop SELECT schemaname, tablename INTO v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname ||'.'|| tablename = v_row.parent_table; SELECT partition_tablename INTO v_last_partition FROM @extschema@.show_partitions(v_row.parent_table, 'DESC') LIMIT 1; IF p_debug THEN RAISE NOTICE 'run_maint: parent_table: %, v_last_partition: %', v_row.parent_table, v_last_partition; END IF; IF v_row.partition_type = 'time' OR v_row.partition_type = 'time-custom' THEN v_time_position := (length(v_last_partition) - position('p_' in reverse(v_last_partition))) + 2; IF v_row.partition_interval::interval <> '3 months' OR (v_row.partition_interval::interval = '3 months' AND v_row.partition_type = 'time-custom') THEN v_last_partition_timestamp := to_timestamp(substring(v_last_partition from v_time_position), v_row.datetime_string); ELSE -- to_timestamp doesn't recognize 'Q' date string formater. Handle it v_year := split_part(substring(v_last_partition FROM v_time_position), 'q', 1); v_quarter := split_part(substring(v_last_partition FROM v_time_position), 'q', 2); CASE WHEN v_quarter = '1' THEN v_last_partition_timestamp := to_timestamp(v_year || '-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD'); WHEN v_quarter = '2' THEN v_last_partition_timestamp := to_timestamp(v_year || '-04-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD'); WHEN v_quarter = '3' THEN v_last_partition_timestamp := to_timestamp(v_year || '-07-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD'); WHEN v_quarter = '4' THEN v_last_partition_timestamp := to_timestamp(v_year || '-10-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD'); END CASE; END IF; -- Loop through child tables starting from highest to get current max value in partition set -- Avoids doing a scan on entire partition set and/or getting any values accidentally in parent. FOR v_row_max_time IN SELECT partition_schemaname, partition_tablename FROM @extschema@.show_partitions(v_row.parent_table, 'DESC') LOOP IF v_row.epoch = false THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT max(%I)::text FROM %I.%I' , v_row.control , v_row_max_time.partition_schemaname , v_row_max_time.partition_tablename ) INTO v_current_partition_timestamp; ELSE EXECUTE format('SELECT to_timestamp(max(%I))::text FROM %I.%I' , v_row.control , v_row_max_time.partition_schemaname , v_row_max_time.partition_tablename ) INTO v_current_partition_timestamp; END IF; IF v_current_partition_timestamp IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT suffix_timestamp INTO v_current_partition_timestamp FROM @extschema@.show_partition_name(v_row.parent_table, v_current_partition_timestamp::text); EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; -- Check for values in the parent table. If they are there and greater than all child values, use that instead -- This allows maintenance to continue working properly if there is a large gap in data insertion. Data will remain in parent, but new tables will be created IF v_row.epoch = false THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT max(%I) FROM ONLY %I.%I', v_row.control, v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename) INTO v_max_time_parent; ELSE EXECUTE format('SELECT to_timestamp(max(%I)) FROM ONLY %I.%I', v_row.control, v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename) INTO v_max_time_parent; END IF; IF p_debug THEN RAISE NOTICE 'run_maint: v_current_partition_timestamp: %, v_max_time_parent: %', v_current_partition_timestamp, v_max_time_parent; END IF; IF v_max_time_parent > v_current_partition_timestamp THEN SELECT suffix_timestamp INTO v_current_partition_timestamp FROM @extschema@.show_partition_name(v_row.parent_table, v_max_time_parent::text); END IF; IF v_current_partition_timestamp IS NULL THEN -- Partition set is completely empty. Nothing to do CONTINUE; END IF; -- If this is a subpartition, determine if the last child table has been made. If so, mark it as full so future maintenance runs can skip it SELECT sub_min::timestamp, sub_max::timestamp INTO v_sub_timestamp_min, v_sub_timestamp_max FROM @extschema@.check_subpartition_limits(v_row.parent_table, 'time'); IF v_sub_timestamp_max IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT suffix_timestamp INTO v_sub_timestamp_max_suffix FROM @extschema@.show_partition_name(v_row.parent_table, v_sub_timestamp_max::text); IF v_sub_timestamp_max_suffix = v_last_partition_timestamp THEN -- Final partition for this set is created. Set full and skip it UPDATE @extschema@.part_config SET sub_partition_set_full = true WHERE parent_table = v_row.parent_table; CONTINUE; END IF; END IF; -- Check and see how many premade partitions there are. v_premade_count = round(EXTRACT('epoch' FROM age(v_last_partition_timestamp, v_current_partition_timestamp)) / EXTRACT('epoch' FROM v_row.partition_interval::interval)); v_next_partition_timestamp := v_last_partition_timestamp; IF p_debug THEN RAISE NOTICE 'run_maint before loop: current_partition_timestamp: %, v_premade_count: %, v_sub_timestamp_min: %, v_sub_timestamp_max: %' , v_current_partition_timestamp , v_premade_count , v_sub_timestamp_min , v_sub_timestamp_max; END IF; -- Loop premaking until config setting is met. Allows it to catch up if it fell behind or if premake changed WHILE (v_premade_count < v_row.premake) LOOP IF p_debug THEN RAISE NOTICE 'run_maint: parent_table: %, v_premade_count: %, v_next_partition_timestamp: %', v_row.parent_table, v_premade_count, v_next_partition_timestamp; END IF; IF v_next_partition_timestamp < v_sub_timestamp_min OR v_next_partition_timestamp > v_sub_timestamp_max THEN -- With subpartitioning, no need to run if the timestamp is not in the parent table's range EXIT; END IF; BEGIN v_next_partition_timestamp := v_next_partition_timestamp + v_row.partition_interval::interval; EXCEPTION WHEN datetime_field_overflow THEN v_premade_count := v_row.premake; -- do this so it can exit the premake check loop and continue in the outer for loop IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%L, %L)', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id, 'Attempted partition time interval is outside PostgreSQL''s supported time range.') INTO v_step_overflow_id; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.update_step(%L, %L, %L)', v_jobmon_schema, v_step_overflow_id, 'CRITICAL', 'Child partition creation skippd for parent table '||v_partition_time); END IF; RAISE WARNING 'Attempted partition time interval is outside PostgreSQL''s supported time range. Child partition creation skipped for parent table %', v_row.parent_table; CONTINUE; END; v_last_partition_created := @extschema@.create_partition_time(v_row.parent_table, ARRAY[v_next_partition_timestamp], p_analyze); IF v_last_partition_created THEN v_create_count := v_create_count + 1; PERFORM @extschema@.create_function_time(v_row.parent_table, v_job_id); END IF; v_premade_count = round(EXTRACT('epoch' FROM age(v_next_partition_timestamp, v_current_partition_timestamp)) / EXTRACT('epoch' FROM v_row.partition_interval::interval)); END LOOP; ELSIF v_row.partition_type = 'id' THEN -- Loop through child tables starting from highest to get current max value in partition set -- Avoids doing a scan on entire partition set and/or getting any values accidentally in parent. FOR v_row_max_id IN SELECT partition_schemaname, partition_tablename FROM @extschema@.show_partitions(v_row.parent_table, 'DESC') LOOP EXECUTE format('SELECT max(%I)::text FROM %I.%I' , v_row.control , v_row_max_id.partition_schemaname , v_row_max_id.partition_tablename) INTO v_current_partition_id; IF v_current_partition_id IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT suffix_id INTO v_current_partition_id FROM @extschema@.show_partition_name(v_row.parent_table, v_current_partition_id::text); EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; -- Check for values in the parent table. If they are there and greater than all child values, use that instead -- This allows maintenance to continue working properly if there is a large gap in data insertion. Data will remain in parent, but new tables will be created EXECUTE format('SELECT max(%I) FROM ONLY %I.%I', v_row.control, v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename) INTO v_max_id_parent; IF v_max_id_parent > v_current_partition_id THEN SELECT suffix_id INTO v_current_partition_id FROM @extschema@.show_partition_name(v_row.parent_table, v_max_id_parent::text); END IF; IF v_current_partition_id IS NULL THEN -- Partition set is completely empty. Nothing to do CONTINUE; END IF; v_id_position := (length(v_last_partition) - position('p_' in reverse(v_last_partition))) + 2; v_last_partition_id = substring(v_last_partition from v_id_position)::bigint; -- Determine if this table is a child of a subpartition parent. If so, get limits to see if run_maintenance even needs to run for it. SELECT sub_min::bigint, sub_max::bigint INTO v_sub_id_min, v_sub_id_max FROM @extschema@.check_subpartition_limits(v_row.parent_table, 'id'); IF v_sub_id_max IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT suffix_id INTO v_sub_id_max_suffix FROM @extschema@.show_partition_name(v_row.parent_table, v_sub_id_max::text); IF v_sub_id_max_suffix = v_last_partition_id THEN -- Final partition for this set is created. Set full and skip it UPDATE @extschema@.part_config SET sub_partition_set_full = true WHERE parent_table = v_row.parent_table; CONTINUE; END IF; END IF; v_next_partition_id := v_last_partition_id; v_premade_count := ((v_last_partition_id - v_current_partition_id) / v_row.partition_interval::bigint); -- Loop premaking until config setting is met. Allows it to catch up if it fell behind or if premake changed. WHILE (v_premade_count < v_row.premake) LOOP IF p_debug THEN RAISE NOTICE 'run_maint: parent_table: %, v_premade_count: %, v_next_partition_id: %', v_row.parent_table, v_premade_count, v_next_partition_id; END IF; IF v_next_partition_id < v_sub_id_min OR v_next_partition_id > v_sub_id_max THEN -- With subpartitioning, no need to run if the id is not in the parent table's range EXIT; END IF; v_next_partition_id := v_next_partition_id + v_row.partition_interval::bigint; v_last_partition_created := @extschema@.create_partition_id(v_row.parent_table, ARRAY[v_next_partition_id], p_analyze); IF v_last_partition_created THEN v_create_count := v_create_count + 1; PERFORM @extschema@.create_function_id(v_row.parent_table, v_job_id); END IF; v_premade_count := ((v_next_partition_id - v_current_partition_id) / v_row.partition_interval::bigint); END LOOP; END IF; -- end main IF check for time or id -- Manage additonal constraints if set PERFORM @extschema@.apply_constraints(p_parent_table := v_row.parent_table, p_job_id := v_job_id, p_debug := p_debug); END LOOP; -- end of creation loop -- Manage dropping old partitions if retention option is set FOR v_row IN SELECT parent_table FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE retention IS NOT NULL AND undo_in_progress = false AND (partition_type = 'time' OR partition_type = 'time-custom') LOOP IF p_parent_table IS NULL THEN v_drop_count := v_drop_count + @extschema@.drop_partition_time(v_row.parent_table); ELSE -- Only run retention on table given in parameter IF p_parent_table <> v_row.parent_table THEN CONTINUE; ELSE v_drop_count := v_drop_count + @extschema@.drop_partition_time(v_row.parent_table); END IF; END IF; IF v_drop_count > 0 THEN PERFORM @extschema@.create_function_time(v_row.parent_table, v_job_id); END IF; END LOOP; FOR v_row IN SELECT parent_table FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE retention IS NOT NULL AND undo_in_progress = false AND partition_type = 'id' LOOP IF p_parent_table IS NULL THEN v_drop_count := v_drop_count + @extschema@.drop_partition_id(v_row.parent_table); ELSE -- Only run retention on table given in parameter IF p_parent_table <> v_row.parent_table THEN CONTINUE; ELSE v_drop_count := v_drop_count + @extschema@.drop_partition_id(v_row.parent_table); END IF; END IF; IF v_drop_count > 0 THEN PERFORM @extschema@.create_function_id(v_row.parent_table, v_job_id); END IF; END LOOP; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.update_step(%L, %L, ''Partition maintenance finished. %s partitions made. %s partitions dropped.'')' , v_jobmon_schema , v_step_id , 'OK' , v_create_count , v_drop_count); IF v_step_overflow_id IS NOT NULL OR v_step_serial_id IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.fail_job(%L)', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id); ELSE EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.close_job(%L)', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id); END IF; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS ex_message = MESSAGE_TEXT, ex_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT, ex_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, ex_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_job_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_job(''PARTMAN RUN MAINTENANCE'')', v_jobmon_schema) INTO v_job_id; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before job logging started'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id, p_parent_table) INTO v_step_id; ELSIF v_step_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before first step logged'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id) INTO v_step_id; END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.update_step(%s, ''CRITICAL'', %L)', v_jobmon_schema, v_step_id, 'ERROR: '||coalesce(SQLERRM,'unknown')); EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.fail_job(%s)', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id); END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION '% CONTEXT: % DETAIL: % HINT: %', ex_message, ex_context, ex_detail, ex_hint; END $$;