-- Object names (tables, roles, etc) with special characters & mixed case are now supported. -- Fixed bug in apply_foreign_keys() that was causing it to fail if there were multiple FKs to the same foreign column. Also fixed a bug that allowed the child name parameter to not be passed and didn't handle it if it wasn't. Thanks to Andrew Dunstan for the bug fix and tremendously simplified code. Backpatched to 1.8.8. (Github Issue #64). -- Ensure trigger function is recreated if a partition is dropped as part of retention. This makes sure the tables explicitily listed actually exist. Backpatched to 1.8.8 (Github Issue #62). -- Fixed bug in check_unique_constraint.py to properly inspect all data from an entire inheritance tree. If you were using this before to check for duplicates across children in an inheritance set, it is highly recommended you run it again as it may not have caught all dupes. -- New function 'show_partition_name()' can tell you the child table name that a given value would exist in given a parent table that pg_partman manages. The name will always be returned whether the child table exists or not. Another boolean column is returned that tells you whether the child table actually does exist. It also returns the raw value (timestamp or integer) for the suffix of the returned partition name (used internally, but could be useful elsewhere too). Thanks to Corey Huinker for idea & assistance. -- show_partitions() function now returns the schema and table name as two separate fields. -- New column in part_config to denote when a sub-partition set has had its final child partition made (sub_partition_set_full). Allows run_maintenance() to skip over it and run more efficiently when managing many sub-partition sets. -- Updated all python scripts to handle mixed-case & special characters. -- Bumped all minimum pg_partman version requirements for python scripts to 2.0.0. May still work on the older versions, but not officially supported or guaranteed anymore. -- New --nonpartman option to the reapply_indexes.py and reapply_foreign_keys.py scripts to allow them to work better with partition sets not managed by pg_partman and to allow those that are to work more efficiently. -- Greatly reduced number of individual pg_jobmon jobs generated. Steps such as creating partition functions, applying foreign keys, and applying additional constraints have been combined into the job log entries for creating partitions or general maintenance when applicable. -- Internal function check_name_length() no longer takes a schemaname argument, nor returns the schema as part of the modified object name. -- Simplified internal code for handling time suffix name generation -- Much more extensive pgTAP testing suites to handle more edge cases -- NOTE: If you are running version 1.8.7 and need to update to 1.8.8 do the following steps: -- Download the latest version as normal. -- Copy the file "updates/pg_partman--1.8.7--1.8.8.sql" to the folder where your extension SQL files are kept (depends on your OS or where you manually installed postgres). -- If you're running from less than 1.8.7, copy whichever prior update files you need to get from your version to 1.8.8. They are all kept in the updates folder. -- While logged into postgres run: ALTER EXTENSION pg_partman UPDATE TO '1.8.8'; -- The version number at the end of the above command is important. Otherwise it may try and update you to the latest 2.x version if you copied more update files then necessary or ran "make install". ALTER TABLE @extschema@.part_config ADD COLUMN sub_partition_set_full boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false; CREATE TEMP TABLE partman_preserve_privs_temp (statement text); INSERT INTO partman_preserve_privs_temp SELECT 'GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION @extschema@.apply_foreign_keys(text, text, bigint, boolean) TO '||array_to_string(array_agg(grantee::text), ',')||';' FROM information_schema.routine_privileges WHERE routine_schema = '@extschema@' AND routine_name = 'apply_foreign_keys'; INSERT INTO partman_preserve_privs_temp SELECT 'GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION @extschema@.show_partitions(text, text) TO '||array_to_string(array_agg(grantee::text), ',')||';' FROM information_schema.routine_privileges WHERE routine_schema = '@extschema@' AND routine_name = 'show_partitions'; INSERT INTO partman_preserve_privs_temp SELECT 'GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION @extschema@.check_name_length(text, text, boolean) TO '||array_to_string(array_agg(grantee::text), ',')||';' FROM information_schema.routine_privileges WHERE routine_schema = '@extschema@' AND routine_name = 'check_name_length'; INSERT INTO partman_preserve_privs_temp SELECT 'GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION @extschema@.create_function_id(text, bigint) TO '||array_to_string(array_agg(grantee::text), ',')||';' FROM information_schema.routine_privileges WHERE routine_schema = '@extschema@' AND routine_name = 'create_function_id'; INSERT INTO partman_preserve_privs_temp SELECT 'GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION @extschema@.create_function_time(text, bigint) TO '||array_to_string(array_agg(grantee::text), ',')||';' FROM information_schema.routine_privileges WHERE routine_schema = '@extschema@' AND routine_name = 'create_function_time'; INSERT INTO partman_preserve_privs_temp SELECT 'GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION @extschema@.apply_constraints(text, text, boolean, bigint, boolean) TO '||array_to_string(array_agg(grantee::text), ',')||';' FROM information_schema.routine_privileges WHERE routine_schema = '@extschema@' AND routine_name = 'apply_constraints'; DROP FUNCTION @extschema@.apply_foreign_keys(text, text, boolean); DROP FUNCTION @extschema@.show_partitions (text, text); DROP FUNCTION @extschema@.check_name_length (text, text, text, boolean); DROP FUNCTION @extschema@.create_function_id(text); DROP FUNCTION @extschema@.create_function_time(text); DROP FUNCTION @extschema@.apply_constraints(text, text, boolean, boolean); -- This function goes in table.sql file /* * Ensure that sub-partitioned tables that are themselves sub-partitions have the same configuration options set when they are part of the same inheritance tree */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION @extschema@.check_subpart_sameconfig(text) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $$ WITH parent_info AS ( SELECT c1.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c1 JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n1 ON c1.relnamespace = n1.oid WHERE n1.nspname||'.'||c1.relname = $1 ) , child_tables AS ( SELECT n.nspname||'.'||c.relname AS tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits h JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON c.oid = h.inhrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid JOIN parent_info pi ON h.inhparent = pi.oid ) SELECT CASE WHEN count(*) <= 1 THEN true WHEN count(*) > 1 THEN false END FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT sub_partition_type , sub_control , sub_partition_interval , sub_constraint_cols , sub_premake , sub_inherit_fk , sub_retention , sub_retention_schema , sub_retention_keep_table , sub_retention_keep_index , sub_use_run_maintenance , sub_jobmon FROM @extschema@.part_config_sub a JOIN child_tables b on a.sub_parent = b.tablename) x; $$; /* * Apply constraints managed by partman extension */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION apply_constraints(p_parent_table text, p_child_table text DEFAULT NULL, p_analyze boolean DEFAULT FALSE, p_job_id bigint DEFAULT NULL, p_debug boolean DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE ex_context text; ex_detail text; ex_hint text; ex_message text; v_child_table text; v_child_tablename text; v_col text; v_constraint_cols text[]; v_constraint_col_type text; v_constraint_name text; v_constraint_values record; v_datetime_string text; v_existing_constraint_name text; v_job_id bigint; v_jobmon boolean; v_jobmon_schema text; v_last_partition text; v_last_partition_id int; v_last_partition_timestamp timestamp; v_old_search_path text; v_parent_schema text; v_parent_tablename text; v_partition_interval text; v_partition_suffix text; v_premake int; v_sql text; v_step_id bigint; v_suffix_position int; v_type text; BEGIN SELECT partition_type , partition_interval , premake , datetime_string , constraint_cols , jobmon INTO v_type , v_partition_interval , v_premake , v_datetime_string , v_constraint_cols , v_jobmon FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table; IF v_constraint_cols IS NULL THEN IF p_debug THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Given parent table (%) not set up for constraint management (constraint_cols is NULL)', p_parent_table; END IF; -- Returns silently to allow this function to be simply called by maintenance processes without having to check if config options are set. RETURN; END IF; SELECT partition_tablename INTO v_last_partition FROM @extschema@.show_partitions(p_parent_table, 'DESC') LIMIT 1; IF v_jobmon THEN SELECT nspname INTO v_jobmon_schema FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_extension e WHERE e.extname = 'pg_jobmon' AND e.extnamespace = n.oid; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT current_setting('search_path') INTO v_old_search_path; EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', '@extschema@,'||v_jobmon_schema, 'false'); END IF; END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF p_job_id IS NULL THEN v_job_id := add_job(format('PARTMAN CREATE CONSTRAINT: %s', p_parent_table)); ELSE v_job_id = p_job_id; END IF; END IF; SELECT schemaname, tablename INTO v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname ||'.'|| tablename = p_parent_table; -- If p_child_table is null, figure out the partition that is the one right before the premake value backwards. IF p_child_table IS NULL THEN IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, 'Applying additional constraints: Automatically determining most recent child on which to apply constraints'); END IF; v_suffix_position := (length(v_last_partition) - position('p_' in reverse(v_last_partition))) + 2; IF v_type IN ('time', 'time-custom') THEN v_last_partition_timestamp := to_timestamp(substring(v_last_partition from v_suffix_position), v_datetime_string); v_partition_suffix := to_char(v_last_partition_timestamp - (v_partition_interval::interval * ((v_premake * 2)+1) ), v_datetime_string); ELSIF v_type = 'id' THEN v_last_partition_id := substring(v_last_partition from v_suffix_position)::int; v_partition_suffix := (v_last_partition_id - (v_partition_interval::int * ((v_premake * 2)+1) ))::text; END IF; v_child_table := v_parent_schema ||'.'|| @extschema@.check_name_length(v_parent_tablename, v_partition_suffix, TRUE); IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', format('Target child table: %s.%s', v_parent_schema, v_child_table)); END IF; ELSE v_child_table := p_child_table; END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, 'Applying additional constraints: Checking if target child table exists'); END IF; SELECT tablename INTO v_child_tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname ||'.'|| tablename = v_child_table; IF v_child_tablename IS NULL THEN IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'NOTICE', format('Target child table (%s) does not exist. Skipping constraint creation.', v_child_table)); PERFORM close_job(v_job_id); EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', v_old_search_path, 'false'); END IF; IF p_debug THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Target child table (%) does not exist. Skipping constraint creation.', v_child_table; END IF; RETURN; ELSE IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); END IF; END IF; FOREACH v_col IN ARRAY v_constraint_cols LOOP SELECT con.conname INTO v_existing_constraint_name FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint con JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = con.conrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute a ON con.conrelid = a.attrelid WHERE c.relname = v_child_tablename AND n.nspname = v_parent_schema AND con.conname LIKE 'partmanconstr_%' AND con.contype = 'c' AND a.attname = v_col AND ARRAY[a.attnum] <@ con.conkey AND a.attisdropped = false; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Applying additional constraints: Applying new constraint on column: %s', v_col)); END IF; IF v_existing_constraint_name IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'NOTICE', format('Partman managed constraint already exists on this table (%s) and column (%s). Skipping creation.', v_child_table, v_col)); END IF; RAISE WARNING 'Partman managed constraint already exists on this table (%) and column (%). Skipping creation.', v_child_table, v_col ; CONTINUE; END IF; -- Ensure column name gets put on end of constraint name to help avoid naming conflicts v_constraint_name := @extschema@.check_name_length('partmanconstr_'||v_child_tablename, p_suffix := '_'||v_col); EXECUTE format('SELECT min(%I)::text AS min, max(%I)::text AS max FROM %I.%I', v_col, v_col, v_parent_schema, v_child_tablename) INTO v_constraint_values; IF v_constraint_values IS NOT NULL THEN v_sql := format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I ADD CONSTRAINT %I CHECK (%I >= %L AND %I <= %L)' , v_parent_schema , v_child_tablename , v_constraint_name , v_col , v_constraint_values.min , v_col , v_constraint_values.max); IF p_debug THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Constraint creation query: %', v_sql; END IF; EXECUTE v_sql; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', format('New constraint created: %s', v_sql)); END IF; ELSE IF p_debug THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Given column (%) contains all NULLs. No constraint created', v_col; END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'NOTICE', format('Given column (%s) contains all NULLs. No constraint created', v_col)); END IF; END IF; END LOOP; IF p_analyze THEN IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Applying additional constraints: Running analyze on partition set: %s', p_parent_table)); END IF; IF p_debug THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Running analyze on partition set: %', p_parent_table; END IF; EXECUTE format('ANALYZE %I.%I', v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename); IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); END IF; END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM close_job(v_job_id); EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', v_old_search_path, 'false'); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS ex_message = MESSAGE_TEXT, ex_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT, ex_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, ex_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_job_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_job(''PARTMAN CREATE CONSTRAINT: %s'')', v_jobmon_schema, p_parent_table) INTO v_job_id; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before job logging started'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id, p_parent_table) INTO v_step_id; ELSIF v_step_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before first step logged'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id) INTO v_step_id; END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.update_step(%s, ''CRITICAL'', %L)', v_jobmon_schema, v_step_id, 'ERROR: '||coalesce(SQLERRM,'unknown')); EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.fail_job(%s)', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id); END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION '% CONTEXT: % DETAIL: % HINT: %', ex_message, ex_context, ex_detail, ex_hint; END $$; /* * Apply foreign keys that exist on the given parent to the given child table */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION apply_foreign_keys(p_parent_table text, p_child_table text, p_job_id bigint DEFAULT NULL, p_debug boolean DEFAULT false) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE ex_context text; ex_detail text; ex_hint text; ex_message text; v_count int := 0; v_job_id bigint; v_jobmon text; v_jobmon_schema text; v_old_search_path text; v_parent_schema text; v_parent_tablename text; v_ref_schema text; v_ref_table text; v_row record; v_schemaname text; v_sql text; v_step_id bigint; v_tablename text; BEGIN SELECT jobmon INTO v_jobmon FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table; IF v_jobmon THEN SELECT nspname INTO v_jobmon_schema FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_extension e WHERE e.extname = 'pg_jobmon' AND e.extnamespace = n.oid; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT current_setting('search_path') INTO v_old_search_path; EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', '@extschema@,'||v_jobmon_schema, 'false'); END IF; END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF p_job_id IS NULL THEN v_job_id := add_job(format('PARTMAN APPLYING FOREIGN KEYS: %s', p_parent_table)); ELSE -- Don't create a new job, add steps into given job v_job_id := p_job_id; END IF; END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Applying foreign keys to %s if they exist on parent', p_child_table)); END IF; SELECT schemaname, tablename INTO v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname||'.'||tablename = p_parent_table; SELECT schemaname, tablename INTO v_schemaname, v_tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname||'.'||tablename = p_child_table; IF v_tablename IS NULL THEN IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'CRITICAL', format('Target child table (%s) does not exist.', p_child_table)); PERFORM fail_job(v_job_id); EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', v_old_search_path, 'false'); END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION 'Target child table (%) does not exist.', p_child_table; RETURN; END IF; FOR v_row IN SELECT pg_get_constraintdef(con.oid) AS constraint_def FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint con JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON con.conrelid = c.oid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE c.relname = v_parent_tablename AND n.nspname = v_parent_schema AND contype = 'f' LOOP v_sql := format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I ADD %s' , v_schemaname , v_tablename , v_row.constraint_def); IF p_debug THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Constraint creation query: %', v_sql; END IF; EXECUTE v_sql; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'FK applied'); END IF; v_count := v_count + 1; END LOOP; IF v_count = 0 AND v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'No FKs found on parent'); END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM close_job(v_job_id); EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', v_old_search_path, 'false'); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS ex_message = MESSAGE_TEXT, ex_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT, ex_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, ex_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_job_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_job(''PARTMAN CREATE APPLYING FOREIGN KEYS: %s'')', v_jobmon_schema, p_parent_table) INTO v_job_id; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before job logging started'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id, p_parent_table) INTO v_step_id; ELSIF v_step_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before first step logged'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id) INTO v_step_id; END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.update_step(%s, ''CRITICAL'', %L)', v_jobmon_schema, v_step_id, 'ERROR: '||coalesce(SQLERRM,'unknown')); EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.fail_job(%s)', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id); END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION '% CONTEXT: % DETAIL: % HINT: %', ex_message, ex_context, ex_detail, ex_hint; END $$; /* * Truncate the name of the given object if it is greater than the postgres default max (63 characters). * Also appends given suffix and schema if given and truncates the name so that the entire suffix will fit. * Returns original name with schema given if it doesn't require truncation */ CREATE FUNCTION check_name_length (p_object_name text, p_suffix text DEFAULT NULL, p_table_partition boolean DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE v_new_length int; v_new_name text; BEGIN IF p_table_partition IS TRUE AND (p_suffix IS NULL) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Table partition name requires a suffix value'; END IF; IF p_table_partition THEN -- 61 characters to account for _p in partition name IF char_length(p_object_name) + char_length(p_suffix) >= 61 THEN v_new_length := 61 - char_length(p_suffix); v_new_name := substring(p_object_name from 1 for v_new_length) || '_p' || p_suffix; ELSE v_new_name := p_object_name||'_p'||p_suffix; END IF; ELSE IF char_length(p_object_name) + char_length(COALESCE(p_suffix, '')) >= 63 THEN v_new_length := 63 - char_length(COALESCE(p_suffix, '')); v_new_name := substring(p_object_name from 1 for v_new_length) || COALESCE(p_suffix, ''); ELSE v_new_name := p_object_name||COALESCE(p_suffix, ''); END IF; END IF; RETURN v_new_name; END $$; /* * Function to monitor for data getting inserted into parent tables managed by extension */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION check_parent() RETURNS SETOF @extschema@.check_parent_table LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE v_count bigint = 0; v_row record; v_schemaname text; v_tablename text; v_sql text; v_trouble @extschema@.check_parent_table%rowtype; BEGIN FOR v_row IN SELECT DISTINCT parent_table FROM @extschema@.part_config LOOP SELECT schemaname, tablename INTO v_schemaname, v_tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname ||'.'||tablename = v_row.parent_table; v_sql := format('SELECT count(1) AS n FROM ONLY %I.%I', v_schemaname, v_tablename); EXECUTE v_sql INTO v_count; IF v_count > 0 THEN v_trouble.parent_table := v_schemaname ||'.'|| v_tablename; v_trouble.count := v_count; RETURN NEXT v_trouble; END IF; v_count := 0; END LOOP; RETURN; END $$; /* * Create the trigger function for the parent table of an id-based partition set */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_function_id(p_parent_table text, p_job_id bigint DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE ex_context text; ex_detail text; ex_hint text; ex_message text; v_control text; v_count int; v_current_partition_name text; v_current_partition_id bigint; v_datetime_string text; v_final_partition_id bigint; v_function_name text; v_higher_parent text := p_parent_table; v_id_position int; v_job_id bigint; v_jobmon text; v_jobmon_schema text; v_last_partition text; v_max bigint; v_next_partition_id bigint; v_next_partition_name text; v_old_search_path text; v_parent_schema text; v_parent_tablename text; v_partition_interval bigint; v_premake int; v_prev_partition_id bigint; v_prev_partition_name text; v_row_max_id record; v_run_maint boolean; v_step_id bigint; v_top_parent text := p_parent_table; v_trig_func text; BEGIN SELECT partition_interval::bigint , control , premake , use_run_maintenance , jobmon INTO v_partition_interval , v_control , v_premake , v_run_maint , v_jobmon FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table AND partition_type = 'id'; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'ERROR: no config found for %', p_parent_table; END IF; SELECT partition_tablename INTO v_last_partition FROM @extschema@.show_partitions(p_parent_table, 'DESC') LIMIT 1; IF v_jobmon THEN SELECT nspname INTO v_jobmon_schema FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_extension e WHERE e.extname = 'pg_jobmon' AND e.extnamespace = n.oid; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT current_setting('search_path') INTO v_old_search_path; EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', '@extschema@,'||v_jobmon_schema, 'false'); END IF; END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF p_job_id IS NULL THEN v_job_id := add_job(format('PARTMAN CREATE FUNCTION: %s', p_parent_table)); ELSE v_job_id = p_job_id; END IF; v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Creating partition function for table %s', p_parent_table)); END IF; SELECT schemaname, tablename INTO v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname ||'.'|| tablename = p_parent_table; v_function_name := @extschema@.check_name_length(v_parent_tablename, '_part_trig_func', FALSE); -- Get the highest level top parent if multi-level partitioned in order to get proper max() value below WHILE v_higher_parent IS NOT NULL LOOP -- initially set in DECLARE WITH top_oid AS ( SELECT i.inhparent AS top_parent_oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON c.oid = i.inhrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE n.nspname||'.'||c.relname = v_higher_parent ) SELECT n.nspname||'.'||c.relname INTO v_higher_parent FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace JOIN top_oid t ON c.oid = t.top_parent_oid JOIN @extschema@.part_config p ON p.parent_table = n.nspname||'.'||c.relname WHERE p.partition_type = 'id'; IF v_higher_parent IS NOT NULL THEN -- initially set in DECLARE v_top_parent := v_higher_parent; END IF; END LOOP; -- Loop through child tables starting from highest to get current max value in partition set -- Avoids doing a scan on entire partition set and/or getting any values accidentally in parent. FOR v_row_max_id IN SELECT partition_schemaname, partition_tablename FROM @extschema@.show_partitions(v_top_parent, 'DESC') LOOP EXECUTE format('SELECT max(%I) FROM %I.%I', v_control, v_row_max_id.partition_schemaname, v_row_max_id.partition_tablename) INTO v_max; IF v_max IS NOT NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; IF v_max IS NULL THEN v_max := 0; END IF; v_current_partition_id = v_max - (v_max % v_partition_interval); v_next_partition_id := v_current_partition_id + v_partition_interval; v_current_partition_name := @extschema@.check_name_length(v_parent_tablename, v_current_partition_id::text, TRUE); v_trig_func := format('CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION %I.%I() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $t$ DECLARE v_count int; v_current_partition_id bigint; v_current_partition_name text; v_id_position int; v_last_partition text := %L; v_next_partition_id bigint; v_next_partition_name text; v_partition_created boolean; BEGIN IF TG_OP = ''INSERT'' THEN IF NEW.%I >= %s AND NEW.%I < %s THEN ' , v_parent_schema , v_function_name , v_last_partition , v_control , v_current_partition_id , v_control , v_next_partition_id ); SELECT count(*) INTO v_count FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = v_parent_schema AND tablename = v_current_partition_name; IF v_count > 0 THEN v_trig_func := v_trig_func || format(' INSERT INTO %I.%I VALUES (NEW.*); ', v_parent_schema, v_current_partition_name); ELSE v_trig_func := v_trig_func || ' -- Child table for current values does not exist in this partition set, so write to parent RETURN NEW;'; END IF; FOR i IN 1..v_premake LOOP v_prev_partition_id := v_current_partition_id - (v_partition_interval * i); v_next_partition_id := v_current_partition_id + (v_partition_interval * i); v_final_partition_id := v_next_partition_id + v_partition_interval; v_prev_partition_name := @extschema@.check_name_length(v_parent_tablename, v_prev_partition_id::text, TRUE); v_next_partition_name := @extschema@.check_name_length(v_parent_tablename, v_next_partition_id::text, TRUE); -- Check that child table exist before making a rule to insert to them. -- Handles edge case of changing premake immediately after running create_parent(). SELECT count(*) INTO v_count FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = v_parent_schema AND tablename = v_prev_partition_name; IF v_count > 0 THEN -- Only handle previous partitions if they're starting above zero IF v_prev_partition_id >= 0 THEN v_trig_func := v_trig_func ||format(' ELSIF NEW.%I >= %s AND NEW.%I < %s THEN INSERT INTO %I.%I VALUES (NEW.*); ' , v_control , v_prev_partition_id , v_control , v_prev_partition_id + v_partition_interval , v_parent_schema , v_prev_partition_name ); END IF; END IF; SELECT count(*) INTO v_count FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname ||'.'||tablename = v_next_partition_name; IF v_count > 0 THEN v_trig_func := v_trig_func ||format(' ELSIF NEW.%I >= %s AND NEW.%I < %s THEN INSERT INTO %I.%I VALUES (NEW.*);' , v_control , v_next_partition_id , v_control , v_final_partition_id , v_parent_schema , v_next_partition_name ); END IF; END LOOP; v_trig_func := v_trig_func ||format(' ELSE v_current_partition_id := NEW.%I - (NEW.%I %% %s); v_current_partition_name := @extschema@.check_name_length(%L, v_current_partition_id::text, TRUE); SELECT count(*) INTO v_count FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = %L AND tablename = v_current_partition_name; IF v_count > 0 THEN EXECUTE format(''INSERT INTO %%I.%%I VALUES($1.*)'', %L, v_current_partition_name) USING NEW; ELSE RETURN NEW; END IF; END IF;' , v_control , v_control , v_partition_interval , v_parent_tablename , v_parent_schema , v_parent_schema ); IF v_run_maint IS FALSE THEN v_trig_func := v_trig_func ||format(' v_current_partition_id := NEW.%I - (NEW.%I %% %s); IF (NEW.%I %% %s) > (%s / 2) THEN v_id_position := (length(v_last_partition) - position(''p_'' in reverse(v_last_partition))) + 2; v_next_partition_id := (substring(v_last_partition from v_id_position)::bigint) + %s; WHILE ((v_next_partition_id - v_current_partition_id) / %s) <= %s LOOP v_partition_created := @extschema@.create_partition_id(%L, ARRAY[v_next_partition_id]); IF v_partition_created THEN PERFORM @extschema@.create_function_id(%L); PERFORM @extschema@.apply_constraints(%L); END IF; v_next_partition_id := v_next_partition_id + %s; END LOOP; END IF;' , v_control , v_control , v_partition_interval , v_control , v_partition_interval , v_partition_interval , v_partition_interval , v_partition_interval , v_premake , p_parent_table , p_parent_table , p_parent_table , v_partition_interval ); END IF; v_trig_func := v_trig_func ||' END IF; RETURN NULL; END $t$;'; EXECUTE v_trig_func; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', format('Added function for current id interval: %s to %s', v_current_partition_id, v_final_partition_id-1)); END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM close_job(v_job_id); EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', v_old_search_path, 'false'); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS ex_message = MESSAGE_TEXT, ex_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT, ex_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, ex_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_job_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_job(''PARTMAN CREATE FUNCTION: %s'')', v_jobmon_schema, p_parent_table) INTO v_job_id; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''Partition function maintenance for table %s failed'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id, p_parent_table) INTO v_step_id; ELSIF v_step_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before first step logged'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id) INTO v_step_id; END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.update_step(%s, ''CRITICAL'', %L)', v_jobmon_schema, v_step_id, 'ERROR: '||coalesce(SQLERRM,'unknown')); EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.fail_job(%s)', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id); END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION '% CONTEXT: % DETAIL: % HINT: %', ex_message, ex_context, ex_detail, ex_hint; END $$; /* * Create the trigger function for the parent table of a time-based partition set */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_function_time(p_parent_table text, p_job_id bigint DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE ex_context text; ex_detail text; ex_hint text; ex_message text; v_control text; v_count int; v_current_partition_name text; v_current_partition_timestamp timestamptz; v_datetime_string text; v_final_partition_timestamp timestamptz; v_function_name text; v_job_id bigint; v_jobmon boolean; v_jobmon_schema text; v_old_search_path text; v_new_length int; v_next_partition_name text; v_next_partition_timestamp timestamptz; v_parent_schema text; v_parent_tablename text; v_partition_interval interval; v_premake int; v_prev_partition_name text; v_prev_partition_timestamp timestamptz; v_step_id bigint; v_trig_func text; v_type text; BEGIN SELECT partition_type , partition_interval::interval , control , premake , datetime_string , jobmon INTO v_type , v_partition_interval , v_control , v_premake , v_datetime_string , v_jobmon FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table AND (partition_type = 'time' OR partition_type = 'time-custom'); IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'ERROR: no config found for %', p_parent_table; END IF; IF v_jobmon THEN SELECT nspname INTO v_jobmon_schema FROM pg_namespace n, pg_extension e WHERE e.extname = 'pg_jobmon' AND e.extnamespace = n.oid; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT current_setting('search_path') INTO v_old_search_path; EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', '@extschema@,'||v_jobmon_schema, 'false'); END IF; END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF p_job_id IS NULL THEN v_job_id := add_job(format('PARTMAN CREATE FUNCTION: %s', p_parent_table)); ELSE v_job_id = p_job_id; END IF; v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Creating partition function for table %s', p_parent_table)); END IF; SELECT schemaname, tablename INTO v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname ||'.'|| tablename = p_parent_table; v_function_name := @extschema@.check_name_length(v_parent_tablename, '_part_trig_func', FALSE); IF v_type = 'time' THEN v_trig_func := format('CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION %I.%I() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $t$ DECLARE v_count int; v_partition_name text; v_partition_timestamp timestamptz; BEGIN IF TG_OP = ''INSERT'' THEN ' , v_parent_schema , v_function_name); CASE WHEN v_partition_interval = '15 mins' THEN v_trig_func := v_trig_func||format('v_partition_timestamp := date_trunc(''hour'', NEW.%I) + ''15min''::interval * floor(date_part(''minute'', NEW.%I) / 15.0);' , v_control , v_control); v_current_partition_timestamp := date_trunc('hour', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) + '15min'::interval * floor(date_part('minute', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) / 15.0); WHEN v_partition_interval = '30 mins' THEN v_trig_func := v_trig_func||format('v_partition_timestamp := date_trunc(''hour'', NEW.%I) + ''30min''::interval * floor(date_part(''minute'', NEW.%I) / 30.0);' , v_control , v_control); v_current_partition_timestamp := date_trunc('hour', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) + '30min'::interval * floor(date_part('minute', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) / 30.0); WHEN v_partition_interval = '1 hour' THEN v_trig_func := v_trig_func||format('v_partition_timestamp := date_trunc(''hour'', NEW.%I);', v_control); v_current_partition_timestamp := date_trunc('hour', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); WHEN v_partition_interval = '1 day' THEN v_trig_func := v_trig_func||format('v_partition_timestamp := date_trunc(''day'', NEW.%I);', v_control); v_current_partition_timestamp := date_trunc('day', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); WHEN v_partition_interval = '1 week' THEN v_trig_func := v_trig_func||format('v_partition_timestamp := date_trunc(''week'', NEW.%I);', v_control); v_current_partition_timestamp := date_trunc('week', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); WHEN v_partition_interval = '1 month' THEN v_trig_func := v_trig_func||format('v_partition_timestamp := date_trunc(''month'', NEW.%I);', v_control); v_current_partition_timestamp := date_trunc('month', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); WHEN v_partition_interval = '3 months' THEN v_trig_func := v_trig_func||format('v_partition_timestamp := date_trunc(''quarter'', NEW.%I);', v_control); v_current_partition_timestamp := date_trunc('quarter', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); WHEN v_partition_interval = '1 year' THEN v_trig_func := v_trig_func||format('v_partition_timestamp := date_trunc(''year'', NEW.%I);', v_control); v_current_partition_timestamp := date_trunc('year', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); END CASE; v_current_partition_name := @extschema@.check_name_length(v_parent_tablename, to_char(v_current_partition_timestamp, v_datetime_string), TRUE); v_next_partition_timestamp := v_current_partition_timestamp + v_partition_interval::interval; v_trig_func := v_trig_func ||format(' IF NEW.%I >= %L AND NEW.%I < %L THEN ' , v_control , v_current_partition_timestamp , v_control , v_next_partition_timestamp); SELECT count(*) INTO v_count FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = v_parent_schema AND tablename = v_current_partition_name; IF v_count > 0 THEN v_trig_func := v_trig_func || format(' INSERT INTO %I.%I VALUES (NEW.*); ', v_parent_schema, v_current_partition_name); ELSE v_trig_func := v_trig_func || ' -- Child table for current values does not exist in this partition set, so write to parent RETURN NEW;'; END IF; FOR i IN 1..v_premake LOOP v_prev_partition_timestamp := v_current_partition_timestamp - (v_partition_interval::interval * i); v_next_partition_timestamp := v_current_partition_timestamp + (v_partition_interval::interval * i); v_final_partition_timestamp := v_next_partition_timestamp + (v_partition_interval::interval); v_prev_partition_name := @extschema@.check_name_length(v_parent_tablename, to_char(v_prev_partition_timestamp, v_datetime_string), TRUE); v_next_partition_name := @extschema@.check_name_length(v_parent_tablename, to_char(v_next_partition_timestamp, v_datetime_string), TRUE); -- Check that child table exist before making a rule to insert to them. -- Handles edge case of changing premake immediately after running create_parent(). SELECT count(*) INTO v_count FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = v_parent_schema AND tablename = v_prev_partition_name; IF v_count > 0 THEN v_trig_func := v_trig_func ||format(' ELSIF NEW.%I >= %L AND NEW.%I < %L THEN INSERT INTO %I.%I VALUES (NEW.*);' , v_control , v_prev_partition_timestamp , v_control , v_prev_partition_timestamp + v_partition_interval::interval , v_parent_schema , v_prev_partition_name); END IF; SELECT count(*) INTO v_count FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = v_parent_schema AND tablename = v_next_partition_name; IF v_count > 0 THEN v_trig_func := v_trig_func ||format(' ELSIF NEW.%I >= %L AND NEW.%I < %L THEN INSERT INTO %I.%I VALUES (NEW.*);' , v_control , v_next_partition_timestamp , v_control , v_final_partition_timestamp , v_parent_schema , v_next_partition_name); END IF; END LOOP; v_trig_func := v_trig_func||format(' ELSE v_partition_name := @extschema@.check_name_length(%L, to_char(v_partition_timestamp, %L), TRUE); SELECT count(*) INTO v_count FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = %L AND tablename = v_partition_name; IF v_count > 0 THEN EXECUTE format(''INSERT INTO %%I.%%I VALUES($1.*)'', %L, v_partition_name) USING NEW; ELSE RETURN NEW; END IF; END IF;' , v_parent_tablename , v_datetime_string , v_parent_schema , v_parent_schema); v_trig_func := v_trig_func ||' END IF; RETURN NULL; END $t$;'; EXECUTE v_trig_func; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', format('Added function for current time interval: %s to %s' , v_current_partition_timestamp , v_final_partition_timestamp-'1sec'::interval)); END IF; ELSIF v_type = 'time-custom' THEN v_trig_func := format('CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION %I.%I() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $t$ DECLARE v_child_schemaname text; v_child_table text; v_child_tablename text; BEGIN SELECT child_table INTO v_child_table FROM @extschema@.custom_time_partitions WHERE partition_range @> NEW.%I AND parent_table = %L; SELECT schemaname, tablename INTO v_child_schemaname, v_child_tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname ||''.''|| tablename = v_child_table; IF v_child_schemaname IS NOT NULL AND v_child_tablename IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format(''INSERT INTO %%I.%%I VALUES ($1.*)'', v_child_schemaname, v_child_tablename) USING NEW; ELSE RETURN NEW; END IF; RETURN NULL; END $t$;' , v_parent_schema , v_function_name , v_control , v_parent_schema||'.'||v_parent_tablename); EXECUTE v_trig_func; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', format('Added function for custom time table: %s', p_parent_table)); END IF; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION 'ERROR: Invalid time partitioning type given: %', v_type; END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM close_job(v_job_id); EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', v_old_search_path, 'false'); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS ex_message = MESSAGE_TEXT, ex_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT, ex_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, ex_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_job_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_job(''PARTMAN CREATE FUNCTION: %s'')', v_jobmon_schema, p_parent_table) INTO v_job_id; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''Partition function maintenance for table %s failed'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id, p_parent_table) INTO v_step_id; ELSIF v_step_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before first step logged'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id) INTO v_step_id; END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.update_step(%s, ''CRITICAL'', %L)', v_jobmon_schema, v_step_id, 'ERROR: '||coalesce(SQLERRM,'unknown')); EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.fail_job(%s)', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id); END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION '% CONTEXT: % DETAIL: % HINT: %', ex_message, ex_context, ex_detail, ex_hint; END $$; /* * Function to turn a table into the parent of a partition set */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_parent( p_parent_table text , p_control text , p_type text , p_interval text , p_constraint_cols text[] DEFAULT NULL , p_premake int DEFAULT 4 , p_use_run_maintenance boolean DEFAULT NULL , p_start_partition text DEFAULT NULL , p_inherit_fk boolean DEFAULT true , p_jobmon boolean DEFAULT true , p_debug boolean DEFAULT false) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE ex_context text; ex_detail text; ex_hint text; ex_message text; v_base_timestamp timestamp; v_count int := 1; v_datetime_string text; v_higher_parent text := p_parent_table; v_id_interval bigint; v_id_position int; v_job_id bigint; v_jobmon_schema text; v_last_partition_created boolean; v_max bigint; v_notnull boolean; v_old_search_path text; v_parent_partition_id bigint; v_parent_partition_timestamp timestamp; v_parent_schema text; v_parent_tablename text; v_partition_time timestamp; v_partition_time_array timestamp[]; v_partition_id_array bigint[]; v_row record; v_run_maint boolean; v_sql text; v_start_time timestamp; v_starting_partition_id bigint; v_step_id bigint; v_step_overflow_id bigint; v_sub_parent text; v_success boolean := false; v_time_interval interval; v_time_position int; v_top_datetime_string text; v_top_parent text := p_parent_table; v_top_schemaname text; v_top_tablename text; BEGIN IF position('.' in p_parent_table) = 0 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Parent table must be schema qualified'; END IF; SELECT schemaname, tablename INTO v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname || '.' || tablename = p_parent_table; IF v_parent_tablename IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Please create given parent table first: %', p_parent_table; END IF; SELECT attnotnull INTO v_notnull FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON a.attrelid = c.oid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE c.relname = v_parent_tablename AND n.nspname = v_parent_schema AND a.attname = p_control; IF v_notnull = false OR v_notnull IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Control column given (%) for parent table (%) does not exist or must be set to NOT NULL', p_control, p_parent_table; END IF; IF NOT @extschema@.check_partition_type(p_type) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '% is not a valid partitioning type', p_type; END IF; EXECUTE format('LOCK TABLE %I.%I IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE', v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename); IF p_jobmon THEN SELECT nspname INTO v_jobmon_schema FROM pg_namespace n, pg_extension e WHERE e.extname = 'pg_jobmon' AND e.extnamespace = n.oid; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT current_setting('search_path') INTO v_old_search_path; EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', '@extschema@,'||v_jobmon_schema, 'false'); END IF; END IF; IF p_use_run_maintenance IS NOT NULL THEN IF p_use_run_maintenance IS FALSE AND (p_type = 'time' OR p_type = 'time-custom') THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'p_run_maintenance cannot be set to false for time based partitioning'; END IF; v_run_maint := p_use_run_maintenance; ELSIF p_type = 'time' OR p_type = 'time-custom' THEN v_run_maint := TRUE; ELSIF p_type = 'id' THEN v_run_maint := FALSE; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION 'use_run_maintenance value cannot be set NULL'; END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_job_id := add_job(format('PARTMAN SETUP PARENT: %s', p_parent_table)); v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Creating initial partitions on new parent table: %s', p_parent_table)); END IF; -- If this parent table has siblings that are also partitioned (subpartitions), ensure this parent gets added to part_config_sub table so future maintenance will subpartition it -- Just doing in a loop to avoid having to assign a bunch of variables (should only run once, if at all; constraint should enforce only one value.) FOR v_row IN WITH parent_table AS ( SELECT h.inhparent AS parent_oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits h JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON h.inhrelid = c.oid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE c.relname = v_parent_tablename AND n.nspname = v_parent_schema ), sibling_children AS ( SELECT i.inhrelid::regclass::text AS tablename FROM pg_inherits i JOIN parent_table p ON i.inhparent = p.parent_oid ) SELECT DISTINCT sub_partition_type , sub_control , sub_partition_interval , sub_constraint_cols , sub_premake , sub_inherit_fk , sub_retention , sub_retention_schema , sub_retention_keep_table , sub_retention_keep_index , sub_use_run_maintenance , sub_jobmon FROM @extschema@.part_config_sub a JOIN sibling_children b on a.sub_parent = b.tablename LIMIT 1 LOOP INSERT INTO @extschema@.part_config_sub ( sub_parent , sub_partition_type , sub_control , sub_partition_interval , sub_constraint_cols , sub_premake , sub_inherit_fk , sub_retention , sub_retention_schema , sub_retention_keep_table , sub_retention_keep_index , sub_use_run_maintenance , sub_jobmon) VALUES ( p_parent_table , v_row.sub_partition_type , v_row.sub_control , v_row.sub_partition_interval , v_row.sub_constraint_cols , v_row.sub_premake , v_row.sub_inherit_fk , v_row.sub_retention , v_row.sub_retention_schema , v_row.sub_retention_keep_table , v_row.sub_retention_keep_index , v_row.sub_use_run_maintenance , v_row.sub_jobmon); END LOOP; IF p_type = 'time' OR p_type = 'time-custom' THEN CASE WHEN p_interval = 'yearly' THEN v_time_interval := '1 year'; WHEN p_interval = 'quarterly' THEN v_time_interval := '3 months'; WHEN p_interval = 'monthly' THEN v_time_interval := '1 month'; WHEN p_interval = 'weekly' THEN v_time_interval := '1 week'; WHEN p_interval = 'daily' THEN v_time_interval := '1 day'; WHEN p_interval = 'hourly' THEN v_time_interval := '1 hour'; WHEN p_interval = 'half-hour' THEN v_time_interval := '30 mins'; WHEN p_interval = 'quarter-hour' THEN v_time_interval := '15 mins'; ELSE IF p_type <> 'time-custom' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Must use a predefined time interval if not using type "time-custom". See documentation.'; END IF; v_time_interval := p_interval::interval; IF v_time_interval < '1 second'::interval THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Partitioning interval must be 1 second or greater'; END IF; END CASE; -- First partition is either the min premake or p_start_partition v_start_time := COALESCE(p_start_partition::timestamp, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - (v_time_interval * p_premake)); IF v_time_interval >= '1 year' THEN v_base_timestamp := date_trunc('year', v_start_time); IF v_time_interval >= '10 years' THEN v_base_timestamp := date_trunc('decade', v_start_time); IF v_time_interval >= '100 years' THEN v_base_timestamp := date_trunc('century', v_start_time); IF v_time_interval >= '1000 years' THEN v_base_timestamp := date_trunc('millennium', v_start_time); END IF; -- 1000 END IF; -- 100 END IF; -- 10 END IF; -- 1 v_datetime_string := 'YYYY'; IF v_time_interval < '1 year' THEN IF p_interval = 'quarterly' THEN v_base_timestamp := date_trunc('quarter', v_start_time); v_datetime_string = 'YYYY"q"Q'; ELSE v_base_timestamp := date_trunc('month', v_start_time); v_datetime_string := v_datetime_string || '_MM'; END IF; IF v_time_interval < '1 month' THEN IF p_interval = 'weekly' THEN v_base_timestamp := date_trunc('week', v_start_time); v_datetime_string := 'IYYY"w"IW'; ELSE v_base_timestamp := date_trunc('day', v_start_time); v_datetime_string := v_datetime_string || '_DD'; END IF; IF v_time_interval < '1 day' THEN v_base_timestamp := date_trunc('hour', v_start_time); v_datetime_string := v_datetime_string || '_HH24MI'; IF v_time_interval < '1 minute' THEN v_base_timestamp := date_trunc('minute', v_start_time); v_datetime_string := v_datetime_string || 'SS'; END IF; -- minute END IF; -- day END IF; -- month END IF; -- year v_partition_time_array := array_append(v_partition_time_array, v_base_timestamp); LOOP -- If current loop value is less than or equal to the value of the max premake, add time to array. IF (v_base_timestamp + (v_time_interval * v_count)) < (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + (v_time_interval * p_premake)) THEN BEGIN v_partition_time := (v_base_timestamp + (v_time_interval * v_count))::timestamp; v_partition_time_array := array_append(v_partition_time_array, v_partition_time); EXCEPTION WHEN datetime_field_overflow THEN RAISE WARNING 'Attempted partition time interval is outside PostgreSQL''s supported time range. Child partition creation after time % skipped', v_partition_time; v_step_overflow_id := add_step(v_job_id, 'Attempted partition time interval is outside PostgreSQL''s supported time range.'); PERFORM update_step(v_step_overflow_id, 'CRITICAL', 'Child partition creation after time '||v_partition_time||' skipped'); CONTINUE; END; ELSE EXIT; -- all needed partitions added to array. Exit the loop. END IF; v_count := v_count + 1; END LOOP; INSERT INTO @extschema@.part_config ( parent_table , partition_type , partition_interval , control , premake , constraint_cols , datetime_string , use_run_maintenance , inherit_fk , jobmon) VALUES ( p_parent_table , p_type , v_time_interval , p_control , p_premake , p_constraint_cols , v_datetime_string , v_run_maint , p_inherit_fk , p_jobmon); v_last_partition_created := @extschema@.create_partition_time(p_parent_table, v_partition_time_array, false); IF v_last_partition_created = false THEN -- This can happen with subpartitioning when future or past partitions prevent child creation because they're out of range of the parent -- First see if this parent is a subpartition managed by pg_partman WITH top_oid AS ( SELECT i.inhparent AS top_parent_oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON c.oid = i.inhrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relname = v_parent_tablename AND n.nspname = v_parent_schema ) SELECT n.nspname||'.'||c.relname, p.datetime_string INTO v_top_parent, v_top_datetime_string FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace JOIN top_oid t ON c.oid = t.top_parent_oid JOIN @extschema@.part_config p ON p.parent_table = n.nspname||'.'||c.relname; IF v_top_parent IS NOT NULL THEN -- If so create the lowest possible partition that is within the boundary of the parent v_time_position := (length(p_parent_table) - position('p_' in reverse(p_parent_table))) + 2; v_parent_partition_timestamp := to_timestamp(substring(p_parent_table from v_time_position), v_top_datetime_string); IF v_base_timestamp >= v_parent_partition_timestamp THEN WHILE v_base_timestamp >= v_parent_partition_timestamp LOOP v_base_timestamp := v_base_timestamp - v_time_interval; END LOOP; v_base_timestamp := v_base_timestamp + v_time_interval; -- add one back since while loop set it one lower than is needed ELSIF v_base_timestamp < v_parent_partition_timestamp THEN WHILE v_base_timestamp < v_parent_partition_timestamp LOOP v_base_timestamp := v_base_timestamp + v_time_interval; END LOOP; -- Don't need to remove one since new starting time will fit in top parent interval END IF; v_partition_time_array := NULL; v_partition_time_array := array_append(v_partition_time_array, v_base_timestamp); v_last_partition_created := @extschema@.create_partition_time(p_parent_table, v_partition_time_array, false); ELSE -- Currently unknown edge case if code gets here RAISE EXCEPTION 'No child tables created. Unexpected edge case encountered. Please report this error to author with conditions that led to it.'; END IF; END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', format('Time partitions premade: %s', p_premake)); END IF; END IF; IF p_type = 'id' THEN v_id_interval := p_interval::bigint; IF v_id_interval < 10 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Interval for serial partitioning must be greater than or equal to 10'; END IF; -- Check if parent table is a subpartition of an already existing id partition set managed by pg_partman. WHILE v_higher_parent IS NOT NULL LOOP -- initially set in DECLARE WITH top_oid AS ( SELECT i.inhparent AS top_parent_oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON c.oid = i.inhrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE n.nspname||'.'||c.relname = v_higher_parent ) SELECT n.nspname||'.'||c.relname INTO v_higher_parent FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace JOIN top_oid t ON c.oid = t.top_parent_oid JOIN @extschema@.part_config p ON p.parent_table = n.nspname||'.'||c.relname WHERE p.partition_type = 'id'; IF v_higher_parent IS NOT NULL THEN -- v_top_parent initially set in DECLARE v_top_parent := v_higher_parent; END IF; END LOOP; -- If custom start partition is set, use that. -- If custom start is not set and there is already data, start partitioning with the highest current value and ensure it's grabbed from highest top parent table SELECT schemaname, tablename INTO v_top_schemaname, v_top_tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname||'.'||tablename = v_top_parent; v_sql := format('SELECT COALESCE(%L, max(%I)::bigint, 0) FROM %I.%I LIMIT 1' , p_start_partition::bigint , p_control , v_top_schemaname , v_top_tablename); EXECUTE v_sql INTO v_max; v_starting_partition_id := v_max - (v_max % v_id_interval); FOR i IN 0..p_premake LOOP -- Only make previous partitions if ID value is less than the starting value and positive (and custom start partition wasn't set) IF p_start_partition IS NULL AND (v_starting_partition_id - (v_id_interval*i)) > 0 AND (v_starting_partition_id - (v_id_interval*i)) < v_starting_partition_id THEN v_partition_id_array = array_append(v_partition_id_array, (v_starting_partition_id - v_id_interval*i)); END IF; v_partition_id_array = array_append(v_partition_id_array, (v_id_interval*i) + v_starting_partition_id); END LOOP; INSERT INTO @extschema@.part_config ( parent_table , partition_type , partition_interval , control , premake , constraint_cols , use_run_maintenance , inherit_fk , jobmon) VALUES ( p_parent_table , p_type , v_id_interval , p_control , p_premake , p_constraint_cols , v_run_maint , p_inherit_fk , p_jobmon); v_last_partition_created := @extschema@.create_partition_id(p_parent_table, v_partition_id_array, false); IF v_last_partition_created = false THEN -- This can happen with subpartitioning when future or past partitions prevent child creation because they're out of range of the parent -- See if it's actually a subpartition of a parent id partition WITH top_oid AS ( SELECT i.inhparent AS top_parent_oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON c.oid = i.inhrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relname = v_parent_tablename AND n.nspname = v_parent_schema ) SELECT n.nspname||'.'||c.relname INTO v_top_parent FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace JOIN top_oid t ON c.oid = t.top_parent_oid JOIN @extschema@.part_config p ON p.parent_table = n.nspname||'.'||c.relname WHERE p.partition_type = 'id'; IF v_top_parent IS NOT NULL THEN -- Create the lowest possible partition that is within the boundary of the parent v_id_position := (length(p_parent_table) - position('p_' in reverse(p_parent_table))) + 2; v_parent_partition_id = substring(p_parent_table from v_id_position)::bigint; IF v_starting_partition_id >= v_parent_partition_id THEN WHILE v_starting_partition_id >= v_parent_partition_id LOOP v_starting_partition_id := v_starting_partition_id - v_id_interval; END LOOP; v_starting_partition_id := v_starting_partition_id + v_id_interval; -- add one back since while loop set it one lower than is needed ELSIF v_starting_partition_id < v_parent_partition_id THEN WHILE v_starting_partition_id < v_parent_partition_id LOOP v_starting_partition_id := v_starting_partition_id + v_id_interval; END LOOP; -- Don't need to remove one since new starting id will fit in top parent interval END IF; v_partition_id_array = NULL; v_partition_id_array = array_append(v_partition_id_array, v_starting_partition_id); v_last_partition_created := @extschema@.create_partition_id(p_parent_table, v_partition_id_array, false); ELSE -- Currently unknown edge case if code gets here RAISE EXCEPTION 'No child tables created. Unexpected edge case encountered. Please report this error to author with conditions that led to it.'; END IF; END IF; END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, 'Creating partition function'); END IF; IF p_type = 'time' OR p_type = 'time-custom' THEN PERFORM @extschema@.create_function_time(p_parent_table, v_job_id); IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Time function created'); END IF; ELSIF p_type = 'id' THEN PERFORM @extschema@.create_function_id(p_parent_table, v_job_id); IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'ID function created'); END IF; END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, 'Creating partition trigger'); END IF; PERFORM @extschema@.create_trigger(p_parent_table); IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); IF v_step_overflow_id IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM fail_job(v_job_id); ELSE PERFORM close_job(v_job_id); END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', v_old_search_path, 'false'); END IF; v_success := true; RETURN v_success; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS ex_message = MESSAGE_TEXT, ex_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT, ex_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, ex_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_job_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_job(''PARTMAN CREATE PARENT: %s'')', v_jobmon_schema, p_parent_table) INTO v_job_id; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''Partition creation for table '||p_parent_table||' failed'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id, p_parent_table) INTO v_step_id; ELSIF v_step_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before first step logged'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id) INTO v_step_id; END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.update_step(%s, ''CRITICAL'', %L)', v_jobmon_schema, v_step_id, 'ERROR: '||coalesce(SQLERRM,'unknown')); EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.fail_job(%s)', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id); END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION '% CONTEXT: % DETAIL: % HINT: %', ex_message, ex_context, ex_detail, ex_hint; END $$; /* * Function to create id partitions */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_partition_id(p_parent_table text, p_partition_ids bigint[], p_analyze boolean DEFAULT true) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE ex_context text; ex_detail text; ex_hint text; ex_message text; v_all text[] := ARRAY['SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE', 'TRUNCATE', 'REFERENCES', 'TRIGGER']; v_analyze boolean := FALSE; v_control text; v_exists text; v_grantees text[]; v_hasoids boolean; v_id bigint; v_inherit_fk boolean; v_job_id bigint; v_jobmon boolean; v_jobmon_schema text; v_old_search_path text; v_parent_grant record; v_parent_owner text; v_parent_schema text; v_parent_tablename text; v_parent_tablespace text; v_partition_interval bigint; v_partition_created boolean := false; v_partition_name text; v_revoke text; v_row record; v_sql text; v_step_id bigint; v_sub_id_max bigint; v_sub_id_min bigint; v_unlogged char; BEGIN SELECT control , partition_interval , inherit_fk , jobmon INTO v_control , v_partition_interval , v_inherit_fk , v_jobmon FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table AND partition_type = 'id'; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'ERROR: no config found for %', p_parent_table; END IF; IF v_jobmon THEN SELECT nspname INTO v_jobmon_schema FROM pg_namespace n, pg_extension e WHERE e.extname = 'pg_jobmon' AND e.extnamespace = n.oid; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT current_setting('search_path') INTO v_old_search_path; EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', '@extschema@,'||v_jobmon_schema, 'false'); END IF; END IF; -- Determine if this table is a child of a subpartition parent. If so, get limits of what child tables can be created based on parent suffix SELECT sub_min::bigint, sub_max::bigint INTO v_sub_id_min, v_sub_id_max FROM @extschema@.check_subpartition_limits(p_parent_table, 'id'); SELECT tableowner, schemaname, tablename, tablespace INTO v_parent_owner, v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename, v_parent_tablespace FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname ||'.'|| tablename = p_parent_table; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_job_id := add_job(format('PARTMAN CREATE TABLE: %s', p_parent_table)); END IF; FOREACH v_id IN ARRAY p_partition_ids LOOP -- Do not create the child table if it's outside the bounds of the top parent. IF v_sub_id_min IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_id < v_sub_id_min OR v_id > v_sub_id_max THEN CONTINUE; END IF; END IF; v_partition_name := @extschema@.check_name_length(v_parent_tablename, v_id::text, TRUE); -- If child table already exists, skip creation SELECT tablename INTO v_exists FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = v_parent_schema AND tablename = v_partition_name; IF v_exists IS NOT NULL THEN CONTINUE; END IF; -- Ensure analyze is run if a new partition is created. Otherwise if one isn't, will be false and analyze will be skipped v_analyze := TRUE; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, 'Creating new partition '||v_partition_name||' with interval from '||v_id||' to '||(v_id + v_partition_interval)-1); END IF; SELECT relpersistence INTO v_unlogged FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE c.relname = v_parent_tablename AND n.nspname = v_parent_schema; v_sql := 'CREATE'; IF v_unlogged = 'u' THEN v_sql := v_sql || ' UNLOGGED'; END IF; v_sql := v_sql || format(' TABLE %I.%I (LIKE %I.%I INCLUDING DEFAULTS INCLUDING CONSTRAINTS INCLUDING INDEXES INCLUDING STORAGE INCLUDING COMMENTS)' , v_parent_schema , v_partition_name , v_parent_schema , v_parent_tablename); SELECT relhasoids INTO v_hasoids FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE c.relname = v_parent_tablename AND n.nspname = v_parent_schema; IF v_hasoids IS TRUE THEN v_sql := v_sql || ' WITH (OIDS)'; END IF; EXECUTE v_sql; IF v_parent_tablespace IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I SET TABLESPACE %I', v_parent_schema, v_partition_name, v_parent_tablespace); END IF; EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I ADD CONSTRAINT %I CHECK (%I >= %s AND %I < %s )' , v_parent_schema , v_partition_name , v_partition_name||'_partition_check' , v_control , v_id , v_control , v_id + v_partition_interval); EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I INHERIT %I.%I', v_parent_schema, v_partition_name, v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename); FOR v_parent_grant IN SELECT array_agg(DISTINCT privilege_type::text ORDER BY privilege_type::text) AS types, grantee FROM information_schema.table_privileges WHERE table_schema ||'.'|| table_name = p_parent_table GROUP BY grantee LOOP EXECUTE format('GRANT %s ON %I.%I TO %I' , array_to_string(v_parent_grant.types, ',') , v_parent_schema , v_partition_name , v_parent_grant.grantee); SELECT string_agg(r, ',') INTO v_revoke FROM (SELECT unnest(v_all) AS r EXCEPT SELECT unnest(v_parent_grant.types)) x; IF v_revoke IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('REVOKE %s ON %I.%I FROM %I CASCADE' , v_revoke , v_parent_schema , v_partition_name , v_parent_grant.grantee); END IF; v_grantees := array_append(v_grantees, v_parent_grant.grantee::text); END LOOP; -- Revoke all privileges from roles that have none on the parent IF v_grantees IS NOT NULL THEN FOR v_row IN SELECT role FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT grantee::text AS role FROM information_schema.table_privileges WHERE table_schema = v_parent_schema AND table_name = v_partition_name EXCEPT SELECT unnest(v_grantees)) x LOOP IF v_row.role IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('REVOKE ALL ON %I.%I FROM %I' , v_parent_schema , v_partition_name , v_row.role); END IF; END LOOP; END IF; EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I OWNER TO %I', v_parent_schema, v_partition_name, v_parent_owner); IF v_inherit_fk THEN PERFORM @extschema@.apply_foreign_keys(p_parent_table, v_parent_schema||'.'||v_partition_name, v_job_id); END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); END IF; -- Will only loop once and only if sub_partitioning is actually configured -- This seemed easier than assigning a bunch of variables then doing an IF condition FOR v_row IN SELECT sub_parent , sub_control , sub_partition_type , sub_partition_interval , sub_constraint_cols , sub_premake , sub_inherit_fk , sub_retention , sub_retention_schema , sub_retention_keep_table , sub_retention_keep_index , sub_use_run_maintenance , sub_jobmon FROM @extschema@.part_config_sub WHERE sub_parent = p_parent_table LOOP IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, 'Subpartitioning '||v_partition_name); END IF; v_sql := format('SELECT @extschema@.create_parent( p_parent_table := %L , p_control := %L , p_type := %L , p_interval := %L , p_constraint_cols := %L , p_premake := %L , p_use_run_maintenance := %L , p_inherit_fk := %L , p_jobmon := %L )' , v_parent_schema||'.'||v_partition_name , v_row.sub_control , v_row.sub_partition_type , v_row.sub_partition_interval , v_row.sub_constraint_cols , v_row.sub_premake , v_row.sub_use_run_maintenance , v_row.sub_inherit_fk , v_row.sub_jobmon); EXECUTE v_sql; UPDATE @extschema@.part_config SET retention_schema = v_row.sub_retention_schema , retention_keep_table = v_row.sub_retention_keep_table , retention_keep_index = v_row.sub_retention_keep_index WHERE parent_table = v_partition_name; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); END IF; END LOOP; -- end sub partitioning LOOP v_partition_created := true; END LOOP; -- v_analyze is a local check if a new table is made. -- p_analyze is a parameter to say whether to run the analyze at all. Used by create_parent() to avoid long exclusive lock or run_maintenence() to avoid long creation runs. IF v_analyze AND p_analyze THEN IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Analyzing partition set: %s', p_parent_table)); END IF; EXECUTE format('ANALYZE %I.%I', v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename); IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); END IF; END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_partition_created = false THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('No partitions created for partition set: %s', p_parent_table)); PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); END IF; PERFORM close_job(v_job_id); END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', v_old_search_path, 'false'); END IF; RETURN v_partition_created; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS ex_message = MESSAGE_TEXT, ex_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT, ex_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, ex_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_job_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_job(''PARTMAN CREATE TABLE: %s'')', v_jobmon_schema, p_parent_table) INTO v_job_id; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before job logging started'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id, p_parent_table) INTO v_step_id; ELSIF v_step_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before first step logged'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id) INTO v_step_id; END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.update_step(%s, ''CRITICAL'', %L)', v_jobmon_schema, v_step_id, 'ERROR: '||coalesce(SQLERRM,'unknown')); EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.fail_job(%s)', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id); END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION '% CONTEXT: % DETAIL: % HINT: %', ex_message, ex_context, ex_detail, ex_hint; END $$; /* * Function to create a child table in a time-based partition set */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_partition_time (p_parent_table text, p_partition_times timestamp[], p_analyze boolean DEFAULT true) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE ex_context text; ex_detail text; ex_hint text; ex_message text; v_all text[] := ARRAY['SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE', 'TRUNCATE', 'REFERENCES', 'TRIGGER']; v_analyze boolean := FALSE; v_control text; v_datetime_string text; v_exists text; v_grantees text[]; v_hasoids boolean; v_inherit_fk boolean; v_job_id bigint; v_jobmon boolean; v_jobmon_schema text; v_old_search_path text; v_parent_grant record; v_parent_owner text; v_parent_schema text; v_parent_tablename text; v_partition_created boolean := false; v_partition_name text; v_partition_suffix text; v_parent_tablespace text; v_partition_interval interval; v_partition_timestamp_end timestamp; v_partition_timestamp_start timestamp; v_quarter text; v_revoke text; v_row record; v_sql text; v_step_id bigint; v_step_overflow_id bigint; v_sub_timestamp_max timestamp; v_sub_timestamp_min timestamp; v_trunc_value text; v_time timestamp; v_type text; v_unlogged char; v_year text; BEGIN SELECT partition_type , control , partition_interval , inherit_fk , jobmon , datetime_string INTO v_type , v_control , v_partition_interval , v_inherit_fk , v_jobmon , v_datetime_string FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table AND partition_type = 'time' OR partition_type = 'time-custom'; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'ERROR: no config found for %', p_parent_table; END IF; IF v_jobmon THEN SELECT nspname INTO v_jobmon_schema FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_extension e WHERE e.extname = 'pg_jobmon' AND e.extnamespace = n.oid; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT current_setting('search_path') INTO v_old_search_path; EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', '@extschema@,'||v_jobmon_schema, 'false'); END IF; END IF; -- Determine if this table is a child of a subpartition parent. If so, get limits of what child tables can be created based on parent suffix SELECT sub_min::timestamp, sub_max::timestamp INTO v_sub_timestamp_min, v_sub_timestamp_max FROM @extschema@.check_subpartition_limits(p_parent_table, 'time'); SELECT tableowner, schemaname, tablename, tablespace INTO v_parent_owner, v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename, v_parent_tablespace FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname ||'.'|| tablename = p_parent_table; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_job_id := add_job(format('PARTMAN CREATE TABLE: %s', p_parent_table)); END IF; FOREACH v_time IN ARRAY p_partition_times LOOP v_partition_timestamp_start := v_time; BEGIN v_partition_timestamp_end := v_time + v_partition_interval; EXCEPTION WHEN datetime_field_overflow THEN RAISE WARNING 'Attempted partition time interval is outside PostgreSQL''s supported time range. Child partition creation after time % skipped', v_time; v_step_overflow_id := add_step(v_job_id, 'Attempted partition time interval is outside PostgreSQL''s supported time range.'); PERFORM update_step(v_step_overflow_id, 'CRITICAL', 'Child partition creation after time '||v_time||' skipped'); CONTINUE; END; -- Do not create the child table if it's outside the bounds of the top parent. IF v_sub_timestamp_min IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_time < v_sub_timestamp_min OR v_time > v_sub_timestamp_max THEN CONTINUE; END IF; END IF; -- This suffix generation code is in partition_data_time() as well v_partition_suffix := to_char(v_time, v_datetime_string); v_partition_name := @extschema@.check_name_length(v_parent_tablename, v_partition_suffix, TRUE); SELECT tablename INTO v_exists FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = v_parent_schema AND tablename = v_partition_name; IF v_exists IS NOT NULL THEN CONTINUE; END IF; -- Ensure analyze is run if a new partition is created. Otherwise if one isn't, will be false and analyze will be skipped v_analyze := TRUE; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Creating new partition %s.%s with interval from %s to %s' , v_parent_schema , v_partition_name , v_partition_timestamp_start , v_partition_timestamp_end-'1sec'::interval)); END IF; SELECT relpersistence INTO v_unlogged FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE c.relname = v_parent_tablename AND n.nspname = v_parent_schema; v_sql := 'CREATE'; IF v_unlogged = 'u' THEN v_sql := v_sql || ' UNLOGGED'; END IF; v_sql := v_sql || format(' TABLE %I.%I (LIKE %I.%I INCLUDING DEFAULTS INCLUDING CONSTRAINTS INCLUDING INDEXES INCLUDING STORAGE INCLUDING COMMENTS)' , v_parent_schema , v_partition_name , v_parent_schema , v_parent_tablename); SELECT relhasoids INTO v_hasoids FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE c.relname = v_parent_tablename AND n.nspname = v_parent_schema; IF v_hasoids IS TRUE THEN v_sql := v_sql || ' WITH (OIDS)'; END IF; EXECUTE v_sql; IF v_parent_tablespace IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I SET TABLESPACE %I', v_parent_schema, v_partition_name, v_parent_tablespace); END IF; EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I ADD CONSTRAINT %I CHECK (%I >= %L AND %I < %L)' , v_parent_schema , v_partition_name , v_partition_name||'_partition_check' , v_control , v_partition_timestamp_start , v_control , v_partition_timestamp_end); EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I INHERIT %I.%I' , v_parent_schema , v_partition_name , v_parent_schema , v_parent_tablename); -- If custom time, set extra config options. IF v_type = 'time-custom' THEN INSERT INTO @extschema@.custom_time_partitions (parent_table, child_table, partition_range) VALUES ( p_parent_table, v_parent_schema||'.'||v_partition_name, tstzrange(v_partition_timestamp_start, v_partition_timestamp_end, '[)') ); END IF; FOR v_parent_grant IN SELECT array_agg(DISTINCT privilege_type::text ORDER BY privilege_type::text) AS types, grantee FROM information_schema.table_privileges WHERE table_schema ||'.'|| table_name = p_parent_table GROUP BY grantee LOOP EXECUTE format('GRANT %s ON %I.%I TO %I' , array_to_string(v_parent_grant.types, ',') , v_parent_schema , v_partition_name , v_parent_grant.grantee); SELECT string_agg(r, ',') INTO v_revoke FROM (SELECT unnest(v_all) AS r EXCEPT SELECT unnest(v_parent_grant.types)) x; IF v_revoke IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('REVOKE %s ON %I.%I FROM %I CASCADE' , v_revoke , v_parent_schema , v_partition_name , v_parent_grant.grantee); END IF; v_grantees := array_append(v_grantees, v_parent_grant.grantee::text); END LOOP; -- Revoke all privileges from roles that have none on the parent IF v_grantees IS NOT NULL THEN FOR v_row IN SELECT role FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT grantee::text AS role FROM information_schema.table_privileges WHERE table_schema = v_parent_schema AND table_name = v_partition_name EXCEPT SELECT unnest(v_grantees)) x LOOP IF v_row.role IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('REVOKE ALL ON %I.%I FROM %I' , v_parent_schema , v_partition_name , v_row.role); END IF; END LOOP; END IF; EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I OWNER TO %I', v_parent_schema, v_partition_name, v_parent_owner); IF v_inherit_fk THEN PERFORM @extschema@.apply_foreign_keys(p_parent_table, v_parent_schema||'.'||v_partition_name, v_job_id); END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); END IF; -- Will only loop once and only if sub_partitioning is actually configured -- This seemed easier than assigning a bunch of variables then doing an IF condition FOR v_row IN SELECT sub_parent , sub_control , sub_partition_type , sub_partition_interval , sub_constraint_cols , sub_premake , sub_inherit_fk , sub_retention , sub_retention_schema , sub_retention_keep_table , sub_retention_keep_index , sub_use_run_maintenance , sub_jobmon FROM @extschema@.part_config_sub WHERE sub_parent = p_parent_table LOOP IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Subpartitioning %s.%s', v_parent_schema, v_partition_name)); END IF; v_sql := format('SELECT @extschema@.create_parent( p_parent_table := %L , p_control := %L , p_type := %L , p_interval := %L , p_constraint_cols := %L , p_premake := %L , p_use_run_maintenance := %L , p_inherit_fk := %L , p_jobmon := %L )' , v_parent_schema||'.'||v_partition_name , v_row.sub_control , v_row.sub_partition_type , v_row.sub_partition_interval , v_row.sub_constraint_cols , v_row.sub_premake , v_row.sub_use_run_maintenance , v_row.sub_inherit_fk , v_row.sub_jobmon); EXECUTE v_sql; UPDATE @extschema@.part_config SET retention_schema = v_row.sub_retention_schema , retention_keep_table = v_row.sub_retention_keep_table , retention_keep_index = v_row.sub_retention_keep_index WHERE parent_table = v_partition_name; END LOOP; -- end sub partitioning LOOP v_partition_created := true; END LOOP; -- v_analyze is a local check if a new table is made. -- p_analyze is a parameter to say whether to run the analyze at all. Used by create_parent() to avoid long exclusive lock or run_maintenence() to avoid long creation runs. IF v_analyze AND p_analyze THEN IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Analyzing partition set: %s', p_parent_table)); END IF; EXECUTE format('ANALYZE %I.%I', v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename); IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); END IF; END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_partition_created = false THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('No partitions created for partition set: %s. Attempted intervals: %s', p_parent_table, p_partition_times)); PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); END IF; IF v_step_overflow_id IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM fail_job(v_job_id); ELSE PERFORM close_job(v_job_id); END IF; END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', v_old_search_path, 'false'); END IF; RETURN v_partition_created; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS ex_message = MESSAGE_TEXT, ex_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT, ex_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, ex_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_job_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_job(''PARTMAN CREATE TABLE: %s'')', v_jobmon_schema, p_parent_table) INTO v_job_id; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before job logging started'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id, p_parent_table) INTO v_step_id; ELSIF v_step_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before first step logged'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id) INTO v_step_id; END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.update_step(%s, ''CRITICAL'', %L)', v_jobmon_schema, v_step_id, 'ERROR: '||coalesce(SQLERRM,'unknown')); EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.fail_job(%s)', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id); END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION '% CONTEXT: % DETAIL: % HINT: %', ex_message, ex_context, ex_detail, ex_hint; END $$; /* * Create a partition set that is a subpartition of an already existing partition set. * Given the parent table of any current partition set, it will turn all existing children into parent tables of their own partition sets * using the configuration options given as parameters to this function. * Uses another config table that allows for turning all future child partitions into a new parent automatically. * To avoid logical complications and contention issues, ALL subpartitions must be maintained using run_maintenance(). * This means the automatic, trigger based partition creation for serial partitioning will not work if it is a subpartition. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_sub_parent( p_top_parent text , p_control text , p_type text , p_interval text , p_constraint_cols text[] DEFAULT NULL , p_premake int DEFAULT 4 , p_start_partition text DEFAULT NULL , p_inherit_fk boolean DEFAULT true , p_jobmon boolean DEFAULT true , p_debug boolean DEFAULT false) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE v_last_partition text; v_row record; v_row_last_part record; v_run_maint boolean; v_sql text; v_success boolean := false; v_top_type text; BEGIN SELECT use_run_maintenance INTO v_run_maint FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE parent_table = p_top_parent; IF v_run_maint IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Cannot subpartition a table that is not managed by pg_partman already. Given top parent table not found in @extschema@.part_config: %', p_top_parent; ELSIF v_run_maint = false THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Any parent table that will be part of a sub-partitioned set (on any level) must have use_run_maintenance set to true in part_config table, even for serial partitioning. See documentation for more info.'; END IF; FOR v_row IN -- Loop through all current children to turn them into partitioned tables SELECT partition_schemaname||'.'||partition_tablename AS child_table FROM @extschema@.show_partitions(p_top_parent) LOOP -- Just call existing create_parent() function but add the given parameters to the part_config_sub table as well v_sql := format('SELECT @extschema@.create_parent( p_parent_table := %L , p_control := %L , p_type := %L , p_interval := %L , p_constraint_cols := %L , p_premake := %L , p_use_run_maintenance := %L , p_start_partition := %L , p_inherit_fk := %L , p_jobmon := %L , p_debug := %L )' , v_row.child_table , p_control , p_type , p_interval , p_constraint_cols , p_premake , true , p_start_partition , p_inherit_fk , p_jobmon , p_debug); EXECUTE v_sql; END LOOP; INSERT INTO @extschema@.part_config_sub ( sub_parent , sub_control , sub_partition_type , sub_partition_interval , sub_constraint_cols , sub_premake , sub_inherit_fk , sub_use_run_maintenance , sub_jobmon) VALUES ( p_top_parent , p_control , p_type , p_interval , p_constraint_cols , p_premake , p_inherit_fk , true , p_jobmon); v_success := true; RETURN v_success; END $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_trigger(p_parent_table text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE v_function_name text; v_new_length int; v_parent_schema text; v_parent_tablename text; v_trig_name text; v_trig_sql text; BEGIN SELECT schemaname, tablename INTO v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname ||'.'|| tablename = p_parent_table; v_trig_name := @extschema@.check_name_length(p_object_name := v_parent_tablename, p_suffix := '_part_trig'); -- Ensure function name matches the naming pattern v_function_name := @extschema@.check_name_length(v_parent_tablename, '_part_trig_func', FALSE); v_trig_sql := format('CREATE TRIGGER %I BEFORE INSERT ON %I.%I FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE %I.%I()' , v_trig_name , v_parent_schema , v_parent_tablename , v_parent_schema , v_function_name); EXECUTE v_trig_sql; END $$; /* * Drop constraints managed by pg_partman */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION drop_constraints(p_parent_table text, p_child_table text, p_debug boolean DEFAULT false) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE ex_context text; ex_detail text; ex_hint text; ex_message text; v_child_schemaname text; v_child_tablename text; v_col text; v_constraint_cols text[]; v_existing_constraint_name text; v_exists boolean := FALSE; v_job_id bigint; v_jobmon boolean; v_jobmon_schema text; v_old_search_path text; v_sql text; v_step_id bigint; BEGIN SELECT constraint_cols , jobmon INTO v_constraint_cols , v_jobmon FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table; IF v_constraint_cols IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Given parent table (%) not set up for constraint management (constraint_cols is NULL)', p_parent_table; END IF; IF v_jobmon THEN SELECT nspname INTO v_jobmon_schema FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_extension e WHERE e.extname = 'pg_jobmon' AND e.extnamespace = n.oid; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT current_setting('search_path') INTO v_old_search_path; EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', '@extschema@,'||v_jobmon_schema, 'false'); END IF; END IF; SELECT schemaname, tablename INTO v_child_schemaname, v_child_tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname||'.'||tablename = p_child_table; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_job_id := add_job(format('PARTMAN DROP CONSTRAINT: %s', p_parent_table)); v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, 'Entering constraint drop loop'); PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); END IF; FOREACH v_col IN ARRAY v_constraint_cols LOOP SELECT con.conname INTO v_existing_constraint_name FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint con JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = con.conrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute a ON con.conrelid = a.attrelid WHERE c.relname = v_child_tablename AND n.nspname = v_child_schemaname AND con.conname LIKE 'partmanconstr_%' AND con.contype = 'c' AND a.attname = v_col AND ARRAY[a.attnum] <@ con.conkey AND a.attisdropped = false; IF v_existing_constraint_name IS NOT NULL THEN v_exists := TRUE; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Dropping constraint on column: %s', v_col)); END IF; v_sql := format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I DROP CONSTRAINT %I', v_child_schemaname, v_child_tablename, v_existing_constraint_name); IF p_debug THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Constraint drop query: %', v_sql; END IF; EXECUTE v_sql; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', format('Drop constraint query: %s', v_sql)); END IF; END IF; END LOOP; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL AND v_exists IS FALSE THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('No constraints found to drop on child table: %s', p_child_table)); PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM close_job(v_job_id); EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', v_old_search_path, 'false'); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS ex_message = MESSAGE_TEXT, ex_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT, ex_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, ex_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_job_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_job(''PARTMAN DROP CONSTRAINT: %s'')', v_jobmon_schema, p_parent_table) INTO v_job_id; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before job logging started'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id, p_parent_table) INTO v_step_id; ELSIF v_step_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before first step logged'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id) INTO v_step_id; END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.update_step(%s, ''CRITICAL'', %L)', v_jobmon_schema, v_step_id, 'ERROR: '||coalesce(SQLERRM,'unknown')); EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.fail_job(%s)', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id); END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION '% CONTEXT: % DETAIL: % HINT: %', ex_message, ex_context, ex_detail, ex_hint; END $$; /* * Function to drop child tables from an id-based partition set. * Options to move table to different schema, drop only indexes or actually drop the table from the database. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION drop_partition_id(p_parent_table text, p_retention bigint DEFAULT NULL, p_keep_table boolean DEFAULT NULL, p_keep_index boolean DEFAULT NULL, p_retention_schema text DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS int LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE ex_context text; ex_detail text; ex_hint text; ex_message text; v_adv_lock boolean; v_control text; v_drop_count int := 0; v_id_position int; v_index record; v_job_id bigint; v_jobmon boolean; v_jobmon_schema text; v_max bigint; v_old_search_path text; v_parent_schema text; v_parent_tablename text; v_partition_interval bigint; v_partition_id bigint; v_retention bigint; v_retention_keep_index boolean; v_retention_keep_table boolean; v_retention_schema text; v_row record; v_row_max_id record; v_step_id bigint; BEGIN v_adv_lock := pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(hashtext('pg_partman drop_partition_id')); IF v_adv_lock = 'false' THEN RAISE NOTICE 'drop_partition_id already running.'; RETURN 0; END IF; -- Allow override of configuration options IF p_retention IS NULL THEN SELECT partition_interval::bigint , control , retention::bigint , retention_keep_table , retention_keep_index , retention_schema , jobmon INTO v_partition_interval , v_control , v_retention , v_retention_keep_table , v_retention_keep_index , v_retention_schema , v_jobmon FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table AND partition_type = 'id' AND retention IS NOT NULL; IF v_partition_interval IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Configuration for given parent table with a retention period not found: %', p_parent_table; END IF; ELSE SELECT partition_interval::bigint , control , retention_keep_table , retention_keep_index , retention_schema , jobmon INTO v_partition_interval , v_control , v_retention_keep_table , v_retention_keep_index , v_retention_schema , v_jobmon FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table AND partition_type = 'id'; v_retention := p_retention; IF v_partition_interval IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Configuration for given parent table not found: %', p_parent_table; END IF; END IF; IF v_jobmon THEN SELECT nspname INTO v_jobmon_schema FROM pg_namespace n, pg_extension e WHERE e.extname = 'pg_jobmon' AND e.extnamespace = n.oid; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT current_setting('search_path') INTO v_old_search_path; EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', '@extschema@,'||v_jobmon_schema, 'false'); END IF; END IF; IF p_keep_table IS NOT NULL THEN v_retention_keep_table = p_keep_table; END IF; IF p_keep_index IS NOT NULL THEN v_retention_keep_index = p_keep_index; END IF; IF p_retention_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_retention_schema = p_retention_schema; END IF; SELECT schemaname, tablename INTO v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname ||'.'|| tablename = p_parent_table; -- Loop through child tables starting from highest to get current max value in partition set -- Avoids doing a scan on entire partition set and/or getting any values accidentally in parent. FOR v_row_max_id IN SELECT partition_schemaname, partition_tablename FROM @extschema@.show_partitions(p_parent_table, 'DESC') LOOP EXECUTE format('SELECT max(%I) FROM %I.%I', v_control, v_row_max_id.partition_schemaname, v_row_max_id.partition_tablename) INTO v_max; IF v_max IS NOT NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; -- Loop through child tables of the given parent FOR v_row IN SELECT partition_schemaname, partition_tablename FROM @extschema@.show_partitions(p_parent_table, 'ASC') LOOP v_id_position := (length(v_row.partition_tablename) - position('p_' in reverse(v_row.partition_tablename))) + 2; v_partition_id := substring(v_row.partition_tablename from v_id_position)::bigint; -- Add one interval since partition names contain the start of the constraint period IF v_retention <= (v_max - (v_partition_id + v_partition_interval)) THEN -- Only create a jobmon entry if there's actual retention work done IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL AND v_job_id IS NULL THEN v_job_id := add_job(format('PARTMAN DROP ID PARTITION: %s', p_parent_table)); END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Uninherit table %s.%s from %s', v_row.partition_schemaname, v_row.partition_tablename, p_parent_table)); END IF; EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I NO INHERIT %I.%I' , v_row.partition_schemaname , v_row.partition_tablename , v_parent_schema , v_parent_tablename); IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); END IF; IF v_retention_schema IS NULL THEN IF v_retention_keep_table = false THEN IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Drop table %s.%s', v_row.partition_schemaname, v_row.partition_tablename)); END IF; EXECUTE format('DROP TABLE %I.%I CASCADE', v_row.partition_schemaname, v_row.partition_tablename); IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); END IF; ELSIF v_retention_keep_index = false THEN FOR v_index IN WITH child_info AS ( SELECT c1.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c1 JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n1 ON c1.relnamespace = n1.oid WHERE c1.relname = v_row.partition_tablename AND n1.nspname = v_row.partition_schema ) SELECT c.relname as name , con.conname FROM pg_catalog.pg_index i JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON i.indexrelid = c.oid LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint con ON i.indexrelid = con.conindid JOIN child_info ON i.indrelid = child_info.oid LOOP IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Drop index %s from %s.%s' , v_index.name , v_row.partition_schemaname , v_row.partition_tablename)); END IF; IF v_index.conname IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I DROP CONSTRAINT %I', v_row.partition_schemaname, v_row.partition_tablename, v_index.conname); ELSE EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX %I.%I', v_row.partition_schemaname, v_index.name); END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); END IF; END LOOP; END IF; ELSE -- Move to new schema IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Moving table %s.%s to schema %s' , v_row.partition_schemaname , v_row.partition_tablename , v_retention_schema)); END IF; EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I SET SCHEMA %I' , v_row.partition_schemaname , v_row.partition_tablename , v_retention_schema); IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); END IF; END IF; -- End retention schema if -- If child table is a subpartition, remove it from part_config & part_config_sub (should cascade due to FK) DELETE FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE parent_table = v_row.partition_schemaname ||'.'||v_row.partition_tablename; v_drop_count := v_drop_count + 1; END IF; -- End retention check IF END LOOP; -- End child table loop IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_job_id IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, 'Finished partition drop maintenance'); PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', format('%s partitions dropped.', v_drop_count)); PERFORM close_job(v_job_id); END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', v_old_search_path, 'false'); END IF; RETURN v_drop_count; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS ex_message = MESSAGE_TEXT, ex_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT, ex_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, ex_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_job_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_job(''PARTMAN DROP ID PARTITION: %s'')', v_jobmon_schema, p_parent_table) INTO v_job_id; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before job logging started'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id, p_parent_table) INTO v_step_id; ELSIF v_step_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before first step logged'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id) INTO v_step_id; END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.update_step(%s, ''CRITICAL'', %L)', v_jobmon_schema, v_step_id, 'ERROR: '||coalesce(SQLERRM,'unknown')); EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.fail_job(%s)', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id); END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION '% CONTEXT: % DETAIL: % HINT: %', ex_message, ex_context, ex_detail, ex_hint; END $$; /* * Function to drop child tables from a time-based partition set. * Options to move table to different schema, drop only indexes or actually drop the table from the database. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION drop_partition_time(p_parent_table text, p_retention interval DEFAULT NULL, p_keep_table boolean DEFAULT NULL, p_keep_index boolean DEFAULT NULL, p_retention_schema text DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS int LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE ex_context text; ex_detail text; ex_hint text; ex_message text; v_adv_lock boolean; v_datetime_string text; v_drop_count int := 0; v_index record; v_job_id bigint; v_jobmon boolean; v_jobmon_schema text; v_old_search_path text; v_parent_schema text; v_parent_tablename text; v_partition_interval interval; v_partition_timestamp timestamp; v_quarter text; v_retention interval; v_retention_keep_index boolean; v_retention_keep_table boolean; v_retention_schema text; v_row record; v_step_id bigint; v_time_position int; v_type text; v_year text; BEGIN v_adv_lock := pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(hashtext('pg_partman drop_partition_time')); IF v_adv_lock = 'false' THEN RAISE NOTICE 'drop_partition_time already running.'; RETURN 0; END IF; -- Allow override of configuration options IF p_retention IS NULL THEN SELECT partition_type , partition_interval::interval , retention::interval , retention_keep_table , retention_keep_index , datetime_string , retention_schema , jobmon INTO v_type , v_partition_interval , v_retention , v_retention_keep_table , v_retention_keep_index , v_datetime_string , v_retention_schema , v_jobmon FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table AND (partition_type = 'time' OR partition_type = 'time-custom') AND retention IS NOT NULL; IF v_partition_interval IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Configuration for given parent table with a retention period not found: %', p_parent_table; END IF; ELSE SELECT partition_type , partition_interval::interval , retention_keep_table , retention_keep_index , datetime_string , retention_schema , jobmon INTO v_type , v_partition_interval , v_retention_keep_table , v_retention_keep_index , v_datetime_string , v_retention_schema , v_jobmon FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table AND (partition_type = 'time' OR partition_type = 'time-custom'); v_retention := p_retention; IF v_partition_interval IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Configuration for given parent table not found: %', p_parent_table; END IF; END IF; IF v_jobmon THEN SELECT nspname INTO v_jobmon_schema FROM pg_namespace n, pg_extension e WHERE e.extname = 'pg_jobmon' AND e.extnamespace = n.oid; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT current_setting('search_path') INTO v_old_search_path; EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', '@extschema@,'||v_jobmon_schema, 'false'); END IF; END IF; IF p_keep_table IS NOT NULL THEN v_retention_keep_table = p_keep_table; END IF; IF p_keep_index IS NOT NULL THEN v_retention_keep_index = p_keep_index; END IF; IF p_retention_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_retention_schema = p_retention_schema; END IF; SELECT schemaname, tablename INTO v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname ||'.'|| tablename = p_parent_table; -- Loop through child tables of the given parent FOR v_row IN SELECT partition_schemaname, partition_tablename FROM @extschema@.show_partitions(p_parent_table, 'DESC') LOOP -- pull out datetime portion of partition's tablename to make the next one v_time_position := (length(v_row.partition_tablename) - position('p_' in reverse(v_row.partition_tablename))) + 2; IF v_partition_interval <> '3 months' OR (v_partition_interval = '3 months' AND v_type = 'time-custom') THEN v_partition_timestamp := to_timestamp(substring(v_row.partition_tablename from v_time_position), v_datetime_string); ELSE -- to_timestamp doesn't recognize 'Q' date string formater. Handle it v_year := split_part(substring(v_row.partition_tablename from v_time_position), 'q', 1); v_quarter := split_part(substring(v_row.partition_tablename from v_time_position), 'q', 2); CASE WHEN v_quarter = '1' THEN v_partition_timestamp := to_timestamp(v_year || '-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD'); WHEN v_quarter = '2' THEN v_partition_timestamp := to_timestamp(v_year || '-04-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD'); WHEN v_quarter = '3' THEN v_partition_timestamp := to_timestamp(v_year || '-07-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD'); WHEN v_quarter = '4' THEN v_partition_timestamp := to_timestamp(v_year || '-10-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD'); END CASE; END IF; -- Add one interval since partition names contain the start of the constraint period IF v_retention < (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - (v_partition_timestamp + v_partition_interval)) THEN -- Only create a jobmon entry if there's actual retention work done IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL AND v_job_id IS NULL THEN v_job_id := add_job(format('PARTMAN DROP TIME PARTITION: %s', p_parent_table)); END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Uninherit table %s.%s from %s' , v_row.partition_schemaname , v_row.partition_tablename , p_parent_table)); END IF; EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I NO INHERIT %I.%I' , v_row.partition_schemaname , v_row.partition_tablename , v_parent_schema , v_parent_tablename); IF v_type = 'time-custom' THEN DELETE FROM @extschema@.custom_time_partitions WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table AND child_table = v_row.partition_schemaname||'.'||v_row.partition_tablename; END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); END IF; IF v_retention_schema IS NULL THEN IF v_retention_keep_table = false THEN IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Drop table %s.%s', v_row.partition_schemaname, v_row.partition_tablename)); END IF; EXECUTE format('DROP TABLE %I.%I CASCADE', v_row.partition_schemaname, v_row.partition_tablename); IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); END IF; ELSIF v_retention_keep_index = false THEN FOR v_index IN WITH child_info AS ( SELECT c1.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c1 JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n1 ON c1.relnamespace = n1.oid WHERE c1.relname = v_row.partition_tablename AND n1.nspname = v_row.partition_schemaname ) SELECT c.relname as name , con.conname FROM pg_catalog.pg_index i JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON i.indexrelid = c.oid LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint con ON i.indexrelid = con.conindid JOIN child_info ON i.indrelid = child_info.oid LOOP IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Drop index %s from %s.%s' , v_index.name , v_row.partition_schemaname , v_row.partition_tablename)); END IF; IF v_index.conname IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I DROP CONSTRAINT %I' , v_row.partition_schemaname , v_row.partition_tablename , v_index.conname); ELSE EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX %I.%I', v_parent_schema, v_index.name); END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); END IF; END LOOP; END IF; ELSE -- Move to new schema IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Moving table %s.%s to schema %s' , v_row.partition_schemaname , v_row.partition_tablename , v_retention_schema)); END IF; EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I SET SCHEMA %I', v_row.partition_schemaname, v_row.partition_tablename, v_retention_schema); IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); END IF; END IF; -- End retention schema if -- If child table is a subpartition, remove it from part_config & part_config_sub (should cascade due to FK) DELETE FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE parent_table = v_row.partition_schemaname||'.'||v_row.partition_tablename; v_drop_count := v_drop_count + 1; END IF; -- End retention check IF END LOOP; -- End child table loop IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_job_id IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, 'Finished partition drop maintenance'); PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', format('%s partitions dropped.', v_drop_count)); PERFORM close_job(v_job_id); END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', v_old_search_path, 'false'); END IF; RETURN v_drop_count; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS ex_message = MESSAGE_TEXT, ex_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT, ex_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, ex_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_job_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_job(''PARTMAN DROP TIME PARTITION: %s'')', v_jobmon_schema, p_parent_table) INTO v_job_id; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before job logging started'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id, p_parent_table) INTO v_step_id; ELSIF v_step_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before first step logged'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id) INTO v_step_id; END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.update_step(%s, ''CRITICAL'', %L)', v_jobmon_schema, v_step_id, 'ERROR: '||coalesce(SQLERRM,'unknown')); EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.fail_job(%s)', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id); END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION '% CONTEXT: % DETAIL: % HINT: %', ex_message, ex_context, ex_detail, ex_hint; END $$; /* * Populate the child table(s) of an id-based partition set with old data from the original parent */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION partition_data_id(p_parent_table text, p_batch_count int DEFAULT 1, p_batch_interval int DEFAULT NULL, p_lock_wait numeric DEFAULT 0, p_order text DEFAULT 'ASC') RETURNS bigint LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE v_control text; v_current_partition_name text; v_lock_iter int := 1; v_lock_obtained boolean := FALSE; v_max_partition_id bigint; v_min_partition_id bigint; v_parent_schema text; v_parent_tablename text; v_partition_interval bigint; v_partition_id bigint[]; v_rowcount bigint; v_sql text; v_start_control bigint; v_total_rows bigint := 0; BEGIN SELECT partition_interval::bigint , control INTO v_partition_interval , v_control FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table AND partition_type = 'id'; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'ERROR: no config found for %', p_parent_table; END IF; SELECT schemaname, tablename INTO v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname ||'.'|| tablename = p_parent_table; IF p_batch_interval IS NULL OR p_batch_interval > v_partition_interval THEN p_batch_interval := v_partition_interval; END IF; FOR i IN 1..p_batch_count LOOP IF p_order = 'ASC' THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT min(%I) FROM ONLY %I.%I', v_control, v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename) INTO v_start_control; IF v_start_control IS NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; v_min_partition_id = v_start_control - (v_start_control % v_partition_interval); v_partition_id := ARRAY[v_min_partition_id]; -- Check if custom batch interval overflows current partition maximum IF (v_start_control + p_batch_interval) >= (v_min_partition_id + v_partition_interval) THEN v_max_partition_id := v_min_partition_id + v_partition_interval; ELSE v_max_partition_id := v_start_control + p_batch_interval; END IF; ELSIF p_order = 'DESC' THEN EXECUTE 'SELECT max('||v_control||') FROM ONLY '||p_parent_table INTO v_start_control; IF v_start_control IS NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; v_min_partition_id = v_start_control - (v_start_control % v_partition_interval); -- Must be greater than max value still in parent table since query below grabs < max v_max_partition_id := v_min_partition_id + v_partition_interval; v_partition_id := ARRAY[v_min_partition_id]; -- Make sure minimum doesn't underflow current partition minimum IF (v_start_control - p_batch_interval) >= v_min_partition_id THEN v_min_partition_id = v_start_control - p_batch_interval; END IF; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION 'Invalid value for p_order. Must be ASC or DESC'; END IF; -- do some locking with timeout, if required IF p_lock_wait > 0 THEN v_lock_iter := 0; WHILE v_lock_iter <= 5 LOOP v_lock_iter := v_lock_iter + 1; BEGIN v_sql := format('SELECT * FROM ONLY %I.%I WHERE %I >= %s AND %I < %s FOR UPDATE NOWAIT' , v_parent_schema , v_parent_tablename , v_control , v_min_partition_id , v_control , v_max_partition_id); EXECUTE v_sql; v_lock_obtained := TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN lock_not_available THEN PERFORM pg_sleep( p_lock_wait / 5.0 ); CONTINUE; END; EXIT WHEN v_lock_obtained; END LOOP; IF NOT v_lock_obtained THEN RETURN -1; END IF; END IF; PERFORM @extschema@.create_partition_id(p_parent_table, v_partition_id); v_current_partition_name := @extschema@.check_name_length(v_parent_tablename, v_min_partition_id::text, TRUE); EXECUTE format('WITH partition_data AS ( DELETE FROM ONLY %I.%I WHERE %I >= %s AND %I < %s RETURNING *) INSERT INTO %I.%I SELECT * FROM partition_data' , v_parent_schema , v_parent_tablename , v_control , v_min_partition_id , v_control , v_max_partition_id , v_parent_schema , v_current_partition_name); GET DIAGNOSTICS v_rowcount = ROW_COUNT; v_total_rows := v_total_rows + v_rowcount; IF v_rowcount = 0 THEN EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; PERFORM @extschema@.create_function_id(p_parent_table); RETURN v_total_rows; END $$; /* * Populate the child table(s) of a time-based partition set with old data from the original parent */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION partition_data_time(p_parent_table text, p_batch_count int DEFAULT 1, p_batch_interval interval DEFAULT NULL, p_lock_wait numeric DEFAULT 0, p_order text DEFAULT 'ASC') RETURNS bigint LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE v_control text; v_datetime_string text; v_current_partition_name text; v_max_partition_timestamp timestamp; v_last_partition text; v_lock_iter int := 1; v_lock_obtained boolean := FALSE; v_min_partition_timestamp timestamp; v_parent_schema text; v_parent_tablename text; v_partition_interval interval; v_partition_suffix text; v_partition_timestamp timestamp[]; v_quarter text; v_rowcount bigint; v_sql text; v_start_control timestamp; v_time_position int; v_total_rows bigint := 0; v_type text; v_year text; BEGIN SELECT partition_type , partition_interval::interval , control , datetime_string INTO v_type , v_partition_interval , v_control , v_datetime_string FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table AND (partition_type = 'time' OR partition_type = 'time-custom'); IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'ERROR: no config found for %', p_parent_table; END IF; IF p_batch_interval IS NULL OR p_batch_interval > v_partition_interval THEN p_batch_interval := v_partition_interval; END IF; SELECT partition_tablename INTO v_last_partition FROM @extschema@.show_partitions(p_parent_table, 'DESC') LIMIT 1; SELECT schemaname, tablename INTO v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname ||'.'|| tablename = p_parent_table; FOR i IN 1..p_batch_count LOOP IF p_order = 'ASC' THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT min(%I) FROM ONLY %I.%I', v_control, v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename) INTO v_start_control; ELSIF p_order = 'DESC' THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT max(%I) FROM ONLY %I.%I', v_control, v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename) INTO v_start_control; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION 'Invalid value for p_order. Must be ASC or DESC'; END IF; IF v_start_control IS NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; IF v_type = 'time' THEN CASE WHEN v_partition_interval = '15 mins' THEN v_min_partition_timestamp := date_trunc('hour', v_start_control) + '15min'::interval * floor(date_part('minute', v_start_control) / 15.0); WHEN v_partition_interval = '30 mins' THEN v_min_partition_timestamp := date_trunc('hour', v_start_control) + '30min'::interval * floor(date_part('minute', v_start_control) / 30.0); WHEN v_partition_interval = '1 hour' THEN v_min_partition_timestamp := date_trunc('hour', v_start_control); WHEN v_partition_interval = '1 day' THEN v_min_partition_timestamp := date_trunc('day', v_start_control); WHEN v_partition_interval = '1 week' THEN v_min_partition_timestamp := date_trunc('week', v_start_control); WHEN v_partition_interval = '1 month' THEN v_min_partition_timestamp := date_trunc('month', v_start_control); WHEN v_partition_interval = '3 months' THEN v_min_partition_timestamp := date_trunc('quarter', v_start_control); WHEN v_partition_interval = '1 year' THEN v_min_partition_timestamp := date_trunc('year', v_start_control); END CASE; ELSIF v_type = 'time-custom' THEN -- Keep going backwards, checking if the time interval encompases the current v_start_control value v_time_position := (length(v_last_partition) - position('p_' in reverse(v_last_partition))) + 2; v_min_partition_timestamp := to_timestamp(substring(v_last_partition from v_time_position), v_datetime_string); v_max_partition_timestamp := v_min_partition_timestamp + v_partition_interval; LOOP IF v_start_control >= v_min_partition_timestamp AND v_start_control < v_max_partition_timestamp THEN EXIT; ELSE v_max_partition_timestamp := v_min_partition_timestamp; BEGIN v_min_partition_timestamp := v_min_partition_timestamp - v_partition_interval; EXCEPTION WHEN datetime_field_overflow THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Attempted partition time interval is outside PostgreSQL''s supported time range. Unable to create partition with interval before timestamp % ', v_min_partition_interval; END; END IF; END LOOP; END IF; v_partition_timestamp := ARRAY[v_min_partition_timestamp]; IF p_order = 'ASC' THEN IF (v_start_control + p_batch_interval) >= (v_min_partition_timestamp + v_partition_interval) THEN v_max_partition_timestamp := v_min_partition_timestamp + v_partition_interval; ELSE v_max_partition_timestamp := v_start_control + p_batch_interval; END IF; ELSIF p_order = 'DESC' THEN -- Must be greater than max value still in parent table since query below grabs < max v_max_partition_timestamp := v_min_partition_timestamp + v_partition_interval; -- Make sure minimum doesn't underflow current partition minimum IF (v_start_control - p_batch_interval) >= v_min_partition_timestamp THEN v_min_partition_timestamp = v_start_control - p_batch_interval; END IF; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION 'Invalid value for p_order. Must be ASC or DESC'; END IF; -- do some locking with timeout, if required IF p_lock_wait > 0 THEN v_lock_iter := 0; WHILE v_lock_iter <= 5 LOOP v_lock_iter := v_lock_iter + 1; BEGIN v_sql := format('SELECT * FROM ONLY %I.%I WHERE %I >= %L AND %I < %L FOR UPDATE NOWAIT' , v_parent_schema , v_parent_tablename , v_control , v_min_partition_timestamp , v_control , v_max_partition_timestamp); EXECUTE v_sql; v_lock_obtained := TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN lock_not_available THEN PERFORM pg_sleep( p_lock_wait / 5.0 ); CONTINUE; END; EXIT WHEN v_lock_obtained; END LOOP; IF NOT v_lock_obtained THEN RETURN -1; END IF; END IF; PERFORM @extschema@.create_partition_time(p_parent_table, v_partition_timestamp); -- This suffix generation code is in create_partition_time() as well v_partition_suffix := to_char(v_min_partition_timestamp, v_datetime_string); v_current_partition_name := @extschema@.check_name_length(v_parent_tablename, v_partition_suffix, TRUE); v_sql := format('WITH partition_data AS ( DELETE FROM ONLY %I.%I WHERE %I >= %L AND %I < %L RETURNING *) INSERT INTO %I.%I SELECT * FROM partition_data' , v_parent_schema , v_parent_tablename , v_control , v_min_partition_timestamp , v_control , v_max_partition_timestamp , v_parent_schema , v_current_partition_name); EXECUTE v_sql; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_rowcount = ROW_COUNT; v_total_rows := v_total_rows + v_rowcount; IF v_rowcount = 0 THEN EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; PERFORM @extschema@.create_function_time(p_parent_table); RETURN v_total_rows; END $$; /* * Function to re-apply ownership & privileges on all child tables in a partition set using parent table as reference */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION reapply_privileges(p_parent_table text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE ex_context text; ex_detail text; ex_hint text; ex_message text; v_all text[] := ARRAY['SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE', 'TRUNCATE', 'REFERENCES', 'TRIGGER']; v_child_owner text; v_child_grant record; v_grant text; v_grantees text[]; v_job_id bigint; v_jobmon boolean; v_jobmon_schema text; v_match boolean; v_old_search_path text; v_parent_owner text; v_parent_schema text; v_parent_tablename text; v_owner_sql text; v_revoke text; v_row record; v_row_revoke record; v_parent_grant record; v_sql text; v_step_id bigint; BEGIN SELECT jobmon INTO v_jobmon FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table; IF v_jobmon IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Given table is not managed by this extention: %', p_parent_table; END IF; IF v_jobmon THEN SELECT nspname INTO v_jobmon_schema FROM pg_namespace n, pg_extension e WHERE e.extname = 'pg_jobmon' AND e.extnamespace = n.oid; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT current_setting('search_path') INTO v_old_search_path; EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', '@extschema@,'||v_jobmon_schema, 'false'); END IF; END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_job_id := add_job(format('PARTMAN RE-APPLYING PRIVILEGES TO ALL CHILD TABLES OF: %s', p_parent_table)); v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, 'Setting new child table privileges'); END IF; SELECT schemaname, tablename, tableowner INTO v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename, v_parent_owner FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname ||'.'|| tablename = p_parent_table; FOR v_row IN SELECT partition_schemaname, partition_tablename FROM @extschema@.show_partitions(p_parent_table, 'ASC') LOOP IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'PENDING', format('Currently on child partition in ascending order: %s.%s' , v_row.partition_schemaname , v_row.partition_tablename)); END IF; v_grantees := NULL; FOR v_parent_grant IN SELECT array_agg(DISTINCT privilege_type::text ORDER BY privilege_type::text) AS types , grantee FROM information_schema.table_privileges WHERE table_schema = v_parent_schema AND table_name = v_parent_tablename GROUP BY grantee LOOP -- Compare parent & child grants. Don't re-apply if it already exists v_match := false; FOR v_child_grant IN SELECT array_agg(DISTINCT privilege_type::text ORDER BY privilege_type::text) AS types , grantee FROM information_schema.table_privileges WHERE table_schema = v_row.partition_schemaname AND table_name = v_row.partition_tablename GROUP BY grantee LOOP IF v_parent_grant.types = v_child_grant.types AND v_parent_grant.grantee = v_child_grant.grantee THEN v_match := true; END IF; END LOOP; IF v_match = false THEN EXECUTE format('GRANT %s ON %I.%I TO %I' , array_to_string(v_parent_grant.types, ',') , v_row.partition_schemaname , v_row.partition_tablename , v_parent_grant.grantee); SELECT string_agg(r, ',') INTO v_revoke FROM (SELECT unnest(v_all) AS r EXCEPT SELECT unnest(v_parent_grant.types)) x; IF v_revoke IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('REVOKE %s ON %I.%I FROM %I CASCADE' , v_revoke , v_row.partition_schemaname , v_row.partition_tablename , v_parent_grant.grantee); END IF; END IF; v_grantees := array_append(v_grantees, v_parent_grant.grantee::text); END LOOP; -- Revoke all privileges from roles that have none on the parent IF v_grantees IS NOT NULL THEN FOR v_row_revoke IN SELECT role FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT grantee::text AS role FROM information_schema.table_privileges WHERE table_schema = v_row.partition_schemaname AND table_name = v_row.partition_tablename EXCEPT SELECT unnest(v_grantees)) x LOOP IF v_row_revoke.role IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('REVOKE ALL ON %I.%I FROM %I' , v_row.partition_schemaname , v_row.partition_tablename , v_row_revoke.role); END IF; END LOOP; END IF; SELECT tableowner INTO v_child_owner FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = v_row.partition_schemaname AND tablename = v_row.partition_tablename; IF v_parent_owner <> v_child_owner THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I OWNER TO %I' , v_row.partition_schemaname , v_row.partition_tablename , v_parent_owner); END IF; END LOOP; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); PERFORM close_job(v_job_id); END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', v_old_search_path, 'false'); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS ex_message = MESSAGE_TEXT, ex_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT, ex_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, ex_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_job_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_job(''PARTMAN RE-APPLYING PRIVILEGES TO ALL CHILD TABLES OF: %s'')', v_jobmon_schema, p_parent_table) INTO v_job_id; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before job logging started'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id, p_parent_table) INTO v_step_id; ELSIF v_step_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before first step logged'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id) INTO v_step_id; END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.update_step(%s, ''CRITICAL'', %L)', v_jobmon_schema, v_step_id, 'ERROR: '||coalesce(SQLERRM,'unknown')); EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.fail_job(%s)', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id); END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION '% CONTEXT: % DETAIL: % HINT: %', ex_message, ex_context, ex_detail, ex_hint; END $$; /* * Function to manage pre-creation of the next partitions in a set. * Also manages dropping old partitions if the retention option is set. * If p_parent_table is passed, will only run run_maintenance() on that one table (no matter what the configuration table may have set for it) * Otherwise, will run on all tables in the config table with p_run_maintenance() set to true. * For large partition sets, running analyze can cause maintenance to take longer than expected. Can set p_analyze to false to avoid a forced analyze run. * Be aware that constraint exclusion may not work properly until an analyze on the partition set is run. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION run_maintenance(p_parent_table text DEFAULT NULL, p_analyze boolean DEFAULT true, p_jobmon boolean DEFAULT true) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE ex_context text; ex_detail text; ex_hint text; ex_message text; v_adv_lock boolean; v_create_count int := 0; v_current_partition text; v_current_partition_id bigint; v_current_partition_timestamp timestamp; v_datetime_string text; v_drop_count int := 0; v_id_position int; v_job_id bigint; v_jobmon boolean; v_jobmon_schema text; v_last_partition text; v_last_partition_created boolean; v_last_partition_id bigint; v_last_partition_timestamp timestamp; v_next_partition_id bigint; v_next_partition_timestamp timestamp; v_old_search_path text; v_parent_schema text; v_parent_tablename text; v_premade_count int; v_premake_id_max bigint; v_premake_id_min bigint; v_premake_timestamp_min timestamp; v_premake_timestamp_max timestamp; v_quarter text; v_row record; v_row_max_id record; v_row_sub record; v_skip_maint boolean; v_step_id bigint; v_step_overflow_id bigint; v_step_serial_id bigint; v_sub_id_max bigint; v_sub_id_max_suffix bigint; v_sub_id_min bigint; v_sub_parent text; v_sub_timestamp_max timestamp; v_sub_timestamp_max_suffix timestamp; v_sub_timestamp_min timestamp; v_tablename text; v_tables_list_sql text; v_time_position int; v_year text; BEGIN v_adv_lock := pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(hashtext('pg_partman run_maintenance')); IF v_adv_lock = 'false' THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Partman maintenance already running.'; RETURN; END IF; IF p_jobmon THEN SELECT nspname INTO v_jobmon_schema FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_extension e WHERE e.extname = 'pg_jobmon' AND e.extnamespace = n.oid; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT current_setting('search_path') INTO v_old_search_path; EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', '@extschema@,'||v_jobmon_schema, 'false'); END IF; END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_job_id := add_job('PARTMAN RUN MAINTENANCE'); v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, 'Running maintenance loop'); END IF; SELECT schemaname, tablename INTO v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname ||'.'|| tablename = p_parent_table; v_tables_list_sql := 'SELECT parent_table , partition_type , partition_interval , control , premake , datetime_string , undo_in_progress FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE sub_partition_set_full = false'; IF p_parent_table IS NULL THEN v_tables_list_sql := v_tables_list_sql || ' AND use_run_maintenance = true'; ELSE v_tables_list_sql := v_tables_list_sql || format(' AND parent_table = %L', p_parent_table); END IF; FOR v_row IN EXECUTE v_tables_list_sql LOOP CONTINUE WHEN v_row.undo_in_progress; v_skip_maint := true; -- reset every loop SELECT partition_tablename INTO v_last_partition FROM @extschema@.show_partitions(v_row.parent_table, 'DESC') LIMIT 1; IF v_row.partition_type = 'time' OR v_row.partition_type = 'time-custom' THEN v_time_position := (length(v_last_partition) - position('p_' in reverse(v_last_partition))) + 2; IF v_row.partition_interval::interval <> '3 months' OR (v_row.partition_interval::interval = '3 months' AND v_row.partition_type = 'time-custom') THEN v_last_partition_timestamp := to_timestamp(substring(v_last_partition from v_time_position), v_row.datetime_string); ELSE -- to_timestamp doesn't recognize 'Q' date string formater. Handle it v_year := split_part(substring(v_last_partition FROM v_time_position), 'q', 1); v_quarter := split_part(substring(v_last_partition FROM v_time_position), 'q', 2); CASE WHEN v_quarter = '1' THEN v_last_partition_timestamp := to_timestamp(v_year || '-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD'); WHEN v_quarter = '2' THEN v_last_partition_timestamp := to_timestamp(v_year || '-04-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD'); WHEN v_quarter = '3' THEN v_last_partition_timestamp := to_timestamp(v_year || '-07-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD'); WHEN v_quarter = '4' THEN v_last_partition_timestamp := to_timestamp(v_year || '-10-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD'); END CASE; END IF; -- If this is a subpartition, determine if the last child table has been made. If so, mark it as full so future maintenance runs can skip it SELECT sub_min::timestamp, sub_max::timestamp INTO v_sub_timestamp_min, v_sub_timestamp_max FROM @extschema@.check_subpartition_limits(v_row.parent_table, 'time'); IF v_sub_timestamp_max IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT suffix_timestamp INTO v_sub_timestamp_max_suffix FROM @extschema@.show_partition_name(v_row.parent_table, v_sub_timestamp_max::text); IF v_sub_timestamp_max_suffix = v_last_partition_timestamp THEN -- Final partition for this set is created. Set full and skip it UPDATE @extschema@.part_config SET sub_partition_set_full = true WHERE parent_table = v_row.parent_table; CONTINUE; END IF; END IF; SELECT suffix_timestamp INTO v_current_partition_timestamp FROM @extschema@.show_partition_name(v_row.parent_table, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP::text); -- Check and see how many premade partitions there are. v_premade_count = round(EXTRACT('epoch' FROM age(v_last_partition_timestamp, v_current_partition_timestamp)) / EXTRACT('epoch' FROM v_row.partition_interval::interval)); v_next_partition_timestamp := v_last_partition_timestamp; -- Loop premaking until config setting is met. Allows it to catch up if it fell behind or if premake changed. -- premake_count can be negative with subpartitioning when running against old or future sub-partition sets. -- If so, do not run to avoid recreating dropped partitions due to retention or pre-creating before they're needed WHILE (v_premade_count >= 0) AND (v_premade_count < v_row.premake) LOOP IF v_next_partition_timestamp < v_sub_timestamp_min OR v_next_partition_timestamp > v_sub_timestamp_max THEN -- With subpartitioning, no need to run if the timestamp is not in the parent table's range EXIT; END IF; BEGIN v_next_partition_timestamp := v_next_partition_timestamp + v_row.partition_interval::interval; EXCEPTION WHEN datetime_field_overflow THEN v_premade_count := v_row.premake; -- do this so it can exit the premake check loop and continue in the outer for loop IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_overflow_id := add_step(v_job_id, 'Attempted partition time interval is outside PostgreSQL''s supported time range.'); PERFORM update_step(v_step_overflow_id, 'CRITICAL', 'Child partition creation skippd for parent table '||v_partition_time); END IF; RAISE WARNING 'Attempted partition time interval is outside PostgreSQL''s supported time range. Child partition creation skipped for parent table %', v_row.parent_table; CONTINUE; END; v_last_partition_created := @extschema@.create_partition_time(v_row.parent_table, ARRAY[v_next_partition_timestamp], p_analyze); IF v_last_partition_created THEN v_create_count := v_create_count + 1; PERFORM @extschema@.create_function_time(v_row.parent_table, v_job_id); -- Manage additonal constraints if set PERFORM @extschema@.apply_constraints(p_parent_table := v_row.parent_table, p_job_id := v_job_id); END IF; v_premade_count = round(EXTRACT('epoch' FROM age(v_next_partition_timestamp, v_current_partition_timestamp)) / EXTRACT('epoch' FROM v_row.partition_interval::interval)); END LOOP; ELSIF v_row.partition_type = 'id' THEN -- Loop through child tables starting from highest to get current max value in partition set -- Avoids doing a scan on entire partition set and/or getting any values accidentally in parent. FOR v_row_max_id IN SELECT partition_schemaname, partition_tablename FROM @extschema@.show_partitions(v_row.parent_table, 'DESC') LOOP EXECUTE format('SELECT %I - (%I %% %L) FROM %I.%I WHERE %I = (SELECT max(%I) FROM %I.%I)' , v_row.control , v_row.control , v_row.partition_interval::int , v_row_max_id.partition_schemaname , v_row_max_id.partition_tablename , v_row.control , v_row.control , v_row_max_id.partition_schemaname , v_row_max_id.partition_tablename ) INTO v_current_partition_id; IF v_current_partition_id IS NOT NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; v_id_position := (length(v_last_partition) - position('p_' in reverse(v_last_partition))) + 2; v_last_partition_id = substring(v_last_partition from v_id_position)::bigint; -- Determine if this table is a child of a subpartition parent. If so, get limits to see if run_maintenance even needs to run for it. SELECT sub_min::bigint, sub_max::bigint INTO v_sub_id_min, v_sub_id_max FROM @extschema@.check_subpartition_limits(v_row.parent_table, 'id'); IF v_sub_id_max IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT suffix_id INTO v_sub_id_max_suffix FROM @extschema@.show_partition_name(v_row.parent_table, v_sub_id_max::text); IF v_sub_id_max_suffix = v_last_partition_id THEN -- Final partition for this set is created. Set full and skip it UPDATE @extschema@.part_config SET sub_partition_set_full = true WHERE parent_table = v_row.parent_table; CONTINUE; END IF; END IF; v_next_partition_id := v_last_partition_id; v_premade_count := ((v_last_partition_id - v_current_partition_id) / v_row.partition_interval::bigint); -- Loop premaking until config setting is met. Allows it to catch up if it fell behind or if premake changed. -- premake_count can be negative with subpartitioning when running against old or future sub-partition sets. -- If so, do not run to avoid recreating dropped partitions due to retention or pre-creating before they're needed WHILE (v_premade_count >= 0) AND (v_premade_count < v_row.premake) LOOP IF v_next_partition_id < v_sub_id_min OR v_next_partition_id > v_sub_id_max THEN -- With subpartitioning, no need to run if the id is not in the parent table's range EXIT; END IF; v_next_partition_id := v_next_partition_id + v_row.partition_interval::bigint; v_last_partition_created := @extschema@.create_partition_id(v_row.parent_table, ARRAY[v_next_partition_id], p_analyze); IF v_last_partition_created THEN v_create_count := v_create_count + 1; PERFORM @extschema@.create_function_id(v_row.parent_table, v_job_id); PERFORM @extschema@.apply_constraints(p_parent_table := v_row.parent_table, p_job_id := v_job_id); END IF; v_premade_count := ((v_next_partition_id - v_current_partition_id) / v_row.partition_interval::bigint); END LOOP; END IF; -- end main IF check for time or id END LOOP; -- end of creation loop -- Manage dropping old partitions if retention option is set FOR v_row IN SELECT parent_table FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE retention IS NOT NULL AND undo_in_progress = false AND (partition_type = 'time' OR partition_type = 'time-custom') LOOP IF p_parent_table IS NULL THEN v_drop_count := v_drop_count + @extschema@.drop_partition_time(v_row.parent_table); ELSE -- Only run retention on table given in parameter IF p_parent_table <> v_row.parent_table THEN CONTINUE; ELSE v_drop_count := v_drop_count + @extschema@.drop_partition_time(v_row.parent_table); END IF; END IF; IF v_drop_count > 0 THEN PERFORM @extschema@.create_function_time(v_row.parent_table, v_job_id); END IF; END LOOP; FOR v_row IN SELECT parent_table FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE retention IS NOT NULL AND undo_in_progress = false AND partition_type = 'id' LOOP IF p_parent_table IS NULL THEN v_drop_count := v_drop_count + @extschema@.drop_partition_id(v_row.parent_table); ELSE -- Only run retention on table given in parameter IF p_parent_table <> v_row.parent_table THEN CONTINUE; ELSE v_drop_count := v_drop_count + @extschema@.drop_partition_id(v_row.parent_table); END IF; END IF; IF v_drop_count > 0 THEN PERFORM @extschema@.create_function_id(v_row.parent_table, v_job_id); END IF; END LOOP; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', format('Partition maintenance finished. %s partitions made. %s partitions dropped.', v_create_count, v_drop_count)); IF v_step_overflow_id IS NOT NULL OR v_step_serial_id IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM fail_job(v_job_id); ELSE PERFORM close_job(v_job_id); END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', v_old_search_path, 'false'); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS ex_message = MESSAGE_TEXT, ex_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT, ex_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, ex_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_job_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_job(''PARTMAN RUN MAINTENANCE'')', v_jobmon_schema) INTO v_job_id; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before job logging started'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id, p_parent_table) INTO v_step_id; ELSIF v_step_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before first step logged'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id) INTO v_step_id; END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.update_step(%s, ''CRITICAL'', %L)', v_jobmon_schema, v_step_id, 'ERROR: '||coalesce(SQLERRM,'unknown')); EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.fail_job(%s)', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id); END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION '% CONTEXT: % DETAIL: % HINT: %', ex_message, ex_context, ex_detail, ex_hint; END $$; /* * Given a parent table and partition value, return the name of the child partition it would go in. * Also returns just the suffix value and true if the child table exists or false if it does not */ CREATE FUNCTION show_partition_name(p_parent_table text, p_value text, OUT partition_table text, OUT suffix_timestamp timestamp, OUT suffix_id bigint, OUT table_exists boolean) RETURNS record LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE AS $$ DECLARE v_child_exists text; v_datetime_string text; v_max_range timestamptz; v_min_range timestamptz; v_parent_schema text; v_parent_tablename text; v_partition_interval text; v_time_position int; v_type text; BEGIN SELECT partition_type , partition_interval , datetime_string INTO v_type , v_partition_interval , v_datetime_string FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table; IF v_type IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Parent table given is not managed by pg_partman (%)', p_parent_table; END IF; SELECT schemaname, tablename INTO v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname ||'.'|| tablename = p_parent_table; IF v_parent_tablename IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Parent table given does not exist (%)', p_parent_table; END IF; IF v_type = 'time' THEN CASE WHEN v_partition_interval::interval = '15 mins' THEN suffix_timestamp := date_trunc('hour', p_value::timestamp) + '15min'::interval * floor(date_part('minute', p_value::timestamp) / 15.0); WHEN v_partition_interval::interval = '30 mins' THEN suffix_timestamp := date_trunc('hour', p_value::timestamp) + '30min'::interval * floor(date_part('minute', p_value::timestamp) / 30.0); WHEN v_partition_interval::interval = '1 hour' THEN suffix_timestamp := date_trunc('hour', p_value::timestamp); WHEN v_partition_interval::interval = '1 day' THEN suffix_timestamp := date_trunc('day', p_value::timestamp); WHEN v_partition_interval::interval = '1 week' THEN suffix_timestamp := date_trunc('week', p_value::timestamp); WHEN v_partition_interval::interval = '1 month' THEN suffix_timestamp := date_trunc('month', p_value::timestamp); WHEN v_partition_interval::interval = '3 months' THEN suffix_timestamp := date_trunc('quarter', p_value::timestamp); WHEN v_partition_interval::interval = '1 year' THEN suffix_timestamp := date_trunc('year', p_value::timestamp); END CASE; partition_table := v_parent_schema||'.'||@extschema@.check_name_length(v_parent_tablename, to_char(suffix_timestamp, v_datetime_string), TRUE); ELSIF v_type = 'id' THEN suffix_id := (p_value::bigint - (p_value::bigint % v_partition_interval::bigint)); partition_table := v_parent_schema||'.'||@extschema@.check_name_length(v_parent_tablename, suffix_id::text, TRUE); ELSIF v_type = 'time-custom' THEN SELECT child_table, lower(partition_range) INTO partition_table, suffix_timestamp FROM @extschema@.custom_time_partitions WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table AND partition_range @> p_value::timestamptz; IF partition_table IS NULL THEN SELECT max(upper(partition_range)) INTO v_max_range FROM @extschema@.custom_time_partitions WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table; SELECT min(lower(partition_range)) INTO v_min_range FROM @extschema@.custom_time_partitions WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table; IF p_value::timestamp >= v_max_range THEN suffix_timestamp := v_max_range; LOOP -- Keep incrementing higher until given value is below the upper range suffix_timestamp := suffix_timestamp + v_partition_interval::interval; IF p_value::timestamp < suffix_timestamp THEN -- Have to subtract one interval because the value would actually be in the partition previous -- to this partition timestamp since the partition names contain the lower boundary suffix_timestamp := suffix_timestamp - v_partition_interval::interval; EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; ELSIF p_value::timestamp < v_min_range THEN suffix_timestamp := v_min_range; LOOP -- Keep decrementing lower until given value is below or equal to the lower range suffix_timestamp := suffix_timestamp - v_partition_interval::interval; IF p_value::timestamp >= suffix_timestamp THEN EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION 'Unable to determine a valid child table for the given parent table and value'; END IF; partition_table := v_parent_schema||'.'||@extschema@.check_name_length(v_parent_tablename, to_char(suffix_timestamp, v_datetime_string), TRUE); END IF; END IF; SELECT schemaname, tablename INTO v_child_exists FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname ||'.'|| tablename = partition_table; IF v_child_exists IS NOT NULL THEN table_exists := true; ELSE table_exists := false; END IF; RETURN; END $$; /* * Function to list all child partitions in a set. */ CREATE FUNCTION show_partitions (p_parent_table text, p_order text DEFAULT 'ASC') RETURNS TABLE (partition_schemaname text, partition_tablename text) LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE v_datetime_string text; v_parent_schema text; v_parent_tablename text; v_partition_interval text; v_type text; BEGIN IF p_order NOT IN ('ASC', 'DESC') THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'p_order paramter must be one of the following values: ASC, DESC'; END IF; SELECT partition_type , partition_interval , datetime_string INTO v_type , v_partition_interval , v_datetime_string FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table; SELECT schemaname, tablename INTO v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname||'.'||tablename = p_parent_table; IF v_type IN ('time', 'time-custom') THEN RETURN QUERY EXECUTE format('SELECT n.nspname::text AS partition_schemaname, c.relname::text AS partition_name FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits h JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON c.oid = h.inhrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE h.inhparent = ''%I.%I''::regclass ORDER BY to_timestamp(substring(c.relname from ((length(c.relname) - position(''p_'' in reverse(c.relname))) + 2) ), %L) %s' , v_parent_schema , v_parent_tablename , v_datetime_string , p_order); ELSIF v_type = 'id' THEN RETURN QUERY EXECUTE format('SELECT n.nspname::text AS partition_schemaname, c.relname::text AS partition_name FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits h JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON c.oid = h.inhrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE h.inhparent = ''%I.%I''::regclass ORDER BY substring(c.relname from ((length(c.relname) - position(''p_'' in reverse(c.relname))) + 2) )::bigint %s' , v_parent_schema , v_parent_tablename , p_order); END IF; END $$; /* * Function to undo partitioning. * Will actually work on any parent/child table set, not just ones created by pg_partman. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION undo_partition(p_parent_table text, p_batch_count int DEFAULT 1, p_keep_table boolean DEFAULT true, p_jobmon boolean DEFAULT true, p_lock_wait numeric DEFAULT 0) RETURNS bigint LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE ex_context text; ex_detail text; ex_hint text; ex_message text; v_adv_lock boolean; v_batch_loop_count bigint := 0; v_child_count bigint; v_child_table text; v_copy_sql text; v_function_name text; v_job_id bigint; v_jobmon_schema text; v_lock_iter int := 1; v_lock_obtained boolean := FALSE; v_old_search_path text; v_parent_schema text; v_parent_tablename text; v_partition_interval interval; v_rowcount bigint; v_step_id bigint; v_total bigint := 0; v_trig_name text; v_undo_count int := 0; BEGIN v_adv_lock := pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(hashtext('pg_partman undo_partition')); IF v_adv_lock = 'false' THEN RAISE NOTICE 'undo_partition already running.'; RETURN 0; END IF; IF p_jobmon THEN SELECT nspname INTO v_jobmon_schema FROM pg_namespace n, pg_extension e WHERE e.extname = 'pg_jobmon' AND e.extnamespace = n.oid; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT current_setting('search_path') INTO v_old_search_path; EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', '@extschema@,'||v_jobmon_schema, 'false'); END IF; END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_job_id := add_job(format('PARTMAN UNDO PARTITIONING: ', p_parent_table)); v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Undoing partitioning for table ', p_parent_table)); END IF; -- Stops new time partitions from being made as well as stopping child tables from being dropped if they were configured with a retention period. UPDATE @extschema@.part_config SET undo_in_progress = true WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table; -- Stop data going into child tables and stop new id partitions from being made. SELECT schemaname, tablename INTO v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname ||'.'|| tablename = p_parent_table; v_trig_name := @extschema@.check_name_length(p_object_name := v_parent_tablename, p_suffix := '_part_trig'); v_function_name := @extschema@.check_name_length(v_parent_tablename, '_part_trig_func', FALSE); SELECT tgname INTO v_trig_name FROM pg_catalog.pg_trigger t WHERE tgname = v_trig_name; IF v_trig_name IS NOT NULL THEN -- lockwait for trigger drop IF p_lock_wait > 0 THEN v_lock_iter := 0; WHILE v_lock_iter <= 5 LOOP v_lock_iter := v_lock_iter + 1; BEGIN EXECUTE format('LOCK TABLE ONLY %I.%I IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE NOWAIT', v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename); v_lock_obtained := TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN lock_not_available THEN PERFORM pg_sleep( p_lock_wait / 5.0 ); CONTINUE; END; EXIT WHEN v_lock_obtained; END LOOP; IF NOT v_lock_obtained THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Unable to obtain lock on parent table to remove trigger'; RETURN -1; END IF; END IF; -- END p_lock_wait IF EXECUTE format('DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS %I ON %I.%I', v_trig_name, v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename); END IF; -- END trigger IF v_lock_obtained := FALSE; -- reset for reuse later EXECUTE format('DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS %I.%I()', v_parent_schema, v_function_name); IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Stopped partition creation process. Removed trigger & trigger function'); END IF; WHILE v_batch_loop_count < p_batch_count LOOP -- Get ordered list of child table in set. Store in variable one at a time per loop until none are left. WITH parent_info AS ( SELECT c1.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c1 JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n1 ON c1.relnamespace = n1.oid WHERE c1.relname = v_parent_tablename AND n1.nspname = v_parent_schema ) SELECT c.relname INTO v_child_table FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON i.inhrelid = c.oid JOIN parent_info p ON i.inhparent = p.oid ORDER BY i.inhrelid ASC; EXIT WHEN v_child_table IS NULL; EXECUTE format('SELECT count(*) FROM %I.%I', v_parent_schema, v_child_table) INTO v_child_count; IF v_child_count = 0 THEN -- No rows left in this child table. Remove from partition set. -- lockwait timeout for table drop IF p_lock_wait > 0 THEN v_lock_iter := 0; WHILE v_lock_iter <= 5 LOOP v_lock_iter := v_lock_iter + 1; BEGIN EXECUTE format('LOCK TABLE ONLY %I.%I IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE NOWAIT', v_parent_schema, v_child_table); v_lock_obtained := TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN lock_not_available THEN PERFORM pg_sleep( p_lock_wait / 5.0 ); CONTINUE; END; EXIT WHEN v_lock_obtained; END LOOP; IF NOT v_lock_obtained THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Unable to obtain lock on child table for removal from partition set'; RETURN -1; END IF; END IF; -- END p_lock_wait IF v_lock_obtained := FALSE; -- reset for reuse later EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I NO INHERIT %I.%I', v_parent_schema, v_child_table, v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename); IF p_keep_table = false THEN EXECUTE format('DROP TABLE %I.%I', v_parent_schema, v_child_table); IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', format('Child table DROPPED. Moved %s rows to parent', COALESCE(v_rowcount, 0))); END IF; ELSE IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', format('Child table UNINHERITED, not DROPPED. Copied %s rows to parent', COALESCE(v_rowcount, 0))); END IF; END IF; v_undo_count := v_undo_count + 1; CONTINUE; END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Removing child partition: %s.%s', v_parent_schema, v_child_table)); END IF; -- do some locking with timeout, if required IF p_lock_wait > 0 THEN v_lock_iter := 0; WHILE v_lock_iter <= 5 LOOP v_lock_iter := v_lock_iter + 1; BEGIN EXECUTE format('SELECT * FROM %I.%I FOR UPDATE NOWAIT', v_parent_schema, v_child_table); v_lock_obtained := TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN lock_not_available THEN PERFORM pg_sleep( p_lock_wait / 5.0 ); CONTINUE; END; EXIT WHEN v_lock_obtained; END LOOP; IF NOT v_lock_obtained THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Unable to obtain lock on batch of rows to move'; RETURN -1; END IF; END IF; v_copy_sql := format('INSERT INTO %I.%I SELECT * FROM %I.%I' , v_parent_schema , v_parent_tablename , v_parent_schema , v_child_table); EXECUTE v_copy_sql; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_rowcount = ROW_COUNT; v_total := v_total + v_rowcount; EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I NO INHERIT %I.%I' , v_parent_schema , v_child_table , v_parent_schema , v_parent_tablename); IF p_keep_table = false THEN EXECUTE format('DROP TABLE %I.%I', v_parent_schema, v_child_table); IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', format('Child table DROPPED. Moved %s rows to parent', v_rowcount)); END IF; ELSE IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', format('Child table UNINHERITED, not DROPPED. Copied %s rows to parent', v_rowcount)); END IF; END IF; v_batch_loop_count := v_batch_loop_count + 1; v_undo_count := v_undo_count + 1; END LOOP; IF v_undo_count = 0 THEN -- FOR loop never ran, so there's no child tables left. DELETE FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, 'Removing config from pg_partman (if it existed)'); PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); END IF; END IF; RAISE NOTICE 'Copied % row(s) from % child table(s) to the parent: %', v_total, v_undo_count, p_parent_table; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, 'Final stats'); PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', format('Copied %s row(s) from %s child table(s) to the parent', v_total, v_undo_count)); END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM close_job(v_job_id); EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', v_old_search_path, 'false'); END IF; RETURN v_total; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS ex_message = MESSAGE_TEXT, ex_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT, ex_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, ex_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_job_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_job(''PARTMAN UNDO PARTITIONING: %s'')', v_jobmon_schema, p_parent_table) INTO v_job_id; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before job logging started'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id, p_parent_table) INTO v_step_id; ELSIF v_step_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before first step logged'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id) INTO v_step_id; END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.update_step(%s, ''CRITICAL'', %L)', v_jobmon_schema, v_step_id, 'ERROR: '||coalesce(SQLERRM,'unknown')); EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.fail_job(%s)', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id); END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION '% CONTEXT: % DETAIL: % HINT: %', ex_message, ex_context, ex_detail, ex_hint; END $$; /* * Function to undo id-based partitioning created by this extension */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION undo_partition_id(p_parent_table text, p_batch_count int DEFAULT 1, p_batch_interval bigint DEFAULT NULL, p_keep_table boolean DEFAULT true, p_lock_wait numeric DEFAULT 0) RETURNS bigint LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE ex_context text; ex_detail text; ex_hint text; ex_message text; v_adv_lock boolean; v_batch_loop_count int := 0; v_child_loop_total bigint := 0; v_child_min bigint; v_child_table text; v_control text; v_exists int; v_function_name text; v_inner_loop_count int; v_job_id bigint; v_jobmon boolean; v_jobmon_schema text; v_lock_iter int := 1; v_lock_obtained boolean := FALSE; v_move_sql text; v_old_search_path text; v_parent_schema text; v_parent_tablename text; v_partition_interval bigint; v_row record; v_rowcount bigint; v_step_id bigint; v_sub_count int; v_trig_name text; v_total bigint := 0; v_undo_count int := 0; BEGIN v_adv_lock := pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(hashtext('pg_partman undo_partition_id')); IF v_adv_lock = 'false' THEN RAISE NOTICE 'undo_partition_id already running.'; RETURN 0; END IF; SELECT partition_interval::bigint , control , jobmon INTO v_partition_interval , v_control , v_jobmon FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table AND partition_type = 'id'; IF v_partition_interval IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Configuration for given parent table not found: %', p_parent_table; END IF; -- Check if any child tables are themselves partitioned or part of an inheritance tree. Prevent undo at this level if so. -- Need to either lock child tables at all levels or handle the proper removal of triggers on all child tables first -- before multi-level undo can be performed safely. FOR v_row IN SELECT partition_schemaname, partition_tablename FROM @extschema@.show_partitions(p_parent_table) LOOP SELECT count(*) INTO v_sub_count FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON i.inhparent = c.oid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE c.relname = v_row.partition_tablename AND n.nspname = v_row.partition_schemaname; IF v_sub_count > 0 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Child table for this parent has child table(s) itself (%). Run undo partitioning on this table or remove inheritance first to ensure all data is properly moved to parent', v_row.partition_schemaname||'.'||v_row.partition_tablename; END IF; END LOOP; IF v_jobmon THEN SELECT nspname INTO v_jobmon_schema FROM pg_namespace n, pg_extension e WHERE e.extname = 'pg_jobmon' AND e.extnamespace = n.oid; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT current_setting('search_path') INTO v_old_search_path; EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', '@extschema@,'||v_jobmon_schema, 'false'); END IF; END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_job_id := add_job(format('PARTMAN UNDO PARTITIONING: %s', p_parent_table)); v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Undoing partitioning for table %s', p_parent_table)); END IF; IF p_batch_interval IS NULL THEN p_batch_interval := v_partition_interval; END IF; -- Stops new time partitions from being made as well as stopping child tables from being dropped if they were configured with a retention period. UPDATE @extschema@.part_config SET undo_in_progress = true WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table; -- Stop data going into child tables and stop new id partitions from being made. SELECT schemaname, tablename INTO v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname ||'.'|| tablename = p_parent_table; v_trig_name := @extschema@.check_name_length(p_object_name := v_parent_tablename, p_suffix := '_part_trig'); v_function_name := @extschema@.check_name_length(v_parent_tablename, '_part_trig_func', FALSE); SELECT tgname INTO v_trig_name FROM pg_catalog.pg_trigger t WHERE tgname = v_trig_name; IF v_trig_name IS NOT NULL THEN -- lockwait for trigger drop IF p_lock_wait > 0 THEN v_lock_iter := 0; WHILE v_lock_iter <= 5 LOOP v_lock_iter := v_lock_iter + 1; BEGIN EXECUTE format('LOCK TABLE ONLY %I.%I IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE NOWAIT', v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename); v_lock_obtained := TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN lock_not_available THEN PERFORM pg_sleep( p_lock_wait / 5.0 ); CONTINUE; END; EXIT WHEN v_lock_obtained; END LOOP; IF NOT v_lock_obtained THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Unable to obtain lock on parent table to remove trigger'; RETURN -1; END IF; END IF; -- END p_lock_wait IF EXECUTE format('DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS %I ON %I.%I', v_trig_name, v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename); END IF; -- END trigger IF v_lock_obtained := FALSE; -- reset for reuse later EXECUTE format('DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS %I.%I()', v_parent_schema, v_function_name); IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Stopped partition creation process. Removed trigger & trigger function'); END IF; <> WHILE v_batch_loop_count < p_batch_count LOOP -- Get ordered list of child table in set. Store in variable one at a time per loop until none are left. WITH parent_info AS ( SELECT c1.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c1 JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n1 ON c1.relnamespace = n1.oid WHERE c1.relname = v_parent_tablename AND n1.nspname = v_parent_schema ) SELECT c.relname INTO v_child_table FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON i.inhrelid = c.oid JOIN parent_info p ON i.inhparent = p.oid ORDER BY i.inhrelid ASC; EXIT WHEN v_child_table IS NULL; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Removing child partition: %s.%s', v_parent_schema, v_child_table)); END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT min(%I) FROM %I.%I', v_control, v_parent_schema, v_child_table) INTO v_child_min; IF v_child_min IS NULL THEN -- No rows left in this child table. Remove from partition set. -- lockwait timeout for table drop IF p_lock_wait > 0 THEN v_lock_iter := 0; WHILE v_lock_iter <= 5 LOOP v_lock_iter := v_lock_iter + 1; BEGIN EXECUTE format('LOCK TABLE ONLY %I.%I IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE NOWAIT', v_parent_schema, v_child_table); v_lock_obtained := TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN lock_not_available THEN PERFORM pg_sleep( p_lock_wait / 5.0 ); CONTINUE; END; EXIT WHEN v_lock_obtained; END LOOP; IF NOT v_lock_obtained THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Unable to obtain lock on child table for removal from partition set'; RETURN -1; END IF; END IF; -- END p_lock_wait IF v_lock_obtained := FALSE; -- reset for reuse later EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I NO INHERIT %I.%I' , v_parent_schema , v_child_table , v_parent_schema , v_parent_tablename); IF p_keep_table = false THEN EXECUTE format('DROP TABLE %I.%I', v_parent_schema, v_child_table); IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', format('Child table DROPPED. Moved %s rows to parent', v_child_loop_total)); END IF; ELSE IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', format('Child table UNINHERITED, not DROPPED. Moved %s rows to parent', v_child_loop_total)); END IF; END IF; v_undo_count := v_undo_count + 1; CONTINUE outer_child_loop; END IF; v_inner_loop_count := 1; v_child_loop_total := 0; <> LOOP -- lockwait timeout for row batches IF p_lock_wait > 0 THEN v_lock_iter := 0; WHILE v_lock_iter <= 5 LOOP v_lock_iter := v_lock_iter + 1; BEGIN EXECUTE format('SELECT * FROM %I.%I WHERE %I <= %s FOR UPDATE NOWAIT' , v_parent_schema , v_child_table , v_control , v_child_min + (p_batch_interval * v_inner_loop_count)); v_lock_obtained := TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN lock_not_available THEN PERFORM pg_sleep( p_lock_wait / 5.0 ); CONTINUE; END; EXIT WHEN v_lock_obtained; END LOOP; IF NOT v_lock_obtained THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Unable to obtain lock on batch of rows to move'; RETURN -1; END IF; END IF; -- Get everything from the current child minimum up to the multiples of the given interval v_move_sql := format('WITH move_data AS ( DELETE FROM %I.%I WHERE %I <= %s RETURNING *) INSERT INTO %I.%I SELECT * FROM move_data' , v_parent_schema , v_child_table , v_control , v_child_min + (p_batch_interval * v_inner_loop_count) , v_parent_schema , v_parent_tablename); EXECUTE v_move_sql; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_rowcount = ROW_COUNT; v_total := v_total + v_rowcount; v_child_loop_total := v_child_loop_total + v_rowcount; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', format('Moved %s rows to parent.', v_child_loop_total)); END IF; EXIT inner_child_loop WHEN v_rowcount = 0; -- exit before loop incr if table is empty v_inner_loop_count := v_inner_loop_count + 1; v_batch_loop_count := v_batch_loop_count + 1; EXIT outer_child_loop WHEN v_batch_loop_count >= p_batch_count; -- Exit outer FOR loop if p_batch_count is reached END LOOP inner_child_loop; END LOOP outer_child_loop; IF v_batch_loop_count < p_batch_count THEN -- FOR loop never ran, so there's no child tables left. DELETE FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, 'Removing config from pg_partman'); PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); END IF; END IF; RAISE NOTICE 'Copied % row(s) to the parent. Removed % partitions.', v_total, v_undo_count; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, 'Final stats'); PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', format('Copied %s row(s) to the parent. Removed %s partitions.', v_total, v_undo_count)); END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM close_job(v_job_id); EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', v_old_search_path, 'false'); END IF; RETURN v_total; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS ex_message = MESSAGE_TEXT, ex_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT, ex_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, ex_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_job_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_job(''PARTMAN UNDO PARTITIONING: %s'')', v_jobmon_schema, p_parent_table) INTO v_job_id; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before job logging started'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id, p_parent_table) INTO v_step_id; ELSIF v_step_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before first step logged'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id) INTO v_step_id; END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.update_step(%s, ''CRITICAL'', %L)', v_jobmon_schema, v_step_id, 'ERROR: '||coalesce(SQLERRM,'unknown')); EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.fail_job(%s)', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id); END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION '% CONTEXT: % DETAIL: % HINT: %', ex_message, ex_context, ex_detail, ex_hint; END $$; /* * Function to undo time-based partitioning created by this extension */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION undo_partition_time(p_parent_table text, p_batch_count int DEFAULT 1, p_batch_interval interval DEFAULT NULL, p_keep_table boolean DEFAULT true, p_lock_wait numeric DEFAULT 0) RETURNS bigint LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE ex_context text; ex_detail text; ex_hint text; ex_message text; v_adv_lock boolean; v_batch_loop_count int := 0; v_child_min timestamptz; v_child_loop_total bigint := 0; v_child_table text; v_control text; v_function_name text; v_inner_loop_count int; v_lock_iter int := 1; v_lock_obtained boolean := FALSE; v_job_id bigint; v_jobmon boolean; v_jobmon_schema text; v_move_sql text; v_old_search_path text; v_parent_schema text; v_parent_tablename text; v_partition_interval interval; v_row record; v_rowcount bigint; v_step_id bigint; v_sub_count int; v_total bigint := 0; v_trig_name text; v_type text; v_undo_count int := 0; BEGIN v_adv_lock := pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(hashtext('pg_partman undo_partition_time')); IF v_adv_lock = 'false' THEN RAISE NOTICE 'undo_partition_time already running.'; RETURN 0; END IF; SELECT partition_type , partition_interval::interval , control , jobmon INTO v_type , v_partition_interval , v_control , v_jobmon FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table AND (partition_type = 'time' OR partition_type = 'time-custom'); IF v_partition_interval IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Configuration for given parent table not found: %', p_parent_table; END IF; -- Check if any child tables are themselves partitioned or part of an inheritance tree. Prevent undo at this level if so. -- Need to either lock child tables at all levels or handle the proper removal of triggers on all child tables first -- before multi-level undo can be performed safely. FOR v_row IN SELECT partition_schemaname, partition_tablename FROM @extschema@.show_partitions(p_parent_table) LOOP SELECT count(*) INTO v_sub_count FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON i.inhparent = c.oid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE c.relname = v_row.partition_tablename AND n.nspname = v_row.partition_schemaname; IF v_sub_count > 0 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Child table for this parent has child table(s) itself (%). Run undo partitioning on this table or remove inheritance first to ensure all data is properly moved to parent', v_row.partition_schemaname||'.'||v_row.partition_tablename; END IF; END LOOP; IF v_jobmon THEN SELECT nspname INTO v_jobmon_schema FROM pg_namespace n, pg_extension e WHERE e.extname = 'pg_jobmon' AND e.extnamespace = n.oid; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT current_setting('search_path') INTO v_old_search_path; EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', '@extschema@,'||v_jobmon_schema, 'false'); END IF; END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_job_id := add_job(format('PARTMAN UNDO PARTITIONING: %s', p_parent_table)); v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Undoing partitioning for table %s', p_parent_table)); END IF; IF p_batch_interval IS NULL THEN p_batch_interval := v_partition_interval; END IF; -- Stops new time partitions from being made as well as stopping child tables from being dropped if they were configured with a retention period. UPDATE @extschema@.part_config SET undo_in_progress = true WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table; -- Stop data going into child tables. SELECT schemaname, tablename INTO v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname ||'.'|| tablename = p_parent_table; v_trig_name := @extschema@.check_name_length(p_object_name := v_parent_tablename, p_suffix := '_part_trig'); v_function_name := @extschema@.check_name_length(v_parent_tablename, '_part_trig_func', FALSE); SELECT tgname INTO v_trig_name FROM pg_catalog.pg_trigger t WHERE tgname = v_trig_name; IF v_trig_name IS NOT NULL THEN -- lockwait for trigger drop IF p_lock_wait > 0 THEN v_lock_iter := 0; WHILE v_lock_iter <= 5 LOOP v_lock_iter := v_lock_iter + 1; BEGIN EXECUTE format('LOCK TABLE ONLY %I.%I IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE NOWAIT', v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename); v_lock_obtained := TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN lock_not_available THEN PERFORM pg_sleep( p_lock_wait / 5.0 ); CONTINUE; END; EXIT WHEN v_lock_obtained; END LOOP; IF NOT v_lock_obtained THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Unable to obtain lock on parent table to remove trigger'; RETURN -1; END IF; END IF; -- END p_lock_wait IF EXECUTE format('DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS %I ON %I.%I', v_trig_name, v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename); END IF; -- END trigger IF v_lock_obtained := FALSE; -- reset for reuse later EXECUTE format('DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS %I.%I()', v_parent_schema, v_function_name); IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Stopped partition creation process. Removed trigger & trigger function'); END IF; <> WHILE v_batch_loop_count < p_batch_count LOOP -- Get ordered list of child table in set. Store in variable one at a time per loop until none are left. WITH parent_info AS ( SELECT c1.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c1 JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n1 ON c1.relnamespace = n1.oid WHERE c1.relname = v_parent_tablename AND n1.nspname = v_parent_schema ) SELECT c.relname INTO v_child_table FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON i.inhrelid = c.oid JOIN parent_info p ON i.inhparent = p.oid ORDER BY i.inhrelid ASC; EXIT WHEN v_child_table IS NULL; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, format('Removing child partition: %s.%s', v_parent_schema, v_child_table)); END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT min(%I) FROM %I.%I', v_control, v_parent_schema, v_child_table) INTO v_child_min; IF v_child_min IS NULL THEN -- No rows left in this child table. Remove from partition set. -- lockwait timeout for table drop IF p_lock_wait > 0 THEN v_lock_iter := 0; WHILE v_lock_iter <= 5 LOOP v_lock_iter := v_lock_iter + 1; BEGIN EXECUTE format('LOCK TABLE ONLY %I.%I IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE NOWAIT', v_parent_schema, v_child_table); v_lock_obtained := TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN lock_not_available THEN PERFORM pg_sleep( p_lock_wait / 5.0 ); CONTINUE; END; EXIT WHEN v_lock_obtained; END LOOP; IF NOT v_lock_obtained THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Unable to obtain lock on child table for removal from partition set'; RETURN -1; END IF; END IF; -- END p_lock_wait IF v_lock_obtained := FALSE; -- reset for reuse later EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I NO INHERIT %I.%I' , v_parent_schema , v_child_table , v_parent_schema , v_parent_tablename); IF p_keep_table = false THEN EXECUTE format('DROP TABLE %I.%I', v_parent_schema, v_child_table); IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', format('Child table DROPPED. Moved %s rows to parent', v_child_loop_total)); END IF; ELSE IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', format('Child table UNINHERITED, not DROPPED. Moved %s rows to parent', v_child_loop_total)); END IF; END IF; IF v_type = 'time-custom' THEN DELETE FROM @extschema@.custom_time_partitions WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table AND child_table = v_parent_schema||'.'||v_child_table; END IF; v_undo_count := v_undo_count + 1; CONTINUE outer_child_loop; END IF; v_inner_loop_count := 1; v_child_loop_total := 0; <> LOOP -- do some locking with timeout, if required IF p_lock_wait > 0 THEN v_lock_iter := 0; WHILE v_lock_iter <= 5 LOOP v_lock_iter := v_lock_iter + 1; BEGIN EXECUTE format('SELECT * FROM %I.%I WHERE %I <= %L FOR UPDATE NOWAIT' , v_parent_schema , v_child_table , v_control , v_child_min + (p_batch_interval * v_inner_loop_count)); v_lock_obtained := TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN lock_not_available THEN PERFORM pg_sleep( p_lock_wait / 5.0 ); CONTINUE; END; EXIT WHEN v_lock_obtained; END LOOP; IF NOT v_lock_obtained THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Unable to obtain lock on batch of rows to move'; RETURN -1; END IF; END IF; -- Get everything from the current child minimum up to the multiples of the given interval v_move_sql := format('WITH move_data AS ( DELETE FROM %I.%I WHERE %I <= %L RETURNING *) INSERT INTO %I.%I SELECT * FROM move_data' , v_parent_schema , v_child_table , v_control , v_child_min + (p_batch_interval * v_inner_loop_count) , v_parent_schema , v_parent_tablename); EXECUTE v_move_sql; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_rowcount = ROW_COUNT; v_total := v_total + v_rowcount; v_child_loop_total := v_child_loop_total + v_rowcount; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', format('Moved %s rows to parent.', v_child_loop_total)); END IF; EXIT inner_child_loop WHEN v_rowcount = 0; -- exit before loop incr if table is empty v_inner_loop_count := v_inner_loop_count + 1; v_batch_loop_count := v_batch_loop_count + 1; EXIT outer_child_loop WHEN v_batch_loop_count >= p_batch_count; -- Exit outer FOR loop if p_batch_count is reached END LOOP inner_child_loop; END LOOP outer_child_loop; IF v_batch_loop_count < p_batch_count THEN -- FOR loop never ran, so there's no child tables left. DELETE FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE parent_table = p_parent_table; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, 'Removing config from pg_partman'); PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', 'Done'); END IF; END IF; RAISE NOTICE 'Copied % row(s) to the parent. Removed % partitions.', v_total, v_undo_count; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN v_step_id := add_step(v_job_id, 'Final stats'); PERFORM update_step(v_step_id, 'OK', format('Copied %s row(s) to the parent. Removed %s partitions.', v_total, v_undo_count)); END IF; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM close_job(v_job_id); EXECUTE format('SELECT set_config(%L, %L, %L)', 'search_path', v_old_search_path, 'false'); END IF; RETURN v_total; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS ex_message = MESSAGE_TEXT, ex_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT, ex_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, ex_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT; IF v_jobmon_schema IS NOT NULL THEN IF v_job_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_job(''PARTMAN UNDO PARTITIONING: %s'')', v_jobmon_schema, p_parent_table) INTO v_job_id; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before job logging started'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id, p_parent_table) INTO v_step_id; ELSIF v_step_id IS NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.add_step(%s, ''EXCEPTION before first step logged'')', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id) INTO v_step_id; END IF; EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.update_step(%s, ''CRITICAL'', %L)', v_jobmon_schema, v_step_id, 'ERROR: '||coalesce(SQLERRM,'unknown')); EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.fail_job(%s)', v_jobmon_schema, v_job_id); END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION '% CONTEXT: % DETAIL: % HINT: %', ex_message, ex_context, ex_detail, ex_hint; END $$; -- Restore dropped object privileges DO $$ DECLARE v_row record; BEGIN FOR v_row IN SELECT statement FROM partman_preserve_privs_temp LOOP IF v_row.statement IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE v_row.statement; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS partman_preserve_privs_temp;