CREATE PROCEDURE @extschema@.run_maintenance_proc(p_wait int DEFAULT 0, p_analyze boolean DEFAULT NULL, p_jobmon boolean DEFAULT true) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE v_adv_lock boolean; v_row record; v_sql text; v_tables_list_sql text; BEGIN v_adv_lock := pg_try_advisory_lock(hashtext('pg_partman run_maintenance')); IF v_adv_lock = false THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Partman maintenance already running or another session has not released its advisory lock.'; RETURN; END IF; v_tables_list_sql := 'SELECT parent_table FROM @extschema@.part_config WHERE undo_in_progress = false AND automatic_maintenance = ''on'''; FOR v_row IN EXECUTE v_tables_list_sql LOOP /* * Run maintenance with a commit between each partition set * TODO - Once PG11 is more mainstream, see about more full conversion of run_maintenance function as well as turning * create_partition* functions into procedures to commit after every child table is made. May need to wait * for more PROCEDURE features as well (return values, search_path, etc). * - Also see about swapping names so this is the main object to call for maintenance instead of a function. */ v_sql := format('SELECT %I.run_maintenance(%L, p_jobmon := %L', '@extschema@', v_row.parent_table, p_jobmon); IF p_analyze IS NOT NULL THEN v_sql := v_sql || format(', p_analyze := %L', p_analyze); END IF; v_sql := v_sql || ')'; RAISE DEBUG 'v_sql run_maintenance_proc: %', v_sql; EXECUTE v_sql; COMMIT; PERFORM pg_sleep(p_wait); END LOOP; PERFORM pg_advisory_unlock(hashtext('pg_partman run_maintenance')); END $$;