CREATE FUNCTION check_name_length (p_object_name text, p_suffix text DEFAULT NULL, p_table_partition boolean DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE v_new_length int; v_new_name text; BEGIN /* * Truncate the name of the given object if it is greater than the postgres default max (63 characters). * Also appends given suffix and schema if given and truncates the name so that the entire suffix will fit. * Returns original name with schema given if it doesn't require truncation * Given security definer since it's called by the trigger functions */ IF p_table_partition IS TRUE AND (p_suffix IS NULL) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Table partition name requires a suffix value'; END IF; IF p_table_partition THEN -- 61 characters to account for _p in partition name IF char_length(p_object_name) + char_length(p_suffix) >= 61 THEN v_new_length := 61 - char_length(p_suffix); v_new_name := substring(p_object_name from 1 for v_new_length) || '_p' || p_suffix; ELSE v_new_name := p_object_name||'_p'||p_suffix; END IF; ELSE IF char_length(p_object_name) + char_length(COALESCE(p_suffix, '')) >= 63 THEN v_new_length := 63 - char_length(COALESCE(p_suffix, '')); v_new_name := substring(p_object_name from 1 for v_new_length) || COALESCE(p_suffix, ''); ELSE v_new_name := p_object_name||COALESCE(p_suffix, ''); END IF; END IF; RETURN v_new_name; END $$;