\unset ECHO \set QUIET 1 \pset format unaligned \pset tuples_only true \pset pager off \set ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK 1 \set ON_ERROR_STOP true BEGIN; CREATE EXTENSION pg_mustach; COPY ( SELECT 1, 'Pair Behavior', mustach('{"text": "Hey!"}', E'{{=<% %>=}}(<%text%>)') UNION SELECT 2, 'Special Characters', mustach('{"text": "It worked!"}', E'({{=[ ]=}}[text])') UNION SELECT 3, 'Special Characters', mustach('{"section": true, "data": "I got interpolated."}', E'[\n{{#section}}\n {{data}}\n |data|\n{{/section}}\n\n{{=| |=}}\n|#section|\n {{data}}\n |data|\n|/section|\n]\n') UNION SELECT 4, 'Inverted Sections', mustach('{"section": false, "data": "I got interpolated."}', E'[\n{{^section}}\n {{data}}\n |data|\n{{/section}}\n\n{{=| |=}}\n|^section|\n {{data}}\n |data|\n|/section|\n]\n') UNION SELECT 5, 'Partial Inheritence', mustach('{"value": "yes", "include": ".{{value}}."}', E'[ {{>include}} ]\n{{=| |=}}\n[ |>include| ]\n') UNION SELECT 6, 'Post-Partial Behavior', mustach('{"value": "yes", "include": ".{{value}}. {{=| |=}} .|value|."}', E'[ {{>include}} ]\n[ .{{value}}. .|value|. ]\n') UNION SELECT 7, 'Surrounding Whitespace', mustach('{}', E'| {{=@ @=}} |') UNION SELECT 8, 'Outlying Whitespace (Inline)', mustach('{}', E' | {{=@ @=}}\n') UNION SELECT 9, 'Standalone Tag', mustach('{}', E'Begin.\n {{=@ @=}}\nEnd.\n') UNION SELECT 10, 'Indented Standalone Tag', mustach('{}', E'Begin.\n {{=@ @=}}\nEnd.\n') UNION SELECT 11, 'Standalone Line Endings', mustach('{}', E'|\r\n{{=@ @=}}\r\n|') UNION SELECT 12, 'Standalone Without Previous Line', mustach('{}', E' {{=@ @=}}\n=') UNION SELECT 13, 'Standalone Without Newline', mustach('{}', E'=\n {{=@ @=}}') UNION SELECT 14, 'Pair with Padding', mustach('{}', E'|{{=@ @=}}|') ORDER BY 1 ) TO stdout; ROLLBACK;