-- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION \echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION pg_mockable" to load this file. \quit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- comment on extension pg_mockable is $markdown$ # `pg_mockable` – mock PostgreSQL functions The `pg_mockable` PostgreSQL extension can be used to create mockable versions of functions from other schemas. ## Installation To make the extension files available to PostgreSQL: ``` make install ``` To make the extension available in the current database: ```sql create extension pg_mockable cascade; ``` You _can_ install the extension into a different schema, but choose your schema name wisely, since `pg_mockable` is _not_ relocatable. ## Usage First, use `mockable.wrap_function()` to create a very thin function wrapper for whichever function you wish to wrap: ```sql call mockable.wrap_function('pg_catalog.now()`); ``` This call will bring into being: `mockable.now()`, which just does a `return pg_catalog.now()`. If, for some reason, this fails, you can specify the precise `CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION` statement as the second argument to `wrap_function()`: ```sql call mockable.wrap_function('pg_catalog.now', $$ create or replace function mockable.now() returns timestamptz stable language sql return pg_catalog.now(); $$); ``` In fact, this example won't work, because `mockable.now()` _always_ exists, because the need to mock `now()` was the whole reason that this extension was created in the first place. And `now()` is a special case, because, to mock `now()` effectively, a whole bunch of other current date-time retrieval functions have a mockable counterpart that all call the same `mockable.now()` function, so that mocking `pg_catalog.now()` _also_ effectively mocks `current_timestamp()`, etc. $markdown$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- comment on schema mockable is $md$The `mockable` schema belongs to the `pg_mockable` extension. Postgres (as of Pg 15) doesn't allow one to specify a _default_ schema, and do something like `schema = 'mockable'` combined with `relocatable = true` in the `.control` file. Therefore I decided to choose the `mockable` schema name _for_ you, even though you might have very well preferred something shorted like `mock`, even shorter like `mck`, or more verbose such as `mock_objects`. $md$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function pg_mockable_readme() returns text volatile set search_path from current set pg_readme.include_view_definitions_like to 'true' set pg_readme.include_routine_definitions_like to '{test__%}' language plpgsql as $plpgsql$ declare _readme text; begin create extension if not exists pg_readme; _readme := pg_extension_readme('pg_mockable'::name); raise transaction_rollback; -- to drop extension if we happened to `CREATE EXTENSION` for just this. exception when transaction_rollback then return _readme; end; $plpgsql$; comment on function pg_mockable_readme() is $md$Generates the text for a `README.md` in Markdown format with the help of the `pg_readme` extension. This function temporarily installs `pg_readme` if it is not already installed in the current database. $md$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- do $$ declare _extension_name name := 'pg_mockable'; _setting_name text := _extension_name || '.readme_url'; _ddl_cmd_to_set_pg_readme_url text := format( 'ALTER DATABASE %I SET %s = %L' ,current_database() ,_setting_name ,'https://github.com/bigsmoke/' || _extension_name || '/blob/master/README.md' ); begin if (select rolsuper from pg_roles where rolname = current_user) then execute _ddl_cmd_to_set_pg_readme_url; else -- We say `superuser = false` in the control file; so let's just whine a little instead of crashing. raise warning using message = format( 'Because you''re installing the `%I` extension as non-superuser and because you' || ' are also not the owner of the `%I` DB, the database-level `%I` setting has' || ' not been set.' ,_extension_name ,current_database() ,_setting_name ) ,detail = 'Settings of the form `.readme_url` are used by `pg_readme` to' || ' cross-link between extensions their README files.' ,hint = 'If you want full inter-extension README cross-linking, you can ask your friendly' || E' neighbourhood DBA to execute the following statement:\n' || _ddl_cmd_to_set_pg_readme_url || ';'; end if; end; $$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function pg_mockable_meta_pgxn() returns jsonb stable language sql return jsonb_build_object( 'name' ,'pg_mockable' ,'abstract' ,'Create mockable versions of functions from other schemas.' ,'description' ,'The `pg_mockable` extension can be used to create mockable versions of functions from other' ' schemas.' ,'version' ,( select pg_extension.extversion from pg_catalog.pg_extension where pg_extension.extname = 'pg_mockable' ) ,'maintainer' ,array[ 'Rowan Rodrik van der Molen ' ] ,'license' ,'postgresql' ,'prereqs' ,'{ "test": { "requires": { "pgtap": 0 } }, "develop": { "recommends": { "pg_readme": 0 } } }'::jsonb ,'provides' ,('{ "pg_mockable": { "file": "pg_mockable--0.3.0.sql", "version": "' || ( select pg_extension.extversion from pg_catalog.pg_extension where pg_extension.extname = 'pg_mockable' ) || '", "docfile": "README.md" } }')::jsonb ,'resources' ,'{ "homepage": "https://blog.bigsmoke.us/tag/pg_mockable", "bugtracker": { "web": "https://github.com/bigsmoke/pg_mockable/issues" }, "repository": { "url": "https://github.com/bigsmoke/pg_mockable.git", "web": "https://github.com/bigsmoke/pg_mockable", "type": "git" } }'::jsonb ,'meta-spec' ,'{ "version": "1.0.0", "url": "https://pgxn.org/spec/" }'::jsonb ,'generated_by' ,'`select pg_mockable_meta_pgxn()`' ,'tags' ,array[ 'plpgsql', 'function', 'functions', 'mocking', 'testing' ] ); comment on function pg_mockable_meta_pgxn() is $md$Returns the JSON meta data that has to go into the `META.json` file needed for [PGXN—PostgreSQL Extension Network](https://pgxn.org/) packages. The `Makefile` includes a recipe to allow the developer to: `make META.json` to refresh the meta file with the function's current output, including the `default_version`. `pg_mockable` can indeed be found on PGXN: https://pgxn.org/dist/pg_mockable/ $md$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function pg_proc(regprocedure) returns pg_proc stable language sql return ( select row(pg_proc.*)::pg_proc from pg_proc where oid = $1 ); comment on function pg_proc(regprocedure) is $md$Conveniently go from function calling signature description or OID (`regprocedure`) to `pg_catalog.pg_proc`. Example: ```sql SELECT pg_proc('pg_catalog.current_setting(text, bool)'); ``` $md$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create cast (regprocedure as pg_proc) with function pg_proc(regprocedure) as assignment; comment on cast (regprocedure as pg_proc) is $md$Conveniently go from function calling signature description or OID (`regprocedure`) to `pg_catalog.pg_proc`. Examples: ```sql select 'pg_catalog.current_setting(text, bool)'::regprocedure::pg_proc; select 'pg_catalog.now()'::regprocedure::pg_proc; ``` $md$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create type mock_memory_duration as enum ('TRANSACTION', 'SESSION', 'PERSISTENT'); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create table mock_memory ( routine_signature regprocedure primary key ,return_type text not null ,unmock_statement text not null ,is_prewrapped_by_pg_mockable bool default false ,mock_value text ,mock_duration text default 'TRANSACTION' check (mock_duration in ('TRANSACTION', 'PERSISTENT')) ); comment on column mock_memory.routine_signature is $md$The mockable routine `oid` (via its `regprocedure` alias). Check the official Postgres docs for more information about `regprocedure` and other [OID types](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/datatype-oid.html). As evidenced by the [`test_dump_restore__pg_mockable()` procedure](#procedure-test_dump_restore__pg_mockable-text), storing an `regprocedure` is not a problem with `pg_dump`/`pg_restore`. The same is true for other `oid` alias types, because these are all serialized as their `text` representation during `pg_dump` and then loaded from that text representation again during `pg_restore`. See https://dba.stackexchange.com/a/324899/79909 for details. $md$; select pg_extension_config_dump('mock_memory', 'WHERE NOT is_prewrapped_by_pg_mockable'); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function mock_memory__before_magic() returns trigger set search_path to pg_catalog language plpgsql as $$ declare _regprocedure regprocedure; _regtype regtype; _pg_proc pg_proc; _copying bool; begin assert tg_when = 'BEFORE'; assert tg_op in ('INSERT', 'UPDATE'); assert tg_level = 'ROW'; assert tg_table_schema = 'mockable'; assert tg_table_name = 'mock_memory'; -- When we are inside a `COPY` command, it is likely that we're restoring from a `pg_dump`. -- Otherwise, why would you want to bulk insert into such a small table? _copying := tg_op = 'INSERT' and exists ( select from pg_stat_progress_copy where relid = tg_relid and command = 'COPY FROM' and type = 'PIPE' ); if tg_op = 'INSERT' and not _copying and NEW.return_type is not null then raise integrity_constraint_violation using message = format( 'Please let _me_ (the `%I` on `%I.%I`) figure out the return type for `%s` myself.' ,tg_name, tg_table_schema, tg_table_name, NEW.routine_signature ); end if; if not _copying and (tg_op = 'INSERT' or NEW.routine_signature != OLD.routine_signature) then _regprocedure := NEW.routine_signature::regprocedure; NEW.routine_signature := _regprocedure::text; -- This way we get a normalized calling signature. NEW.return_type := pg_get_function_result(_regprocedure); _pg_proc := mockable.pg_proc(_regprocedure); if _pg_proc.pronamespace = 'mockable'::regnamespace then raise invalid_recursion using message = 'Cannot mock a mock routine itself.' ,hint = 'You probably forgot to schema-qualify the routine name, while the `mockable`' || ' schema is in front of the schema with the object you wish to mock.'; end if; if _pg_proc.provariadic != 0 then raise feature_not_supported using message = 'Dunno how to auto-wrap functions with variadic arguments.'; end if; if _pg_proc.prokind != 'f' then raise feature_not_supported using message = 'Dunno how to auto-wrap other routines than functions.'; end if; if _pg_proc.proargmodes is not null then raise feature_not_supported using message = 'Dunno how to auto-wrap functions with `OUT` arguments.'; end if; if _pg_proc.proargnames is not null then raise feature_not_supported using message = 'Dunno how to auto-wrap functions with named arguments.'; end if; end if; if NEW.unmock_statement is null then NEW.unmock_statement := 'CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ' || 'mockable.' || quote_ident(_pg_proc.proname) || '(' || pg_get_function_arguments(_regprocedure) || ')' || ' RETURNS ' || pg_get_function_result(_regprocedure) || case when _pg_proc.proleakproof then ' LEAKPROOF' else '' end || case when _pg_proc.proisstrict then ' STRICT' else '' end || case when _pg_proc.provolatile = 'i' then ' IMMUTABLE' when _pg_proc.provolatile = 's' then ' STABLE' else '' end || ' RETURN ' || _regprocedure::regproc::text || '(' || ( select coalesce(string_agg('$' || arg_position::text, ', '), '') from unnest(_pg_proc.proargtypes) with ordinality as arg_types(arg_type_oid, arg_position) ) || ')'; end if; return NEW; end; $$; create trigger before_magic before insert or update on mock_memory for each row execute function mock_memory__before_magic(); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function mock_memory__after_magic() returns trigger set search_path to pg_catalog language plpgsql as $$ declare _mock_mem mockable.mock_memory; _proc_schema name := 'mockable'; _pg_proc pg_proc := mockable.pg_proc(NEW.routine_signature::regprocedure); _signature_changed bool; begin assert tg_when = 'AFTER'; assert tg_op in ('INSERT', 'UPDATE'); assert tg_level = 'ROW'; assert tg_table_schema = 'mockable'; assert tg_table_name = 'mock_memory'; _signature_changed := tg_op = 'UPDATE' and ( NEW.routine_signature != OLD.routine_signature or NEW.unmock_statement != OLD.unmock_statement ); if _signature_changed then execute 'DROP FUNCTION mockable.' || quote_ident(_pg_proc.proname); end if; if NEW.mock_value is not null and (_signature_changed or NEW.mock_value is distinct from OLD.mock_value) then execute 'CREATE OR REPLACE ' || case _pg_proc.prokind when 'f' then 'FUNCTION' when 'p' then 'PROCEDURE' end || ' ' || 'mockable.' || quote_ident(_pg_proc.proname) || '(' || pg_get_function_arguments(_pg_proc.oid) || ')' || ' RETURNS ' || pg_get_function_result(_pg_proc.oid) || ' LANGUAGE SQL' || ' IMMUTABLE' || ' SET search_path FROM CURRENT' || ' RETURN ' || quote_literal(NEW.mock_value) || '::' || pg_get_function_result(_pg_proc.oid) ; elsif NEW.mock_value is null and (OLD.mock_value is not null or tg_op = 'INSERT') then execute NEW.unmock_statement; execute 'COMMENT ON FUNCTION mockable.' || quote_ident(_pg_proc.proname) || ' IS $md$Mockable wrapper function for `' || NEW.routine_signature || '`.$md$'; end if; execute 'GRANT EXECUTE ON ' || case _pg_proc.prokind when 'f' then 'FUNCTION' when 'p' then 'PROCEDURE' end || ' mockable.' || quote_ident(_pg_proc.proname) || ' TO public' -- TODO: duplicate original GRANTs ; return null; end; $$; create trigger after_magic after insert or update on mock_memory for each row execute function mock_memory__after_magic(); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function mock_memory__reset_value() returns trigger set search_path to pg_catalog language plpgsql as $$ begin assert tg_when = 'AFTER'; assert tg_op in ('INSERT', 'UPDATE'); assert tg_level = 'ROW'; assert tg_table_schema = 'mockable'; assert tg_table_name = 'mock_memory'; assert NEW.mock_duration = 'TRANSACTION', '`WHEN (NEW.mock_duration = ''TRANSACTION'')` condition missing in trigger definition.'; assert NEW.mock_value is not null, '`WHEN (NEW.mock_value IS NOT NULL)` condition missing in trigger definition.'; -- Normally, I would avoid operations that mutate data from a `CONSTRAINT TRIGGER`. However, as long as -- we don't have a C part in this extension, this hack is the only way I can think of to latch some logic -- onto transaction end. update mockable.mock_memory set mock_value = null where routine_signature = NEW.routine_signature ; return null; end; $$; comment on function mock_memory__reset_value() is $md$This trigger ensures that the mocked value is always forgotten before transaction end. Resetting the value in turn ensures that another trigger unmocks the wrapper function; that is, it will be restored to act as a thin wrapper around the original (wrapped) function. $md$; create constraint trigger reset_value after insert or update on mock_memory initially deferred for each row when (NEW.mock_duration = 'TRANSACTION' and NEW.mock_value is not null) execute function mock_memory__reset_value(); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function wrap_function( function_signature$ regprocedure ,create_function_statement$ text ,mock_duration$ mock_memory_duration default 'TRANSACTION' ) returns mock_memory volatile language sql begin atomic insert into mock_memory (routine_signature, unmock_statement, mock_duration) values (function_signature$, create_function_statement$, mock_duration$) returning * ; end; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function wrap_function( function_signature$ regprocedure ,mock_duration$ mock_memory_duration default 'TRANSACTION' ) returns mock_memory volatile language sql begin atomic insert into mock_memory (routine_signature, mock_duration) values (function_signature$, mock_duration$) returning * ; end; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create procedure unmock( routine_signature$ regprocedure ) set search_path to pg_catalog language plpgsql as $plpgsql$ begin update mockable.mock_memory set mock_value = null where routine_signature = routine_signature$ ; end; $plpgsql$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function mock( in routine_signature$ regprocedure ,inout mock_value$ anyelement ) returns anyelement volatile set search_path to pg_catalog language plpgsql as $plpgsql$ begin update mockable.mock_memory set mock_value = mock_value$ where routine_signature = routine_signature$ ; if not found then raise no_data_found using message = format( 'No `mock_memory` record of `%I` found.' ,routine_signature$ ) ,hint = 'You should probably call the `wrap_function()` function first.'; end if; end; $plpgsql$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- insert into mock_memory ( routine_signature ,is_prewrapped_by_pg_mockable ) values ( 'pg_catalog.now()' ,true ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function transaction_timestamp() returns timestamptz stable language sql return mockable.now(); comment on function transaction_timestamp() is $md$`transaction_timestamp()` is simply an alias for `mockable.now()`. If you wish to mock it, mock `mockable.now()`. $md$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function "current_timestamp"() returns timestamptz stable language sql return mockable.now(); comment on function "current_timestamp"() is $md$`current_timestamp()` is derived from `mockable.now()`. To mock it, mock `pg_catalog.now()`. Unlike its standard (PostgreSQL) counterpart, `current_timestamp()` does not support a precision parameter. Feel free to implement it. $md$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function "current_date"() returns date stable language sql return mockable.now()::date; comment on function "current_date"() is $md$`current_date()` is derived from `mockable.now()`. To mock it, mock `pg_catalog.now()`. $md$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function "current_time"() returns timetz stable language sql return mockable.now()::timetz; comment on function "current_time"() is $md$`current_time()` is derived from `mockable.now()`. To mock it, mock `pg_catalog.now()`. Unlike its standard (PostgreSQL) counterpart, `current_time()` does not support a precision parameter. Feel free to implement it. $md$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function "localtime"() returns time stable language sql return mockable.now()::time; comment on function "localtime"() is $md$`localtime()` is derived from `mockable.now()`. To mock it, mock `pg_catalog.now()`. Unlike its standard (PostgreSQL) counterpart, `localtime()` does not support a precision parameter. Feel free to implement it. $md$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function "localtimestamp"() returns timestamp stable language sql return mockable.now()::timestamp; comment on function "localtimestamp"() is $md$ `localtimestamp()` is derived from `mockable.now()`. To mock it, mock `pg_catalog.now()`. Unlike its standard (PostgreSQL) counterpart, `localtimestamp()` does not support a precision parameter. Feel free to implement it. $md$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function timeofday() returns text stable set datestyle to 'Postgres' language sql return mockable.now()::text; comment on function timeofday() is $md$`timeofday()` is derived from `mockable.now()`. To mock it, mock `pg_catalog.now()`. $md$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create procedure test__pg_mockable() set search_path to pg_catalog set plpgsql.check_asserts to true set pg_readme.include_this_routine_definition to true language plpgsql as $plpgsql$ declare _now timestamptz; begin assert mockable.now() = pg_catalog.now(); assert mockable.current_date() = current_date; assert mockable.mock('pg_catalog.now()', '2022-01-02 10:20'::timestamptz) = '2022-01-02 10:20'::timestamptz; perform mockable.mock('pg_catalog.now()', '2022-01-02 10:30'::timestamptz); assert mockable.now() = '2022-01-02 10:30'::timestamptz, 'Failed to mock `pg_catalog.now()` as `mockable.now()`.'; assert mockable.current_date() = '2022-01-02'::date; assert mockable.localtime() = '10:30'::time; call mockable.unmock('pg_catalog.now()'); assert pg_catalog.now() = mockable.now(); assert current_date = mockable.current_date(); create schema test__schema; create function test__schema.func() returns int return 8; perform mockable.wrap_function('test__schema.func()'); -- -- Now, let's demonstrate how to use the `search_path` to alltogether skip the mocking layer… -- _now := now(); -- just to not have to use qualified names perform mockable.mock('pg_catalog.now()', '2022-01-02 10:20'::timestamptz); perform set_config('search_path', 'pg_catalog', true); assert now() = _now; perform set_config('search_path', 'mockable, pg_catalog', true); assert now() = '2022-01-02 10:20'::timestamptz; <> begin assert current_schema = 'mockable'; assert 'now()'::regprocedure = 'mockable.now()'::regprocedure; assert 'now()'::regprocedure != 'pg_catalog.now()'::regprocedure; perform mockable.mock('now()', '2021-01-01 00:00'::timestamptz); raise assert_failure using message = 'Mocking an unwrapped function should have been forbidden.'; exception when no_data_found then -- Good. end recursive_mock_attempt; <> begin assert current_schema = 'mockable'; assert 'now()'::regprocedure = 'mockable.now()'::regprocedure; assert 'now()'::regprocedure != 'pg_catalog.now()'::regprocedure; perform mockable.wrap_function('now()'); raise assert_failure using message = 'Wrapping a wrapper function should have been forbidden.'; exception when invalid_recursion then -- Good. end recursive_wrap_attempt; raise transaction_rollback; exception when transaction_rollback then end; $plpgsql$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create procedure test_dump_restore__pg_mockable(test_stage$ text) set search_path to pg_catalog, mockable set plpgsql.check_asserts to true set pg_readme.include_this_routine_definition to true language plpgsql as $$ declare begin assert test_stage$ in ('pre-dump', 'post-restore'); if test_stage$ = 'pre-dump' then create schema test__schema; create function test__schema.func() returns int return 8; perform wrap_function('test__schema.func()'); assert mockable.mock('test__schema.func()', 88::int) = 88::int; assert mockable.func() = 88; create function test__schema.func2() returns text[] return array['beh', 'blah']; perform wrap_function('test__schema.func2()', mock_duration$ => 'PERSISTENT'); assert mockable.func2() = array['beh', 'blah']; assert mockable.mock('test__schema.func2()', array['boe', 'bah']) = array['boe', 'bah']; assert mockable.func2() = array['boe', 'bah']; assert mockable.mock('pg_catalog.now()', '2022-01-02 10:30'::timestamptz) = '2022-01-02 10:30'::timestamptz; assert mockable.now() = '2022-01-02 10:30'::timestamptz; elsif test_stage$ = 'post-restore' then assert exists (select from mock_memory where routine_signature = 'now()'::regprocedure); assert mockable.now() = pg_catalog.now(), 'This wrapper function should have been restored to a wrapper of the original function.'; assert exists (select from mock_memory where routine_signature = 'test__schema.func()'::regprocedure); assert mockable.func() = 8, 'The wrapper function should have been restored to a wrapper of the original function.'; assert exists (select from mock_memory where routine_signature = 'test__schema.func2()'::regprocedure); assert mockable.func2() = array['boe', 'bah'], 'The wrapper function should have been restored, and not unmocked.'; call mockable.unmock('test__schema.func2()'); assert mockable.func2() = array['beh', 'blah']; end if; end; $$; comment on procedure test_dump_restore__pg_mockable(text) is $md$This procedure is to be called by the `test_dump_restore.sh` and `test_dump_restore.sql` companion scripts, once before `pg_dump` (with `test_stage$ = 'pre-dump'` argument) and once after `pg_restore` (with the `test_stage$ = 'post-restore'`). $md$; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------