--- pg_extension_name: pg_mockable pg_extension_version: 0.1.7 pg_readme_generated_at: 2023-02-28 21:42:15.388193+00 pg_readme_version: 0.5.6 --- The `pg_mockable` PostgreSQL extension can be used to create mockable versions of functions from other schemas. ## Installation To make the extension files available to PostgreSQL: ``` make install ``` To make the extension available in the current database: ```sql create extension pg_mockable cascade; ``` You _can_ install the extension into a different schema, but choose your schema name wisely, since `pg_mockable` is _not_ relocatable. ## Usage First, use `mockable.wrap_function()` to create a very thin function wrapper for whichever function you wish to wrap: ```sql call mockable.wrap_function('pg_catalog.now()`); ``` This call will bring into being: `mockable.now()`, which just does a `return pg_catalog.now()`. If, for some reason, this fails, you can specify the precise `CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION` statement as the second argument to `wrap_function()`: ```sql call mockable.wrap_function('pg_catalog.now', $$ create or replace function mockable.now() returns timestamptz stable language sql return pg_catalog.now(); $$); ``` In fact, this example won't work, because `mockable.now()` _always_ exists, because the need to mock `now()` was the whole reason that this extension was created in the first place. ## Object reference ### Schema: `mockable` `pg_mockable` must be installed in the `mockable` schema. Hence, it is not relocatable. --- The `mockable` schema belongs to the `pg_mockable` extension. Postgres (as of Pg 15) doesn't allow one to specify a _default_ schema, and do something like `schema = 'mockable'` combined with `relocatable = true` in the `.control` file. Therefore I decided to choose the `mockable` schema name _for_ you, even though you might have very well preferred something shorted like `mock`, even shorter like `mck`, or more verbose such as `mock_objects`. ### Tables There are 1 tables that directly belong to the `pg_mockable` extension. #### Table: `mock_memory` The `mock_memory` table has 2 attributes: 1. `mock_memory.routine_signature` `regprocedure` - `NOT NULL` - `PRIMARY KEY (routine_signature)` 2. `mock_memory.unmock_statement` `text` ### Routines #### Function: `"current_date"()` `current_date()` is derived from `now()`. To mock it, mock `now()`. Function return type: `date` Function attributes: `STABLE` #### Function: `"current_time"()` `current_time()` is derived from `now()`. To mock it, mock `now()`. Unlike its standard (PostgreSQL) counterpart, `current_time()` does not support a precision parameter. Feel free to implement it. Function return type: `time with time zone` Function attributes: `STABLE` #### Function: `"current_timestamp"()` `current_timestamp()` is derived from `now()`. To mock it, mock `now()`. Unlike its standard (PostgreSQL) counterpart, `current_timestamp()` does not support a precision parameter. Feel free to implement it. Function return type: `timestamp with time zone` Function attributes: `STABLE` #### Function: `"localtime"()` `localtime()` is derived from `now()`. To mock it, mock `now()`. Unlike its standard (PostgreSQL) counterpart, `localtime()` does not support a precision parameter. Feel free to implement it. Function return type: `time without time zone` Function attributes: `STABLE` #### Function: `"localtimestamp"()` `localtimestamp()` is derived from `now()`. To mock it, mock `now()`. Unlike its standard (PostgreSQL) counterpart, `localtimestamp()` does not support a precision parameter. Feel free to implement it. Function return type: `timestamp without time zone` Function attributes: `STABLE` #### Function: `mockable.now()` Function return type: `timestamp with time zone` Function attributes: `STABLE`, `RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT` Function-local settings: * `SET search_path TO mockable, public, pg_temp` #### Function: `mockable.timeofday()` Function return type: `text` Function attributes: `STABLE` Function-local settings: * `SET DateStyle TO Postgres` #### Function: `mockable.transaction_timestamp()` Function return type: `timestamp with time zone` Function attributes: `STABLE` #### Function: `mock (regprocedure, anyelement)` Function arguments: | Arg. # | Arg. mode | Argument name | Argument type | Default expression | | ------ | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------- | | `$1` | `IN` | `routine_signature$` | `regprocedure` | | | `$2` | `IN` | `mock_value$` | `anyelement` | | Function return type: `anyelement` Function-local settings: * `SET search_path TO mockable, public, pg_temp` #### Function: `pg_mockable_meta_pgxn()` Returns the JSON meta data that has to go into the `META.json` file needed for [PGXN—PostgreSQL Extension Network](https://pgxn.org/) packages. The `Makefile` includes a recipe to allow the developer to: `make META.json` to refresh the meta file with the function's current output, including the `default_version`. `pg_mockable` can indeed be found on PGXN: https://pgxn.org/dist/pg_mockable/ Function return type: `jsonb` Function attributes: `STABLE` #### Function: `pg_mockable_readme()` Generates the text for a `README.md` in Markdown format using the amazing power of the `pg_readme` extension. Temporarily installs `pg_readme` if it is not already installed in the current database. Function return type: `text` Function-local settings: * `SET search_path TO mockable, public, pg_temp` * `SET pg_readme.include_view_definitions_like TO true` * `SET pg_readme.include_routine_definitions_like TO {test__%}` #### Function: `pg_proc (regprocedure)` Conveniently go from function calling signature description or OID (`regprocedure`) to `pg_catalog.pg_proc`. Example: ```sql select pg_proc('pg_catalog.current_setting(text, bool)'); ``` Function arguments: | Arg. # | Arg. mode | Argument name | Argument type | Default expression | | ------ | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------- | | `$1` | `IN` | | `regprocedure` | | Function return type: `pg_proc` Function attributes: `STABLE` Function-local settings: * `SET search_path TO mockable, public, pg_temp` #### Procedure: `test__pg_mockable()` Procedure-local settings: * `SET search_path TO mockable, public, pg_temp` * `SET plpgsql.check_asserts TO true` ```sql CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE mockable.test__pg_mockable() LANGUAGE plpgsql SET search_path TO 'mockable', 'public', 'pg_temp' SET "plpgsql.check_asserts" TO 'true' AS $procedure$ declare _now timestamptz; begin assert mockable.now() = pg_catalog.now(); assert mockable.current_date() = current_date; assert mockable.mock('pg_catalog.now()', '2022-01-02 10:20'::timestamptz) = '2022-01-02 10:20'::timestamptz; perform mockable.mock('pg_catalog.now()', '2022-01-02 10:30'::timestamptz); assert mockable.now() = '2022-01-02 10:30'::timestamptz, 'Failed to mock `pg_catalog.now()` as `mockable.now()`.'; assert mockable.current_date() = '2022-01-02'::date; assert mockable.localtime() = '10:30'::time; call mockable.unmock('pg_catalog.now()'); assert pg_catalog.now() = mockable.now(); assert current_date = mockable.current_date(); -- -- Now, let's demonstrate how to use the `search_path` to alltogether skip the mocking layer… -- _now := now(); -- just to not have to use qualified names perform mockable.mock('now()', '2022-01-02 10:20'::timestamptz); perform set_config('search_path', 'pg_catalog', true); assert now() = _now; perform set_config('search_path', 'mockable,pg_catalog', true); assert now() = '2022-01-02 10:20'::timestamptz; raise transaction_rollback; exception when transaction_rollback then end; $procedure$ ``` #### Procedure: `unmock (regprocedure)` Procedure arguments: | Arg. # | Arg. mode | Argument name | Argument type | Default expression | | ------ | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------- | | `$1` | `IN` | `routine_signature$` | `regprocedure` | | Procedure-local settings: * `SET search_path TO mockable, public, pg_temp` #### Procedure: `wrap_function (regprocedure)` Procedure arguments: | Arg. # | Arg. mode | Argument name | Argument type | Default expression | | ------ | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------- | | `$1` | `IN` | `function_signature$` | `regprocedure` | | Procedure-local settings: * `SET search_path TO mockable, public, pg_temp` #### Procedure: `wrap_function (regprocedure, text)` Procedure arguments: | Arg. # | Arg. mode | Argument name | Argument type | Default expression | | ------ | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------- | | `$1` | `IN` | `function_signature$` | `regprocedure` | | | `$2` | `IN` | `create_function_statement$` | `text` | | Procedure-local settings: * `SET search_path TO mockable, public, pg_temp` ## Colophon This `README.md` for the `pg_mockable` extension was automatically generated using the [`pg_readme`](https://github.com/bigsmoke/pg_readme) PostgreSQL extension.