-- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION \echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION pg_mockable" to load this file. \quit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The previous version of this comment had a copy-paste error: it referred to -- `pg_readme` instead of `pg_mockable`. comment on function pg_mockable_meta_pgxn() is $markdown$ Returns the JSON meta data that has to go into the `META.json` file needed for [PGXN—PostgreSQL Extension Network](https://pgxn.org/) packages. The `Makefile` includes a recipe to allow the developer to: `make META.json` to refresh the meta file with the function's current output, including the `default_version`. `pg_mockable` can indeed be found on PGXN: https://pgxn.org/dist/pg_mockable/ $markdown$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The newest version of `pg_readme` will include schema `COMMENT` object if -- the extension is fixedly bound to a schema (which `pg_mockable` is). comment on schema mockable is $markdown$ The `mockable` schema belongs to the `pg_mockable` extension. Postgres (as of Pg 15) doesn't allow one to specify a _default_ schema, and do something like `schema = 'mockable'` combined with `relocatable = true` in the `.control` file. Therefore I decided to choose the `mockable` schema name _for_ you, even though you might have very well preferred something shorted like `mock`, even shorter like `mck`, or more verbose such as `mock_objects`. $markdown$; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------