-- -- do migration -- \! pg_migrate --dbname=contrib_regression --table=tbl_cluster --alter='ADD COLUMN a1 INT' --execute INFO: migrating table "public.tbl_cluster" INFO: altering table with: ADD COLUMN a1 INT \! pg_migrate --dbname=contrib_regression --table=tbl_badindex --alter='ADD COLUMN a1 INT' --execute INFO: migrating table "public.tbl_badindex" WARNING: skipping invalid index: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_badindex_n ON public.tbl_badindex USING btree (n) INFO: altering table with: ADD COLUMN a1 INT \! pg_migrate --dbname=contrib_regression --table=tbl_gistkey --alter='ADD COLUMN a1 INT' --execute INFO: migrating table "public.tbl_gistkey" INFO: altering table with: ADD COLUMN a1 INT \! pg_migrate --dbname=contrib_regression --table=tbl_only_ckey --alter='ADD COLUMN a1 INT' --execute WARNING: relation "public.tbl_only_ckey" must have a primary key or not-null unique keys \! pg_migrate --dbname=contrib_regression --table=tbl_idxopts --alter='ADD COLUMN a1 INT' --execute INFO: migrating table "public.tbl_idxopts" INFO: altering table with: ADD COLUMN a1 INT \! pg_migrate --dbname=contrib_regression --table=tbl_only_pkey --alter='ADD COLUMN a1 INT' --execute INFO: migrating table "public.tbl_only_pkey" INFO: altering table with: ADD COLUMN a1 INT \! pg_migrate --dbname=contrib_regression --table=tbl_order --alter='ADD COLUMN a1 INT' --execute INFO: migrating table "public.tbl_order" INFO: altering table with: ADD COLUMN a1 INT \! pg_migrate --dbname=contrib_regression --table=tbl_with_dropped_column --alter='ADD COLUMN a1 INT' --execute INFO: migrating table "public.tbl_with_dropped_column" INFO: altering table with: ADD COLUMN a1 INT \! pg_migrate --dbname=contrib_regression --table=tbl_with_dropped_toast --alter='ADD COLUMN a1 INT' --execute INFO: migrating table "public.tbl_with_dropped_toast" INFO: altering table with: ADD COLUMN a1 INT \! pg_migrate --dbname=contrib_regression --table=tbl_with_view --alter='ADD COLUMN a1 INT' --execute WARNING: the table "public.tbl_with_view" has 1 views depending on it. this tool does not currently support migrating tables with dependent views. \! pg_migrate --dbname=contrib_regression --table=tbl_with_mod_column_storage --alter='ADD COLUMN a1 INT' --execute INFO: migrating table "public.tbl_with_mod_column_storage" INFO: altering table with: ADD COLUMN a1 INT \! pg_migrate --dbname=contrib_regression --table=tbl_with_toast --alter='ADD COLUMN a1 INT' --execute INFO: migrating table "public.tbl_with_toast" INFO: altering table with: ADD COLUMN a1 INT