-- Make column names in job_status_text table more consistent with the check_job_status() function return column names. -- Fix check_job_status() returning extra spaces and ; in the alert_text when a job has failed -- Fix check_job_status() to use alert_text value for code 3 instead of hardcoded value 'CRITICAL' ALTER TABLE @extschema@.job_status_text RENAME COLUMN error_code TO alert_code; ALTER TABLE @extschema@.job_status_text RENAME COLUMN error_text TO alert_text; ALTER INDEX @extschema@.job_status_text_error_code_pkey RENAME TO job_status_text_alert_code_pkey; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _autonomous_close_job(p_job_id bigint) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE v_numrows integer; v_status text; BEGIN EXECUTE 'SELECT alert_text FROM @extschema@.job_status_text WHERE alert_code = 1' INTO v_status; UPDATE @extschema@.job_log SET end_time = current_timestamp, status = v_status WHERE job_id = p_job_id; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_numrows = ROW_COUNT; RETURN v_numrows; END $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _autonomous_fail_job(p_job_id bigint) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE v_numrows integer; v_status text; BEGIN EXECUTE 'SELECT alert_text FROM @extschema@.job_status_text WHERE alert_code = 3' INTO v_status; UPDATE @extschema@.job_log SET end_time = current_timestamp, status = v_status WHERE job_id = p_job_id; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_numrows = ROW_COUNT; RETURN v_numrows; END $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cancel_job(p_job_id bigint) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE v_pid integer; v_step_id bigint; v_status text; BEGIN EXECUTE 'SELECT alert_text FROM @extschema@.job_status_text WHERE alert_code = 3' INTO v_status; SELECT pid INTO v_pid FROM @extschema@.job_log WHERE job_id = p_job_id; PERFORM pg_cancel_backend(v_pid); SELECT max(step_id) INTO v_step_id FROM @extschema@.job_detail WHERE job_id = p_job_id; PERFORM @extschema@._autonomous_update_step(v_step_id, v_status, 'Manually cancelled via call to @extschema@.cancel_job()'); PERFORM @extschema@._autonomous_fail_job(p_job_id); RETURN true; END $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION job_monitor() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE v_ok text; v_bad text; BEGIN SELECT alert_text INTO v_ok FROM @extschema@.job_status_text WHERE alert_code = 1; SELECT alert_text INTO v_bad FROM @extschema@.job_status_text WHERE alert_code = 3; IF NEW.status = v_ok THEN DELETE FROM @extschema@.job_check_log WHERE job_name = NEW.job_name; ELSIF NEW.status = v_bad THEN INSERT INTO @extschema@.job_check_log (job_id, job_name) VALUES (NEW.job_id, NEW.job_name); ELSE -- Do nothing END IF; return null; END $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION check_job_status(p_history interval, OUT alert_code integer, OUT alert_text text) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE v_jobs RECORD; v_job_errors RECORD; v_count int = 1; v_trouble text[]; v_alert_code_3 text; BEGIN alert_text := '('; alert_code := 1; -- Generic check for jobs without special monitoring. Should error on 3 failures FOR v_job_errors IN SELECT l.job_name FROM @extschema@.job_check_log l WHERE l.job_name NOT IN (SELECT c.job_name FROM @extschema@.job_check_config c WHERE l.job_name <> c.job_name) GROUP BY l.job_name HAVING count(*) > 2 LOOP v_trouble[v_count] := v_job_errors.job_name; v_count := v_count+1; END LOOP; IF array_upper(v_trouble,1) > 0 THEN alert_code = 3; alert_text := alert_text || 'Jobs w/ 3 consecutive errors: '||array_to_string(v_trouble,', ')||'; '; END IF; SELECT jt.alert_text INTO v_alert_code_3 FROM @extschema@.job_status_text jt WHERE jt.alert_code = 3; -- Jobs with special monitoring (threshold different than 3 errors; must run within a timeframe; etc) FOR v_jobs IN SELECT job_name, status, current_timestamp, current_timestamp - start_time AS last_run_time, CASE WHEN (SELECT count(*) FROM @extschema@.job_check_log WHERE job_name = job_check_config.job_name) > sensitivity THEN 'ERROR' WHEN start_time < (current_timestamp - error_threshold) THEN 'ERROR' WHEN start_time < (current_timestamp - warn_threshold) THEN 'WARNING' ELSE 'OK' END AS error_code, CASE WHEN status = v_alert_code_3 THEN 'CRITICAL' WHEN status is null THEN 'MISSING' WHEN (start_time < current_timestamp - error_threshold) OR (start_time < current_timestamp - warn_threshold) THEN CASE WHEN status = 'OK' THEN 'MISSING' else status END END AS job_status FROM @extschema@.job_check_config LEFT JOIN (SELECT job_name, max(start_time) AS start_time FROM @extschema@.job_log WHERE start_time > now() - p_history GROUP BY job_name ) last_job using (job_name) LEFT JOIN (SELECT job_name, start_time, coalesce(status, (SELECT CASE WHEN (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_locks WHERE not granted and pid = m.pid) > 0 THEN 'BLOCKED' ELSE NULL END), (SELECT CASE WHEN (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE procpid = m.pid) > 0 THEN 'RUNNING' ELSE NULL END), 'FOOBAR') AS status FROM @extschema@.job_log m WHERE start_time > now() - p_history ) lj_status using (job_name,start_time) WHERE active LOOP IF v_jobs.error_code = 'ERROR' THEN alert_code := 3; alert_text := alert_text || v_jobs.job_name || ': ' || coalesce(v_jobs.job_status,'null??') || '; '; END IF; IF v_jobs.error_code = 'WARNING' THEN IF alert_code <> 3 THEN alert_code := 2; END IF; alert_text := alert_text || v_jobs.job_name || ': ' || coalesce(v_jobs.job_status,'null??') || '; '; END IF; IF v_jobs.job_status = 'MISSING' THEN IF v_jobs.last_run_time IS NULL THEN alert_text := alert_text || ' - Last run over ' || p_history || ' ago. Check job_log for more details; '; ELSE alert_text := alert_text || ' - Last run at ' || current_timestamp - v_jobs.last_run_time || '; '; END IF; END IF; END LOOP; IF alert_text = '(' THEN alert_text := alert_text || 'All jobs run successfully'; END IF; alert_text := alert_text || ')'; END $$;