-- Turn off the dump of table data for the log tables. pg_dump isn't handling this properly and will dump all the data out for these tables even in a --schema-only dump. -- Data for other tables is minimal, and more critical, so not removing their dump settings. -- Data for these tables can be dumped if it's needed by temporarily removing the table from the extention and then adding it back. -- This is commented out because doing this in an extension update doesn't actually do anything. You MUST run this command manually to stop pg_dump from dumping out table data if it is causing you any problems. -- It's still required to run this script, or at least have it in your extensions folder for future updates, so that your pg_jobmon version is up to date and you can install future versions. /* UPDATE pg_extension SET extconfig = (SELECT array_agg(t.oid) FROM ( SELECT unnest(extconfig) AS oid, split_part(unnest(extconfig)::regclass::text, '.', 2) AS tablename FROM pg_extension WHERE extname = 'pg_jobmon') t WHERE t.tablename NOT IN ('job_log', 'job_detail') ) WHERE extname = 'pg_jobmon'; */