FROM ubuntu:xenial MAINTAINER ### CHANGE THE FOLLOWING 3 PARAMETERS IF YOU WANNA CHANGE USER, POSTGRES INSTALL AND PGDATA DIRECTORIES ### ENV PGUSER=postgres ENV PGBINDIR=/home/$PGUSER/pgsql ENV PGDATADIR=/home/$PGUSER/pgdata #Installing packages and creating a OS user RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y \ sudo wget apt-transport-https joe less build-essential \ libreadline-dev zlib1g-dev flex bison libxml2-dev \ libxslt-dev libssl-dev screen git unzip cpanminus && \ useradd -c /home/$PGUSER -ms /bin/bash $PGUSER #add user postgres to sudoers - SECURITY WARNING run echo "$PGUSER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers run cpanm TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::pgTAP # The next steps will run as postgres USER $PGUSER WORKDIR /home/$PGUSER #getting the -latest- (ALWAYS) postgres version compile world and install RUN wget -q -O - |grep "tar.gz" |grep -v md5 |grep -v sha256 |awk -F "\"" '{print $2}' |xargs wget && \ ls -1 *.tar.gz |xargs tar zxfv && \ cd postgres* ; ./configure --prefix=$PGBINDIR ; make world ; make install-world ### Downloading pg_jobmon RUN git clone RUN export PATH=$PATH:$PGBINDIR/bin && cd /home/$PGUSER/pg_jobmon/ && make && make install RUN wget -c RUN unzip pgtap-* RUN export PATH=$PATH:$PGBINDIR/bin && cd pgtap-0.98.0 && make && make install # PGDATA creation and initdb -WITH- data checksums RUN mkdir $PGDATADIR && \ $PGBINDIR/bin/initdb -k -D $PGDATADIR # setting some postgres configurables RUN echo "listen_addresses = '*'" >> $PGDATADIR/postgresql.conf && \ echo "port = 5432" >> $PGDATADIR/postgresql.conf ## Setting pg_hba.conf for passwordless access for all users and replication -- SECURITY WARNING #install some extensions , create a replication user and a monkey database RUN $PGBINDIR/bin/pg_ctl -D $PGDATADIR/ start ; sleep 10 && \ $PGBINDIR/bin/psql -c "create extension dblink;" template1 && \ $PGBINDIR/bin/psql -c "create extension pgtap;" template1 && \ $PGBINDIR/bin/psql -c "create extension postgres_fdw;" template1 && \ $PGBINDIR/bin/createdb monkey && \ $PGBINDIR/bin/psql -c "CREATE SCHEMA jobmon;" monkey && \ $PGBINDIR/bin/psql -c "CREATE extension pg_jobmon schema jobmon;" monkey && \ $PGBINDIR/bin/psql -c "insert into jobmon.dblink_mapping_jobmon (username,port) values ('postgres','5432');" monkey && \ $PGBINDIR/bin/pg_ctl -D $PGDATADIR/ -m fast stop RUN echo "#!/bin/bash" > /home/$PGUSER/ && \ echo "/home/$PGUSER/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl -D $PGDATADIR start" >>/home/$PGUSER/ && \ echo "sleep 3" >>/home/$PGUSER/ && \ echo "/usr/local/bin/pg_prove -b /home/$PGUSER/pgsql/bin/psql -f -v /home/postgres/pg_jobmon/test/test0* -d monkey" >>/home/$PGUSER/ && \ chmod +x /home/$PGUSER/ #USER root CMD sudo service ssh restart && $PGBINDIR/bin/pg_ctl -D $PGDATADIR start && sleep 1 && tail -f /home/$PGUSER/pgdata/log/*.log #Tadah !