-- Complain if script is sourced in `psql`, rather than via `CREATE EXTENSION` \echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION pg_html5_email_address" to load this file. \quit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace function pg_html5_email_address_meta_pgxn() returns jsonb stable language sql return jsonb_build_object( 'name' ,'pg_html5_email_address' ,'abstract' ,'Email validation that is consistent with the HTML5 spec.' ,'description' ,'pg_html5_email_address is a tiny PostgreSQL extension that offers email address validation that is' 'consistent with the validation from the HTML5 spec.' ,'version' ,( select pg_extension.extversion from pg_catalog.pg_extension where pg_extension.extname = 'pg_html5_email_address' ) ,'maintainer' ,array[ 'Rowan Rodrik van der Molen ' ] ,'license' ,'postgresql' ,'prereqs' ,'{ "test": { "requires": { "pgtap": 0 } }, "develop": { "recommends": { "pg_readme": 0 } } }'::jsonb ,'provides' ,('{ "pg_html5_email_address": { "file": "pg_html5_email_address--1.0.0.sql", "version": "' || ( select pg_extension.extversion from pg_catalog.pg_extension where pg_extension.extname = 'pg_html5_email_address' ) || '", "docfile": "README.md" } }')::jsonb ,'resources' ,'{ "homepage": "https://blog.bigsmoke.us/tag/pg_html5_email_address", "bugtracker": { "web": "https://github.com/bigsmoke/pg_html5_email_address/issues" }, "repository": { "url": "https://github.com/bigsmoke/pg_html5_email_address.git", "web": "https://github.com/bigsmoke/pg_html5_email_address", "type": "git" } }'::jsonb ,'meta-spec' ,'{ "version": "1.0.0", "url": "https://pgxn.org/spec/" }'::jsonb ,'generated_by' ,'`select pg_html5_email_address_meta_pgxn()`' ,'tags' ,array[ 'domain', 'email', 'html5', 'plpgsql', 'type', 'validation' ] ); --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------