SET search_path TO public; CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements; CREATE EXTENSION btree_gist; CREATE EXTENSION btree_gin; CREATE ROLE regress_super_user SUPERUSER NOCREATEDB NOCREATEROLE NOINHERIT NOLOGIN NOREPLICATION CONNECTION LIMIT 1; CREATE ROLE regress_normal_user NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB NOCREATEROLE NOINHERIT NOLOGIN NOREPLICATION CONNECTION LIMIT 1; CREATE SCHEMA s1; CREATE SCHEMA s2; CREATE TABLE s1.t1 (c1 int, c2 int, c3 int, c4 text, PRIMARY KEY (c1)); CREATE TABLE s1.t2 (LIKE s1.t1 INCLUDING ALL); CREATE TABLE s1.t3 (LIKE s1.t1 INCLUDING ALL); CREATE TABLE s1.t4 (LIKE s1.t1 INCLUDING ALL); CREATE TABLE s2.t1 (LIKE s1.t1 INCLUDING ALL); CREATE TABLE s1.p1 (LIKE s1.t1 INCLUDING ALL); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX p1_parent ON s1.p1 USING btree (c4 COLLATE "C" varchar_ops ASC NULLS LAST, (c1 * 2 < 100)) WHERE c1 < 10; CREATE TABLE s1.p2 (LIKE s1.t1 INCLUDING ALL); CREATE TABLE s1.p1c1 (LIKE s1.p1 INCLUDING ALL, CHECK (c1 <= 100)) INHERITS(s1.p1); NOTICE: merging column "c1" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c2" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c3" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c4" with inherited definition CREATE TABLE s1.p1c2 (LIKE s1.p1 INCLUDING ALL, CHECK (c1 > 100 AND c1 <= 200)) INHERITS(s1.p1); NOTICE: merging column "c1" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c2" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c3" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c4" with inherited definition CREATE TABLE s1.p1c3 (LIKE s1.p1 INCLUDING ALL, CHECK (c1 > 200)) INHERITS(s1.p1); NOTICE: merging column "c1" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c2" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c3" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c4" with inherited definition CREATE TABLE s1.p2c1 (LIKE s1.p2 INCLUDING ALL, CHECK (c1 <= 100)) INHERITS(s1.p2); NOTICE: merging column "c1" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c2" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c3" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c4" with inherited definition CREATE TABLE s1.p2c2 (LIKE s1.p2 INCLUDING ALL, CHECK (c1 > 100 AND c1 <= 200)) INHERITS(s1.p2); NOTICE: merging column "c1" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c2" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c3" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c4" with inherited definition CREATE TABLE s1.p2c3 (LIKE s1.p2 INCLUDING ALL, CHECK (c1 > 200)) INHERITS(s1.p2); NOTICE: merging column "c1" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c2" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c3" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c4" with inherited definition CREATE TABLE s1.p2c1c1 (LIKE s1.p2c1 INCLUDING ALL, CHECK (c1 <= 50)) INHERITS(s1.p2c1); NOTICE: merging column "c1" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c2" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c3" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c4" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging constraint "p2c1_c1_check" with inherited definition CREATE TABLE s1.p2c1c2 (LIKE s1.p2c1 INCLUDING ALL, CHECK (c1 > 50 AND c1 <= 100)) INHERITS(s1.p2c1); NOTICE: merging column "c1" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c2" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c3" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c4" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging constraint "p2c1_c1_check" with inherited definition CREATE TABLE s1.p2c2c1 (LIKE s1.p2c2 INCLUDING ALL, CHECK (c1 > 100 AND c1 <= 150)) INHERITS(s1.p2c2); NOTICE: merging column "c1" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c2" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c3" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c4" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging constraint "p2c2_c1_check" with inherited definition CREATE TABLE s1.p2c2c2 (LIKE s1.p2c2 INCLUDING ALL, CHECK (c1 > 150 AND c1 <= 200)) INHERITS(s1.p2c2); NOTICE: merging column "c1" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c2" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c3" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c4" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging constraint "p2c2_c1_check" with inherited definition CREATE TABLE s1.p2c3c1 (LIKE s1.p2c3 INCLUDING ALL, CHECK (c1 > 200 AND c1 <= 250)) INHERITS(s1.p2c3); NOTICE: merging column "c1" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c2" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c3" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c4" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging constraint "p2c3_c1_check" with inherited definition CREATE TABLE s1.p2c3c2 (LIKE s1.p2c3 INCLUDING ALL, CHECK (c1 > 250)) INHERITS(s1.p2c3); NOTICE: merging column "c1" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c2" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c3" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging column "c4" with inherited definition NOTICE: merging constraint "p2c3_c1_check" with inherited definition CREATE TABLE s1.r1 (LIKE s1.t1); CREATE TABLE s1.r2 (LIKE s1.t1); CREATE TABLE s1.r3 (LIKE s1.t1); CREATE TABLE s1.r4 (LIKE s1.t1); CREATE TABLE s1.r5 (LIKE s1.t1); CREATE TABLE s1.r1_ (LIKE s1.t1); CREATE TABLE s1.r2_ (LIKE s1.t1); CREATE TABLE s1.r3_ (LIKE s1.t1); CREATE TABLE s1.ti1 (c1 int, c2 int, c3 int, c4 text, PRIMARY KEY (c1), UNIQUE (c2)); CREATE TABLE s1.pt1 (c1 int, c2 int, c3 int, c4 int) PARTITION BY RANGE (c1); CREATE TABLE s1.pt1_c1 PARTITION OF s1.pt1 FOR VALUES FROM (MINVALUE) TO (101); CREATE TABLE s1.pt1_c2 PARTITION OF s1.pt1 FOR VALUES FROM (101) TO (201); CREATE TABLE s1.pt1_c3 PARTITION OF s1.pt1 FOR VALUES FROM (201) TO (MAXVALUE); CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE s1.ul1 (LIKE s1.t1 INCLUDING ALL); INSERT INTO s1.t1 SELECT i, i, i % 100, i FROM (SELECT generate_series(1, 1000) i) t; INSERT INTO s1.t2 SELECT i, i, i % 10, i FROM (SELECT generate_series(1, 100) i) t; INSERT INTO s2.t1 SELECT i, i, i % 10, i FROM (SELECT generate_series(1, 100) i) t; INSERT INTO s1.p1c1 SELECT i, i, i % 10, i FROM (SELECT generate_series(1, 100) i) t; INSERT INTO s1.p1c2 SELECT i, i, i % 10, i FROM (SELECT generate_series(101, 200) i) t; INSERT INTO s1.p1c3 SELECT i, i, i % 10, i FROM (SELECT generate_series(201, 300) i) t; INSERT INTO s1.p2c1c1 SELECT i, i, i % 10, i FROM (SELECT generate_series(1, 50) i) t; INSERT INTO s1.p2c1c2 SELECT i, i, i % 10, i FROM (SELECT generate_series(51, 100) i) t; INSERT INTO s1.p2c2c1 SELECT i, i, i % 10, i FROM (SELECT generate_series(101, 150) i) t; INSERT INTO s1.p2c2c2 SELECT i, i, i % 10, i FROM (SELECT generate_series(151, 200) i) t; INSERT INTO s1.p2c3c1 SELECT i, i, i % 10, i FROM (SELECT generate_series(201, 250) i) t; INSERT INTO s1.p2c3c2 SELECT i, i, i % 10, i FROM (SELECT generate_series(251, 300) i) t; INSERT INTO s1.ti1 SELECT i, i, i % 100, i FROM (SELECT generate_series(1, 1000) i) t; INSERT INTO s1.pt1 SELECT i, i, i % 10, i FROM (SELECT generate_series(0, 300) i) t; CREATE INDEX t1_i ON s1.t1 (c3); CREATE INDEX t1_i1 ON s1.t1 (c1); CREATE INDEX t2_i1 ON s1.t2 (c1); CREATE INDEX t3_i1 ON s1.t3 (c1); CREATE INDEX t4_i1 ON s1.t4 (c1); CREATE INDEX p1_i ON s1.p1 (c1); CREATE INDEX p2_i ON s1.p2 (c1); CREATE INDEX p1_i2 ON s1.p1 (c2); CREATE INDEX p1c1_i ON s1.p1c1 (c1); CREATE INDEX p1c2_i ON s1.p1c2 (c1); CREATE INDEX p1c3_i ON s1.p1c3 (c1); CREATE INDEX p2c1_i ON s1.p2c1 (c1); CREATE INDEX p2c2_i ON s1.p2c2 (c1); CREATE INDEX p2c3_i ON s1.p2c3 (c1); CREATE INDEX p2c1c1_i ON s1.p2c1c1 (c1); CREATE INDEX p2c1c2_i ON s1.p2c1c2 (c1); CREATE INDEX p2c2c1_i ON s1.p2c2c1 (c1); CREATE INDEX p2c2c2_i ON s1.p2c2c2 (c1); CREATE INDEX p2c3c1_i ON s1.p2c3c1 (c1); CREATE INDEX p2c3c2_i ON s1.p2c3c2 (c1); CREATE INDEX ti1_i1 ON s1.ti1 (c2); CREATE INDEX ti1_i2 ON s1.ti1 (c2, c4); CREATE INDEX ti1_i3 ON s1.ti1 (c2, c4, c4); CREATE INDEX ti1_i4 ON s1.ti1 (c2, c4, c4, c4); CREATE INDEX ti1_btree ON s1.ti1 USING btree (c1); CREATE INDEX ti1_hash ON s1.ti1 USING hash (c1); CREATE INDEX ti1_gist ON s1.ti1 USING gist (c1); CREATE INDEX ti1_gin ON s1.ti1 USING gin (c1); CREATE INDEX ti1_expr ON s1.ti1 ((c1 < 100)); CREATE INDEX ti1_pred ON s1.ti1 (lower(c4)); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ti1_uniq ON s1.ti1 (c1); CREATE INDEX ti1_multi ON s1.ti1 (c1, c2, c3, c4); CREATE INDEX ti1_ts ON s1.ti1 USING gin(to_tsvector('english', c4)); CREATE INDEX pt1_c1_c2_i ON s1.pt1_c1(c2); CREATE INDEX pt1_c1_c3_i ON s1.pt1_c1(c3); CREATE INDEX pt1_c2_c2_i ON s1.pt1_c2(c2); CREATE INDEX pt1_c2_c3_i ON s1.pt1_c2(c3); CREATE INDEX pt1_c3_c2_i ON s1.pt1_c3(c2); CREATE INDEX pt1_c3_c3_i ON s1.pt1_c3(c3); CREATE VIEW s1.v1 AS SELECT v1t1.c1, v1t1.c2, v1t1.c3, v1t1.c4 FROM s1.t1 v1t1; CREATE VIEW s1.v1_ AS SELECT v1t1_.c1, v1t1_.c2, v1t1_.c3, v1t1_.c4 FROM s1.t1 v1t1_; CREATE VIEW s1.v2 AS SELECT v2t1.c1, v2t1.c2, v2t1.c3, v2t1.c4 FROM s1.t1 v2t1 JOIN s1.t2 v2t2 ON(v2t1.c1 = v2t2.c1); CREATE VIEW s1.v3 AS SELECT v3t1.c1, v3t1.c2, v3t1.c3, v3t1.c4 FROM s1.t1 v3t1 JOIN s1.t2 v3t2 ON(v3t1.c1 = v3t2.c1) JOIN s1.t3 v3t3 ON(v3t1.c1 = v3t3.c1); ANALYZE s1.t1; ANALYZE s1.t2; ANALYZE s2.t1; ANALYZE s1.p1; ANALYZE s1.p2; ANALYZE s1.p1c1; ANALYZE s1.p1c2; ANALYZE s1.p1c3; ANALYZE s1.p2c1c1; ANALYZE s1.p2c1c2; ANALYZE s1.p2c2c1; ANALYZE s1.p2c2c2; ANALYZE s1.p2c3c1; ANALYZE s1.p2c3c2; ANALYZE s1.ti1; ANALYZE s1.pt1; CREATE FUNCTION s1.f1 () RETURNS s1.t1 AS $$ VALUES(1,1,1,'1'), (2,2,2,'2'), (3,3,3,'3') $$ LANGUAGE sql; CREATE RULE r1 AS ON UPDATE TO s1.r1 DO INSTEAD ( SELECT max(t1.c1) FROM s1.t1, s1.t2, s1.t3, s1.t4 WHERE t1.ctid = '(1,1)' AND t1.c1 = t2.c1 AND t2.ctid = '(1,1)' AND t1.c1 = t3.c1 AND t3.ctid = '(1,1)' AND t1.c1 = t4.c1 AND t4.ctid = '(1,1)'; ); CREATE RULE r2 AS ON UPDATE TO s1.r2 DO INSTEAD ( SELECT max(t1.c1) FROM s1.t1, s1.t2, s1.t3, s1.t4 WHERE t1.ctid = '(1,1)' AND t1.c1 = t2.c1 AND t2.ctid = '(1,1)' AND t1.c1 = t3.c1 AND t3.ctid = '(1,1)' AND t1.c1 = t4.c1 AND t4.ctid = '(1,1)'; SELECT max(t1.c1) FROM s1.t1, s1.t2, s1.t3, s1.t4 WHERE t1.ctid = '(1,1)' AND t1.c1 = t2.c1 AND t2.ctid = '(1,1)' AND t1.c1 = t3.c1 AND t3.ctid = '(1,1)' AND t1.c1 = t4.c1 AND t4.ctid = '(1,1)'; ); CREATE RULE r3 AS ON UPDATE TO s1.r3 DO INSTEAD ( SELECT max(t1.c1) FROM s1.t1, s1.t2, s1.t3, s1.t4 WHERE t1.ctid = '(1,1)' AND t1.c1 = t2.c1 AND t2.ctid = '(1,1)' AND t1.c1 = t3.c1 AND t3.ctid = '(1,1)' AND t1.c1 = t4.c1 AND t4.ctid = '(1,1)'; SELECT max(t1.c1) FROM s1.t1, s1.t2, s1.t3, s1.t4 WHERE t1.ctid = '(1,1)' AND t1.c1 = t2.c1 AND t2.ctid = '(1,1)' AND t1.c1 = t3.c1 AND t3.ctid = '(1,1)' AND t1.c1 = t4.c1 AND t4.ctid = '(1,1)'; SELECT max(t1.c1) FROM s1.t1, s1.t2, s1.t3, s1.t4 WHERE t1.ctid = '(1,1)' AND t1.c1 = t2.c1 AND t2.ctid = '(1,1)' AND t1.c1 = t3.c1 AND t3.ctid = '(1,1)' AND t1.c1 = t4.c1 AND t4.ctid = '(1,1)'; ); CREATE RULE r1_ AS ON UPDATE TO s1.r1_ DO INSTEAD ( SELECT max(b1t1.c1) FROM s1.t1 b1t1, s1.t2 b1t2, s1.t3 b1t3, s1.t4 b1t4 WHERE b1t1.ctid = '(1,1)' AND b1t1.c1 = b1t2.c1 AND b1t2.ctid = '(1,1)' AND b1t1.c1 = b1t3.c1 AND b1t3.ctid = '(1,1)' AND b1t1.c1 = b1t4.c1 AND b1t4.ctid = '(1,1)'; ); CREATE RULE r2_ AS ON UPDATE TO s1.r2_ DO INSTEAD ( SELECT max(b1t1.c1) FROM s1.t1 b1t1, s1.t2 b1t2, s1.t3 b1t3, s1.t4 b1t4 WHERE b1t1.ctid = '(1,1)' AND b1t1.c1 = b1t2.c1 AND b1t2.ctid = '(1,1)' AND b1t1.c1 = b1t3.c1 AND b1t3.ctid = '(1,1)' AND b1t1.c1 = b1t4.c1 AND b1t4.ctid = '(1,1)'; SELECT max(b2t1.c1) FROM s1.t1 b2t1, s1.t2 b2t2, s1.t3 b2t3, s1.t4 b2t4 WHERE b2t1.ctid = '(1,1)' AND b2t1.c1 = b2t2.c1 AND b2t2.ctid = '(1,1)' AND b2t1.c1 = b2t3.c1 AND b2t3.ctid = '(1,1)' AND b2t1.c1 = b2t4.c1 AND b2t4.ctid = '(1,1)'; ); CREATE RULE r3_ AS ON UPDATE TO s1.r3_ DO INSTEAD ( SELECT max(b1t1.c1) FROM s1.t1 b1t1, s1.t2 b1t2, s1.t3 b1t3, s1.t4 b1t4 WHERE b1t1.ctid = '(1,1)' AND b1t1.c1 = b1t2.c1 AND b1t2.ctid = '(1,1)' AND b1t1.c1 = b1t3.c1 AND b1t3.ctid = '(1,1)' AND b1t1.c1 = b1t4.c1 AND b1t4.ctid = '(1,1)'; SELECT max(b2t1.c1) FROM s1.t1 b2t1, s1.t2 b2t2, s1.t3 b2t3, s1.t4 b2t4 WHERE b2t1.ctid = '(1,1)' AND b2t1.c1 = b2t2.c1 AND b2t2.ctid = '(1,1)' AND b2t1.c1 = b2t3.c1 AND b2t3.ctid = '(1,1)' AND b2t1.c1 = b2t4.c1 AND b2t4.ctid = '(1,1)'; SELECT max(b3t1.c1) FROM s1.t1 b3t1, s1.t2 b3t2, s1.t3 b3t3, s1.t4 b3t4 WHERE b3t1.ctid = '(1,1)' AND b3t1.c1 = b3t2.c1 AND b3t2.ctid = '(1,1)' AND b3t1.c1 = b3t3.c1 AND b3t3.ctid = '(1,1)' AND b3t1.c1 = b3t4.c1 AND b3t4.ctid = '(1,1)'; ); CREATE RULE "_RETURN" AS ON SELECT TO s1.r4 DO INSTEAD SELECT r4t1.c1, r4t1.c2, r4t1.c3, r4t1.c4 FROM s1.t1 r4t1; CREATE RULE "_RETURN" AS ON SELECT TO s1.r5 DO INSTEAD SELECT r5t1.c1, r5t1.c2, r5t1.c3, r5t1.c4 FROM s1.t1 r5t1;