# PG Diffix `pg_diffix` is a PostgreSQL extension for strong dynamic anonymization. It ensures that answers to simple SQL queries are anonymous. For more information, visit the [Open Diffix](https://www.open-diffix.org/) website. **For administrators:** Check out the [admin tutorial](docs/admin_tutorial.md) for an example on how to set up `pg_diffix`. See the [admin guide](docs/admin_guide.md) for details on configuring and using the extension. To install from source, see the [installation](#installation) section. **For analysts:** The [banking notebook](docs/banking.ipynb) provides example queries against a real dataset. The [analyst guide](docs/analyst_guide.md) describes the SQL features and limitations imposed by `pg_diffix`. ## Installation PostgreSQL version 13 or higher is required. ### Linux You need `make`, `jq`, and a recent C compiler. You should already have the `postgresql-server-dev-x` package installed if you have PostgreSQL version `x`. If not, you must install it in order to compile the source. The source is compiled with: `make` (or `make TARGET=release` for release version). The compiled extension is installed with: `make install` (which requires superuser permissions). The extension is also available on [PGXN](https://pgxn.org/dist/pg_diffix/), and can be installed using [PGXN Client](https://pgxn.github.io/pgxnclient/). ### Windows You need Visual Studio 2019 (or greater) installed with the "Desktop development with C++" option selected. You also need to set the environment variable `PGROOT` to point to the location of the PostgreSQL installation. You can compile the source from inside VS, by opening the provided solution file, or from the command line, by opening a "Developer Command Prompt for VS 20XX" terminal in the project's folder and executing `msbuild` (to do a release build, execute `msbuild -p:Configuration=Release`, to clean the build files, run `msbuild -t:Clean`). The compiled extension is installed by running `install` (for debug version) or `install Release` (for release version). ## Activating the extension You can set up the extension for the current database by using the command `CREATE EXTENSION pg_diffix;`. To properly enforce the anonymization restrictions, the extension has to be automatically loaded on every session start for restricted users. This can be accomplished by configuring [library preloading](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/runtime-config-client.html#RUNTIME-CONFIG-CLIENT-PRELOAD). For example, to automatically load the `pg_diffix` extension for all users connecting to a database, you can execute the following command: ``` ALTER DATABASE db_name SET session_preload_libraries TO 'pg_diffix'; ``` Once loaded, the extension logs information to `/var/log/postgresql/postgresql-13-main.log` or equivalent. Node dumps can be formatted to readable form by using `pg_node_formatter`. ## Deactivating the extension You can drop the extension from the current database by using the command `DROP EXTENSION pg_diffix;`. You might also need to remove the extension from the list of preloaded libraries. For example, to reset the list of preloaded libraries for a database, you can execute the following command: ``` ALTER DATABASE db_name SET session_preload_libraries TO DEFAULT; ``` ## Testing the extension ### `make installcheck` Once you have a running server with the extension installed, execute `make installcheck` to run the tests. You must ensure you have all the required permissions for this to succeed, for example: 1. In your `pg_hba.conf` your PostgreSQL superuser to have `trust` authentication `METHOD`. If modified, run `systemctl restart postgresql.service` to apply changes. 2. Invoke using `PGUSER= make installcheck` or if available, just make your usual PostgreSQL user a `SUPERUSER`. ### `PGXN Test Tools` Or you can use the [PGXN Extension Build and Test Tools](https://github.com/pgxn/docker-pgxn-tools) Docker image: ``` docker run -it --rm --mount "type=bind,src=$(pwd),dst=/repo" pgxn/pgxn-tools sh -c \ 'cd /repo && apt update && apt install -y jq && pg-start 13 && pg-build-test' ``` ## Docker images We provide 2 Docker images preconfigured with the extension. ### Base image The base image is a standard `postgres` image with `pg_diffix` installed and preloaded. It does not include any additional database or user out of the box. The example below shows how to build the image and run a minimally configured container. Build the image: ``` make image ``` Run the container in foreground and expose in port 10432: ``` docker run --rm --name pg_diffix -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p 10432:5432 pg_diffix ``` From another shell you can connect to the container via `psql`: ``` psql -h localhost -p 10432 -d postgres -U postgres ``` For more advanced usage see the [official image reference](https://hub.docker.com/_/postgres). ### Demo image The demo image extends the base image with a sample dataset and a user for each access level. Once started, the container creates and populates the `banking` database. Three users are created, all of them with password `demo`: - `trusted_user` with anonymized access to `banking` in trusted mode - `untrusted_user` with anonymized access to `banking` in untrusted mode - `direct_user` with direct (non-anonymized) access to `banking` **NOTE** The required file `docker/demo/01-banking-data.sql` is managed by [Git LFS](https://git-lfs.github.com). Build the image: ``` make demo-image ``` Run the container in foreground and expose in port 10432: ``` docker run --rm --name pg_diffix_demo -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -e BANKING_PASSWORD=demo -p 10432:5432 pg_diffix_demo ``` Connect to the banking database (from another shell) for anonymized access: ``` psql -h localhost -p 10432 -d banking -U trusted_user ``` To keep the container running you can start it in detached mode and with a restart policy: ``` docker run -d --name pg_diffix_demo --restart unless-stopped \ -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -e BANKING_PASSWORD=demo -p 10432:5432 pg_diffix_demo ```