LOAD 'pg_diffix'; CREATE TABLE test_validation ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, city TEXT, discount REAL, birthday DATE, lunchtime TIME, last_seen TIMESTAMP ); CALL diffix.mark_personal('public', 'test_validation', 'id'); CREATE TABLE superclass (x INTEGER); CREATE TABLE subclass (x INTEGER, y INTEGER); INSERT INTO subclass VALUES (1, 2); CALL diffix.mark_personal('public', 'superclass', 'x'); CALL diffix.mark_personal('public', 'subclass', 'y'); ALTER TABLE subclass INHERIT superclass; -- No-op. Repeated to test the error on conflicting configuration CALL diffix.mark_personal('public', 'superclass', 'x'); ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Anonymization over tables using inheritance is not supported. CONTEXT: SQL statement "SECURITY LABEL FOR pg_diffix ON TABLE public.superclass IS 'personal'" PL/pgSQL function diffix.mark_personal(text,text,text[]) line 15 at EXECUTE CALL diffix.mark_personal('public', 'subclass', 'y'); ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Anonymization over tables using inheritance is not supported. CONTEXT: SQL statement "SECURITY LABEL FOR pg_diffix ON TABLE public.subclass IS 'personal'" PL/pgSQL function diffix.mark_personal(text,text,text[]) line 15 at EXECUTE SET ROLE diffix_test; ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Trusted mode query restrictions ---------------------------------------------------------------- SET pg_diffix.session_access_level = 'publish_trusted'; SELECT diffix.access_level(); access_level ----------------- publish_trusted (1 row) ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Supported queries ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Supported functions for defining buckets SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_validation GROUP BY substring(city, 1, 1); count ------- (0 rows) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_validation GROUP BY width_bucket(id, 0, 1000, 10), width_bucket(id::float, 0.0, 1000.0, 10); count ------- (0 rows) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_validation GROUP BY round(id::float, -1), round(id::numeric, -1); ERROR: function round(double precision, integer) does not exist LINE 2: GROUP BY round(id::float, -1), round(id::numeric, -1); ^ HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_validation GROUP BY round(id::float), ceil(id::float), ceiling(id::float), floor(id::float); count ------- (0 rows) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_validation GROUP BY round(id::numeric), ceil(id::numeric), ceiling(id::numeric), floor(id::numeric); count ------- (0 rows) SELECT diffix.round_by(id::numeric, 5), diffix.round_by(id::double precision, 5), COUNT(*) FROM test_validation GROUP BY 1, 2; round_by | round_by | count ----------+----------+------- (0 rows) SELECT diffix.ceil_by(id::numeric, 5), diffix.ceil_by(id::double precision, 5), COUNT(*) FROM test_validation GROUP BY 1, 2; ceil_by | ceil_by | count ---------+---------+------- (0 rows) SELECT diffix.floor_by(id::numeric, 5), diffix.floor_by(id::double precision, 5), COUNT(*) FROM test_validation GROUP BY 1, 2; floor_by | floor_by | count ----------+----------+------- (0 rows) SELECT substring(cast(last_seen AS text), 1, 3), substring(cast(birthday AS text), 2, 3), substring(cast(lunchtime AS varchar), 1, 4) FROM test_validation GROUP BY 1, 2, 3; substring | substring | substring -----------+-----------+----------- (0 rows) -- Allow all functions post-anonymization. SELECT 2 * length(city) FROM test_validation GROUP BY city; ?column? ---------- (0 rows) -- Allow diffix.is_suppress_bin in non-direct access level. SELECT city, count(*), diffix.is_suppress_bin(*) from test_validation GROUP BY 1; city | count | is_suppress_bin ------+-------+----------------- (0 rows) -- Set operations between anonymizing queries. SELECT city FROM test_validation EXCEPT SELECT city FROM test_validation; city ------ (0 rows) SELECT city FROM test_validation UNION SELECT city FROM test_validation; city ------ (0 rows) -- Anonymizing sublinks are supported. SELECT EXISTS (SELECT city FROM test_validation); exists -------- f (1 row) SELECT 1 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT city FROM test_validation); ?column? ---------- (0 rows) -- Anonymizing leaf subqueries are supported. SELECT * FROM ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_validation ) x; count ------- 0 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(city) FROM ( SELECT city FROM test_validation GROUP BY 1 ) x; count ------- 0 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*), COUNT(x.city), COUNT(DISTINCT x.id) FROM ( SELECT * FROM test_validation ) x; count | count | count -------+-------+------- 0 | 0 | 0 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT x.modified_id) FROM ( SELECT id AS modified_id FROM test_validation ) x; count ------- 0 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*), COUNT(x.city), COUNT(DISTINCT x.user_id) FROM ( SELECT y.city as city, y.id as user_id FROM ( SELECT * FROM test_validation ) y ) x; count | count | count -------+-------+------- 0 | 0 | 0 (1 row) SELECT * FROM (SELECT name FROM test_validation) x, (SELECT city FROM test_validation) y; name | city ------+------ (0 rows) WITH c AS (SELECT city FROM test_validation) SELECT * FROM c; city ------ (0 rows) SELECT (SELECT city FROM test_validation); city ------ (1 row) -- Allow discovery commands \dt empty_test_customers List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+----------------------+-------+---------- public | empty_test_customers | table | postgres (1 row) \d empty_test_customers Table "public.empty_test_customers" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default ----------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- id | integer | | not null | name | text | | | city | text | | | discount | real | | | Indexes: "empty_test_customers_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) \dt+ empty_test_customers List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Persistence | Size | Description --------+----------------------+-------+----------+-------------+------------+------------- public | empty_test_customers | table | postgres | permanent | 8192 bytes | (1 row) \d+ empty_test_customers Table "public.empty_test_customers" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description ----------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+--------------+------------- id | integer | | not null | | plain | | name | text | | | | extended | | city | text | | | | extended | | discount | real | | | | plain | | Indexes: "empty_test_customers_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Unsupported queries ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Get rejected because non SELECT queries are unsupported. INSERT INTO test_validation VALUES (NULL, NULL,NULL); ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Feature 'non-select query' is not currently supported. -- Get rejected because WITH is unsupported. WITH c AS (SELECT 1 FROM test_validation) SELECT 1 FROM test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Feature 'WITH' is not currently supported. -- Get rejected because GROUPING SETS are unsupported. SELECT city FROM test_validation GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((city), ()); ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Feature 'GROUPING SETS' is not currently supported. SELECT city FROM test_validation GROUP BY CUBE ((city)); ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Feature 'GROUPING SETS' is not currently supported. -- Get rejected because SRF functions are unsupported. SELECT generate_series(1,4) FROM test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Feature 'SRF functions' is not currently supported. -- Get rejected because sublinks are unsupported. SELECT city, (SELECT 1 FROM test_validation) FROM test_validation GROUP BY 1; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Feature 'SubLinks' is not currently supported. -- Get rejected because DISTINCT is unsupported. SELECT DISTINCT city FROM test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Feature 'DISTINCT' is not currently supported. -- Get rejected because window functions are unsupported. SELECT avg(discount) OVER (PARTITION BY city) FROM test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Feature 'window functions' is not currently supported. -- Get rejected because aggregators are unsupported. SELECT SUM(id) FROM test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Unsupported aggregate in query. LINE 1: SELECT SUM(id) FROM test_validation; ^ SELECT MIN(id) + MAX(id) FROM test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Unsupported aggregate in query. LINE 1: SELECT MIN(id) + MAX(id) FROM test_validation; ^ SELECT city FROM test_validation GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY AVG(LENGTH(city)); ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Unsupported aggregate in query. LINE 1: ...ECT city FROM test_validation GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY AVG(LENGTH... ^ SELECT count(city ORDER BY city) FROM test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Feature 'ORDER BY clauses in aggregate expressions' is not currently supported. SELECT count(*) FILTER (WHERE true) FROM test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Feature 'FILTER clauses in aggregate expressions' is not currently supported. SELECT count(distinct id + 5) FROM test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Unsupported expression as aggregate argument. LINE 1: SELECT count(distinct id + 5) FROM test_validation; ^ SELECT count(distinct least(id, 5)) FROM test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Unsupported expression as aggregate argument. LINE 1: SELECT count(distinct least(id, 5)) FROM test_validation; ^ SELECT count(id + 5) FROM test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Unsupported expression as aggregate argument. LINE 1: SELECT count(id + 5) FROM test_validation; ^ SELECT count(least(id, 5)) FROM test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Unsupported expression as aggregate argument. LINE 1: SELECT count(least(id, 5)) FROM test_validation; ^ -- Get rejected because only a subset of expressions is supported for defining buckets. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_validation GROUP BY LENGTH(city); ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Unsupported function used to define buckets. LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_validation GROUP BY LENGTH(city); ^ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_validation GROUP BY city || 'xxx'; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Use of operators to define buckets is not supported. LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_validation GROUP BY city || 'xxx'; ^ SELECT LENGTH(city) FROM test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Unsupported function used to define buckets. LINE 1: SELECT LENGTH(city) FROM test_validation; ^ SELECT city, 'aaaa' FROM test_validation GROUP BY 1, 2; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Simple constants are not allowed as bucket expressions. LINE 1: SELECT city, 'aaaa' FROM test_validation GROUP BY 1, 2; ^ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_validation GROUP BY round(floor(id)); ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Primary argument for a bucket function has to be a simple column reference. LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_validation GROUP BY round(floor(id... ^ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_validation GROUP BY floor(cast(discount AS integer)); ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Primary argument for a bucket function has to be a simple column reference. LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_validation GROUP BY floor(cast(dis... ^ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_validation GROUP BY substr(city, 1, id); ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Non-primary arguments for a bucket function have to be simple constants. LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_validation GROUP BY substr(city, 1... ^ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_validation GROUP BY substr('aaaa', 1, 2); ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Primary argument for a bucket function has to be a simple column reference. LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_validation GROUP BY substr('aaaa',... ^ -- Get rejected because expression node type is unsupported. SELECT COALESCE(discount, 20) FROM test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Unsupported or unrecognized query node type SELECT NULLIF(discount, 20) FROM test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Unsupported or unrecognized query node type SELECT GREATEST(discount, 20) FROM test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Unsupported or unrecognized query node type SELECT LEAST(discount, 20) FROM test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Unsupported or unrecognized query node type -- Get rejected because of JOINs SELECT COUNT(*), COUNT(DISTINCT id), COUNT(DISTINCT cid) FROM test_validation INNER JOIN test_purchases tp ON id = cid; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Feature 'JOINs in anonymizing queries' is not currently supported. SELECT COUNT(c.city), COUNT(p.name) FROM test_validation c LEFT JOIN test_purchases ON c.id = cid LEFT JOIN test_products p ON pid = p.id; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Feature 'JOINs in anonymizing queries' is not currently supported. SELECT city, COUNT(price) FROM test_validation, test_products GROUP BY 1; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Feature 'JOINs in anonymizing queries' is not currently supported. SELECT city, COUNT(price) FROM test_products, test_validation GROUP BY 1; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Feature 'JOINs in anonymizing queries' is not currently supported. SELECT city, COUNT(price) FROM test_products CROSS JOIN test_validation GROUP BY 1; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Feature 'JOINs in anonymizing queries' is not currently supported. -- Get rejected because of WHERE SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_validation WHERE city = 'London'; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Feature 'WHERE clauses in anonymizing queries' is not currently supported. -- Get rejected because of non-datetime cast to text SELECT cast(id AS text) FROM test_validation GROUP BY 1; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Unsupported cast destination type name. LINE 1: SELECT cast(id AS text) FROM test_validation GROUP BY 1; ^ SELECT cast(id AS varchar) FROM test_validation GROUP BY 1; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Unsupported cast destination type name. LINE 1: SELECT cast(id AS varchar) FROM test_validation GROUP BY 1; ^ SELECT substring(cast(id AS text), 1, 1) FROM test_validation GROUP BY 1; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Primary argument for a bucket function has to be a simple column reference. LINE 1: SELECT substring(cast(id AS text), 1, 1) FROM test_validatio... ^ SELECT substring(cast(id AS varchar), 1, 1) FROM test_validation GROUP BY 1; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Primary argument for a bucket function has to be a simple column reference. LINE 1: SELECT substring(cast(id AS varchar), 1, 1) FROM test_valida... ^ -- Invalid subqueries are rejected. SELECT * FROM (SELECT length(city) FROM test_validation) x; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Unsupported function used to define buckets. LINE 1: SELECT * FROM (SELECT length(city) FROM test_validation) x; ^ SELECT EXISTS (SELECT length(city) FROM test_validation); ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Unsupported function used to define buckets. LINE 1: SELECT EXISTS (SELECT length(city) FROM test_validation); ^ SELECT 1 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT length(city) FROM test_validation); ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Unsupported function used to define buckets. LINE 1: SELECT 1 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT length(city) FROM test_validat... ^ SELECT 1 UNION SELECT length(city) FROM test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Unsupported function used to define buckets. LINE 1: SELECT 1 UNION SELECT length(city) FROM test_validation; ^ SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1) t1, (SELECT length(city) FROM test_validation) t2; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Unsupported function used to define buckets. LINE 1: SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1) t1, (SELECT length(city) FROM test_... ^ WITH c AS (SELECT length(city) FROM test_validation) SELECT * FROM c; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Unsupported function used to define buckets. LINE 1: WITH c AS (SELECT length(city) FROM test_validation) SELECT ... ^ SELECT (SELECT length(city) FROM test_validation); ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Unsupported function used to define buckets. LINE 1: SELECT (SELECT length(city) FROM test_validation); ^ -- Get rejected because of accessing pg_catalog tables with sensitive stats SELECT * FROM pg_stats; ERROR: permission denied for schema pg_catalog SELECT * FROM pg_statistic; ERROR: permission denied for table pg_statistic SELECT * FROM pg_stat_user_functions; ERROR: permission denied for schema pg_catalog SELECT * FROM pg_stat_user_indexes; ERROR: permission denied for schema pg_catalog SELECT * FROM pg_class; ERROR: permission denied for schema pg_catalog -- Get rejected because of inheritance SELECT x, y FROM subclass; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Feature 'Inheritance in anonymizing queries.' is not currently supported. SELECT x FROM superclass; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Feature 'Inheritance in anonymizing queries.' is not currently supported. -- Get rejected because attempt to use system columns SELECT ctid FROM test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] System columns are not allowed in this context. LINE 1: SELECT ctid FROM test_validation; ^ SELECT tableoid FROM test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] System columns are not allowed in this context. LINE 1: SELECT tableoid FROM test_validation; ^ SELECT count(ctid) FROM test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] System columns are not allowed in this context. LINE 1: SELECT count(ctid) FROM test_validation; ^ SELECT count(tableoid) FROM test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] System columns are not allowed in this context. LINE 1: SELECT count(tableoid) FROM test_validation; ^ SELECT count(distinct ctid) FROM test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] System columns are not allowed in this context. LINE 1: SELECT count(distinct ctid) FROM test_validation; ^ SELECT count(distinct tableoid) FROM test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] System columns are not allowed in this context. LINE 1: SELECT count(distinct tableoid) FROM test_validation; ^ ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Untrusted mode query restrictions ---------------------------------------------------------------- SET pg_diffix.session_access_level = 'publish_untrusted'; SELECT diffix.access_level(); access_level ------------------- publish_untrusted (1 row) -- Get accepted SELECT substring(city, 1, 2) from test_validation; substring ----------- (0 rows) SELECT floor(discount) from test_validation; floor ------- (0 rows) SELECT ceil(discount) from test_validation; ceil ------ (0 rows) SELECT round(discount) from test_validation; round ------- (0 rows) SELECT discount from test_validation; discount ---------- (0 rows) SELECT diffix.floor_by(discount, 2) from test_validation; floor_by ---------- (0 rows) SELECT diffix.round_by(discount, 2) from test_validation; round_by ---------- (0 rows) SELECT diffix.ceil_by(discount, 2) from test_validation; ceil_by --------- (0 rows) SELECT diffix.floor_by(discount, 20) from test_validation; floor_by ---------- (0 rows) SELECT diffix.floor_by(discount, 2.0) from test_validation; floor_by ---------- (0 rows) SELECT diffix.floor_by(discount, 0.2) from test_validation; floor_by ---------- (0 rows) SELECT diffix.floor_by(discount, 20.0) from test_validation; floor_by ---------- (0 rows) SELECT diffix.floor_by(discount, 50.0) from test_validation; floor_by ---------- (0 rows) -- Get rejected because of invalid generalization parameters SELECT substring(city, 2, 2) from test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Generalization used in the query is not allowed in untrusted access level. LINE 1: SELECT substring(city, 2, 2) from test_validation; ^ SELECT diffix.floor_by(discount, 3) from test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Generalization used in the query is not allowed in untrusted access level. LINE 1: SELECT diffix.floor_by(discount, 3) from test_validation; ^ SELECT diffix.floor_by(discount, 3.0) from test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Generalization used in the query is not allowed in untrusted access level. LINE 1: SELECT diffix.floor_by(discount, 3.0) from test_validation; ^ SELECT diffix.floor_by(discount, 5000000000.1) from test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Generalization used in the query is not allowed in untrusted access level. LINE 1: SELECT diffix.floor_by(discount, 5000000000.1) from test_val... ^ -- Get rejected because of invalid generalizing functions SELECT width_bucket(discount, 2, 200, 5) from test_validation; ERROR: [PG_DIFFIX] Generalization used in the query is not allowed in untrusted access level. LINE 1: SELECT width_bucket(discount, 2, 200, 5) from test_validatio... ^