/* * pg_bulkload: bin/pg_bulkload.c * * Copyright (c) 2007-2020, NIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CORPORATION */ /** * @file * @brief Initiator and loader routine for the PostgreSQL high-speed loader. * * Calls pg_bulkload() as a user-defined function and performs loading. * * If -r option is specified, performs recovery to cancel inconveniences caused * by errors in the previous loading. */ #include "common.h" #include "pgut/pgut-fe.h" #include "pgut/pgut-list.h" const char *PROGRAM_VERSION = PG_BULKLOAD_VERSION; const char *PROGRAM_URL = "http://github.com/ossc-db/pg_bulkload"; const char *PROGRAM_ISSUES = "http://github.com/ossc-db/pg_bulkload/issues"; /* * Global variables */ /** @brief Database cluster directory. */ char *DataDir = NULL; /** @Flag do recovery, or bulkload */ static bool recovery = false; static char *infile = NULL; /* INFILE */ static char *input = NULL; /* INPUT */ static char *output = NULL; /* OUTPUT */ static char *logfile = NULL; /* LOGFILE */ static char *parse_badfile = NULL; /* PARSE_BADFILE */ static char *duplicate_badfile = NULL; /* DUPLICATE_BADFILE */ static List *bulkload_options = NIL; static bool type_function = false; static bool type_binary = false; static bool writer_binary = false; /* * The length of the database cluster directory name should be short enough * so that the length of LSF (load status file) full path name is not longer * than MAXPGPATH, including the trailing '\0'. Since names of load status * files are "/pg_bulkload/(oid).(oid).loadstatus" and the max value of oid * is 4294967295 (10 chars), so we reserve 45 characters. */ #define MAX_LOADSTATUS_NAME 45 /* * Prototypes */ static int LoaderLoadMain(List *options); static List *ParseControlFile(const char *path); extern int LoaderRecoveryMain(void); static PGresult *RemoteLoad(PGconn *conn, FILE *copystream, bool isbinary); static bool ParseControlFileLine(char buf[], char **outKeyword, char **outValue); static char *TrimSpaces(char *str); static char *UnquoteString(char *str, char quote, char escape); static char *FindUnquotedChar(char *str, char target, char quote, char escape); static void parse_option(pgut_option *opt, char *arg) { opt->source = SOURCE_DEFAULT; /* -o can be specified many times */ if (arg && arg[0]) bulkload_options = lappend(bulkload_options, arg); if (pg_strcasecmp(arg, "TYPE=FUNCTION") == 0) type_function = true; if (pg_strcasecmp(arg, "TYPE=BINARY") == 0 || pg_strcasecmp(arg, "TYPE=FIXED") == 0) type_binary = true; if (pg_strcasecmp(arg, "WRITER=BINARY") == 0) writer_binary = true; } static pgut_option options[] = { /* Dataload options */ { 's', 'i', "infile" , &infile }, { 's', 'i', "input" , &input }, { 's', 'O', "output" , &output }, { 's', 'l', "logfile" , &logfile }, { 's', 'P', "parse-badfile" , &parse_badfile }, { 's', 'u', "duplicate-badfile" , &duplicate_badfile }, { 'f', 'o', "option" , parse_option }, /* Recovery options */ { 's', 'D', "pgdata" , &DataDir }, { 'b', 'r', "recovery" , &recovery }, { 0 } }; #define NUM_PATH_OPTIONS 6 /** * @brief Entry point for pg_bulkload command. * * Flow: *
  1. Parses command arguments.
  2. *
  3. Without -r option: Starts the loading.
  4. *
  5. With -r option: Starts the recovery.
  6. *
* * @param argc [in] Number of arguments. * @param argv [in] Argument list. * @return Returns zero if successful, 1 otherwise. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char cwd[MAXPGPATH]; char control_file[MAXPGPATH] = ""; int i; pgut_init(argc, argv); if (argc < 2) { help(false); return E_PG_OTHER; } if (getcwd(cwd, MAXPGPATH) == NULL) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(EXIT_FAILURE), errmsg("cannot read current directory: "))); i = pgut_getopt(argc, argv, options); for (; i < argc; i++) { if (control_file[0]) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(EXIT_FAILURE), errmsg("too many arguments"))); /* make absolute control file path */ if (is_absolute_path(argv[i])) strlcpy(control_file, argv[i], MAXPGPATH); else join_path_components(control_file, cwd, argv[i]); canonicalize_path(control_file); } /* * Determines data loading or recovery. */ if (recovery) { /* verify arguments */ if (!DataDir && (DataDir = getenv("PGDATA")) == NULL) elog(ERROR, "no $PGDATA specified"); if (strlen(DataDir) + MAX_LOADSTATUS_NAME >= MAXPGPATH) elog(ERROR, "too long $PGDATA path length"); if (control_file[0] != '\0') elog(ERROR, "invalid argument 'control file' for recovery"); return LoaderRecoveryMain(); } else { /* verify arguments */ if (DataDir) elog(ERROR, "invalid option '-D' for data load"); if (control_file[0]) bulkload_options = list_concat( ParseControlFile(control_file), bulkload_options); /* chdir control_file to the parent directory */ get_parent_directory(control_file); /* add path options */ for (i = 0; i < NUM_PATH_OPTIONS; i++) { const pgut_option *opt = &options[i]; const char *path = *(const char **) opt->var; char abspath[MAXPGPATH]; char item[MAXPGPATH + 32]; if (path == NULL) continue; if ((i == 0 || i == 1) && (pg_strcasecmp(path, "stdin") == 0 || type_function)) { /* special case for stdin and input from function */ strlcpy(abspath, path, lengthof(abspath)); } else if (is_absolute_path(path) || (i == 2 && !writer_binary)) { /* absolute path */ strlcpy(abspath, path, lengthof(abspath)); } else if (opt->source == SOURCE_FILE) { /* control file relative path */ join_path_components(abspath, control_file, path); } else { /* current working directory relative path */ join_path_components(abspath, cwd, path); } canonicalize_path(abspath); snprintf(item, lengthof(item), "%s=%s", opt->lname, abspath); bulkload_options = lappend(bulkload_options, pgut_strdup(item)); } return LoaderLoadMain(bulkload_options); } } void pgut_help(bool details) { printf("%s is a bulk data loading tool for PostgreSQL\n", PROGRAM_NAME); printf("\nUsage:\n"); printf(" Dataload: %s [dataload options] control_file_path\n", PROGRAM_NAME); printf(" Recovery: %s -r [-D DATADIR]\n", PROGRAM_NAME); if (!details) return; printf("\nDataload options:\n"); printf(" -i, --input=INPUT INPUT path or function\n"); printf(" -O, --output=OUTPUT OUTPUT path or table\n"); printf(" -l, --logfile=LOGFILE LOGFILE path\n"); printf(" -P, --parse-badfile=* PARSE_BADFILE path\n"); printf(" -u, --duplicate-badfile=* DUPLICATE_BADFILE path\n"); printf(" -o, --option=\"key=val\" additional option\n"); printf("\nRecovery options:\n"); printf(" -r, --recovery execute recovery\n"); printf(" -D, --pgdata=DATADIR database directory\n"); } /** * @brief Performs data loading. * * Invokes pg_bulkload() user-defined function with given parameters * in single transaction. * * @return exitcode (always 0). */ static int LoaderLoadMain(List *options) { PGresult *res; const char *params[1]; StringInfoData buf; int encoding; int errors; ListCell *cell; if (options == NIL) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(EXIT_FAILURE), errmsg("requires control file or command line options"))); initStringInfo(&buf); reconnect(ERROR); encoding = PQclientEncoding(connection); elog(NOTICE, "BULK LOAD START"); /* form options as text[] */ appendStringInfoString(&buf, "{\""); foreach (cell, options) { const char *item = lfirst(cell); if (buf.len > 2) appendStringInfoString(&buf, "\",\""); /* escape " and \ */ while (*item) { if (*item == '"' || *item == '\\') { appendStringInfoChar(&buf, '\\'); appendStringInfoChar(&buf, *item); item++; } else if (!IS_HIGHBIT_SET(*item)) { appendStringInfoChar(&buf, *item); item++; } else { int n = PQmblen(item, encoding); appendBinaryStringInfo(&buf, item, n); item += n; } } } appendStringInfoString(&buf, "\"}"); command("BEGIN", 0, NULL); params[0] = buf.data; res = execute("SELECT * FROM pgbulkload.pg_bulkload($1)", 1, params); if (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_COPY_IN) { PQclear(res); res = RemoteLoad(connection, stdin, type_binary); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) elog(ERROR, "copy failed: %s", PQerrorMessage(connection)); } command("COMMIT", 0, NULL); errors = atoi(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 2)) + /* parse errors */ atoi(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 3)); /* duplicate errors */ elog(NOTICE, "BULK LOAD END\n" "\t%s Rows skipped.\n" "\t%s Rows successfully loaded.\n" "\t%s Rows not loaded due to parse errors.\n" "\t%s Rows not loaded due to duplicate errors.\n" "\t%s Rows replaced with new rows.", PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0), PQgetvalue(res, 0, 1), PQgetvalue(res, 0, 2), PQgetvalue(res, 0, 3), PQgetvalue(res, 0, 4)); PQclear(res); disconnect(); termStringInfo(&buf); if (errors > 0) { elog(WARNING, "some rows were not loaded due to errors."); return E_PG_USER; } else return 0; /* succeeded without errors */ } /* * RemoteLoad : modified handleCopyIn() in bin/psql/copy.c * sends data to complete a COPY ... FROM STDIN command * * conn should be a database connection that you just issued COPY FROM on * and got back a PGRES_COPY_IN result. * copystream is the file stream to read the data from. * isbinary can be set from PQbinaryTuples(). */ /* read chunk size for COPY IN - size is not critical */ #define COPYBUFSIZ 8192 static PGresult * RemoteLoad(PGconn *conn, FILE *copystream, bool isbinary) { bool OK; char buf[COPYBUFSIZ]; OK = true; if (isbinary) { while (!interrupted) { int buflen; buflen = fread(buf, 1, COPYBUFSIZ, copystream); if (buflen <= 0) break; if (PQputCopyData(conn, buf, buflen) <= 0) { OK = false; break; } } } else { bool copydone = false; while (!interrupted && !copydone) { /* for each input line ... */ bool firstload; bool linedone; firstload = true; linedone = false; while (!linedone) { /* for each bufferload in line ... */ int linelen; char *fgresult; fgresult = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), copystream); if (!fgresult) { copydone = true; break; } linelen = strlen(buf); /* current line is done? */ if (linelen > 0 && buf[linelen - 1] == '\n') linedone = true; /* check for EOF marker, but not on a partial line */ if (firstload) { if (strcmp(buf, "\\.\n") == 0 || strcmp(buf, "\\.\r\n") == 0) { copydone = true; break; } firstload = false; } if (PQputCopyData(conn, buf, linelen) <= 0) { OK = false; copydone = true; break; } } } } if (interrupted) { PQputCopyEnd(conn, "canceled by user"); return PQgetResult(conn); } /* Check for read error */ if (ferror(copystream)) OK = false; /* Terminate data transfer */ if (PQputCopyEnd(conn, OK ? NULL : "aborted because of read failure") <= 0) OK = false; /* Check command status and return to normal libpq state */ if (!OK) return NULL; return PQgetResult(conn); } static List * ParseControlFile(const char *path) { #define LINEBUF 1024 char buf[LINEBUF]; int lineno; FILE *file; List *items = NIL; file = pgut_fopen(path, "rt"); for (lineno = 1; fgets(buf, LINEBUF, file); lineno++) { char *keyword; char *value; int i; if (!ParseControlFileLine(buf, &keyword, &value)) continue; /* PATH_OPTIONS */ for (i = 0; i < NUM_PATH_OPTIONS; i++) { pgut_option *opt = &options[i]; if (pgut_keyeq(keyword, opt->lname)) { pgut_setopt(opt, value, SOURCE_FILE); break; } } /* Other options */ if (i >= NUM_PATH_OPTIONS) { size_t len; char *item; len = strlen(keyword) + strlen(value) + 2; item = pgut_malloc(len); snprintf(item, len, "%s=%s", keyword, value); items = lappend(items, item); if (pg_strcasecmp(item, "TYPE=FUNCTION") == 0) type_function = true; if (pg_strcasecmp(item, "TYPE=BINARY") == 0 || pg_strcasecmp(item, "TYPE=FIXED") == 0) type_binary = true; if (pg_strcasecmp(item, "WRITER=BINARY") == 0) writer_binary = true; } } fclose(file); return items; } /** * @brief Parse a line in control file. */ static bool ParseControlFileLine(char buf[], char **outKeyword, char **outValue) { char *keyword = NULL; char *value = NULL; char *p; char *q; *outKeyword = NULL; *outValue = NULL; if (buf[strlen(buf) - 1] != '\n') ereport(ERROR, (errcode(EXIT_FAILURE), errmsg("too long line \"%s\"", buf))); p = buf; /* pointer to keyword */ /* * replace '\n' to '\0' */ q = strchr(buf, '\n'); if (q != NULL) *q = '\0'; /* * delete strings after a comment letter outside quotations */ q = FindUnquotedChar(buf, '#', '"', '\\'); if (q != NULL) *q = '\0'; /* * if result of trimming is a null string, it is treated as an empty line */ p = TrimSpaces(buf); if (*p == '\0') return false; /* * devide after '=' */ q = FindUnquotedChar(buf, '=', '"', '\\'); if (q != NULL) *q = '\0'; else ereport(ERROR, (errcode(EXIT_FAILURE), errmsg("invalid input \"%s\"", buf))); q++; /* pointer to input value */ /* * return a value trimmed space */ keyword = TrimSpaces(p); value = TrimSpaces(q); if (!keyword[0] || !value[0]) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(EXIT_FAILURE), errmsg("invalid input \"%s\"", buf))); value = UnquoteString(value, '"', '\\'); if (!value) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(EXIT_FAILURE), errmsg("unterminated quoted field"))); *outKeyword = keyword; *outValue = value; return true; } /** * @brief Trim white spaces before and after input value. * * Flow *
  1. Trim spaces after input value.
  2. *
  3. Search the first non-space character, and return the pointer.
  4. *
* @param input [in/out] Input character string * @return The pointer for the head of the character string after triming spaces * @note Input string is over written. * @note The returned value points the middle of input string. */ static char * TrimSpaces(char *input) { char *beg; char *end; /* trim spaces at head */ for (beg = input; IsSpace(*beg); beg++); /* trim spaces at tail */ for (end = beg + strlen(beg); end > beg && IsSpace(end[-1]); end--); *end = '\0'; return beg; } /** * @brief Trim quotes surrounding string * * Quoting character(i.e. quote and escape character) is transformed as follows. * * @param str [in/out] Proccessed string * @param quote [in] Quote mark character * @param escape [in] Escape character * @retval !NULL String not surrounding quote mark character * @retval NULL Error(not closed by quote mark) */ static char * UnquoteString(char *str, char quote, char escape) { int i; /* Read position */ int j; /* Write position */ int in_quote = 0; for (i = 0, j = 0; str[i]; i++) { /* * Find an opened quote mark. */ if (!in_quote && str[i] == quote) { in_quote = 1; continue; } /* * Find an closing quote mark. */ if (in_quote && str[i] == quote) { in_quote = 0; continue; } /* * Find an escape character. * Process if the next is meta character. */ if (in_quote && str[i] == escape) { if (str[i + 1] == quote) { str[j++] = quote; i++; continue; } else if (str[i + 1] == escape) { str[j++] = escape; i++; continue; } } /* * If it is ordinal character, copy it without modification. */ str[j++] = str[i]; } str[j] = '\0'; /* * Quote mark is not closed */ if (in_quote) return NULL; return str; } /** * @brief Find the first specified character outside of quote mark * @param str [in] Searched string * @param target [in] Searched character * @param quote [in] Quote mark * @param escape [in] Escape character * @return If the specified character is found outside quoted string, return the * pointer. If it is not found, return NULL. */ static char * FindUnquotedChar(char *str, char target, char quote, char escape) { int i; bool in_quote = false; for (i = 0; str[i]; i++) { if (str[i] == escape) { /* * Treat it as escape character if it is before meta character */ if (str[i + 1] == escape || str[i + 1] == quote) i++; } else if (str[i] == quote) in_quote = !in_quote; else if (!in_quote && str[i] == target) return str + i; } return NULL; }