-- pg2podg, an extension for 2-player open deterministic games -- Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012 Gianni Ciolli -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION \echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION pg2podg" to load this file. \quit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Notation. We denote with "game" a valid state of a given game. -- -- -- -- Prerequisites. We require the following database objects: -- -- -- -- * type game -- -- -- -- * operator ## game : text -- -- returning the human-readable form of a given game -- -- -- -- * operator %% game : text -- -- returning the text ID of a given game. Uniqueness is not -- -- mandatory, as it is used only in display and for regression -- -- tests (e.g. FEN for Chess) -- -- -- -- * type move -- -- -- -- * operator game ^ move : game -- -- representing the application of a valid move to a given game -- -- -- -- * function new_game () : game -- -- producing an initial game -- -- -- -- * function score(game) : double precision -- -- scoring a given game (finite value IFF the game is not finished) -- -- -- -- * function gain(game) : double precision -- -- equivalent to score(game) - score(parent_game), but -- -- it might be computed separately for efficiency -- -- -- -- * function valid_moves(game) : SETOF move -- -- -- -- Notation. We say that a game G' is visible from a game G if there is -- -- a sequence of 0+ valid moves M1,...,Mk such that -- -- -- -- G ^ M1 ^ ... ^ Mk = G' . -- -- -- -- The cone of a given game G is the set of all the games G' which are -- -- visible from G. -- -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Utility functions -- CREATE FUNCTION to_text(double precision) RETURNS text LANGUAGE SQL AS $BODY$ SELECT CASE $1 WHEN double precision 'Infinity' THEN '+oo' WHEN double precision '-Infinity' THEN '-oo' ELSE round($1 :: numeric, 3) :: text END $BODY$; -- -- Known games are stored in the "games" table. -- CREATE TABLE games ( id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY , parent bigint REFERENCES games(id) , move move , game game NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE gains ( id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY , gain double precision NOT NULL ); CREATE FUNCTION hash(game) RETURNS text IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE SQL AS $$ SELECT md5($1 :: text) $$; -- -- Remember that the SQL standard doesn't allow UNIQUE constraints on -- expressions... -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX games_game_key ON games((hash(game))); -- -- We begin with the initial game. -- INSERT INTO games(game) SELECT new_game(); -- -- The following function computes new games inside a given cone, up -- to a given target, which is specified by a (maximum) time and a -- (minimum) depth. The maximum time applies only after depth 1 has -- been completed, so that we consider at least all the available next -- moves. Maximum time applies only if NOT NULL. -- CREATE FUNCTION research_games ( cone_vertex bigint , time_target interval , depth_target int , starting_timestamp timestamp with time zone DEFAULT clock_timestamp() ) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $BODY$ BEGIN WITH RECURSIVE cone(id, parent, depth) AS ( SELECT cone_vertex , NULL::bigint , 0 AS depth UNION ALL SELECT g.id , g.parent , c.depth + 1 AS depth FROM cone c JOIN games g ON c.id = g.parent ), buds(id, parent, depth) AS ( SELECT p.* FROM cone p LEFT JOIN cone c ON c.parent = p.id WHERE c.id IS NULL ), r(id, parent, move, game, depth) AS ( SELECT b.id , b.parent , g.move , g.game , b.depth FROM buds b JOIN games g ON g.id = b.id UNION ALL SELECT id , parent , move , game^move AS game , depth FROM ( SELECT nextval('games_id_seq') AS id , r.id AS parent , r.game , valid_moves(r.game) AS move , r.depth + 1 AS depth FROM r WHERE depth = 0 OR ( ( time_target IS NULL OR age(clock_timestamp(), starting_timestamp) < time_target ) AND depth < depth_target ) ) x(id, parent, game, move, depth) ), new_games(id, parent, move, game) AS ( SELECT r.id , r.parent , r.move , r.game FROM r LEFT JOIN games g ON r.id = g.id WHERE g.id IS NULL ) INSERT INTO games TABLE new_games; END; $BODY$; CREATE FUNCTION compute_gains() RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $BODY$ BEGIN INSERT INTO gains(id,gain) SELECT c.id, gain(p.game, c.game) FROM games c JOIN games p ON c.parent = p.id LEFT JOIN gains g ON c.id = g.id WHERE g.id IS NULL; END; $BODY$; -- -- The unlogged "choices" table stores the set of next moves currently -- under consideration. -- CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE choices ( game bigint , total_gain double precision , gains text[] ); CREATE VIEW choices_txtid AS SELECT c.*, %% g.game AS txtid FROM choices c JOIN games g ON c.game = g.id; CREATE FUNCTION array_sum(double precision[]) RETURNS double precision LANGUAGE SQL AS $$ SELECT sum(x) FROM unnest($1) f(x) $$; -- -- This function replaces the contents of the "choices" table with a -- fresh evaluation of all the valid next moves. -- CREATE FUNCTION evaluate_choices ( start_game bigint , depth_target int ) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $BODY$ BEGIN TRUNCATE choices; WITH RECURSIVE -- -- (1) compute the cone of required games -- cone(id,parent,depth) AS ( SELECT id , parent , 1 :: int AS depth FROM games WHERE parent = start_game UNION ALL SELECT c.id , c.parent , p.depth + 1 AS depth FROM cone p JOIN games c ON c.parent = p.id WHERE p.depth < depth_target -- -- (2) compute g0(cone), reusing any previous computation and -- saving any new computation for later reuse -- ), g0_hit(id, g0) AS ( SELECT cone.id , gains.gain FROM cone JOIN gains ON cone.id = gains.id ), g0_miss(id, g0) AS ( INSERT INTO gains(id, gain) SELECT a.id , score(games.game) AS g0 FROM ( SELECT cone.id FROM cone LEFT JOIN gains ON cone.id = gains.id WHERE gains.id IS NULL ) a JOIN games ON a.id = games.id RETURNING * ), g0 AS ( SELECT id, g0 FROM g0_hit UNION ALL SELECT id, g0 FROM g0_miss -- -- (3) recursively compute g(cone) from g0(cone) -- ), eva AS ( SELECT cone.id , cone.parent , cone.depth , 1 :: int AS height , g0.g0 AS g , '{}' :: text[] AS sub_gs FROM g0 JOIN cone ON g0.id = cone.id UNION ALL SELECT id , parent , depth , height , g , sub_gs FROM ( SELECT cone.id , cone.parent , cone.depth , eva.height + 1 AS height , g0.g0 - max(eva.g) OVER w AS g , array_agg(to_text(eva.g)) OVER w AS sub_gs , row_number() OVER w AS n FROM cone JOIN eva ON cone.id = eva.parent JOIN g0 ON cone.id = g0.id WINDOW w AS (PARTITION BY cone.id) -- -- Note: we are simulating an aggregate via a Window -- function followed by a select, because the current CTE -- implementation forbids the former but not the latter. -- ) a WHERE n = 1 ), informed_choices AS ( SELECT id , g , sub_gs FROM ( SELECT id , g , sub_gs , height , max(height) OVER () AS max_height FROM eva ) a WHERE height = max_height ) INSERT INTO choices SELECT id, g, sub_gs FROM informed_choices; END; $BODY$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION evaluate_choices(bigint,int) IS ' We model fuzzy logic via the completion of the real axis: plus and minus infinity denote respectively victory and defeat, while finite numbers represent cases where the outcome is uncertain, with 0 representing a 50/50 split. To each future game G we attach a gain corresponding to the move M such that G0 ^ M = G, where G0 is the parent game of G. Precisely: * (W) +infinity if M is a winning move * (L) -infinity if M is a losing move * (O) a finite value otherwise We denote sequences of moves by [M1,M2,...]. The first move in the sequence is always valued as it is, because if we choose that sequence then that move is certain. Subsequent moves will contribute with a "dampened" gain, e.g. a winning move in fifth position is not certain and should be valued with a finite number, because it depends on the actions of the other player, which are unpredictable in general. As a special case, however, we assume that the next player is clever enough to always choose an immediately winning move, and to always avoid an immediately losing move. Therefore, a sequence [O,W] is equivalent to a single losing move [L] (the symmetrical statement is not useful here: a sequence [O,L] will always be discarded unless there are no other [O,...] alternatives). Summing up, we have the following four cases: * [W] -> +Infinity * [L] -> -Infinity * [O,W] -> -Infinity * [O,O,...] -> a finite number '; -- -- User interface -- -- -- The unlogged "status" table stores the current state -- CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE status AS SELECT id , game , NULL :: interval AS research_time , NULL :: interval AS evaluate_time , false :: boolean AS give_up FROM games WHERE false; -- -- Two useful views, representing the fact that a draw is better than -- a loss and worse than a win (see "apply_best_choice" below). -- CREATE VIEW choices_when_losing AS SELECT c.*, row_number() OVER ( ORDER BY CASE total_gain WHEN double precision 'NaN' THEN double precision 'Infinity' WHEN double precision 'Infinity' THEN double precision 'NaN' ELSE total_gain END DESC ) AS ord FROM choices c; CREATE VIEW choices_when_not_losing AS SELECT c.* , row_number() OVER ( ORDER BY CASE WHEN total_gain = double precision 'NaN' THEN -1 WHEN total_gain < 0 THEN total_gain - 2 ELSE total_gain END DESC ) AS ord FROM choices c; -- -- This function refreshes the evaluation of valid choices, and then -- updates the current game state by applying the best available -- choice. It returns false if there are no moves available. -- CREATE FUNCTION apply_best_choice ( depth_target int ) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $BODY$ DECLARE x record; y bigint; t games; BEGIN SELECT id, game INTO STRICT x FROM status; PERFORM evaluate_choices(x.id, depth_target := depth_target ); -- -- Our willingness to accept a draw depends on whether we are -- losing or not. Precisely, for any C positive and finite: -- -- * if we are not losing: -- -- Infinity > C > 0 > NaN > -C > -Infinity -- -- so that NaN acts like a "0 minus". -- -- * if we are losing: -- -- Infinity > NaN > C > 0 > -C > -Infinity -- -- so that NaN acts like a smaller "Infinity". -- -- On the other hand, IEEE specifies that -- -- NaN > Infinity > C > 0 > -C > -Infinity -- -- hence we remap values so that the IEEE ordering induces the -- desired ordering. IF score(x.game) < 0 THEN -- we are losing, so draw = smaller Infinity SELECT game INTO y FROM choices_when_losing ORDER BY ord LIMIT 1; ELSE -- we are not losing, so draw = 0 minus SELECT game INTO y FROM choices_when_not_losing ORDER BY ord LIMIT 1; END IF; IF NOT FOUND THEN RETURN false; ELSE SELECT * INTO STRICT t FROM games WHERE id = y; UPDATE status SET (id,game) = (t.id,t.game); RETURN true; END IF; END; $BODY$; -- -- Function to display the status in a VT100 terminal -- CREATE FUNCTION status_display_vt100 ( iter int , dt1 interval , dt2 interval , erase boolean DEFAULT true ) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $BODY$ BEGIN RETURN CASE WHEN erase THEN E'' ELSE '' END || iter || ' turns to go (' || coalesce((SELECT count(1)::text FROM games), '') || ' games)' || coalesce('; dt = ' || EXTRACT(epoch FROM date_trunc('millisecond', dt1)) || 's + ' || EXTRACT(epoch FROM date_trunc('millisecond', dt2)) || 's','') || E'\n' || coalesce((SELECT (CASE WHEN erase THEN ## game ELSE # game END) FROM status), '') || E'\n' || CASE WHEN erase THEN E'' ELSE '' END; END; $BODY$; -- -- This function performs one AI iteration. -- CREATE FUNCTION ui_CPU_moves ( time_target interval DEFAULT '1 second' , depth_target int DEFAULT 2 ) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $BODY$ DECLARE cone_vertex int; t timestamp with time zone; v_research_time interval; v_evaluate_time interval; v_give_up boolean; BEGIN SELECT id INTO STRICT cone_vertex FROM status; t := clock_timestamp(); PERFORM research_games ( cone_vertex := cone_vertex , time_target := time_target , depth_target := depth_target ); v_research_time := clock_timestamp() - t; t := clock_timestamp(); PERFORM compute_gains(); v_evaluate_time := clock_timestamp() - t; v_give_up := NOT apply_best_choice(depth_target); UPDATE status SET ( research_time , evaluate_time , give_up ) = ( v_research_time , v_evaluate_time , v_give_up ) ; END; $BODY$; -- -- This function performs one Human iteration. -- CREATE FUNCTION ui_Human_moves ( human_move text ) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $BODY$ DECLARE x RECORD; m move; g game; i bigint; BEGIN UPDATE status SET (research_time,evaluate_time) = (NULL,NULL); CASE human_move WHEN 'bye' THEN UPDATE status SET give_up = true; ELSE SELECT id, game INTO STRICT x FROM status; m := parse_move(human_move, x.game); PERFORM 1 FROM valid_moves(x.game) vm(x1,y1,x2,y2,ppc) WHERE ROW(x1,y1,x2,y2,ppc) :: move = m; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Move % is not valid', # m; END IF; g := x.game^m; SELECT id INTO i FROM games WHERE game = g AND parent = x.id; IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO games(game, parent, move) VALUES (g, x.id, m) RETURNING id INTO i; END IF; UPDATE status SET (id,game) = (i,g); END CASE; END; $BODY$; -- -- This function displays the final state of a finished game. -- CREATE FUNCTION display_game_end ( iter int DEFAULT NULL , regress boolean DEFAULT false ) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $BODY$ DECLARE v_gain double precision; v_x text; BEGIN SELECT gains.gain INTO STRICT v_gain FROM status LEFT JOIN gains ON status.id = gains.id; v_x := CASE v_gain WHEN double precision 'Infinity' THEN 'with a victory' WHEN double precision 'NaN' THEN 'with a draw' ELSE COALESCE('after ' || iter :: text || ' iterations','') END; IF regress THEN RETURN 'game ended ' || v_x; ELSE RETURN E'game ended ' || v_x || ''; END IF; END; $BODY$; -- -- This function performs a given number of full AI iterations in a -- single transaction. It can be used to run a single-transaction CPU -- v CPU game, as well as to run a regression test. -- CREATE FUNCTION ui_loop ( iter int DEFAULT 1 , time_target interval DEFAULT '1 second' , depth_target int DEFAULT 2 , restart boolean DEFAULT false , regress boolean DEFAULT false , pause float DEFAULT 0 ) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $BODY$ DECLARE cone_vertex int; t timestamp with time zone; v_dt1 interval; v_dt2 interval; v_iter int := 0; v_r RECORD; BEGIN IF restart THEN TRUNCATE status; INSERT INTO status SELECT id, game FROM games WHERE parent IS NULL ORDER BY id LIMIT 1; END IF; LOOP IF regress THEN RAISE INFO E'% turns to go (% games)\nID: %' , iter - v_iter , (SELECT count(1) FROM games) , (SELECT %% game FROM status) ; ELSE RAISE INFO '%', status_display_vt100(iter - v_iter, v_dt1, v_dt2); PERFORM pg_sleep(pause); END IF; EXIT WHEN v_iter = iter; PERFORM ui_CPU_moves(time_target, depth_target); SELECT research_time, evaluate_time, give_up INTO STRICT v_r FROM status; IF v_r.give_up THEN EXIT; END IF; v_dt1 := v_r.research_time; v_dt2 := v_r.evaluate_time; IF regress THEN RAISE INFO E'Score: %\nChoices:\n\t%' , (SELECT to_text(score(game)) FROM status LIMIT 1) , (SELECT array_to_string( array_agg(to_text(total_gain) || ' ' || c.gains :: text || ' ' || c.txtid ORDER BY total_gain DESC , txtid) , E'\n\t') FROM choices_txtid c) ; END IF; v_iter := v_iter + 1; END LOOP; RAISE INFO '%', display_game_end(iter := v_iter, regress := regress); END; $BODY$; -- -- This function produces an SQL script that plays one turn and then -- produces another SQL script that does the same, starting a -- multi-transactional game. -- -- Side is an integer between 1 and 6: -- -- 1,2,3 is white -- 4,5,6 is black -- -- The match is: player N v player (7 - N) -- -- 2 and 4 are humans; 1, 3, 5, 6 are CPU. -- -- In particular: -- -- a game starting with 1 is CPU v CPU -- a game starting with 2 is Human v CPU -- a game starting with 3 is CPU v Human -- CREATE FUNCTION ui_multi_loop ( side int , iter int , time_target interval DEFAULT '1 second' , depth_target int DEFAULT 2 ) RETURNS SETOF text LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $BODY$ DECLARE parity int := 1; v_give_up boolean; BEGIN IF side < 4 THEN parity := 2; END IF; SELECT give_up INTO v_give_up FROM status LIMIT 1; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'No game is currently loaded.'; END IF; RETURN NEXT $_$-- -- (1) display current game -- SELECT status_display_vt100($_$ || iter || $_$, research_time, evaluate_time) FROM status;$_$; IF v_give_up THEN RETURN NEXT $_$\echo $_$ || display_game_end(); RETURN NEXT $_$\echo$_$; RETURN NEXT $_$\echo$_$; RETURN NEXT $_$\q$_$; ELSE IF side = 2 OR side = 4 THEN RETURN NEXT $_$ -- -- (2) Human moves -- \prompt 'Your move? ' next_human_move SELECT * FROM ui_Human_moves(:'next_human_move');$_$; ELSE RETURN NEXT $_$ -- -- (2) CPU moves -- SELECT * FROM ui_CPU_moves(interval '$_$ || time_target || $_$', $_$ || depth_target || $_$);$_$; END IF; IF iter > 0 THEN RETURN NEXT $_$ -- -- (3) tail invocation of ui_multi_loop -- \pset format unaligned \pset tuples_only t \o var-play-$_$ || parity || $_$.sql SELECT * FROM ui_multi_loop ( side := $_$ || (7 - side) :: text || $_$ , iter := $_$ || (iter - 1) :: text || $_$ , time_target := interval '$_$ || time_target :: text || $_$' , depth_target := $_$ || depth_target :: text || $_$ ); \o \i var-play-$_$ || parity || $_$.sql$_$; END IF; END IF; END; $BODY$;