#include #include #include #include #include #include "postgres.h" #include "libpq/md5.h" #include "pcsa.h" #define HASH_LENGTH 16 int pcsa_get_min_bit(const unsigned char * buffer, int byteFrom, int bytes); int pcsa_get_r(const unsigned char * buffer, int byteFrom, int bytes); int pcsa_estimate(PCSACounter pcsa); void pcsa_add_hash(PCSACounter pcsa, const unsigned char * hash); void pcsa_reset_internal(PCSACounter pcsa); /* allocate bitmap with a given length (to store the given number of bitmaps) */ PCSACounter pcsa_create(int nmaps, int keysize) { /* the bitmap is allocated as part of this memory block (-1 as one char is already in) */ PCSACounter p; int i = 0; p = (PCSACounter)palloc(sizeof(PCSACounterData) + (HASH_LENGTH - keysize) * nmaps); for (i = 0; i < (HASH_LENGTH - keysize) * nmaps; i++) { p->bitmap[i] = 0; } SET_VARSIZE(p, sizeof(PCSACounterData) + (HASH_LENGTH - keysize) * nmaps - VARHDRSZ); p->nmaps = nmaps; p->keysize = keysize; return p; } int pcsa_get_size(int nmaps, int keysize) { return sizeof(PCSACounterData) + (HASH_LENGTH - keysize) * nmaps; } /* searches for the leftmost 1 */ int pcsa_get_min_bit(const unsigned char * buffer, int byteFrom, int bytes) { int k = 0; int byteIdx = 0; int bitIdx = 0; for (k = byteFrom * 8; k < ((byteFrom + bytes) * 8); k++) { byteIdx = k / 8; bitIdx= k % 8; if ((buffer[byteIdx] & (0x1 << bitIdx)) != 0) { return k - byteFrom *8; } } return (HASH_LENGTH*8); } /* searches for the leftmost zero */ int pcsa_get_r(const unsigned char * buffer, int byteFrom, int bytes) { int k = 0; int byteIdx = 0; int bitIdx = 0; for (k = byteFrom * 8; k < ((byteFrom + bytes) * 8); k++) { byteIdx = k / 8; bitIdx= k % 8; if ((buffer[byteIdx] & (0x1 << bitIdx)) == 0) { return k - byteFrom*8; } } return (HASH_LENGTH*8); } int pcsa_estimate(PCSACounter pcsa) { float bits = 0; int bitmap; /* get the estimate for each bitmap */ for (bitmap = 0; bitmap < pcsa->nmaps; bitmap++) { bits += pcsa_get_r(pcsa->bitmap, (bitmap * (HASH_LENGTH - pcsa->keysize)), (HASH_LENGTH - pcsa->keysize)); } return (pcsa->nmaps / 0.77351) * powf(2, bits/pcsa->nmaps); } void pcsa_add_element(PCSACounter pcsa, const char * element, int elen) { /* get the hash */ unsigned char hash[HASH_LENGTH]; /* compute the hash */ pg_md5_binary(element, elen, hash); /* add the hash to the counter */ pcsa_add_hash(pcsa, hash); } void pcsa_add_hash(PCSACounter pcsa, const unsigned char * hash) { /* get the hash */ unsigned int bitmapIdx; int bit; int byteIdx; int bitIdx; memcpy(&bitmapIdx, hash, pcsa->keysize); bitmapIdx = bitmapIdx % pcsa->nmaps; /* get the min bit (but skip the bytes used for key) */ bit = pcsa_get_min_bit(hash, pcsa->keysize, HASH_LENGTH - pcsa->keysize); /* get the current byte/bit index */ byteIdx = (HASH_LENGTH - pcsa->keysize) * bitmapIdx + bit / 8; bitIdx = bit % 8; /* set the bit of the bitmap */ pcsa->bitmap[byteIdx] = pcsa->bitmap[byteIdx] | (0x1 << bitIdx); } void pcsa_reset_internal(PCSACounter pcsa) { int i; for (i = 0; i < (HASH_LENGTH - pcsa->keysize) * pcsa->nmaps; i++) { pcsa->bitmap[i] = 0; } }