set client_min_messages to 'error'; drop extension if exists "parray_gin" cascade; create extension "parray_gin"; set client_min_messages to 'warning'; \t on \pset format unaligned set enable_seqscan to off; set client_min_messages to 'error'; drop table if exists test_table; create table test_table(id bigserial, val text[]); set client_min_messages to 'warning'; insert into test_table(val) values(array['foo1','bar1','baz1']); insert into test_table(val) values(array['foo2','bar2','baz2']); insert into test_table(val) values(array['foo3','bar3','baz3']); insert into test_table(val) select val from test_table; insert into test_table(val) select val from test_table; insert into test_table(val) select val from test_table; insert into test_table(val) values(array['foo4','bar4','baz4']); insert into test_table(val) values(array['foo4','bar4','baz4']); insert into test_table(val) values(array['foo4','bar4','baz4']); insert into test_table(val) values(array['foo4','bar4one','baz4']); insert into test_table(val) values(array['foo4','bar4two','baz4']); insert into test_table(val) values(array['foo4','bar4three','baz4']); insert into test_table(val) values(array['foo4','bar4four','baz4']); insert into test_table(val) values(array['foo4','bar4fourty','baz4']); -- 32 select count(*) from test_table; 32 drop index if exists test_val_idx; create index test_val_idx on test_table using gin (val parray_gin_ops); -- 8 select count(*) from test_table where val @> array['foo1','bar1','baz1']; 8 -- 8 select count(*) from test_table where val @@> array['foo1','bar1','baz1']; 8 -- 8 select count(*) from test_table where val @@> array['bar4%']; 8 -- 3 select count(*) from test_table where val @> array['bar4']; 3 -- 8 select count(*) from test_table where val @@> array['bar3%']; 8 -- 8 select count(*) from test_table where val @> array['bar3']; 8 -- 0 select count(*) from test_table where val @@> array['qux%']; 0 -- 0 select count(*) from test_table where val @@> array['qux%']; 0 -- 0 select count(*) from test_table where val @> array['%bar4%o%']; 0 -- 4 select count(*) from test_table where val @@> array['%bar4%o%']; 4 ---- check that 12-sequences between % are not ignored when rechecked -- 0 select count(*) from test_table where val @@> array['%bar4%Z%']; 0 ---- todo fix ---- select count(*) from test_table where val @@> array[]::text[]; ---- select count(*) from test_table where val @> array[]::text[]; ---- todo fix -- 0 select count(*) from test_table where val @> array['%']; 0 -- 0 select count(*) from test_table where val @@> array['%']; 0 -- 3 select count(*) from test_table where val <@ array['foo4', 'bar4', 'baz4']; 3 -- 3 select count(*) from test_table where val <@ array['foo4', 'bar4', 'baz4', 'qux']; 3 -- 32 select count(*) from test_table where val <@@ array['foo%', 'bar%', 'baz%']; 32 -- 2 select count(*) from test_table where val <@@ array['foo4', 'baz%', 'bar4%e']; 2 -- 0 select count(*) from test_table where val <@@ array['qux']; 0 set enable_seqscan to on; \t off \pset format aligned