drop extension "parray_gin" cascade; create extension "parray_gin"; -- create table drop table if exists test_table; create table test_table(id bigserial, val text[]); -- insert data (1572867 rows) insert into test_table(val) values(array['foo1','bar1','baz1']); insert into test_table(val) values(array['foo2','bar2','baz2']); insert into test_table(val) values(array['foo3','bar3','baz3']); insert into test_table(val) select val from test_table; insert into test_table(val) select val from test_table; insert into test_table(val) select val from test_table; insert into test_table(val) select val from test_table; --insert into test_table(val) select val from test_table; --insert into test_table(val) select val from test_table; --insert into test_table(val) select val from test_table; --insert into test_table(val) select val from test_table; --insert into test_table(val) select val from test_table; --insert into test_table(val) select val from test_table; --insert into test_table(val) select val from test_table; --insert into test_table(val) select val from test_table; --insert into test_table(val) select val from test_table; insert into test_table(val) values(array['foo4','bar4','baz4']); insert into test_table(val) values(array['foo4','bar4','baz4']); insert into test_table(val) values(array['foo4','bar4','baz4']); insert into test_table(val) values(array['foo4','bar4one','baz4']); insert into test_table(val) values(array['foo4','bar4two','baz4']); insert into test_table(val) values(array['foo4','bar4three','baz4']); select count(*) from test_table; -- JSON object fields query -- slow query --select * from test_table where create_date between '2009-12-04 01:00:00' and '2009-12-04 02:00:00'; -- Seq Scan on test_table (cost=0.00..830998.51 rows=7864 width=76) (actual time=21904.068..21904.124 rows=3 loops=1) -- Filter: ((create_date >= '2009-12-04 01:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND (create_date <= '2009-12-04 02:00:00'::timestamp without time zone)) -- Total runtime: 21904.157 ms -- create btree index --drop index if exists test_date_idx; --create index test_date_idx on test_table using btree (create_date); -- fast query --select * from test_table where create_date between '2009-12-04 01:00:00' and '2009-12-04 02:00:00'; -- Bitmap Heap Scan on test_table (cost=169.53..19545.85 rows=7864 width=76) (actual time=0.023..0.026 rows=3 loops=1) -- Recheck Cond: ((create_date >= '2009-12-04 01:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND (create_date <= '2009-12-04 02:00:00'::timestamp without time zone)) -- -> Bitmap Index Scan on test_date_idx (cost=0.00..167.56 rows=7864 width=0) (actual time=0.015..0.015 rows=3 loops=1) -- Index Cond: ((create_date >= '2009-12-04 01:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND (create_date <= '2009-12-04 02:00:00'::timestamp without time zone)) -- Total runtime: 0.057 ms -- JSON array inclusion query -- slow query --explain analyze select * from test_table where val @> array['bar4']; -- Seq Scan on test_table (cost=0.00..827066.34 rows=1573 width=76) (actual time=41336.691..41336.749 rows=3 loops=1) -- Filter: (val @> '{bar4}'::text[]) -- Total runtime: 41336.799 ms -- create gin index, Mk I -- http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/static/gin.html --drop index if exists test_tags_idx; --create index test_tags_idx on test_table using gin (val); -- fast query --explain analyze select * from test_table where val @> array['bar4']; -- Bitmap Heap Scan on test_table (cost=29.08..5679.25 rows=1573 width=76) (actual time=0.050..0.055 rows=3 loops=1) -- Recheck Cond: (val @> '{bar4}'::text[]) -- -> Bitmap Index Scan on test_tags_idx (cost=0.00..28.69 rows=1573 width=0) (actual time=0.037..0.037 rows=3 loops=1) -- Index Cond: (val @> '{bar4}'::text[]) -- Total runtime: 0.129 ms -- create gin index, Mk II drop index if exists test_tags_idx; create index test_tags_idx on test_table using gin (val parray_gin_ops); -- fast query -- explain analyze select * from test_table where val @> array['bar4']; -- expects 3 rows \echo "Initial" explain analyze select * from test_table where val @@> array['bar4']; select count(*) from test_table where val @@> array['bar4']; \echo "Select using seq scan" set enable_indexscan=0; set enable_seqscan=1; explain analyze select * from test_table where val @@> array['bar4']; select count(*) from test_table where val @@> array['bar4']; \echo "Select using index (GIN) scan" set enable_indexscan=1; set enable_seqscan=0; explain analyze select * from test_table where val @@> array['bar4']; select count(*) from test_table where val @@> array['bar4']; \echo "Let Postgres choose the winner" \echo " but usually it fails..." set enable_indexscan=1; set enable_seqscan=1; explain analyze select * from test_table where val @@> array['bar4']; select count(*) from test_table where val @@> array['bar4']; \echo "Some integrity checks" select count(*), 6 as expected from test_table where val @@> array['bar4']; select count(*), 3 as expected from test_table where val @> array['bar4']; select count(*), 8192 as expected from test_table where val @@> array['bar3']; select count(*), 8192 as expected from test_table where val @> array['bar3']; select count(*), 0 as expected from test_table where val @@> array['qux']; select count(*), 0 as expected from test_table where val @> array['qux']; select count(*), 'anything' as expected from test_table where val @@> array[]::text[]; select count(*), 'anything' as expected from test_table where val @> array[]::text[]; select count(*), 24582 as expected from test_table where val @@> array[''];