{ "X_WARNING": "AUTO-GENERATED FILE, DO NOT MODIFY!", "X_WARNING": "Generated from META.in.json by pgxntool/build_meta.sh", "X_comment": "This file specifies all information for a PGXN distribution. Full spec is at http://pgxn.org/spec/", "X_comment": "*NOTE* A single distribution can contain multiple extensions! See http://pgxn.org/spec/#Terminology.", "X_comment": "Note that any key starting with X_ or x_ is defined as 'custom' and likely to be ignored by tools.", "X_comment": "All other keys must be defined by the specification. See http://pgxn.org/spec/#Structure", "X_comment": "Keys marked REQUIRED or Optional are what you'd expect. Keys marked Unusual are keys you don't normally need to use.", "X_comment": "The pgxntool Makefile will strip out empty keys to produce a working META.json, so it's fine to leave them here.", "X_comment": "I've tried to put things in a logical order. Comments welcome at https://github.com/PandaPost/pgxntool/issues!", "X_comment": "REQUIRED. Name of distribution.", "name": "PandaPost", "X_comment": "REQUIRED. Version of the distribution. http://pgxn.org/spec/#version", "version": "0.2.0", "X_comment": "REQUIRED. Short description of distribution.", "abstract": "Python NumPy ndarray data type for Postgres", "X_comment": "Optional. \"description\": A longer description of the distribution. http://pgxn.org/spec/#description", "X_comment": "REQUIRED. Contact info for distribution maintainers. http://pgxn.org/spec/#maintainer", "maintainer": [ "Jim Nasby " ], "X_comment": "Optional. Status of distribution. Allowed values: unstable, testing, stable", "release_status": "unstable", "X_comment": "REQUIRED. License(s) distribution is released under. http://pgxn.org/spec/#license", "license": "freebsd", "X_comment": "REQUIRED. Specifies extensions contained in this distribution. Each key is the name of an extension. http://pgxn.org/spec/#provides", "provides": { "PandaPost": { "X_comment": "REQUIRED. File containing extension.", "file": "sql/PandaPost.sql", "X_comment": "REQUIRED. Version the extension is at.", "version": "0.2.0", "X_comment": "Optional: \"abstract\": Description of the extension.", "abstract": "Python NumPy ndarray data type for Postgres", "X_comment": "Optional: \"docfile\": filesystem path to document file for extension.", "docfile": "README.asc", "X_end": "" } }, "X_comment": "Optional. \"tags\": LIST of TAGS for the distribution. http://pgxn.org/spec/#tags", "tags": [ "python", "numpy", "ndarray" ], "X_comment": "Optional. \"resources\": Web resources available for this distribution. http://pgxn.org/spec/#resources", "resources": { "homepage": "http://github.com/PandaPost/PandaPost", "bugtracker": { "web": "http://github.com/PandaPost/PandaPost/issues" }, "repository": { "url": "git://github.com/PandaPost/PandaPost.git", "web": "http://github.com/PandaPost/PandaPost/", "type": "git" } }, "X_comment": "Optional. \"prereqs\": Prerequisits for the distribution. http://pgxn.org/spec/#prereqs", "X_comment": "Currently doesn't compile on 9.4", "X_comment": "test/lambda requires Postgres 9.4", "prereqs": { "build": { "requires": { "PostgreSQL": "9.5.0" } }, "runtime": { "requires": { "plpgsql": 0 }, "recommends": { "lambda": 0 } }, "test": { "requires": { "PostgreSQL": "9.4.0", "pgtap": 0, "lambda": 0 } } }, "X_comment": "Unusual. \"no_index\": Files/directories that should not be indexed. http://pgxn.org/spec/#no_index", "X_comment": "Unusual. Package/tool used to generate this file.", "generated_by": "pgxntool https://github.com/decibel/pgxntool", "X_comment": "REQUIRED. Version info for this file. http://pgxn.org/spec/#meta-spec", "meta-spec": { "version": "1.0.0", "url": "http://pgxn.org/meta/spec.txt" }, "X_comment": "Here for good formatting in vi.", "X_vi": "vi: expandtab ts=4 sw=4", "X_end": "" }