# OSM PBF Foreign Data Wrapper ## Synopsis Openstreetmap PBF foreign data wrapper for PostgreSQL ## Description This extension for PostgreSQL implements [Foreign Data Wrapper](https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Foreign_data_wrappers "Openstreetmap pbf foreign data wrapper") (FDW) for reading [Openstreetmap PBF](http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/PBF_Format "Openstreetmap PBF") file format (*.osm.pbf) ## Usage Example: ```sql CREATE EXTENSION osm_fdw; CREATE SERVER osm_fdw_server FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER osm_fdw; -- table definition SELECT create_osm_table('osm_malta', 'osm_fdw_server', '/path_to_file/malta-latest.osm.pbf'); -- count all nodes SELECT count(*) FROM osm_malta WHERE type='NODE'; ``` Find more examples here: [examples](https://github.com/vpikulik/postgres_osm_pbf_fdw/tree/master/ "Openstreetmap foreign data wrapper examples") ## How to use Create extension at first: ```sql CREATE EXTENSION osm_fdw; ``` To access foreign data, you need to create a [foreign server object](http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/ddl-foreign-data.html "Postgresql foreign server object"): ```sql CREATE SERVER osm_fdw_server FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER osm_fdw; ``` Then create [foreign table](http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/sql-createforeigntable.html). There are two options: `CREATE FOREIGN TABLE` query and `create_osm_table` function. I would strongly recommend to use second method. The function `create_osm_table(text, text, text)` is provided together with this extension. It requires 3 parameters: name of the table, name of the foreign server object and a path to *.osm.pbf file. ```sql SELECT create_osm_table('table_name', 'osm_fdw_server', '/path_to_file/file.osm.pbf'); ``` FDW reads the file with every query. The right approach is to copy data to postgresql table or [materialized view](http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/rules-materializedviews.html "Postgresql materialized view"), create required indexes and query this table or view. ```sql CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW osm_data AS SELECT * FROM osm_foreign_table WITH DATA; ``` ## Table structure Table should have this structure: ```sql CREATE FOREIGN TABLE table_name ( id bigint, type text, lat double precision, lon double precision, tags jsonb, refs bigint[], members jsonb, version int, modified timestamp, changeset bigint, user_id int, username text, visible boolean ) SERVER osm_fdw_server OPTIONS ( filename '/path_to_file/file.osm.pbf' ); ``` Fields can have other names, but position and types must be as in this example. ### Column types The FDW can read 3 openstreetmap types: ([NODE](http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Node "Node")), ([WAY](http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Way "Way")) and ([RELATION](http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Relation "Relation")). * `id` - OSM object id * `type` - type of the object (Possible values: NODE, WAY, RELATION) * `lat` - latitude (filled only for NODE) * `lon` - longitude (filled only for NODE) * `tags` - jsonb object with OSM tags * `refs` - array on node ids (filled only for WAY) * `members` - array of objects with relation members (jsonb) * `version` - OSM version * `modified` - OSM last change date * `changeset` - OSM changeset * `user_id` - id of the OSM user * `username` - name of the OSM user * `visible` - shows if object is visible