## Orb_fdw This is a simple open-source data wrapper that bridges the gap between your Postgres database and [Orb](https://www.withorb.com/) a leading usage-based billing solution. [![Tembo Cloud Try Free](https://tembo.io/tryFreeButton.svg)](https://cloud.tembo.io/sign-up) [![Static Badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/%40tembo-community?logo=slack&label=slack)](https://join.slack.com/t/tembocommunity/shared_invite/zt-20dtnhcmo-pLNV7_Aobi50TdTLpfQ~EQ) [![PGXN version](https://badge.fury.io/pg/orb_fdw.svg)](https://pgxn.org/dist/orb_fdw/) ### Pre-requisistes - have the v0.11.3 of `orb_fdw` extension enabled in your instance Create the foreign data wrapper: ``` sql create foreign data wrapper orb_wrapper handler orb_fdw_handler validator orb_fdw_validator; ``` Connect to orb using your credentials: ``` sql create server my_orb_server foreign data wrapper orb_wrapper options ( api_key '') ``` Create Foreign Table: ### Customers table This table will store information about the users. ``` sql create foreign table orb_customers ( user_id text, organization_id text, first_name text, email text, stripe_id text, created_at text ) server my_orb_server options ( object 'customers' ); ``` ### Subscriptions Table This table will store information about the subscriptions. ``` sql create foreign table orb_subscriptions ( subscription_id text, organization_id text, status text, plan text, started_date text, end_date text ) server my_orb_server options ( object 'subscriptions' ); ``` ### Invoices Table This table will store information about the subscriptions. ``` sql create foreign table orb_invoices ( customer_id text, subscription_id text, organization_id text, status text, due_date text, amount text ) server my_orb_server options ( object 'invoices' ); ```