/* * Install the extension and define the tables. * All the foreign tables defined refer to the same Oracle table. */ SET client_min_messages = WARNING; CREATE EXTENSION oracle_fdw; -- TWO_TASK or ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID must be set in the server's environment for this to work CREATE SERVER oracle FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER oracle_fdw OPTIONS (dbserver '', isolation_level 'read_committed', nchar 'true', set_timezone 'true'); CREATE USER MAPPING FOR CURRENT_ROLE SERVER oracle OPTIONS (user 'SCOTT', password 'tiger'); -- drop the Oracle tables if they exist DO $$BEGIN SELECT oracle_execute('oracle', 'DROP TABLE scott.typetest1 PURGE'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END;$$; DO $$BEGIN SELECT oracle_execute('oracle', 'DROP TABLE scott.typetest2 PURGE'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END;$$; DO $$BEGIN SELECT oracle_execute('oracle', 'DROP TABLE scott.gis PURGE'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END;$$; SELECT oracle_execute( 'oracle', E'CREATE TABLE scott.typetest1 (\n' ' id NUMBER(5)\n' ' CONSTRAINT typetest1_pkey PRIMARY KEY,\n' ' c CHAR(10 CHAR),\n' ' nc NCHAR(10),\n' ' vc VARCHAR2(10 CHAR),\n' ' nvc NVARCHAR2(10),\n' ' lc CLOB,\n' ' r RAW(10),\n' ' u RAW(16),\n' ' lb BLOB,\n' ' lr LONG RAW,\n' ' b NUMBER(1),\n' ' num NUMBER(7,5),\n' ' fl BINARY_FLOAT,\n' ' db BINARY_DOUBLE,\n' ' d DATE,\n' ' ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE,\n' ' ids INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND,\n' ' iym INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH\n' ') SEGMENT CREATION IMMEDIATE' ); SELECT oracle_execute( 'oracle', E'CREATE TABLE scott.typetest2 (\n' ' id NUMBER(5)\n' ' CONSTRAINT typetest2_pkey PRIMARY KEY,\n' ' ts1 TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE,\n' ' ts2 TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE,\n' ' ts3 TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE\n' ') SEGMENT CREATION IMMEDIATE' ); SELECT oracle_execute( 'oracle', E'CREATE TABLE scott.gis (\n' ' id NUMBER(5) PRIMARY KEY,\n' ' g MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY\n' ') SEGMENT CREATION IMMEDIATE' ); -- gather statistics SELECT oracle_execute( 'oracle', E'BEGIN\n' ' DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS (''SCOTT'', ''TYPETEST1'', NULL, 100);\n' 'END;' ); SELECT oracle_execute( 'oracle', E'BEGIN\n' ' DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS (''SCOTT'', ''TYPETEST2'', NULL, 100);\n' 'END;' ); SELECT oracle_execute( 'oracle', E'BEGIN\n' ' DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS (''SCOTT'', ''GIS'', NULL, 100);\n' 'END;' ); -- initial data for typetest2 SELECT oracle_execute( 'oracle', E'INSERT INTO scott.typetest2 (id, ts1, ts2, ts3) VALUES (\n' ' 1,\n' ' FROM_TZ(CAST (''2002-08-01 00:00:00 AD'' AS timestamp), ''UTC''),\n' ' FROM_TZ(CAST (''2002-08-01 00:00:00 AD'' AS timestamp), ''UTC''),\n' ' FROM_TZ(CAST (''2002-08-01 00:00:00 AD'' AS timestamp), ''UTC'')\n' ')' ); -- create the foreign tables CREATE FOREIGN TABLE typetest1 ( id integer OPTIONS (key 'yes') NOT NULL, q double precision, c character(10), nc character(10), vc character varying(10), nvc character varying(10), lc text, r bytea, u uuid, lb bytea, lr bytea, b boolean, num numeric(7,5), fl float, db double precision, d date, ts timestamp with time zone, ids interval, iym interval ) SERVER oracle OPTIONS (table 'TYPETEST1', prefetch '2', lob_prefetch '5000'); ALTER FOREIGN TABLE typetest1 DROP q; -- a table that is missing some fields CREATE FOREIGN TABLE shorty ( id integer OPTIONS (key 'yes') NOT NULL, c character(10) ) SERVER oracle OPTIONS (table 'TYPETEST1'); -- a table that has some extra fields CREATE FOREIGN TABLE longy ( id integer OPTIONS (key 'yes') NOT NULL, c character(10), nc character(10), vc character varying(10), nvc character varying(10), lc text, r bytea, u uuid, lb bytea, lr bytea, b boolean, num numeric(7,5), fl float, db double precision, d date, ts timestamp with time zone, ids interval, iym interval, x integer ) SERVER oracle OPTIONS (table 'TYPETEST1'); CREATE FOREIGN TABLE typetest2 ( id integer OPTIONS (key 'yes') NOT NULL, ts1 timestamp with time zone, ts2 timestamp without time zone, ts3 date ) SERVER oracle OPTIONS (table 'TYPETEST2'); /* * INSERT some rows into "typetest1". */ -- will fail with a read-only transaction ALTER SERVER oracle OPTIONS (SET isolation_level 'read_only'); SELECT oracle_close_connections(); DELETE FROM typetest1; -- use the default SERIALIZABLE isolation level from now on ALTER SERVER oracle OPTIONS (DROP isolation_level); SELECT oracle_close_connections(); DELETE FROM typetest1; INSERT INTO typetest1 (id, c, nc, vc, nvc, lc, r, u, lb, lr, b, num, fl, db, d, ts, ids, iym) VALUES ( 1, 'fixed char', 'nat''l char', 'varlena', 'nat''l var', 'character large object', bytea('\xDEADBEEF'), uuid('055e26fa-f1d8-771f-e053-1645990add93'), bytea('\xDEADBEEF'), bytea('\xDEADBEEF'), TRUE, 3.14159, 3.14159, 3.14159, '1968-10-20', '2009-01-26 15:02:54.893532 PST', '1 day 2 hours 30 seconds 1 microsecond', '-6 months' ); -- change the "boolean" in Oracle to "2" SELECT oracle_execute('oracle', 'UPDATE typetest1 SET b = 2 WHERE id = 1'); INSERT INTO shorty (id, c) VALUES (2, NULL); INSERT INTO typetest1 (id, c, nc, vc, nvc, lc, r, u, lb, lr, b, num, fl, db, d, ts, ids, iym) VALUES ( 3, E'a\u001B\u0007\u000D\u007Fb', E'a\u001B\u0007\u000D\u007Fb', E'a\u001B\u0007\u000D\u007Fb', E'a\u001B\u0007\u000D\u007Fb', E'a\u001B\u0007\u000D\u007Fb ABC' || repeat('X', 9000), bytea('\xDEADF00D'), uuid('055f3b32-a02c-4532-e053-1645990a6db2'), bytea('\xDEADF00DDEADF00DDEADF00D'), bytea('\xDEADF00DDEADF00DDEADF00D'), FALSE, -2.71828, -2.71828, -2.71828, '0044-03-15 BC', '0044-03-15 12:00:00 BC', '-2 days -12 hours -30 minutes', '-2 years -6 months' ); INSERT INTO typetest1 (id, c, nc, vc, nvc, lc, r, u, lb, lr, b, num, fl, db, d, ts, ids, iym) VALUES ( 4, 'short', 'short', 'short', 'short', 'short', bytea('\xDEADF00D'), uuid('0560ee34-2ef9-1137-e053-1645990ac874'), bytea('\xDEADF00D'), bytea('\xDEADF00D'), NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, '23:59:59.999999', '3 years' ); /* * Test SELECT, UPDATE ... RETURNING, DELETE and transactions. */ -- simple SELECT SELECT id, c, nc, vc, nvc, lc, r, u, lb, lr, b, num, fl, db, d, ts, ids, iym, x FROM longy ORDER BY id; -- mass UPDATE WITH upd (id, c, lb, d, ts) AS (UPDATE longy SET c = substr(c, 1, 9) || 'u', lb = lb || bytea('\x00'), lr = lr || bytea('\x00'), d = d + 1, ts = ts + '1 day' WHERE id < 3 RETURNING id + 1, c, lb, d, ts) SELECT * FROM upd ORDER BY id; -- transactions BEGIN; DELETE FROM shorty WHERE id = 2; SAVEPOINT one; -- will cause an error INSERT INTO shorty (id, c) VALUES (1, 'c'); ROLLBACK TO one; INSERT INTO shorty (id, c) VALUES (2, 'c'); ROLLBACK TO one; COMMIT; -- see if the correct data are in the table SELECT id, c FROM typetest1 ORDER BY id; -- try to update the nonexistant column (should cause an error) UPDATE longy SET x = NULL WHERE id = 1; -- check that UPDATES work with "date" in Oracle and "timestamp" in PostgreSQL BEGIN; ALTER FOREIGN TABLE typetest1 ALTER COLUMN d TYPE timestamp(0) without time zone; UPDATE typetest1 SET d = '1968-10-10 12:00:00' WHERE id = 1 RETURNING d; ROLLBACK; -- test if "IN" or "= ANY" expressions are pushed down correctly SELECT id FROM typetest1 WHERE vc = ANY (ARRAY['short', (SELECT 'varlena'::varchar)]) ORDER BY id; EXPLAIN (COSTS off) SELECT id FROM typetest1 WHERE vc = ANY (ARRAY['short', (SELECT 'varlena'::varchar)]) ORDER BY id; -- test modifications that need no foreign scan scan (bug #295) DELETE FROM typetest1 WHERE FALSE; UPDATE shorty SET c = NULL WHERE FALSE RETURNING *; -- test deparsing of ScalarArrayOpExpr where the RHS has different element type than the LHS SELECT id FROM typetest1 WHERE vc = ANY ('{zzzzz}'::name[]); -- test whole-row references with RETURNING (bug #568) INSERT INTO shorty (id, c) VALUES (5, 'return me') RETURNING shorty; UPDATE shorty SET c = 'changed' WHERE id = 5 RETURNING shorty; DELETE FROM shorty WHERE id = 5 RETURNING shorty; -- test generated columns (bug #567) CREATE FOREIGN TABLE gen ( id integer OPTIONS (key 'on') NOT NULL, c character(10) GENERATED ALWAYS AS ('nr ' || id::text) STORED ) SERVER oracle OPTIONS (schema 'SCOTT', table 'TYPETEST1'); INSERT INTO gen (id) VALUES (5); SELECT id, c FROM gen WHERE id = 5; UPDATE gen SET id = 6 WHERE id = 5; SELECT id, c FROM gen WHERE id = 6; DELETE FROM gen WHERE id = 6; DROP FOREIGN TABLE gen; /* * Test "strip_zeros" column option. */ SELECT oracle_execute( 'oracle', 'INSERT INTO typetest1 (id, vc) VALUES (5, ''has'' || chr(0) || ''zeros'')' ); SELECT vc FROM typetest1 WHERE id = 5; -- should fail ALTER FOREIGN TABLE typetest1 ALTER vc OPTIONS (ADD strip_zeros 'yes'); SELECT vc FROM typetest1 WHERE id = 5; -- should work ALTER FOREIGN TABLE typetest1 ALTER vc OPTIONS (DROP strip_zeros); DELETE FROM typetest1 WHERE id = 5; /* * Test EXPLAIN support. */ EXPLAIN (COSTS off) UPDATE typetest1 SET lc = current_timestamp WHERE id < 4 RETURNING id + 1; EXPLAIN (VERBOSE on, COSTS off) SELECT * FROM shorty; -- this should fetch all columns from the foreign table EXPLAIN (COSTS off) SELECT typetest1 FROM typetest1; /* * Test parameters. */ PREPARE stmt(integer, date, timestamp) AS SELECT d FROM typetest1 WHERE id = $1 AND d < $2 AND ts < $3; -- six executions to switch to generic plan EXECUTE stmt(1, '2011-03-09', '2011-03-09 05:00:00'); EXECUTE stmt(1, '2011-03-09', '2011-03-09 05:00:00'); EXECUTE stmt(1, '2011-03-09', '2011-03-09 05:00:00'); EXECUTE stmt(1, '2011-03-09', '2011-03-09 05:00:00'); EXECUTE stmt(1, '2011-03-09', '2011-03-09 05:00:00'); EXPLAIN (COSTS off) EXECUTE stmt(1, '2011-03-09', '2011-03-09 05:00:00'); EXECUTE stmt(1, '2011-03-09', '2011-03-09 05:00:00'); DEALLOCATE stmt; -- test NULL parameters SELECT id FROM typetest1 WHERE vc = (SELECT NULL::text); /* * Test current_timestamp. */ SELECT id FROM typetest1 WHERE d < current_date AND ts < now() AND ts < current_timestamp AND ts < 'now'::timestamp ORDER BY id; /* * Test foreign table based on SELECT statement. */ CREATE FOREIGN TABLE qtest ( id integer OPTIONS (key 'yes') NOT NULL, vc character varying(10), num numeric(7,5) ) SERVER oracle OPTIONS (table '(SELECT id, vc, num FROM typetest1)'); -- INSERT works with simple "view" INSERT INTO qtest (id, vc, num) VALUES (5, 'via query', -12.5); ALTER FOREIGN TABLE qtest OPTIONS (SET table '(SELECT id, SUBSTR(vc, 1, 3), num FROM typetest1)'); -- SELECT and DELETE should also work with derived columns SELECT * FROM qtest ORDER BY id; DELETE FROM qtest WHERE id = 5; /* * Test COPY */ BEGIN; COPY typetest1 FROM STDIN; 666 cöpy variation dynamo ünicode Not very long DEADF00D 9a0cf1eb-02e2-4b1f-bbe0-449fa4a99969 \\x01020304 \\xFFFF \N 0.11111 0.43211 0.01010 2100-01-29 2050-04-01 19:30:00 12 hours 0 years 777 fdjkl r89809rew ^ß[]#~ \N Das also ist des Pudels Kern. 00 fe288446-05f6-4074-9e9e-6ee41af7b377 \\x00 \\x00 FALSE 10 1002 1003 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 0:00:00 0 seconds 1 year \. ROLLBACK; /* * Test foreign table as a partition. */ CREATE TABLE party (LIKE typetest1) PARTITION BY RANGE (id); CREATE TABLE defpart PARTITION OF party DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE party ATTACH PARTITION typetest1 FOR VALUES FROM (1) TO (MAXVALUE); BEGIN; COPY party FROM STDIN; 666 cöpy variation dynamo ünicode Not very long DEADF00D 9a0cf1eb-02e2-4b1f-bbe0-449fa4a99969 \\x01020304 \\xFFFF \N 0.11111 0.43211 0.01010 2100-01-29 2050-04-01 19:30:00 12 hours 0 years 777 fdjkl r89809rew ^ß[]#~ \N Das also ist des Pudels Kern. 00 fe288446-05f6-4074-9e9e-6ee41af7b377 \\x00 \\x00 FALSE 10 1002 1003 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 0:00:00 0 seconds 1 year \. INSERT INTO party (id, lc, lr, lb) VALUES (12, 'very long character', '\x0001020304', '\xFFFEFDFC'); SELECT id, lr, lb, c FROM typetest1 ORDER BY id; ROLLBACK; BEGIN; CREATE TABLE shortpart ( id integer NOT NULL, c character(10) ) PARTITION BY LIST (id); ALTER TABLE shortpart ATTACH PARTITION shorty FOR VALUES IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9); INSERT INTO shortpart (id, c) VALUES (6, 'returnme') RETURNING *; ROLLBACK; /* * Test triggers on foreign tables. */ -- trigger function CREATE FUNCTION shorttrig() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$BEGIN IF TG_OP IN ('UPDATE', 'DELETE') THEN RAISE WARNING 'trigger % % OLD row: id = %, c = %', TG_WHEN, TG_OP, OLD.id, OLD.c; END IF; IF TG_OP IN ('INSERT', 'UPDATE') THEN RAISE WARNING 'trigger % % NEW row: id = %, c = %', TG_WHEN, TG_OP, NEW.id, NEW.c; END IF; NEW.c := 'modified'; RETURN NEW; END;$$; -- test BEFORE trigger CREATE TRIGGER shorttrig BEFORE UPDATE ON shorty FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE shorttrig(); BEGIN; UPDATE shorty SET id = id + 1 WHERE id = 4 RETURNING c; ROLLBACK; -- test AFTER trigger DROP TRIGGER shorttrig ON shorty; CREATE TRIGGER shorttrig AFTER UPDATE ON shorty FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE shorttrig(); BEGIN; UPDATE shorty SET id = id + 1 WHERE id = 4; ROLLBACK; -- test AFTER INSERT trigger with COPY DROP TRIGGER shorttrig ON shorty; CREATE TRIGGER shorttrig AFTER INSERT ON shorty FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE shorttrig(); BEGIN; COPY shorty FROM STDIN; 42 hammer 753 rom 0 \N \. ROLLBACK; /* * Test ORDER BY pushdown. */ -- don't push down string data types EXPLAIN (COSTS off) SELECT id FROM typetest1 ORDER BY id, vc; -- push down complicated expressions EXPLAIN (COSTS off) SELECT id FROM typetest1 ORDER BY length(vc), CASE WHEN vc IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END, ts DESC NULLS FIRST FOR UPDATE; SELECT id FROM typetest1 ORDER BY length(vc), CASE WHEN vc IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END, ts DESC NULLS FIRST FOR UPDATE; /* * Test that incorrect type mapping throws an error. */ -- create table with bad type matches CREATE FOREIGN TABLE badtypes ( id integer OPTIONS (key 'yes') NOT NULL, c xml, nc xml ) SERVER oracle OPTIONS (table 'TYPETEST1'); -- should fail for column "nc", as "c" is not used SELECT id, nc FROM badtypes WHERE id = 1; -- this will fail for inserting a NULL in column "c" INSERT INTO badtypes (id, nc) VALUES (42, XML ''); -- remove foreign table DROP FOREIGN TABLE badtypes; /* * Test subplans (initplans) */ -- testcase for bug #364 SELECT id FROM typetest1 WHERE vc NOT IN (SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('short'), ('other')) AS q) ORDER BY id; /* * Test type coerced array parameters (bug #452) */ PREPARE stmt(varchar[]) AS SELECT id FROM typetest1 WHERE vc = ANY ($1); EXECUTE stmt('{varlena,nonsense}'); EXECUTE stmt('{varlena,nonsense}'); EXECUTE stmt('{varlena,nonsense}'); EXECUTE stmt('{varlena,nonsense}'); EXECUTE stmt('{varlena,nonsense}'); EXECUTE stmt('{varlena,nonsense}'); DEALLOCATE stmt; /* * Test push-down of the LIMIT clause. */ -- the LIMIT clause is pushed down with and without ORDER BY EXPLAIN (COSTS off) SELECT d FROM typetest1 LIMIT 2; SELECT d FROM typetest1 LIMIT 2; EXPLAIN (COSTS off) SELECT d FROM typetest1 ORDER BY d LIMIT 2; SELECT d FROM typetest1 ORDER BY d LIMIT 2; -- the LIMIT clause is not pushed down because the ORDER BY is not EXPLAIN (COSTS off) SELECT d FROM typetest1 ORDER BY lc LIMIT 2; -- with an OFFSET clause, the offset value is added to the limit EXPLAIN (COSTS off) SELECT * FROM qtest LIMIT 1 OFFSET 2; SELECT * FROM qtest LIMIT 1 OFFSET 2; -- no LIMIT push-down if there is a GROUP BY clause EXPLAIN (COSTS off) SELECT d, count(*) FROM typetest1 GROUP BY d LIMIT 2; SELECT d, count(*) FROM typetest1 GROUP BY d LIMIT 2; -- no LIMIT push-down if there is an aggregate function EXPLAIN (COSTS off) SELECT 12 - count(*) FROM typetest1 LIMIT 1; SELECT 12 - count(*) FROM typetest1 LIMIT 1; -- no LIMIT push-down if there is a local WHERE condition EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) SELECT id FROM typetest1 WHERE vc < 'u' LIMIT 1; SELECT id FROM typetest1 WHERE vc < 'u' LIMIT 1; -- no LIMIT pushdown with FOR SHARE/UPDATE EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) SELECT id FROM typetest1 ORDER BY id LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE; /* test ANALYZE */ ANALYZE typetest1; ANALYZE longy; -- bug reported by Jan ANALYZE shorty; /* test if views and SECURITY DEFINER functions use the correct user mapping */ CREATE ROLE duff LOGIN; GRANT SELECT ON typetest1 TO PUBLIC; CREATE VIEW v_typetest1 AS SELECT id FROM typetest1; GRANT SELECT ON v_typetest1 TO PUBLIC; CREATE VIEW v_join AS SELECT id, a.vc, b.c FROM typetest1 AS a JOIN typetest1 AS b USING (id); GRANT SELECT ON v_join TO PUBLIC; CREATE FUNCTION f_typetest1() RETURNS TABLE (id integer) LANGUAGE sql SECURITY DEFINER AS 'SELECT id FROM public.typetest1'; SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION duff; -- this should fail SELECT id FROM typetest1 ORDER BY id; -- these should succeed SELECT id FROM v_typetest1 ORDER BY id; SELECT c FROM v_join WHERE vc = 'short'; SELECT id FROM f_typetest1() ORDER BY id; -- clean up RESET SESSION AUTHORIZATION; DROP ROLE duff; /* test "current_timestamp" and "current_date" pushdown */ EXPLAIN (COSTS off) SELECT id FROM typetest1 WHERE ts = current_timestamp; SELECT id FROM typetest1 WHERE ts = current_timestamp; EXPLAIN (COSTS off) SELECT id FROM typetest1 WHERE d = current_date; SELECT id FROM typetest1 WHERE d = current_date; /* test TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE */ INSERT INTO typetest2 (id, ts1, ts2, ts3) VALUES ( 2, '2020-12-31 00:00:00 UTC', '2020-12-31 00:00:00', '2020-12-31' ); SELECT * FROM typetest2 ORDER BY id; -- we need to re-establish the connection after changing "timezone" SELECT oracle_close_connections(); BEGIN; SET LOCAL timezone = 'Asia/Kolkata'; INSERT INTO typetest2 (id, ts1, ts2, ts3) VALUES ( 3, '2020-12-31 00:00:00 UTC', '2020-12-31 00:00:00', '2020-12-31' ); SELECT * FROM typetest2 ORDER BY id; COMMIT; -- we need to re-establish the connection after changing "timezone" SELECT oracle_close_connections();