SET client_min_messages = WARNING; CREATE SCHEMA import; IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA "SCOTT" LIMIT TO ("typetest1") FROM SERVER oracle INTO import OPTIONS (case 'lower'); \det import.* List of foreign tables Schema | Table | Server --------+-----------+-------- import | typetest1 | oracle (1 row) \d import.typetest1 Foreign table "import.typetest1" Column | Type | Modifiers | FDW Options --------+--------------------------------+-----------+-------------- id | integer | not null | (key 'true') c | character(10) | | nc | character(10) | | vc | character varying(10) | | nvc | character varying(10) | | lc | text | | r | bytea | | u | bytea | | lb | bytea | | lr | bytea | | b | smallint | | num | numeric(7,5) | | fl | real | | db | double precision | | d | timestamp(0) without time zone | | ts | timestamp(6) with time zone | | ids | interval(6) | | iym | interval(0) | | Server: oracle FDW Options: (schema 'SCOTT', "table" 'TYPETEST1')