/* * Define the PostGIS extension and create a foreign table. */ CREATE EXTENSION postgis; -- reconnect so that oracle_fdw recognizes PostGIS \c SET client_min_messages = WARNING; -- Table with a PostGIS geometry CREATE FOREIGN TABLE gis ( id integer OPTIONS (key 'on') NOT NULL, g geometry ) SERVER oracle OPTIONS (table 'GIS'); /* * Empty the table and INSERT some data. */ -- empty table DELETE FROM gis; -- INSERT a couple of rows INSERT INTO gis (id, g) VALUES (1, 'SRID=8307;POINT(16.3803 48.1754)'), (2, 'SRID=0;LINESTRING(1552410.48 6720732.7,1552408.69 6720731.97)'), (3, 'SRID=8307;POINT Z (1.5 2.6 3.7)'), (4, NULL), (5, 'SRID=8307;MULTIPOLYGON(((50 168,50 160,55 160,55 168,50 168),(51 167,54 167,54 161,51 161,51 162,52 163,51 164,51 165,51 166,51 167)),((52 166,52 162,53 162,53 166,52 166)))'), (6, 'SRID=8307;POLYGON((35 10,45 45,15 40,10 20,35 10),(20 30,35 35,30 20,20 30))'), (7, 'SRID=8307;MULTILINESTRING((10 10,20 20,10 40),(40 40,30 30,40 20,30 10))'), (8, 'SRID=8307;MULTIPOLYGON(((40 40,20 45,45 30,40 40)),((20 35,10 30,10 10,30 5,45 20,20 35),(30 20,20 15,20 25,30 20)))'); /* * Test empty geometries. */ UPDATE gis SET g = 'POINT Z EMPTY' WHERE id = 1; UPDATE gis SET g = 'MULTIPOLYGON(((10 10,20 10,20 20,10 20,10 10)),EMPTY)' WHERE id = 8; /* * Test SELECT and UPDATE ... RETURNING. */ -- simple SELECT SELECT id, st_srid(g), st_astext(g) FROM gis ORDER BY id; -- UPDATE with RETURNING clause WITH upd (id, srid, wkt) AS (UPDATE gis SET g=g RETURNING id, st_srid(g), st_astext(g)) SELECT * FROM upd ORDER BY id;