\set ECHO none drop schema IF EXISTS market CASCADE; CREATE SCHEMA market; SET search_path TO market; SET client_min_messages = warning; SET log_error_verbosity = terse; -- drop extension if exists btree_gin cascade; -- create extension btree_gin with version '1.0'; drop extension if exists cube cascade; create extension cube with version '1.0'; drop extension if exists flowf cascade; create extension flowf with version '0.8'; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- main constants of the model -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create table tconst( name text UNIQUE not NULL, value int, PRIMARY KEY (name) ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSERT INTO tconst (name,value) VALUES ('MAXCYCLE',64), --must be less than yflow_get_maxdim() ('MAXPATHFETCHED',1024), ('MAXMVTPERTRANS',128), -- it is the version X.Y.Z of the model, not that of the extension ('VERSION-X',0), ('VERSION-Y',8), ('VERSION-Z',0); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- fetch a constant, and verify consistancy CREATE FUNCTION fgetconst(_name text) RETURNS int AS $$ DECLARE _ret int; BEGIN SELECT value INTO _ret FROM tconst WHERE name=_name; IF(NOT FOUND) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'the const % is not found',_name USING ERRCODE= 'YA002'; END IF; IF(_name = 'MAXCYCLE' AND _ret >yflow_get_maxdim()) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'MAXVALUE must be <=%',yflow_get_maxdim() USING ERRCODE='YA002'; END IF; RETURN _ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL STABLE; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION fsetconst(_name text,_value int) RETURNS text AS $$ DECLARE _ret text; BEGIN IF( (_name='MAXCYCLE' AND _value <= yflow_get_maxdim()) OR (_name='MAXPATHFETCHED' AND _value >= 1 ) ) THEN UPDATE tconst SET value=_value WHERE name=_name; _ret := '% set to %',_name,_value; ELSE _ret := 'these values are not allowed'; END IF; RETURN _ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL SECURITY DEFINER; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fsetconst(text,int) TO role_bo; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION fversion() RETURNS text AS $$ DECLARE _ret text; _x int; _y int; _z int; BEGIN SELECT value INTO _x FROM tconst WHERE name='VERSION-X'; SELECT value INTO _y FROM tconst WHERE name='VERSION-Y'; SELECT value INTO _z FROM tconst WHERE name='VERSION-Z'; RETURN 'openBarter VERSION-' || ((_x)::text) || '.' || ((_y)::text)|| '.' || ((_z)::text); END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL STABLE; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fversion() TO role_co,role_bo; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* definition of roles -- role_co-->role_client---->clientA -- \-->clientB -- role_bo---->role_batch access by clients can be disabled/enabled with a single command: REVOKE role_co FROM role_client GRANT role_co TO role_client same thing for role batch with role_bo: REVOKE role_bo FROM role_batch GRANT role_bo TO role_batch */ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION _create_roles() RETURNS int AS $$ DECLARE _rol text; BEGIN -- role_co-->role_client---->clientA -- \-->clientB BEGIN CREATE ROLE role_co; EXCEPTION WHEN duplicate_object THEN NULL; END; ALTER ROLE role_co NOINHERIT NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB NOCREATEROLE NOREPLICATION; BEGIN CREATE ROLE role_client; EXCEPTION WHEN duplicate_object THEN NULL; END; ALTER ROLE role_client INHERIT LOGIN; GRANT role_co TO role_client; -- a single connection is allowed for role_batch -- role_bo---->role_batch BEGIN CREATE ROLE role_bo; EXCEPTION WHEN duplicate_object THEN NULL; END; ALTER ROLE role_bo NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB CREATEROLE NOREPLICATION INHERIT; ALTER ROLE role_bo LOGIN CONNECTION LIMIT 1; BEGIN CREATE ROLE role_batch; EXCEPTION WHEN duplicate_object THEN NULL; END; GRANT role_bo TO role_batch; RETURN 0; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; SELECT _create_roles(); DROP FUNCTION _create_roles(); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- grant usage on schema market to role_bo; grant usage on schema market to role_co; /* access to the market can be desabled/enabled with the commands REVOKE role_co FROM role_client; REVOKE role_bo FROM role_batch; GRANT role_co TO role_client; GRANT role_bo TO role_batch; */ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION fifo_init(_name text) RETURNS void AS $$ BEGIN EXECUTE 'CREATE INDEX ' || _name || '_id_idx ON ' || _name || '((id) ASC)'; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- trigger before insert on some tables -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION ftime_updated() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN IF (TG_OP = 'INSERT') THEN NEW.created := statement_timestamp(); ELSE NEW.updated := statement_timestamp(); END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; comment on FUNCTION ftime_updated() is 'trigger updating fields created and updated'; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- add ftime_updated trigger to the table -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION _reference_time(_table text) RETURNS int AS $$ DECLARE _res int; _tablem text; _tl text; _tr text; BEGIN _tablem := _table; LOOP _res := position('.' in _tablem); EXIT WHEN _res=0; _tl := substring(_tablem for _res-1); _tr := substring(_tablem from _res+1); _tablem := _tl || '_' || _tr; END LOOP; EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ' || _table || ' ADD created timestamp'; EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ' || _table || ' ADD updated timestamp'; EXECUTE 'CREATE TRIGGER trig_befa_' || _tablem || ' BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON ' || _table || ' FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE market.ftime_updated()' ; RETURN 0; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION _grant_read(_table text) RETURNS void AS $$ BEGIN EXECUTE 'GRANT SELECT ON ' || _table || ' TO role_co,role_bo'; RETURN; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; SELECT _grant_read('tconst'); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create domain dquantity AS int8 check( VALUE>0); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TOWNER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create table towner ( id serial UNIQUE not NULL, name text UNIQUE not NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE(name), CHECK( char_length(name)>0 ) ); comment on table towner is 'owners of values exchanged'; alter sequence towner_id_seq owned by towner.id; create index towner_name_idx on towner(name); SELECT _reference_time('towner'); SELECT _grant_read('towner'); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ORDER BOOK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create domain dtypeorder AS int check(VALUE >0 AND VALUE < 256); -- type&3 1 order limit,2 order best -- type&12 bit set for c calculations -- 4 no qttlimit -- 8 ignoreomega -- type&64 prequote -- type&128 quote create table torder ( usr text, ord yorder, --defined by the extension flowf created timestamp not NULL, updated timestamp, duration interval ); comment on table torder is 'Order book'; comment on column torder.usr is 'user that inserted the order '; comment on column torder.ord is 'the order'; comment on column torder.created is 'time when the order was put on the stack'; comment on column torder.updated is 'time when the (quantity) of the order was updated by the order book'; comment on column torder.duration is 'the life time of the order'; SELECT _grant_read('torder'); create index torder_qua_prov_idx on torder(((ord).qua_prov)); -- using gin(((ord).qua_prov) text_ops); create index torder_id_idx on torder(((ord).id)); create index torder_oid_idx on torder(((ord).oid)); -- id,type,own,oid,qtt_requ,qua_requ,qtt_prov,qua_prov,qtt create view vorder as select (o.ord).id as id,(o.ord).type as type,w.name as own,(o.ord).oid as oid, (o.ord).qtt_requ as qtt_requ,(o.ord).qua_requ as qua_requ, (o.ord).qtt_prov as qtt_prov,(o.ord).qua_prov as qua_prov, (o.ord).qtt as qtt, o.created as created, o.updated as updated from torder o left join towner w on ((o.ord).own=w.id) where o.usr=session_user; SELECT _grant_read('vorder'); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION fgetowner(_name text) RETURNS int AS $$ DECLARE _wid int; BEGIN LOOP SELECT id INTO _wid FROM towner WHERE name=_name; IF found THEN return _wid; END IF; BEGIN if(char_length(_name)<1) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'The name of an owner cannot be empty' USING ERRCODE='YU001'; END IF; INSERT INTO towner (name) VALUES (_name) RETURNING id INTO _wid; -- RAISE NOTICE 'owner % created',_name; return _wid; EXCEPTION WHEN unique_violation THEN -- END; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TMVT -- id,nbc,nbt,grp,xid,usr,xoid,own_src,own_dst,qtt,nat,ack,exhausted,order_created,created -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create table tmvt ( id serial UNIQUE not NULL, type int default NULL, json text default NULL, nbc int default NULL, nbt int default NULL, grp int default NULL, xid int default NULL, usr text default NULL, xoid int default NULL, own_src text default NULL, own_dst text default NULL, qtt int8 default NULL, nat text default NULL, ack boolean default false, exhausted boolean default NULL, refused int default NULL, order_created timestamp default NULL, created timestamp default NULL, om_exp double precision default NULL, om_rea double precision default NULL, CONSTRAINT ctmvt_grp FOREIGN KEY (grp) references tmvt(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ); SELECT _grant_read('tmvt'); comment on table tmvt is 'Records ownership changes'; comment on column tmvt.json is 'record message errors or quote output'; comment on column tmvt.nbc is 'number of movements of the exchange cycle'; comment on column tmvt.nbt is 'number of movements of the transaction containing several exchange cycles'; comment on column tmvt.grp is 'references the first movement of the exchange'; comment on column tmvt.xid is 'references the order.id'; comment on column tmvt.xoid is 'references the order.oid'; comment on column tmvt.own_src is 'owner provider'; comment on column tmvt.own_dst is 'owner receiver'; comment on column tmvt.qtt is 'quantity of the value moved'; comment on column tmvt.nat is 'quality of the value moved'; comment on column tmvt.ack is 'set when movement has been acknowledged'; comment on column tmvt.exhausted is 'set when the movement exhausted the order providing the value'; comment on column tmvt.refused is 'set with the field json when the movement recors an error'; comment on column tmvt.om_exp is 'ω expected by the order'; comment on column tmvt.om_rea is 'real ω of movement'; CREATE VIEW vmvt AS select id,nbc,grp,own_src,own_dst,qtt,nat from tmvt; SELECT _grant_read('vmvt'); alter sequence tmvt_id_seq owned by tmvt.id; create index tmvt_grp_idx on tmvt(grp); create index tmvt_nat_idx on tmvt(nat); create index tmvt_own_src_idx on tmvt(own_src); create index tmvt_own_dst_idx on tmvt(own_dst); SELECT fifo_init('tmvt'); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- STACK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create table tstack ( id serial UNIQUE not NULL, usr text NOT NULL, own text NOT NULL, oid int, -- can be NULL type int NOT NULL, qua_requ text, qtt_requ int8, qua_prov text, qtt_prov int8, qtt int8 , duration interval, created timestamp not NULL, CHECK ( ( ( (type&(~15) = 0) AND (char_length(qua_requ)>0) AND (char_length(qua_prov)>0) AND (qtt_requ>0) AND (qtt_prov>0) AND (qtt>0) --barter ) OR ( (type&(~15) = 64) AND (char_length(qua_requ)>0) AND (char_length(qua_prov)>0) --prequote ) OR ( (type&(~15) = 128) AND (char_length(qua_requ)>0) AND (char_length(qua_prov)>0) --quote ) OR ( (type = 32) AND (oid>0) --rmbarter ) ) AND ( (qtt IS NULL) OR (qtt >=0) ) AND ( (qtt_prov IS NULL) OR (qtt_prov >0) ) AND ( (qtt_requ IS NULL) OR (qtt_requ >0) ) AND char_length(usr)>0 AND char_length(own)>0 ), PRIMARY KEY (id) ); comment on table tstack is 'Records the stack of orders'; comment on column tstack.id is 'id of this order'; comment on column tstack.oid is 'id of a parent order'; comment on column tstack.own is 'owner of this order'; comment on column tstack.type is 'type of order'; comment on column tstack.qua_requ is 'quality required'; comment on column tstack.qtt_requ is 'quantity required'; comment on column tstack.qua_prov is 'quality provided'; comment on column tstack.qtt_prov is 'quantity provided'; alter sequence tstack_id_seq owned by tstack.id; SELECT _grant_read('tstack'); SELECT fifo_init('tstack'); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TYPE yressubmit AS ( id int, diag int ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- barter submission /* returns (id,0) or (0,diag) with diag: -1 _qua_prov = _qua_requ -2 _qtt_prov <=0 or _qtt_requ <=0 */ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION fsubmitbarter(_type dtypeorder,_own text,_oid int,_qua_requ text,_qtt_requ int8,_qua_prov text,_qtt_prov int8,_qtt int8,_interval interval) RETURNS yressubmit AS $$ DECLARE _r yressubmit%rowtype; BEGIN _r.diag := 0; _r.id := 0; IF(NOT (0 < _type AND _type <4)) THEN _r.diag := -3; RETURN _r; END IF; IF( _oid IS NULL) THEN IF(NOT( (_qtt_requ>0) AND (_qtt_prov>0) AND ((yflow_checktxt(_qua_prov)&4)=4) AND ((yflow_checktxt(_qua_requ)&4)=4) AND (_qtt>0) )) THEN _r.diag := -2; RETURN _r; END IF; IF(yflow_match_quality(_qua_prov,_qua_requ)) THEN _r.diag := -1; RETURN _r; END IF; ELSE IF(NOT( ((yflow_checktxt(_qua_requ)&4)=4) AND (_qtt_requ>0) AND (_qua_prov IS NULL) AND (_qtt_prov>0) AND (_qtt IS NULL) AND (_interval IS NULL))) THEN _r.diag := -4; RETURN _r; END IF; END IF; IF NOT((yflow_checktxt(_own)&1)=1) THEN _r.diag := -5; RETURN _r; END IF; _r.id := fsubmitorder(_type,_own,_oid,_qua_requ,_qtt_requ,_qua_prov,_qtt_prov,_qtt,_interval); RETURN _r; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL SECURITY DEFINER; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fsubmitbarter(dtypeorder,text,int,text,int8,text,int8,int8,interval) TO role_co; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- same as previous with _qtt_prov == _qtt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION fsubmitbarter(_type dtypeorder,_own text,_oid int,_qua_requ text,_qtt_requ int8,_qua_prov text,_qtt_prov int8,_interval interval) RETURNS yressubmit AS $$ DECLARE _r yressubmit%rowtype; _qtt int8; BEGIN IF(_oid is NULL) THEN _qtt := _qtt_prov; ELSE _qtt := NULL; END IF; _r := fsubmitbarter(_type,_own,_oid,_qua_requ,_qtt_requ,_qua_prov,_qtt_prov,_qtt,_interval); RETURN _r; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL SECURITY DEFINER; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fsubmitbarter(dtypeorder,text,int,text,int8,text,int8,interval) TO role_co; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- submits a barter delete -- type=32, oid is the barter to delete -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION frmbarter(_own text,_oid int) RETURNS yressubmit AS $$ DECLARE _r yressubmit%rowtype; BEGIN _r.id := 0; _r.diag := 0; IF NOT(((yflow_checktxt(_own)&1)=1) AND (_oid>0)) THEN _r.diag := -1; RETURN _r; END IF; _r.id := fsubmitorder(32,_own,_oid,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); RETURN _r; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL SECURITY DEFINER; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION frmbarter(text,int) TO role_co; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- put the order on the stack common to all orders (barter,quote or rmbarter) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION fsubmitorder(_type dtypeorder,_own text,_oid int,_qua_requ text,_qtt_requ int8,_qua_prov text,_qtt_prov int8,_qtt int8,_duration interval) RETURNS int AS $$ DECLARE _tid int; BEGIN INSERT INTO tstack(usr,own,oid,type,qua_requ,qtt_requ,qua_prov,qtt_prov,qtt,duration,created) VALUES (session_user,_own,_oid,_type,_qua_requ,_qtt_requ,_qua_prov,_qtt_prov,_qtt,_duration,statement_timestamp()) RETURNING id into _tid; RETURN _tid; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* function fcreate_tmp It is the central query of openbarter for an order O creates a temporary table _tmp of objects. Each object represents a chain of orders - a flows - going to O. The table has columns debut the first order of the path path the path fin the end of the path (O) depth the exploration depth cycle a boolean true when the path contains the new order The number of paths fetched is limited to MAXPATHFETCHED Among those objects representing chains of orders, only those making a potential exchange (draft) are recorded. */ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* CREATE VIEW vorderinsert AS SELECT id,yorder_get(id,own,nr,qtt_requ,np,qtt_prov,qtt) as ord,np,nr FROM torder ORDER BY ((qtt_prov::double precision)/(qtt_requ::double precision)) DESC; */ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION fcreate_tmp(_ord yorder) RETURNS int AS $$ DECLARE _MAXPATHFETCHED int := fgetconst('MAXPATHFETCHED'); _MAXCYCLE int := fgetconst('MAXCYCLE'); _cnt int; BEGIN /* the statement LIMIT would not avoid deep exploration if the condition was specified on Z in the search_backward WHERE condition */ CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _tmp ON COMMIT DROP AS ( SELECT yflow_finish(Z.debut,Z.path,Z.fin) as cycle FROM ( WITH RECURSIVE search_backward(debut,path,fin,depth,cycle) AS( SELECT _ord,yflow_init(_ord), _ord,1,false -- FROM torder WHERE (ord).id= _ordid UNION ALL SELECT X.ord,yflow_grow(X.ord,Y.debut,Y.path), Y.fin,Y.depth+1,yflow_contains_oid((X.ord).oid,Y.path) FROM torder X,search_backward Y WHERE (X.ord).qua_prov=(Y.debut).qua_requ AND ((X.duration IS NULL) OR ((X.created + X.duration) > clock_timestamp())) AND yflow_match(X.ord,Y.debut) AND Y.depth < _MAXCYCLE AND NOT cycle AND NOT yflow_contains_oid((X.ord).oid,Y.path) ) SELECT debut,path,fin from search_backward LIMIT _MAXPATHFETCHED ) Z WHERE (Z.fin).qua_prov=(Z.debut).qua_requ AND yflow_match(Z.fin,Z.debut) -- it is a cycle AND yflow_is_draft(yflow_finish(Z.debut,Z.path,Z.fin)) -- and a draft ); RETURN 0; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- order unstacked and inserted into torder /* if the referenced oid is found, the order is inserted, and the process is loached else a movement is created */ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TYPE yresexec AS ( first_mvt int, -- id of the first mvt nbc int, -- number of mvts mvts int[] -- list of id des mvts ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TYPE yresorder AS ( ord yorder, ordp yorder, qtt_requ int8, qtt_prov int8, qtt int8, qtt_reci int8, qtt_give int8, err int, json text, own text, type int, stackid int -- the id of the order ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION fgetyresorder() RETURNS yresorder AS $$ DECLARE _ro yresorder%rowtype; BEGIN _ro.ord := NULL; _ro.ordp := NULL; _ro.qtt_requ := 0; _ro.qtt_prov := 0; _ro.qtt := 0; _ro.qtt_reci := 0; _ro.qtt_give := 0; _ro.err := 0; _ro.json := NULL; _ro.own := NULL; _ro.type := NULL; _ro.stackid := NULL; RETURN _ro; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION fcheckorder(_t tstack) RETURNS yresorder AS $$ DECLARE _ro yresorder%rowtype; _op yorder; -- parent_order _mid int; _wid int; _otype int; BEGIN _wid := fgetowner(_t.own); _ro := fgetyresorder(); _ro.own := _t.own; _ro.type := _t.type; _ro.stackid := _t.id; _otype = _t.type & (~3); IF (_otype = 0) THEN -- barter IF((_ro.err = 0) AND (_t.oid IS NOT NULL)) THEN -- get the parent order SELECT (ord).type,(ord).id,(ord).own,(ord).oid,(ord).qtt_requ,(ord).qua_requ,(ord).qtt_prov,(ord).qua_prov,(ord).qtt INTO _op.type,_op.id,_op.own,_op.oid,_op.qtt_requ,_op.qua_requ,_op.qtt_prov,_op.qua_prov,_op.qtt FROM torder WHERE (ord).id= _t.oid; IF (NOT FOUND) THEN -- the parent order was not found in the book _ro.json:= '{"error":"barter order - the parent order must exist"}'; _ro.err := -1; END IF; IF (_op.own != _wid) THEN _ro.json:= '{"error":"barter order - the parent must have the same owner"}'; _ro.err := -2; END IF; IF (_op.oid != _op.id) THEN _ro.json:= '{"error":"barter order - a parent cannot have parent"}'; _ro.err := -3; END IF; END IF; IF((_ro.err = 0) AND (_t.duration IS NOT NULL)) THEN IF((_t.created + _t.duration) < clock_timestamp()) THEN _ro.json:= '{"error":"barter order - the order is too old"}'; _ro.err := -4; END IF; END IF; IF (_t.oid IS NULL) THEN _t.oid := _t.id; ELSE _t.qtt := _op.qtt; _t.qua_prov := _op.qua_prov; _ro.ordp := _op; END IF; ELSIF(_t.type = 32 ) THEN -- remove barter _ro.ord := ROW(_t.type,_t.id,_wid,_t.oid,_t.qtt_requ,_t.qua_requ,_t.qtt_prov,_t.qua_prov,_t.qtt)::yorder; RETURN _ro; ELSEIF ((_otype & (128|64)) != 0) THEN -- quote or prequote _t.oid := _t.id; IF(_t.qtt_requ IS NULL) THEN _t.qtt_requ := 1; END IF; IF(_t.qtt_prov IS NULL) THEN _t.qtt_prov := 1; END IF; IF(_t.qtt IS NULL) THEN _t.qtt := 0; END IF; ELSE --illegal command _ro.err := -5; _ro.json:= '{"error":"illegal order"}'; END IF; _ro.ord := ROW(_t.type,_t.id,_wid,_t.oid,_t.qtt_requ,_t.qua_requ,_t.qtt_prov,_t.qua_prov,_t.qtt)::yorder; IF (_ro.err != 0) THEN -- order rejected INSERT INTO tmvt ( type,json,xid,usr,xoid,refused,order_created,created) VALUES ( _t.type,_ro.json,_t.id,_t.usr,_t.oid,_ro.err,_t.created,statement_timestamp()) RETURNING id INTO _mid; END IF; RETURN _ro; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* unstack an order and execute it */ CREATE FUNCTION fproducemvt() RETURNS yresorder AS $$ DECLARE _t tstack%rowtype; _ro yresorder%rowtype; _fmvtids int[]; _first_mvt int; _err int; --_flows json[]:= ARRAY[]::json[]; _cyclemax yflow; _cycle yflow; _res int8[]; _tid int; _resx yresexec%rowtype; _time_begin timestamp; _cnt int; _qua_prov text; _qtt_prov int8; _MAXMVTPERTRANS int := fgetconst('MAXMVTPERTRANS'); _nbmvts int; _otype int; BEGIN lock table torder in share update exclusive mode; _ro := fgetyresorder(); SELECT id INTO _tid FROM tstack ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1; IF(NOT FOUND) THEN _ro.type = 0; RETURN _ro; -- the stack is empty END IF; DELETE FROM tstack WHERE id=_tid RETURNING * INTO STRICT _t; _ro := fcheckorder(_t); -- sets _ro.type,own,stackid IF(_ro.err != 0) THEN RETURN _ro; END IF; _otype = _t.type & (~3); IF((_otype & (128|64)) != 0) THEN -- quote or prequote _ro := fproducequote(_ro,_t,true); --_ro.type = _t.type; --_ro.own = _t.own; --_ro.stackid = _t.id; RETURN _ro; ELSIF(_t.type = 32) THEN -- remove barter _ro := fremovebarter(_ro,_t); --_ro.type = _t.type; --_ro.own = _t.own; --_ro.stackid = _t.id; RETURN _ro; END IF; -- the order is a barter INSERT INTO torder(usr,ord,created,updated,duration) VALUES (_t.usr,_ro.ord,_t.created,NULL,_t.duration); _fmvtids := ARRAY[]::int[]; _time_begin := clock_timestamp(); _cnt := fcreate_tmp(_ro.ord); _nbmvts := 0; LOOP SELECT yflow_max(cycle) INTO _cyclemax FROM _tmp WHERE yflow_is_draft(cycle); IF(NOT yflow_is_draft(_cyclemax)) THEN EXIT; -- from LOOP END IF; _nbmvts := _nbmvts + yflow_dim(_cyclemax); IF(_nbmvts > _MAXMVTPERTRANS) THEN EXIT; END IF; _resx := fexecute_flow(_cyclemax); _fmvtids := _fmvtids || _resx.mvts; _res := yflow_qtts(_cyclemax); _ro.qtt_reci := _ro.qtt_reci + _res[1]; _ro.qtt_give := _ro.qtt_give + _res[2]; UPDATE _tmp SET cycle = yflow_reduce(cycle,_cyclemax,false); DELETE FROM _tmp WHERE NOT yflow_is_draft(cycle); END LOOP; IF ( (_ro.qtt_requ != 0) AND ((_t.type & 3) = 1) -- ORDER_LIMIT AND ((_ro.qtt_give::double precision) /(_ro.qtt_reci::double precision)) > (((_ro.ord).qtt_prov::double precision) /((_ro.ord).qtt_requ::double precision)) ) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'pb: Omega of the flows obtained is not limited by the order limit' USING ERRCODE='YA003'; END IF; _ro.qtt_prov := (_ro.ord).qtt_prov; _ro.qtt_requ := (_ro.ord).qtt_requ; _ro.qtt := (_ro.ord).qtt; -- set the number of movements in this transaction UPDATE tmvt SET nbt= array_length(_fmvtids,1) WHERE id = ANY (_fmvtids); RETURN _ro; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL SECURITY DEFINER; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fproducemvt() TO role_bo; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION femptystack() RETURNS int AS $$ DECLARE _t tstack%rowtype; _res yresorder%rowtype; _cnt int := 0; BEGIN LOOP SELECT * INTO _t FROM tstack ORDER BY created ASC LIMIT 1; EXIT WHEN NOT FOUND; _cnt := _cnt +1; _res := fproducemvt(); DROP TABLE _tmp; /* IF((_cnt % 100) =0) THEN CHECKPOINT; END IF; */ END LOOP; RETURN _cnt; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION femptystack() TO role_co; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* fexecute_flow used for a barter from a flow representing a draft, for each order: inserts a new movement updates the order book */ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION fexecute_flow(_flw yflow) RETURNS yresexec AS $$ DECLARE _i int; _next_i int; _prev_i int; _nbcommit int; _first_mvt int; _exhausted boolean; _mvtexhausted boolean; _cntExhausted int; _mvt_id int; _cnt int; _resx yresexec%rowtype; _qtt int8; _flowr int8; _qttmin int8; _qttmax int8; _o yorder; _usr text; _own text; _ownnext text; _idownnext int; _or torder%rowtype; _mat int8[][]; _om_exp double precision; _om_rea double precision; BEGIN _nbcommit := yflow_dim(_flw); -- sanity check IF( _nbcommit <2 ) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'the flow should be draft:_nbcommit = %',_nbcommit USING ERRCODE='YA003'; END IF; -- RAISE NOTICE 'flow of % commits',_nbcommit; --lock table torder in share row exclusive mode; lock table torder in share update exclusive mode; _first_mvt := NULL; _exhausted := false; _resx.nbc := _nbcommit; _resx.mvts := ARRAY[]::int[]; _mat := yflow_to_matrix(_flw); _i := _nbcommit; _prev_i := _i - 1; FOR _next_i IN 1 .. _nbcommit LOOP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ _o.id := _mat[_i][1]; _o.own := _mat[_i][2]; _o.oid := _mat[_i][3]; _o.qtt := _mat[_i][6]; _flowr := _mat[_i][7]; _idownnext := _mat[_next_i][2]; -- sanity check SELECT count(*),min((ord).qtt),max((ord).qtt) INTO _cnt,_qttmin,_qttmax FROM torder WHERE (ord).oid = _o.oid; IF(_cnt = 0) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'the stock % expected does not exist',_o.oid USING ERRCODE='YU002'; END IF; IF( _qttmin != _qttmax ) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'the value of stock % is not the same value for all orders',_o.oid USING ERRCODE='YU002'; END IF; _cntExhausted := 0; _mvtexhausted := false; IF( _qttmin < _flowr ) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'the stock % is smaller than the flow (% < %)',_o.oid,_qttmin,_flowr USING ERRCODE='YU002'; ELSIF (_qttmin = _flowr) THEN _cntExhausted := _cnt; _exhausted := true; _mvtexhausted := true; END IF; -- update all stocks of the order book UPDATE torder SET ord.qtt = (ord).qtt - _flowr ,updated = statement_timestamp() WHERE (ord).oid = _o.oid; GET DIAGNOSTICS _cnt = ROW_COUNT; IF(_cnt = 0) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'no orders with the stock % exist',_o.oid USING ERRCODE='YU002'; END IF; SELECT * INTO _or FROM torder WHERE (ord).id = _o.id LIMIT 1; _om_exp := (((_or.ord).qtt_prov)::double precision) / (((_or.ord).qtt_requ)::double precision); _om_rea := ((_flowr)::double precision) / ((_mat[_prev_i][7])::double precision); SELECT name INTO STRICT _ownnext FROM towner WHERE id=_idownnext; SELECT name INTO STRICT _own FROM towner WHERE id=_o.own; INSERT INTO tmvt (type,nbc,nbt,grp, xid,usr,xoid,own_src,own_dst,qtt,nat, exhausted,refused,order_created,created,om_exp,om_rea) VALUES((_or.ord).type,_nbcommit,1,_first_mvt, _o.id,_or.usr,_o.oid,_own,_ownnext,_flowr,(_or.ord).qua_prov, _mvtexhausted,0,_or.created,statement_timestamp(),_om_exp,_om_rea) RETURNING id INTO _mvt_id; IF(_first_mvt IS NULL) THEN _first_mvt := _mvt_id; _resx.first_mvt := _mvt_id; UPDATE tmvt SET grp = _first_mvt WHERE id = _first_mvt; END IF; _resx.mvts := array_append(_resx.mvts,_mvt_id); IF( _cntExhausted > 0) THEN DELETE FROM torder WHERE (ord).oid=_o.oid AND (ord).qtt = 0 ; GET DIAGNOSTICS _cnt = ROW_COUNT; IF(_cnt != _cntExhausted) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'the stock % is not exhasted',_o.oid USING ERRCODE='YU002'; END IF; END IF; _prev_i := _i; _i := _next_i; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ END LOOP; IF( NOT _exhausted ) THEN -- some order should be exhausted RAISE EXCEPTION 'the cycle should exhaust some order' USING ERRCODE='YA003'; END IF; RETURN _resx; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION fackmvt() RETURNS int AS $$ DECLARE _cnt int; _m tmvt%rowtype; BEGIN SELECT * INTO _m FROM tmvt WHERE usr=session_user AND ack=false ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1; IF(NOT FOUND) THEN RETURN 0; END IF; UPDATE tmvt SET ack=true WHERE id=_m.id; SELECT count(*) INTO STRICT _cnt FROM tmvt WHERE grp=_m.grp AND ack=false; IF(_cnt = 0) THEN DELETE FROM tmvt where grp=_m.grp; END IF; RETURN 1; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL SECURITY DEFINER; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fackmvt() TO role_co; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION fackmvtid(_id int) RETURNS int AS $$ DECLARE _cnt int; _m tmvt%rowtype; BEGIN SELECT * INTO _m FROM tmvt WHERE usr=session_user AND ack=false AND id=_id; IF(NOT FOUND) THEN RETURN 0; END IF; UPDATE tmvt SET ack=true WHERE id=_m.id; SELECT count(*) INTO STRICT _cnt FROM tmvt WHERE grp=_m.grp AND ack=false; IF(_cnt = 0) THEN DELETE FROM tmvt where grp=_m.grp; END IF; RETURN 1; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL SECURITY DEFINER; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fackmvtid(int) TO role_co; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- the function cleans parent an child barter but reports only parent barter, -- the duration of childs is that of parents. CREATE FUNCTION fcleanoutdatedorder() RETURNS int AS $$ DECLARE _cnt int := 0; _o torder%rowtype; _yo yorder%rowtype; _mid int; _json text; BEGIN -- foreach parent order FOR _o IN SELECT * FROM torder WHERE (_o.created + _o.duration) <= clock_timestamp() AND (_o.ord).oid = (_o.ord).id LOOP -- delete parents and childs _yo := _o.ord; DELETE FROM torder o WHERE (o.ord).oid = _yo.id; GET DIAGNOSTICS _mid = ROW_COUNT; IF(_mid != 0) THEN _cnt := _cnt + _mid; _json:= '{"info":"the parent order is too old - it is removed "}'; INSERT INTO tmvt ( json,xid, usr,xoid, refused,order_created,created ) VALUES ( _json,_yo.id,_o.usr,_yo.oid, 4,_o.created,statement_timestamp() ) RETURNING id INTO _mid; -- UPDATE tmvt SET grp = _mid WHERE id = _mid; END IF; END LOOP; RETURN _cnt; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL SECURITY DEFINER; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fcleanoutdatedorder() TO role_bo; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- the function cleans the town table for owners not present in the order book. -- owners of tstack and tmvt are not stored using id representation but with their name CREATE FUNCTION fcleanowners() RETURNS int AS $$ DECLARE _cnt int := 0; _wid int; _yo yorder%rowtype; _cn int; _json text; BEGIN FOR _wid IN SELECT id FROM towner LOOP SELECT count(*) INTO STRICT _cn FROM torder o WHERE (o.ord).wid = _wid; IF (_cn = 0) THEN DELETE FROM towner w WHERE w.id = _wid; _cnt := _cnt +1; END IF; END LOOP; RETURN _cnt; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL SECURITY DEFINER; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fcleanowners() TO role_bo; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- barter delete -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION fremovebarter(_ro yresorder,_t tstack) RETURNS yresorder AS $$ DECLARE _op yorder; _cnt int; _wid int; _mid int; _done boolean; BEGIN _done := false; _wid := fgetowner(_t.own); SELECT (ord).type,(ord).id,(ord).own,(ord).oid,(ord).qtt_requ,(ord).qua_requ,(ord).qtt_prov,(ord).qua_prov,(ord).qtt INTO _op.type,_op.id,_op.own,_op.oid,_op.qtt_requ,_op.qua_requ,_op.qtt_prov,_op.qua_prov,_op.qtt FROM torder WHERE (ord).id= _t.oid AND (ord).own= _wid ; IF (FOUND) THEN -- _t.qua_prov := _op.qua_prov; IF(_op.id = _op.oid) THEN -- it is a parent order -- delete parents and childs DELETE FROM torder o WHERE (o.ord).oid = _op.id; GET DIAGNOSTICS _cnt = ROW_COUNT; IF(_cnt != 0) THEN _done := true; _ro.ord := _op; _ro.ordp := _op; END IF; -- ELSE do nothing when it is a child END IF; -- ELSE do nothing on error END IF; IF (_done) THEN _ro.json:= '{"info":"removeorder - the barter order is removed "}'; _ro.err := 5; ELSE _ro.json:= '{"error":"removeorder - the barter order to be deleted does not exist for this owner or is a child order"}'; _ro.err := -7; _op.qtt := 0; _op.qua_prov := ''; END IF; INSERT INTO tmvt ( type,json,xid, usr, refused,order_created,created ) VALUES ( _t.type,_ro.json,_t.id,_t.usr, _ro.err,_t.created,statement_timestamp() ) RETURNING id INTO _mid; -- UPDATE tmvt SET grp = _mid WHERE id = _mid; RETURN _ro; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; \i sql/quote.sql \i sql/stat.sql