/*drop schema IF EXISTS test CASCADE; CREATE SCHEMA test; SET search_path TO test; create extension flowf; -- with version '1.0'; RESET client_min_messages; RESET log_error_verbosity; SET client_min_messages = notice; SET log_error_verbosity = terse; */ -- yflow ''[(type,id,oid,own,qtt_requ,qtt_prov,qtt,proba), ...]'' -- (type,id,oid,own,qtt_requ,qtt_prov,qtt,proba) select yflow_show('[(2, 8928, 8928, 72, 49263, 87732, 87732, 1.000000),(1, 515, 515, 69, 53751, 67432, 67432, 1.000000),(141, 10001, 10001, 72, 1, 1, 1, 1.000000)]'::yflow); yflow_show ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YFLOW [(2, 8928, 8928, 72, 49263, 87732, 87732, 1.000000 :53751),(1, 515, 515, 69, 53751, 67432, 67432, 1.000000 :67432),(141, 10001, 10001, 72, 67432, 30183, 30183, 1.000000 :30183)]+ (1 row) select yflow_show('[(2, 8928, 8928, 72, 49263, 87732, 87732, 1.000000),(1, 515, 515, 69, 53751, 67432, 67432, 1.000000),(1, 10001, 10001, 72, 67432, 30183,30183, 1.000000)]'::yflow); yflow_show --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YFLOW [(2, 8928, 8928, 72, 49263, 87732, 87732, 1.000000 :53752),(1, 515, 515, 69, 53751, 67432, 67432, 1.000000 :67432),(1, 10001, 10001, 72, 67432, 30183, 30183, 1.000000 :30183)]+ (1 row)