#!/bin/bash # $ cd openBarter # $ doc/release-script 0.3.1 0.3.2 > ~/.bash/do-release_0.3.2 # $ chmod 777 ~/.bash/do-release_0.3.2 # $ do-release_0.3.2 # connect to https://manager.pgxn.org/upload # upload the file ../openbarter-0.3.2.tar.gz last="$1" new="$2" echo "sed 's,MODULE_VERSION,$new,g' META.json.in > META.json" echo "git commit -a -m 'preparation for v$new' " echo "git tag -s v$new -m 'release v$new'" echo "git archive --format=tar --prefix=openbarter-$new/ v$new | gzip -9 > ../openbarter-$new.tar.gz" echo "# git archive --format zip --prefix=openbarter-$new/ v$new --output ../openbarter-$new.zip" echo "cp doc/doc-ob.pdf ../openbarter-doc-$new.pdf" echo "git log --no-merges v$new ^v$last > ../ChangeLog-$new" echo "git shortlog --no-merges v$new ^v$last > ../ShortLog-$new" echo "git diff --stat --summary -M v$last v$new > ../diffstat-$new" echo "git push --tags"