CREATE EXTENSION multicorn; CREATE SERVER multicorn_neo4j FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER multicorn OPTIONS ( wrapper 'neo4jPg.neo4jfdw.Neo4jForeignDataWrapper', url 'neo4j://neo4j:7687', user 'neo4j', password 'admin' ); CREATE FOREIGN TABLE movie ( id bigint NOT NULL, title varchar NOT NULL, released smallint, tagline varchar ) SERVER multicorn_neo4j OPTIONS ( database 'testdb', cypher 'MATCH (n:Movie) RETURN id(n) AS id, n.title AS title, n.released AS released, n.tagline AS tagline' ); CREATE FOREIGN TABLE person ( id bigint NOT NULL, name varchar NOT NULL, born smallint ) SERVER multicorn_neo4j OPTIONS ( cypher 'MATCH (n:Person) RETURN id(n) AS id, AS name, n.born AS born' ); CREATE FOREIGN TABLE actedIn ( id bigint NOT NULL, movie_id bigint NOT NULL, person_id bigint NOT NULL ) SERVER multicorn_neo4j OPTIONS ( database 'testdb', cypher 'MATCH (p:Person)-[r:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie) RETURN id(r) AS id, id(p) AS person_id, id(m) AS movie_id' ); CREATE FOREIGN TABLE temporal ( my_date DATE, my_localtime TIME, my_time TIME WITH TIME ZONE, my_datetime TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, my_localdatetime TIMESTAMP, my_duration INTERVAL ) SERVER multicorn_neo4j OPTIONS ( database 'testdb', cypher 'MATCH (n:TemporalNode) RETURN AS my_date, n.time AS my_time, n.localtime AS my_localtime, n.datetime AS my_datetime, n.localdatetime AS my_localdatetime, n.duration AS my_duration' ); CREATE EXTENSION plpythonu; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cypher(query text) RETURNS SETOF json LANGUAGE plpythonu AS $$ from neo4jPg import neo4jPGFunction for result in neo4jPGFunction.cypher_default_server(plpy, query, '{}'): yield result $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cypher(query text, params text) RETURNS SETOF json LANGUAGE plpythonu AS $$ from neo4jPg import neo4jPGFunction for result in neo4jPGFunction.cypher_default_server(plpy, query, params): yield result $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cypher(query text, params text, server text) RETURNS SETOF json LANGUAGE plpythonu AS $$ from neo4jPg import neo4jPGFunction for result in neo4jPGFunction.cypher_with_server(plpy, query, params, server): yield result $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cypher(query text, params text, server text, dbname text) RETURNS SETOF json LANGUAGE plpythonu AS $$ from neo4jPg import neo4jPGFunction for result in neo4jPGFunction.cypher_with_server(plpy, query, params, server, dbname): yield result $$;