-- BENCHMARK() -- Note: This version requires the expression to be quoted. -- Note: To show query times in psql, run \timing first -- Example: SELECT BENCHMARK(100000, $$ length('hello') $$); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION benchmark(integer, text) RETURNS integer AS $$ BEGIN FOR i IN 1..$1 LOOP EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || $2; END LOOP; RETURN 0; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; -- CHARSET() -- This is a bit dodgy as it just returns the database encoding CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION charset(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT pg_catalog.lower(setting) from pg_catalog.pg_settings where name='server_encoding' $$ IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE SQL; -- COERCIBILITY() -- This is a bit dodgy as PostgreSQL does not support collations -- Note: This is MySQL 5.0 compatible CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION coercibility(name) RETURNS integer AS $$ SELECT 3 $$ IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE SQL; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION coercibility(text) RETURNS integer AS $$ SELECT CASE WHEN $1 IS NULL THEN 5 ELSE 2 END $$ IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE SQL; -- COLLATION() -- This is a bit dodgy as it just returns the database collation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION collation(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT pg_catalog.lower(setting) from pg_catalog.pg_settings where name='lc_collate' $$ IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE SQL; -- CONNECTION_ID() CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION connection_id() RETURNS integer AS $$ SELECT pg_catalog.pg_backend_pid() $$ IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE SQL; -- DATABASE() CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION database() RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT pg_catalog.current_database()::text $$ IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE SQL; -- FOUND_ROWS() -- Not possible to implement -- LAST_INSERT_ID() -- Note: only works in 8.1 -- Note: Not possible to implement last_insert_id(val) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION last_insert_id() RETURNS bigint AS $$ SELECT pg_catalog.lastval() $$ VOLATILE LANGUAGE SQL; -- ROW_COUNT() -- Not possible to implement -- SCHEMA() -- XXX: Should this be an alias to database() like in mysql? CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION schema() RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT pg_catalog.current_schema()::text $$ VOLATILE LANGUAGE SQL; -- SESSION_USER() -- Cannot be implemented -- SYSTEM_USER() CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION system_user() RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT SESSION_USER::text $$ VOLATILE LANGUAGE SQL; -- USER() -- Cannot be implemented