#include "multicorn.h" #include "optimizer/var.h" #include "optimizer/clauses.h" #include "optimizer/pathnode.h" #include "optimizer/subselect.h" #include "catalog/pg_collation.h" #include "catalog/pg_database.h" #include "catalog/pg_operator.h" #include "mb/pg_wchar.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "parser/parsetree.h" void extractClauseFromOpExpr(Relids base_relids, OpExpr *node, List **quals); void extractClauseFromNullTest(Relids base_relids, NullTest *node, List **quals); void extractClauseFromScalarArrayOpExpr(Relids base_relids, ScalarArrayOpExpr *node, List **quals); char *getOperatorString(Oid opoid); MulticornBaseQual *makeQual(AttrNumber varattno, char *opname, Expr *value, bool isarray, bool useOr); Node *unnestClause(Node *node); void swapOperandsAsNeeded(Node **left, Node **right, Oid *opoid, Relids base_relids); OpExpr *canonicalOpExpr(OpExpr *opExpr, Relids base_relids); ScalarArrayOpExpr *canonicalScalarArrayOpExpr(ScalarArrayOpExpr *opExpr, Relids base_relids); bool isAttrInRestrictInfo(Index relid, AttrNumber attno, RestrictInfo *restrictinfo); List *clausesInvolvingAttr(Index relid, AttrNumber attnum, EquivalenceClass *eq_class); Expr *multicorn_get_em_expr(EquivalenceClass *ec, RelOptInfo *rel); /* * The list of needed columns (represented by their respective vars) * is pulled from: * - the targetcolumns * - the restrictinfo */ List * extractColumns(List *reltargetlist, List *restrictinfolist) { ListCell *lc; List *columns = NULL; int i = 0; foreach(lc, reltargetlist) { List *targetcolumns; Node *node = (Node *) lfirst(lc); targetcolumns = pull_var_clause(node, #if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 90600 PVC_RECURSE_AGGREGATES| PVC_RECURSE_PLACEHOLDERS); #else PVC_RECURSE_AGGREGATES, PVC_RECURSE_PLACEHOLDERS); #endif columns = list_union(columns, targetcolumns); i++; } foreach(lc, restrictinfolist) { List *targetcolumns; RestrictInfo *node = (RestrictInfo *) lfirst(lc); targetcolumns = pull_var_clause((Node *) node->clause, #if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 90600 PVC_RECURSE_AGGREGATES| PVC_RECURSE_PLACEHOLDERS); #else PVC_RECURSE_AGGREGATES, PVC_RECURSE_PLACEHOLDERS); #endif columns = list_union(columns, targetcolumns); } return columns; } /* * Initialize the array of "ConversionInfo" elements, needed to convert python * objects back to suitable postgresql data structures. */ void initConversioninfo(ConversionInfo ** cinfos, AttInMetadata *attinmeta) { int i; for (i = 0; i < attinmeta->tupdesc->natts; i++) { Form_pg_attribute attr = attinmeta->tupdesc->attrs[i]; Oid outfuncoid; bool typIsVarlena; if (!attr->attisdropped) { ConversionInfo *cinfo = palloc0(sizeof(ConversionInfo)); cinfo->attoutfunc = (FmgrInfo *) palloc0(sizeof(FmgrInfo)); getTypeOutputInfo(attr->atttypid, &outfuncoid, &typIsVarlena); fmgr_info(outfuncoid, cinfo->attoutfunc); cinfo->atttypoid = attr->atttypid; cinfo->atttypmod = attinmeta->atttypmods[i]; cinfo->attioparam = attinmeta->attioparams[i]; cinfo->attinfunc = &attinmeta->attinfuncs[i]; cinfo->attrname = NameStr(attr->attname); cinfo->attnum = i + 1; cinfo->attndims = attr->attndims; cinfo->need_quote = false; cinfos[i] = cinfo; } else { cinfos[i] = NULL; } } } char * getOperatorString(Oid opoid) { HeapTuple tp; Form_pg_operator operator; tp = SearchSysCache1(OPEROID, ObjectIdGetDatum(opoid)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tp)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for operator %u", opoid); operator = (Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(tp); ReleaseSysCache(tp); return NameStr(operator->oprname); } /* * Returns the node of interest from a node. */ Node * unnestClause(Node *node) { switch (node->type) { case T_RelabelType: return (Node *) ((RelabelType *) node)->arg; case T_ArrayCoerceExpr: return (Node *) ((ArrayCoerceExpr *) node)->arg; default: return node; } } void swapOperandsAsNeeded(Node **left, Node **right, Oid *opoid, Relids base_relids) { HeapTuple tp; Form_pg_operator op; Node *l = *left, *r = *right; tp = SearchSysCache1(OPEROID, ObjectIdGetDatum(*opoid)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tp)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for operator %u", *opoid); op = (Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(tp); ReleaseSysCache(tp); /* Right is already a var. */ /* If "left" is a Var from another rel, and right is a Var from the */ /* target rel, swap them. */ /* Same thing is left is not a var at all. */ /* To swap them, we have to lookup the commutator operator. */ if (IsA(r, Var)) { Var *rvar = (Var *) r; if (!IsA(l, Var) || (!bms_is_member(((Var *) l)->varno, base_relids) && bms_is_member(rvar->varno, base_relids))) { /* If the operator has no commutator operator, */ /* bail out. */ if (op->oprcom == 0) { return; } { *left = r; *right = l; *opoid = op->oprcom; } } } } /* * Swaps the operands if needed / possible, so that left is always a node * belonging to the baserel and right is either: * - a Const * - a Param * - a Var from another relation */ OpExpr * canonicalOpExpr(OpExpr *opExpr, Relids base_relids) { Oid operatorid = opExpr->opno; Node *l, *r; OpExpr *result = NULL; /* Only treat binary operators for now. */ if (list_length(opExpr->args) == 2) { l = unnestClause(list_nth(opExpr->args, 0)); r = unnestClause(list_nth(opExpr->args, 1)); swapOperandsAsNeeded(&l, &r, &operatorid, base_relids); if (IsA(l, Var) &&bms_is_member(((Var *) l)->varno, base_relids) && ((Var *) l)->varattno >= 1) { result = (OpExpr *) make_opclause(operatorid, opExpr->opresulttype, opExpr->opretset, (Expr *) l, (Expr *) r, opExpr->opcollid, opExpr->inputcollid); } } return result; } /* * Swaps the operands if needed / possible, so that left is always a node * belonging to the baserel and right is either: * - a Const * - a Param * - a Var from another relation */ ScalarArrayOpExpr * canonicalScalarArrayOpExpr(ScalarArrayOpExpr *opExpr, Relids base_relids) { Oid operatorid = opExpr->opno; Node *l, *r; ScalarArrayOpExpr *result = NULL; HeapTuple tp; Form_pg_operator op; /* Only treat binary operators for now. */ if (list_length(opExpr->args) == 2) { l = unnestClause(list_nth(opExpr->args, 0)); r = unnestClause(list_nth(opExpr->args, 1)); tp = SearchSysCache1(OPEROID, ObjectIdGetDatum(operatorid)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tp)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for operator %u", operatorid); op = (Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(tp); ReleaseSysCache(tp); if (IsA(l, Var) &&bms_is_member(((Var *) l)->varno, base_relids) && ((Var *) l)->varattno >= 1) { result = makeNode(ScalarArrayOpExpr); result->opno = operatorid; result->opfuncid = op->oprcode; result->useOr = opExpr->useOr; result->args = lappend(result->args, l); result->args = lappend(result->args, r); result->location = opExpr->location; } } return result; } /* * Extract conditions that can be pushed down, as well as the parameters. * */ void extractRestrictions(Relids base_relids, Expr *node, List **quals) { switch (nodeTag(node)) { case T_OpExpr: extractClauseFromOpExpr(base_relids, (OpExpr *) node, quals); break; case T_NullTest: extractClauseFromNullTest(base_relids, (NullTest *) node, quals); break; case T_ScalarArrayOpExpr: extractClauseFromScalarArrayOpExpr(base_relids, (ScalarArrayOpExpr *) node, quals); break; default: { ereport(WARNING, (errmsg("unsupported expression for " "extractClauseFrom"), errdetail("%s", nodeToString(node)))); } break; } } /* * Build an intermediate value representation for an OpExpr, * and append it to the corresponding list (quals, or params). * * The quals list consist of list of the form: * * - Const key: the column index in the cinfo array * - Const operator: the operator representation * - Var or Const value: the value. */ void extractClauseFromOpExpr(Relids base_relids, OpExpr *op, List **quals) { Var *left; Expr *right; /* Use a "canonical" version of the op expression, to ensure that the */ /* left operand is a Var on our relation. */ op = canonicalOpExpr(op, base_relids); if (op) { left = list_nth(op->args, 0); right = list_nth(op->args, 1); /* Do not add it if it either contains a mutable function, or makes */ /* self references in the right hand side. */ if (!(contain_volatile_functions((Node *) right) || bms_is_subset(base_relids, pull_varnos((Node *) right)))) { *quals = lappend(*quals, makeQual(left->varattno, getOperatorString(op->opno), right, false, false)); } } } void extractClauseFromScalarArrayOpExpr(Relids base_relids, ScalarArrayOpExpr *op, List **quals) { Var *left; Expr *right; op = canonicalScalarArrayOpExpr(op, base_relids); if (op) { left = list_nth(op->args, 0); right = list_nth(op->args, 1); if (!(contain_volatile_functions((Node *) right) || bms_is_subset(base_relids, pull_varnos((Node *) right)))) { *quals = lappend(*quals, makeQual(left->varattno, getOperatorString(op->opno), right, true, op->useOr)); } } } /* * Convert a "NullTest" (IS NULL, or IS NOT NULL) * to a suitable intermediate representation. */ void extractClauseFromNullTest(Relids base_relids, NullTest *node, List **quals) { if (IsA(node->arg, Var)) { Var *var = (Var *) node->arg; MulticornBaseQual *result; char *opname = NULL; if (var->varattno < 1) { return; } if (node->nulltesttype == IS_NULL) { opname = "="; } else { opname = "<>"; } result = makeQual(var->varattno, opname, (Expr *) makeNullConst(INT4OID, -1, InvalidOid), false, false); *quals = lappend(*quals, result); } } /* * Returns a "Value" node containing the string name of the column from a var. */ Value * colnameFromVar(Var *var, PlannerInfo *root, MulticornPlanState * planstate) { RangeTblEntry *rte = rte = planner_rt_fetch(var->varno, root); char *attname = get_attname(rte->relid, var->varattno); if (attname == NULL) { return NULL; } else { return makeString(attname); } } /* * Build an opaque "qual" object. */ MulticornBaseQual * makeQual(AttrNumber varattno, char *opname, Expr *value, bool isarray, bool useOr) { MulticornBaseQual *qual; switch (value->type) { case T_Const: qual = palloc0(sizeof(MulticornConstQual)); qual->right_type = T_Const; qual->typeoid = ((Const *) value)->consttype; ((MulticornConstQual *) qual)->value = ((Const *) value)->constvalue; ((MulticornConstQual *) qual)->isnull = ((Const *) value)->constisnull; break; case T_Var: qual = palloc0(sizeof(MulticornVarQual)); qual->right_type = T_Var; ((MulticornVarQual *) qual)->rightvarattno = ((Var *) value)->varattno; break; default: qual = palloc0(sizeof(MulticornParamQual)); qual->right_type = T_Param; ((MulticornParamQual *) qual)->expr = value; qual->typeoid = InvalidOid; break; } qual->varattno = varattno; qual->opname = opname; qual->isArray = isarray; qual->useOr = useOr; return qual; } /* * Test wheter an attribute identified by its relid and attno * is present in a list of restrictinfo */ bool isAttrInRestrictInfo(Index relid, AttrNumber attno, RestrictInfo *restrictinfo) { List *vars = pull_var_clause((Node *) restrictinfo->clause, #if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 90600 PVC_RECURSE_AGGREGATES| PVC_RECURSE_PLACEHOLDERS); #else PVC_RECURSE_AGGREGATES, PVC_RECURSE_PLACEHOLDERS); #endif ListCell *lc; foreach(lc, vars) { Var *var = (Var *) lfirst(lc); if (var->varno == relid && var->varattno == attno) { return true; } } return false; } List * clausesInvolvingAttr(Index relid, AttrNumber attnum, EquivalenceClass *ec) { List *clauses = NULL; /* * If there is only one member, then the equivalence class is either for * an outer join, or a desired sort order. So we better leave it * untouched. */ if (ec->ec_members->length > 1) { ListCell *ri_lc; foreach(ri_lc, ec->ec_sources) { RestrictInfo *ri = (RestrictInfo *) lfirst(ri_lc); if (isAttrInRestrictInfo(relid, attnum, ri)) { clauses = lappend(clauses, ri); } } } return clauses; } /* * Given a list of MulticornDeparsedSortGroup and a MulticornPlanState, * construct a list of PathKey and MulticornDeparsedSortGroup that belongs to * the FDW and that the FDW say it can enforce. */ void computeDeparsedSortGroup(List *deparsed, MulticornPlanState *planstate, List **apply_pathkeys, List **deparsed_pathkeys) { List *sortable_fields = NULL; ListCell *lc, *lc2; /* Both lists should be empty */ Assert(*apply_pathkeys == NIL); Assert(*deparsed_pathkeys == NIL); /* Don't ask FDW if nothing to sort */ if (deparsed == NIL) return; sortable_fields = canSort(planstate, deparsed); /* Don't go further if FDW can't enforce any sort */ if (sortable_fields == NIL) return; foreach(lc, sortable_fields) { MulticornDeparsedSortGroup *sortable_md = (MulticornDeparsedSortGroup *) lfirst(lc); foreach(lc2, deparsed) { MulticornDeparsedSortGroup *wanted_md = lfirst(lc2); if (sortable_md->attnum == wanted_md->attnum) { *apply_pathkeys = lappend(*apply_pathkeys, wanted_md->key); *deparsed_pathkeys = lappend(*deparsed_pathkeys, wanted_md); } } } } List * findPaths(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *baserel, List *possiblePaths, int startupCost, MulticornPlanState *state, List *apply_pathkeys, List *deparsed_pathkeys) { List *result = NULL; ListCell *lc; foreach(lc, possiblePaths) { List *item = lfirst(lc); List *attrnos = linitial(item); ListCell *attno_lc; int nbrows = ((Const *) lsecond(item))->constvalue; List *allclauses = NULL; Bitmapset *outer_relids = NULL; /* Armed with this knowledge, look for a join condition */ /* matching the path list. */ /* Every key must be present in either, a join clause or an */ /* equivalence_class. */ foreach(attno_lc, attrnos) { AttrNumber attnum = lfirst_int(attno_lc); ListCell *lc; List *clauses = NULL; /* Look in the equivalence classes. */ foreach(lc, root->eq_classes) { EquivalenceClass *ec = (EquivalenceClass *) lfirst(lc); List *ec_clauses = clausesInvolvingAttr(baserel->relid, attnum, ec); clauses = list_concat(clauses, ec_clauses); if (ec_clauses != NIL) { outer_relids = bms_union(outer_relids, ec->ec_relids); } } /* Do the same thing for the outer joins */ foreach(lc, list_union(root->left_join_clauses, root->right_join_clauses)) { RestrictInfo *ri = (RestrictInfo *) lfirst(lc); if (isAttrInRestrictInfo(baserel->relid, attnum, ri)) { clauses = lappend(clauses, ri); outer_relids = bms_union(outer_relids, ri->outer_relids); } } /* We did NOT find anything for this key, bail out */ if (clauses == NIL) { allclauses = NULL; break; } else { allclauses = list_concat(allclauses, clauses); } } /* Every key has a corresponding restriction, we can build */ /* the parameterized path and add it to the plan. */ if (allclauses != NIL) { Bitmapset *req_outer = bms_difference(outer_relids, bms_make_singleton(baserel->relid)); ParamPathInfo *ppi; ForeignPath *foreignPath; if (!bms_is_empty(req_outer)) { ppi = makeNode(ParamPathInfo); ppi->ppi_req_outer = req_outer; ppi->ppi_rows = nbrows; ppi->ppi_clauses = list_concat(ppi->ppi_clauses, allclauses); /* Add a simple parameterized path */ foreignPath = create_foreignscan_path( root, baserel, #if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 90600 NULL, /* default pathtarget */ #endif nbrows, startupCost, #if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 90600 nbrows * baserel->reltarget->width, #else nbrows * baserel->width, #endif NIL, /* no pathkeys */ NULL, #if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 90500 NULL, #endif NULL); foreignPath->path.param_info = ppi; result = lappend(result, foreignPath); } } } return result; } /* * Deparse a list of PathKey and return a list of MulticornDeparsedSortGroup. * This function will return data iif all the PathKey belong to the current * foreign table. */ List * deparse_sortgroup(PlannerInfo *root, Oid foreigntableid, RelOptInfo *rel) { List *result = NULL; ListCell *lc; /* return empty list if no pathkeys for the PlannerInfo */ if (! root->query_pathkeys) return NIL; foreach(lc,root->query_pathkeys) { PathKey *key = (PathKey *) lfirst(lc); MulticornDeparsedSortGroup *md = palloc0(sizeof(MulticornDeparsedSortGroup)); EquivalenceClass *ec = key->pk_eclass; Expr *expr; bool found = false; if ((expr = multicorn_get_em_expr(ec, rel))) { md->reversed = (key->pk_strategy == BTGreaterStrategyNumber); md->nulls_first = key->pk_nulls_first; md->key = key; if (IsA(expr, Var)) { Var *var = (Var *) expr; md->attname = (Name) strdup(get_attname(foreigntableid, var->varattno)); md->attnum = var->varattno; found = true; } /* ORDER BY clauses having a COLLATE option will be RelabelType */ else if (IsA(expr, RelabelType) && IsA(((RelabelType *) expr)->arg, Var)) { Var *var = (Var *)((RelabelType *) expr)->arg; Oid collid = ((RelabelType *) expr)->resultcollid; if (collid == DEFAULT_COLLATION_OID) md->collate = NULL; else md->collate = (Name) strdup(get_collation_name(collid)); md->attname = (Name) strdup(get_attname(foreigntableid, var->varattno)); md->attnum = var->varattno; found = true; } } if (found) result = lappend(result, md); else { /* pfree() current entry */ pfree(md); /* pfree() all previous entries */ while ((lc = list_head(result)) != NULL) { md = (MulticornDeparsedSortGroup *) lfirst(lc); result = list_delete_ptr(result, md); pfree(md); } break; } } return result; } Expr * multicorn_get_em_expr(EquivalenceClass *ec, RelOptInfo *rel) { ListCell *lc_em; foreach(lc_em, ec->ec_members) { EquivalenceMember *em = lfirst(lc_em); if (bms_equal(em->em_relids, rel->relids)) { /* * If there is more than one equivalence member whose Vars are * taken entirely from this relation, we'll be content to choose * any one of those. */ return em->em_expr; } } /* We didn't find any suitable equivalence class expression */ return NULL; } List * serializeDeparsedSortGroup(List *pathkeys) { List *result = NIL; ListCell *lc; foreach(lc, pathkeys) { List *item = NIL; MulticornDeparsedSortGroup *key = (MulticornDeparsedSortGroup *) lfirst(lc); item = lappend(item, makeString(NameStr(*(key->attname)))); item = lappend(item, makeInteger(key->attnum)); item = lappend(item, makeInteger(key->reversed)); item = lappend(item, makeInteger(key->nulls_first)); if(key->collate != NULL) item = lappend(item, makeString(NameStr(*(key->collate)))); else item = lappend(item, NULL); item = lappend(item, key->key); result = lappend(result, item); } return result; } List * deserializeDeparsedSortGroup(List *items) { List *result = NIL; ListCell *k; foreach(k, items) { ListCell *lc; MulticornDeparsedSortGroup *key = palloc0(sizeof(MulticornDeparsedSortGroup)); lc = list_head(lfirst(k)); key->attname = (Name) strdup(strVal(lfirst(lc))); lc = lnext(lc); key->attnum = (int) intVal(lfirst(lc)); lc = lnext(lc); key->reversed = (bool) intVal(lfirst(lc)); lc = lnext(lc); key->nulls_first = (bool) intVal(lfirst(lc)); lc = lnext(lc); if(lfirst(lc) != NULL) key->collate = (Name) strdup(strVal(lfirst(lc))); else key->collate = NULL; lc = lnext(lc); key->key = (PathKey *) lfirst(lc); result = lappend(result, key); } return result; }