/* env_posix_test.c * Test posix-specific features. */ #include "test.h" #include "mongo.h" #include #include #include #include /* Test read timeout by causing the * server to sleep for 10s on a query. */ int test_read_timeout( void ) { mongo conn[1]; bson b, obj, out, fields; int res; if ( mongo_connect( conn, TEST_SERVER, 27017 ) ) { printf( "failed to connect\n" ); exit( 1 ); } bson_init( &b ); bson_append_code( &b, "$where", "sleep( 10 * 1000 );"); bson_finish( &b ); bson_init( &obj ); bson_append_string( &obj, "foo", "bar"); bson_finish( &obj ); res = mongo_insert( conn, "test.foo", &obj, NULL ); /* Set the connection timeout here. */ mongo_set_op_timeout( conn, 1000 ); res = mongo_find_one( conn, "test.foo", &b, bson_empty(&fields), &out ); ASSERT( res == MONGO_ERROR ); ASSERT( conn->err == MONGO_IO_ERROR ); ASSERT( strcmp( "Resource temporarily unavailable", conn->errstr ) == 0 ); return 0; } /* Test getaddrinfo() by successfully connecting to 'localhost'. */ int test_getaddrinfo( void ) { mongo conn[1]; bson b[1]; char *ns = "test.foo"; if( mongo_connect( conn, "localhost", 27017 ) != MONGO_OK ) { printf( "failed to connect\n" ); exit( 1 ); } mongo_cmd_drop_collection( conn, "test", "foo", NULL ); bson_init( b ); bson_append_int( b, "foo", 17 ); bson_finish( b ); mongo_insert( conn , ns , b, NULL ); ASSERT( mongo_count( conn, "test", "foo", NULL ) == 1 ); bson_destroy( b ); mongo_destroy( conn ); return 0; } int test_error_messages( void ) { mongo conn[1]; bson b[1]; const char *ns = "test.foo"; mongo_init( conn ); bson_init( b ); bson_append_int( b, "foo", 17 ); bson_finish( b ); ASSERT( mongo_insert( conn, ns, b, NULL ) != MONGO_OK ); ASSERT( conn->err == MONGO_IO_ERROR ); ASSERT( conn->errcode == ENOTSOCK ); mongo_init( conn ); ASSERT( mongo_count( conn, "test", "foo", NULL ) == MONGO_ERROR ); ASSERT( conn->err == MONGO_IO_ERROR ); ASSERT( conn->errcode == ENOTSOCK ); return 0; } int main() { char version[10]; if( mongo_get_server_version( version ) != -1 && version[0] != '1' ) { test_read_timeout(); } test_getaddrinfo(); test_error_messages(); return 0; }