# MongoDB C Driver This is then 10gen-supported MongoDB C driver. There are two goals for this driver. The first is to provide a strict, default compilation option for ultimate portability, no dependencies, and generic embeddability. The second is to support more advanced, platform-specific features, like socket timeout, by providing an interface for platform-specific modules. Until the 1.0 release, this driver should be considered alpha. Keep in mind that the API will be in flux until then. # Documentation Documentation exists in the project's `docs` folder. You can read the latest docs online at (http://api.mongodb.org/c/current/). The docs are built using Sphinx and Doxygen. If you have these tools installed, then you can build the docs with scons: scons docs The html docs will appear in docs/html. # Building First check out the version you want to build. *Always build from a particular tag, since HEAD may be a work in progress.* For example, to build version 0.6, run: git checkout v0.6 You can then build the driver with scons: scons For more build options, see the docs. ## Running the tests Make sure that you're running mongod on on the default port (27017). The replica set test assumes a replica set with at least three nodes running at and starting at port 30000. Note that the driver does not recognize 'localhost' as a valid host name. To compile and run the tests: scons test # Error Handling Most functions return MONGO_OK or BSON_OK on success and MONGO_ERROR or BSON_ERROR on failure. Specific error codes and error strings are then stored in the `err` and `errstr` fields of the `mongo` and `bson` objects. It is the client's responsibility to check for errors and handle them appropriately. # ISSUES You can report bugs, request new features, and view this driver's roadmap using [JIRA](http://jira.mongodb.org/browse/CDRIVER). # CREDITS * Gergely Nagy - Non-null-terminated string support. * Josh Rotenberg - Initial Doxygen setup and a significant chunk of documentation. # LICENSE Unless otherwise specified in a source file, sources in this repository are published under the terms of the Apache License version 2.0, a copy of which is in this repository as APACHE-2.0.txt.