# -*- mode: python; -*- MAJOR_VERSION = "0" MINOR_VERSION = "6" PATCH_VERSION = "0" VERSION = MAJOR_VERSION + "." + MINOR_VERSION + "." + PATCH_VERSION # --- options ---- AddOption('--test-server', dest='test_server', default='', type='string', nargs=1, action='store', help='IP address of server to use for testing') AddOption('--seed-start-port', dest='seed_start_port', default=30000, type='int', nargs=1, action='store', help='IP address of server to use for testing') AddOption('--c99', dest='use_c99', default=False, action='store_true', help='Compile with c99 (recommended for gcc)') AddOption('--m32', dest='use_m32', default=False, action='store_true', help='Compile with m32 (required for 32 bit applications on 64 bit machines)') AddOption('--addrinfo', dest='use_addrinfo', default=False, action='store_true', help='Compile with addrinfo to make use of internet address info when connecting') AddOption('--d', dest='optimize', default=True, action='store_false', help='disable optimizations') AddOption('--standard-env', dest='standard_env', default=False, action='store_true', help='Set this option if you want to use basic, platform-agnostic networking.') AddOption('--install-library-path', dest='install_library_path', default='/usr/local/lib', action='store', help='The shared library install path. Defaults to /usr/local/lib.') AddOption('--install-include-path', dest='install_include_path', default='/usr/local/include', action='store', help='The header install path. Defaults to /usr/local/include.') import os, sys if GetOption('use_m32'): msvs_arch = "x86" else: msvs_arch = "amd64" print "Compiling for " + msvs_arch env = Environment(ENV=os.environ, MSVS_ARCH=msvs_arch, TARGET_ARCH=msvs_arch) # ---- Docs ---- def build_docs(env, target, source): buildscript_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath("docs")) sys.path.insert(0, buildscript_path) import buildscripts from buildscripts import docs docs.main() env.Alias("docs", [], [build_docs]) env.AlwaysBuild("docs") # ---- Platforms ---- PLATFORM_TESTS = [] if GetOption('standard_env'): NET_LIB = "src/env_standard.c" elif os.sys.platform in ["darwin", "linux2"]: NET_LIB = "src/env_posix.c" PLATFORM_TESTS = [ "env_posix" ] elif 'win32' == os.sys.platform: NET_LIB = "src/env_win32.c" PLATFORM_TESTS = [ "env_win32" ] else: NET_LIB = "src/env_standard.c" # ---- Libraries ---- if os.sys.platform in ["darwin", "linux2"]: env.Append( CPPFLAGS="-pedantic -Wall -ggdb -DMONGO_HAVE_STDINT" ) if not GetOption('standard_env'): env.Append( CPPFLAGS=" -D_POSIX_SOURCE" ) env.Append( CPPPATH=["/opt/local/include/"] ) env.Append( LIBPATH=["/opt/local/lib/"] ) if GetOption('use_c99'): env.Append( CFLAGS=" -std=c99 " ) env.Append( CXXDEFINES="MONGO_HAVE_STDINT" ) else: env.Append( CFLAGS=" -ansi " ) if GetOption('optimize'): env.Append( CPPFLAGS=" -O3 " ) # -O3 benchmarks *significantly* faster than -O2 when disabling networking elif 'win32' == os.sys.platform: env.Append( LIBS='ws2_32' ) #we shouldn't need these options in c99 mode if not GetOption('use_c99'): conf = Configure(env) if not conf.CheckType('int64_t'): if conf.CheckType('int64_t', '#include \n'): conf.env.Append( CPPDEFINES="MONGO_HAVE_STDINT" ) elif conf.CheckType('int64_t', '#include \n'): conf.env.Append( CPPDEFINES="MONGO_HAVE_UNISTD" ) elif conf.CheckType('__int64'): conf.env.Append( CPPDEFINES="MONGO_USE__INT64" ) elif conf.CheckType('long long int'): conf.env.Append( CPPDEFINES="MONGO_USE_LONG_LONG_INT" ) else: print "*** what is your 64 bit int type? ****" Exit(1) env = conf.Finish() have_libjson = False conf = Configure(env) if conf.CheckLib('json'): have_libjson = True env = conf.Finish() if GetOption('use_m32'): if 'win32' != os.sys.platform: env.Append( CPPFLAGS=" -m32" ) env.Append( SHLINKFLAGS=" -m32" ) if GetOption('use_addrinfo'): env.Append( CPPFLAGS=" -D_MONGO_USE_GETADDRINFO" ) if sys.byteorder == 'big': env.Append( CPPDEFINES="MONGO_BIG_ENDIAN" ) env.Append( CPPPATH=["src/"] ) env.Append( CPPFLAGS=" -DMONGO_DLL_BUILD" ) coreFiles = ["src/md5.c" ] mFiles = [ "src/mongo.c", NET_LIB, "src/gridfs.c"] bFiles = [ "src/bson.c", "src/numbers.c", "src/encoding.c"] mHeaders = ["src/mongo.h"] bHeaders = ["src/bson.h"] headers = mHeaders + bHeaders mLibFiles = coreFiles + mFiles + bFiles bLibFiles = coreFiles + bFiles m = env.Library( "mongoc" , mLibFiles ) b = env.Library( "bson" , bLibFiles ) env.Default( env.Alias( "lib" , [ m[0] , b[0] ] ) ) # build the objects explicitly so that shared targets use the same # environment (otherwise scons complains) mSharedObjs = env.SharedObject(mLibFiles) bSharedObjs = env.SharedObject(bLibFiles) bsonEnv = env.Clone() if os.sys.platform == "linux2": env.Append( SHLINKFLAGS = "-shared -Wl,-soname,libmongoc.so." + MAJOR_VERSION + "." + MINOR_VERSION ) bsonEnv.Append( SHLINKFLAGS = "-shared -Wl,-soname,libbson.so." + MAJOR_VERSION + "." + MINOR_VERSION) dynm = env.SharedLibrary( "mongoc" , mSharedObjs ) dynb = bsonEnv.SharedLibrary( "bson" , bSharedObjs ) else: dynm = env.SharedLibrary( "mongoc" , mSharedObjs ) dynb = env.SharedLibrary( "bson" , bSharedObjs ) # ---- Install ---- if os.sys.platform == "darwin": shared_obj_suffix = "dylib" else: shared_obj_suffix = "so" install_library_path = env.GetOption("install_library_path") install_include_path = env.GetOption("install_include_path") def remove_without_exception(filename): try: os.remove(filename) except: print "Could not find " + filename + ". Skipping removal." def makedirs_without_exception(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except: print path + ": already exists, skipping" mongoc_target = os.path.join(install_library_path, "libmongoc." + shared_obj_suffix) mongoc_major_target = mongoc_target + "." + MAJOR_VERSION mongoc_minor_target = mongoc_major_target + "." + MINOR_VERSION mongoc_patch_target = mongoc_minor_target + "." + PATCH_VERSION bson_target = os.path.join(install_library_path, "libbson." + shared_obj_suffix) bson_major_target = bson_target + "." + MAJOR_VERSION bson_minor_target = bson_major_target + "." + MINOR_VERSION bson_patch_target = bson_minor_target + "." + PATCH_VERSION def uninstall_shared_libraries(target=None, source=None, env=None): remove_without_exception(mongoc_major_target) remove_without_exception(mongoc_minor_target) remove_without_exception(mongoc_patch_target) remove_without_exception(mongoc_target) remove_without_exception(bson_major_target) remove_without_exception(bson_minor_target) remove_without_exception(bson_patch_target) remove_without_exception(bson_target) def install_shared_libraries(target=None, source=None, env=None): import shutil uninstall_shared_libraries() makedirs_without_exception(install_library_path) shutil.copy("libmongoc." + shared_obj_suffix, mongoc_patch_target) os.symlink(mongoc_patch_target, mongoc_minor_target) os.symlink(mongoc_minor_target, mongoc_target) shutil.copy("libbson." + shared_obj_suffix, bson_patch_target) os.symlink(bson_patch_target, bson_minor_target) os.symlink(bson_minor_target, bson_target) def install_headers(target=None, source=None, env=None): import shutil # -- uninstall headers here? makedirs_without_exception(install_include_path) for hdr in headers: shutil.copy(hdr, install_include_path) env.Alias("install", [], [install_shared_libraries, install_headers] ) env.Command("uninstall", [], uninstall_shared_libraries) env.Default( env.Alias( "sharedlib" , [ dynm[0] , dynb[0] ] ) ) env.AlwaysBuild("install") # ---- Benchmarking ---- benchmarkEnv = env.Clone() benchmarkEnv.Append( CPPDEFINES=[('TEST_SERVER', r'\"%s\"'%GetOption('test_server')), ('SEED_START_PORT', r'%d'%GetOption('seed_start_port'))] ) benchmarkEnv.Append( LIBS=[m, b] ) benchmarkEnv.Prepend( LIBPATH=["."] ) benchmarkEnv.Program( "benchmark" , [ "test/benchmark.c"] ) # ---- Tests ---- testEnv = benchmarkEnv.Clone() testCoreFiles = [ ] def run_tests( root, tests, env, alias ): for name in tests: filename = "%s/%s_test.c" % (root, name) exe = "test_" + name test = env.Program( exe , testCoreFiles + [filename] ) test_alias = env.Alias(alias, [test], test[0].abspath + ' 2> ' + os.path.devnull) AlwaysBuild(test_alias) tests = Split("write_concern commands sizes resize endian_swap bson bson_subobject simple update errors " "count_delete auth gridfs validate examples helpers oid functions cursors") tests += PLATFORM_TESTS # Run standard tests run_tests("test", tests, testEnv, "test") if have_libjson: tests.append('json') testEnv.Append( LIBS=["json"] ) # special case for cpptest test = testEnv.Program( 'test_cpp' , testCoreFiles + ['test/cpptest.cpp'] ) test_alias = testEnv.Alias('test', [test], test[0].abspath + ' 2> '+ os.path.devnull) AlwaysBuild(test_alias) # Run replica set test only repl_testEnv = benchmarkEnv.Clone() repl_tests = ["replica_set"] run_tests("test", repl_tests, repl_testEnv, "repl_test")