%define _build_id_links none %define _topdir @CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR@/@GPDB_VERSION@ %define __os_install_post %{nil} %define _rpmfilename @MADLIB_GPPKG_RPM_FILE_NAME@ %define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 0 %define _madlib_version @MADLIB_VERSION_STRING@ BuildRoot: @MADLIB_GPPKG_RPM_SOURCE_DIR@ Summary: Apache MADlib for @GPDB_VARIANT@ Database License: @CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_LICENSE@ Name: madlib Version: @MADLIB_VERSION_STRING_NO_HYPHEN@ Release: @MADLIB_GPPKG_RELEASE_NUMBER@ Group: @CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_GROUP@ Prefix: /usr/local AutoReq: no AutoProv: no BuildArch: @CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE@ Provides: /bin/sh %description @CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION@ %prep : %install # rpmbuild deprecates "BuildRoot" tag after v4.6 # Newer rpmbuild uses a default build root, which is different # from the file directory that we use. This "if" actually checks # whether it is the newer rpmbuild. For older versions of rpmbuild, # we do not need to create the symbolic link. if [ ! @MADLIB_GPPKG_RPM_SOURCE_DIR@ -ef $RPM_BUILD_ROOT ] then # On some systems (gpcloud), rpmbuild automatically creates the # default build root directory, but on some other systems, rpmbuild # does not do this. We need to make sure that this folder exists, # and then we can proceed to create the link in the next step. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT # Newer rpmbuild ignores "BuildRoot" tag in spec file (it is deprecated) # and uses a default build root, which can be changed in ~/.rpmrc file. # Since we cannot change ~/.rpmrc file, we can just create a link in the # new build root pointing to the file directory that we want to use, # which is the ".../usr" folder. ln -s @MADLIB_GPPKG_RPM_SOURCE_DIR@/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/ fi %post # GPPKG version is setup with underscore replacing a hyphen but # the actual directories created on disk use the hyphenated version. # Hence we replace the underscore to link to the right location MADLIB_VERSION=%{_madlib_version} ln -nsf $RPM_INSTALL_PREFIX/madlib/Versions/$MADLIB_VERSION $RPM_INSTALL_PREFIX/madlib/Current ln -nsf $RPM_INSTALL_PREFIX/madlib/Current/bin $RPM_INSTALL_PREFIX/madlib/bin ln -nsf $RPM_INSTALL_PREFIX/madlib/Current/doc $RPM_INSTALL_PREFIX/madlib/doc # creating symlink for madpack (does not work at present) # find $RPM_INSTALL_PREFIX/bin/madpack -type f -exec mv {} $RPM_INSTALL_PREFIX/bin/old_madpack \; 2>/dev/null # ln -nsf $RPM_INSTALL_PREFIX/madlib/Current/bin/madpack $RPM_INSTALL_PREFIX/bin/madpack %files %((cd "@MADLIB_GPPKG_RPM_SOURCE_DIR@@CPACK_PACKAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX@" && find . \( -type f -or -type l \) | grep -E -v "^\./ports/.*" && find ./ports/@PORT_NAME@ \( -type f -or -type l \) | grep -E -v "^\./ports/@PORT_NAME@/[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+.*/.*" && find ./ports/@PORT_NAME@/@GPDB_VERSION@ \( -type f -or -type l \)) | cut -c 2- | awk '{ print "\"@CPACK_PACKAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX@" $0 "\""}')