![](./doc/imgs/magnetic-icon.png) ![](./doc/imgs/agile-icon.png) ![](./doc/imgs/deep-icon.png) ================================================= **MADlib** is an open-source library for scalable in-database analytics. It provides data-parallel implementations of mathematical, statistical and machine learning methods for structured and unstructured data. Installation and Contribution ============================== See the project webpage [`MADlib Home`](http://madlib.net) for links to the latest binary and source packages. For installation and contribution guides, please see [`MADlib Wiki`](https://github.com/madlib/madlib/wiki) User and Developer Documentation ================================== The latest documentation of MADlib modules can be found at [`MADlib Docs`](http://doc.madlib.net) or can be accessed directly from the MADlib installation directory by opening [`doc/user/html/index.html`](doc/user/html/index.html). Architecture ============= The following block-diagram gives a high-level overview of MADlib's architecture. ![MADlib Architecture](./doc/imgs/architecture.png) Third Party Components ====================== MADlib incorporates material from the following third-party components 1. [`argparse 1.2.1`](http://code.google.com/p/argparse/) "provides an easy, declarative interface for creating command line tools" 2. [`Boost 1.47.0 (or newer)`](http://www.boost.org/) "provides peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries" 3. [`CERN ROOT`](http://root.cern.ch/) "is an object oriented framework for large scale data analysis" 4. [`doxypy 0.4.2`](http://code.foosel.org/doxypy) "is an input filter for Doxygen" 5. [`Eigen 3.2.2`](http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=Main_Page) "is a C++ template library for linear algebra" 6. [`PyYAML 3.10`](http://pyyaml.org/wiki/PyYAML) "is a YAML parser and emitter for Python" 7. [`PyXB 1.2.3`](http://pyxb.sourceforge.net/) "is a Python library for XML Schema Bindings" Licensing ========== License information regarding MADlib and included third-party libraries can be found inside the [`license`](/license) directory. Release Notes ============= Changes between MADlib versions are described in the [`ReleaseNotes.txt`](/ReleaseNotes.txt) file. Papers and Talks ================= * [`MAD Skills : New Analysis Practices for Big Data (VLDB 2009)`](http://db.cs.berkeley.edu/papers/vldb09-madskills.pdf) * [`Hybrid In-Database Inference for Declarative Information Extraction (SIGMOD 2011)`](http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~daisyw/sigmod11.pdf) * [`Towards a Unified Architecture for In-Database Analytics (SIGMOD 2012)`](http://www.cs.stanford.edu/~chrismre/papers/bismarck-full.pdf) * [`The MADlib Analytics Library or MAD Skills, the SQL (VLDB 2012)`](http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2012/EECS-2012-38.html) Related Software ================= * [`PivotalR`](https://github.com/madlib-internal/PivotalR) - PivotalR also lets the user run the functions of the open-source big-data machine learning package `MADlib` directly from R. * [`PyMADlib`](https://github.com/gopivotal/pymadlib) - PyMADlib is a python wrapper for MADlib, which brings you the power and flexibility of python with the number crunching power of `MADlib`.