Pkgname: madlib Architecture: @CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE@ Version: @MADLIB_GPPKG_VERSION@ OS: rhel5 GPDBVersion: @GPDB_VERSION@ Description: Madlib is an open source library which provides scalable in-database analytics. It provides data-parallel implementations of mathematical, statistical and machine learning methods for structured and unstructured data. PostInstall: - Master: "echo 'Please run the following command to deploy MADlib'; echo 'usage: madpack install [-s schema_name] -p greenplum -c user@host:port/database'; echo 'Example:'; echo ' $ $GPHOME/madlib/bin/madpack install -s madlib -p greenplum -c gpadmin@mdw:5432/testdb'; echo ' This will install MADlib objects into a Greenplum database named \"testdb\"'; echo ' running on server \"mdw\" on port 5432. Installer will try to login as \"gpadmin\"'; echo ' and will prompt for password. The target schema will be \"madlib\".'; echo ' To upgrade to a new version of MADlib from version v0.5 or later, use option \"-upgrade\",'; echo ' instead of \"-install\" '; echo 'For additional options run:'; echo '$ madpack --help'; echo 'Release notes and additional documentation can be found at';"